The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Passage
The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Nonlinear game. The menu is called ESC. Dialogues and rollers are skipped by a space or ESC. The subject can be photographed (this happens automatically). Inventory is called via ESC or right mouse button. The saved game is shown in the menu at the bottom of the screen as a screenshot.

one. Egypt

We listen to Gila for a very long time. As a result, we turn out to be in front of the Ark in which the first spline of the Sphinx is lying (you can take a look, moving the cover). Turn left and get into the LAZ. On the other side of the corridor – a room with a pyramid. There is a disc on its vertex, and two boxes lie on the sides of the pyramid in the sand. Open them and take two scrolls Giza.

Let’s look at the base of the pyramid. In the middle – the door, and there are four small cobra around it. Click on the door: inside lies the scroll.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
In his left part of the hieroglyphs, and the base of the pyramid is shown in the right. Pay attention to the hieroglyphs under the conforms. In order to pick up the disk, you need to record the appearance of these hieroglyphs throughout the text, and then click in this order to Cobre. The scroll is divided by red lines on the part two columns. Consider the symbols first of the P1-MU and the 2nd column in a row from left to right from top to bottom, then on the 3rd and 4th and t.D. It should work like this:


Take the disk Giza. We are chosen out, go ahead and right, climb on the bedtime and further to the tents and helicopter. Get acquainted with the pilot of Hamp. To move to another location, it is enough to get a card from the inventory and give it a pilot.

2. Stonehenge

We are in a mobile laboratory. Go to the table, open boxes. We read the instructions for the player, study the plan of the excavation, you can take a picture of the area map. We go to the shower, turn on the left crane and we read the tip on the stuffing glass: “Stones multiplied”. In the toilet paper: “Shelly disappeared”. On the shelf above the toilet – an article about Gile, in which it is written about the opening of the secret room in the Sphinx (the first part of the dilogy). Now – in the bedroom. In the closet, look under the hat and take the box with coins (optional). Open the table box, read letters. They are talking about the archaeologist Christian, who worked here before us, squandered a certain artifact for Lord Selling, and then came crazy. On the table we see a beautiful music box with a well for the key that we do not yet have. In another closet there are soothing pills Christian. On the bed – the book about Shelly. Pay attention to the fact that she loved Megaliths Stonehenge, and most of all the most western. We will look at the area of the terrain and find out that the most Western megalites have numbers 57 and 58.

We go outside, climb on the roof of the laboratory. Let’s look at the round box that serves sound signals. We go through the gate to megaliths. Under one of them broken staircase, and at the top there is something. We can’t climb upstairs yet, so we go further along the path to the bunker. Go down and the door select the letter of Christian. He writes about the surveillance behind him and about the shovel, which he threw in pursuers. Return to the laboratory, we climb on the roof and turn off the transmitter. We leave on the highway and go to the right to the big stone. Opposite him on the other side of the Highway at the fence lies shovel. Return back and go to Chichen Izu.

3. Chichen Itsa

We go to the tent, we study the information in the book of Mayan numbers (it is better to draw numbers from 1 to 6) and read the letter of Gila. Most likely, you will need climbing equipment, so scrap from the trunk will take scrap and rope with a cat. On the table near the jeep there is a terrain map, it can be photographed.

We are looking for a wide road between buildings on which we go to the pool. Throw a rope with a cat in the water and go down. We see LAZ, go down below. We fall into the cave with water, go through it until the tunnel. On the tunnel we get to the big hall, and on the right one more tunnel. Go to the hall with niches and inspect it.

Here you have to find two skulls: one lies in the water to the right of the stone block, the other is in a niche for a bump.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Now we go to the tunnel. We get into the brown room with several outputs.

From the entrance we will go to the left and until the end down, the walls will pick up the skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We will unfold, pass three steps forward. An active point appeared on the wall – this is a secret room at the top. We climb there and take the bell with a number 3 from a plate in the center of the room. Let’s go down, go a little forward in the center and in the pile of stones will take a skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Pay attention to fresh stone masonry in the floor. I will look breaking the floor and get into a secret room. In the center there is a statue. Go for her and take the bell 4 and skull from the table.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Click on the right hand statues. From her mouth, a bracket is put forward to which something must be born.

Go further to the tunnel. After 18 steps, you will see a triangular passage in the wall on the right. First get into the sandy room. At the entrance to the left, photographing the scroll next to the skull and let’s go further. In the room with turtles on the left from the bottom shelf we take one skull, and on the right – another.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
At the entrance to the right of the box (it is hidden behind the turtles) we take a scroll of Maya. Let’s look at 14 skulls that hang in two rows.

Go on ahead on the tunnel to the main hall. Right at the entrance take the skull from the left pedestal, go to the left behind the columns and select barbed wire.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Let’s look at the platform in the center – on it four characters. We remember how they look, and let’s go through the hall in a vaulted corridor and the next tunnel. Passing five steps on the tunnel, look down and right take the skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We go ahead, study the mural with green symbols (symbols repeat the location of 14 skulls) and go to the destroyed room.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Immediately at the entrance to the right we will take the skull and go in a break in the wall on the left. Let’s go through three steps and on the right, we will select the next skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We go further and write brown numbers from the stone 5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4 (entries came in handy from the book in the tent). Go forward to green lake. Go down down. To the right above the water looking for the entrance to the cave. There you must find the bell 2 and the bell 6.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Dive, go into a circle of green light, take the bell 5 and skull. Unfold, opposite take another skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
In the far corner we take the bell 1. Climb upstairs and go to the destroyed room, go into another passage and on the vaulted corridor we go 6 steps to the branch to the left. Go down and from the room with a skeleton we take the skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We go back through the corridors and tunnels to the room with turtles. It is necessary to compare the symbols from the frescoes in the tunnel with a scroll from a sandy room. Each symbol consists of numbers and images. In the scroll score, looking for an image in the extreme left column, then we translate the number. At the intersection of the image and the numbers, we look at which direction the skull will be rotated. For example, the first character is an image A, the number 1: the skull will turn left, the second symbol is the image d, the number 3: the skull is not necessary to rotate and T.D.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
As a result, we get:

A1, D3, H12, G2, A7, F6, C11 – Top row

C19, F10, A12, E5, B14, H16, B4 – Lower Row.

Turn the skull like this:

left, right, left, left, right, left, right – upper row

Straight, right, straight, left, right, right, left – lower row

Wall moves and we go to the secret room. Near the big disk take another skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
I remember the location of the drawings on the disk and go to the brown room. We associate the hands of the statue of barbed wire and go to the opened passage. Open sarcophagus, taking a mask and skull.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Finally choose to the surface. We go to the high pyramid – it is El Castillo. Lamb castle on a green door, we go according to the vaulted corridor and go upstairs – the path blocks the grille. Return back, we climb on the pyramid outside and look into the side passages. We see in the floor with a lattice with a lock. Knock the lock and climb down. At the end of the corridor there is a small room with a pedestal, on which there is a design with six hooks and is near the hammer. In the pedestal interesting drawing.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
We hang bells on the design and beat the hammer in the sequence, as on the stone in the tunnel: 5, 3, 1, 2, 6, 4. I remember the sequence of emerging characters and return to the main hall through the dungeon. We become on the platform and click this: the first symbol is three horizontal lines in the center, the second – two hooks in the center, the third – right-curved tail, the fourth – look like a skull. We go on the elevator up. Go to the room with a gold disk. Now you need to match the disk in the secret room for 14 turtles and drawing on the pedestal in the room with bells. On the disk in the secret room shows the location of the skulls, and on the pedestal – the pattern on the skull. If you count the watch with a dial of a clock, then start from 12:00 clockwise: Bermuda, Giza, Easter, Stonehenge, Atlanta, Maya.The Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe Omega Stone: Sequel to the Riddle of the Sphinx: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Install the skulls, and in the center of the disk we put a mask from the sarcophagus. Golden door opens. With a pyramid, we take the Maya disc. We go back to the car and go to England.

4. Stonehenge

Two letters should lie on the armrest on the right. Key is glued to one of them. We go to the bedroom, we bring the mechanism of the music box. Insert the key into the lock and click on the sign with the inscription – the secret box opens. Get the player. We go to Megaliths, throw cats on a stone next to a broken staircase. At the top there is a Kristian bag. Take the key and read his diary (optional). Now let’s go to the excavations. They are fenced with a fence under tension, it is better not to touch him, otherwise the hero will die. Open the box on the wall of Christian’s key – before us the control panel. We use the Stonehenge Card. Now you need to enter the code. Remember the hints: Shelley loved the most Western megalites (near the numbers 57 and 58) and “Stones multiplied”. Multiply 57 by 58 and get 3306. We enter this number and go inside. Give a shovel and dig up the jugs and the left of the skeleton. We take a scroll of Stonehenge. Return to the laboratory and go to Easter Island.

five. Easter Island

Planted on the island and go to the tent. You can read books on the history of the island and writing, to one of which is attached memory card. We listen to her in the player – you have to blow up one of the statues to find a secret room. From the box at the entrance we take explosives. On the red button while you should not press, otherwise the hero will die. In the left corner of the tent lies the mask, next to it – two scrolls with tips. It turns out that with the help of a mask you can determine which statue it is necessary to blow up. Go to the statues. We put on the mask: the second statue on the left will shone their eyes. Attach explosives to its base, we return to the tent and press the red button. Pass Open, go down.

Before us – Labyrinth. We pass forward 3 steps and turn left – this is a room with six statues. We put on the mask and remember what statues will shine: from the entrance to the left of the second and third and the right of the first.

We are deployed, go ahead 1 time, turn to the left, forward 1 time, turn to the right, forward 2 times, turn to the left and forward 1 time. Get an Easter scroll from the box.

We are deployed, go ahead 2 times, turn to the right, go ahead 2 times, turn to the right, go ahead 1 time, turn to the left, go ahead 2 times. Take another scroll.

Deploy, go ahead 2 times, turn to the left, go ahead and down. We came to the lake from Lava, and around him six statues. On the wall on the left and right of us three levers that they manage. Press on the left to the middle and bottom, and on the right to the top lever. Statues fall in Lava and create a bridge. We go to the other side and take the Easter disk. Return back to the surface – you need to go ahead and do not turn anywhere. Sit down in the motorcy and swim to the yacht. We give pilot Bermud card.

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