Tony Tough 2: A Rake’s Progress: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 1, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tony Tough 2: A Rake’s Progress: Passage
Tony Tough 2: A Rake’s Progress: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The game begins at the pharmacy Aleksis. Here you can change download saved earlier game, change settings, watch videos and list of game creators. Get a conversation with Alexis and select the icon with the image of Tony’s head to start the game.

Scene 1

Day begins extremely unsuccessful. Tony suddenly wakes up the alarm call, then he is late for a school bus and, as a result, does not have time for the beginning of the lesson. Reaching school, Tony runs to class in the middle of the lesson. Choose any version of the answer to the question of the teacher about the reason of today’s delay. Then, when the question of the homework (Tony, as always, “forgot it to” make it), choose any answer to this uncomfortable question. After conversation, the teacher will ask Tony to take his place at the desk that he is happy and will do. Speak with Seymour, your neighbor in the party. Open the box with breakfast and get a bottle of lemonade from it. Tony shifts it into his bag, and now you can see a bottle in your inventory if you move the mouse cursor to the top of the screen. We explore the tube with white liquid. Then we pour the entire lemonade into the test tube and watch the reaction of the teacher outraged by this “chemical” experience. Choosing any option to answer the teacher’s question that he must take in connection with the unacceptable behavior of Tony in the lesson.

Scene 1A

Teacher reports Tony that he will spend in this class the next three hours, to which a negative student reacts extremely negative. Wait for the teacher to come out of class. Approach the cabinet and slide the bottom box. It can be found in it and take the stationery buttons, rope and jar with glue in granules. All these items are optional to use only if you do not want to “upset” teachers. Well, if your plans are included, as much as possible to pump him as much as possible, then perform the following non-hard manipulations with detected things. For example, we pour the glue (in which you first need to dial water from the sink) to the teacher’s chair, then we declare the stationery buttons. Right from the cabinet on the table lies the box. Weching her aside to see the glass aviary – Frog habitats. Take a frog and eat her.

Scene 2

Speak with a nurse on all themes. We look into the inventory, you have become the owner of the identification bracelet. We try to make a conversation with a neighbor. He publishes inseparable sounds, and Tony understands that it doesn’t make any sense to continue the conversation. We go into the bathroom and try to take the soap lying on the edge of the shell. Unfortunately, when trying to grab soap, it slips out of the hands of Tony and neatly lands on a high closet. We will try to get to the soap and get out of the chamber. We take a set of towels from the bed Tony. Automatically get a rope from interconnected towels and tie one edge of this peculiar rope to the chandelier. Then we take the device to measure the pressure lying on the table next to the call to call the nurse. Let’s fit to the closet. We use the device on it to raise one edge of the cabinet. Now we have a little wardrobe, and soap falls exactly in your hands. Lubricate Wheel Wheel Wheel Wheelchair. Moving the stroller to the entrance door and tie to it another end of a rope from towels. Click on the call button and expect coming to the ward of nurse.

Scene 3

We run on the way to the wasteland before the house under under construction on which Jessica and Philip. We bring the conversation with Philip. Initially, we are interested in him about the principle of decision of the puzzle and we can say that we can solve it for a certain amount. After small oscillations associated with the price of the issue, Philip agrees to accept your help. Initially, five equal squares are composed on the ground from the nails. You need to rearrange only two nails to get four identical squares. We rearrange the nails as shown in the figure below and get your honestly earned fee.

Tony Tough 2: A Rake’s Progress: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Return to the hospital. We turn to the left and go to the large tree, in the powerful crowns of which Seymour built something like his summer house. Climb upstairs and ask Seimir about the book that he holds in his hands during your conversation. We receive from him “Private Detective Guide”. Go down and go to your home (landmark – dog booth in front of the house). We go inside and rose to the second floor in your bedroom. Take a candle with bedside tables near the bed. We go out on the street. We find the church and try to go inside, but the priest does not want to pass Tony to the Holy Abode. Go down down. We explore the bulletin board to keep abreast of all activities that will be held in the Church soon. Tear off the magnetic letter F. We find the building near the church in which the funeral bureau is located. We go inside and talk to the owner of the Bureau. We receive a business card from it and at your ultimate request an empty tequila bottle. We go outside and head towards the city cemetery. We investigate the cemetery fence in search of an ads for the inadmissibility of independent excavations. Find next to the ad is a prohibitive mark and remove the shovel from it. Return to your home. We are looking for an earthen horming next to the box with tools and we use a shovel on it. Get out of the pitch of the adjustable key. Then come to the booth and reject a leash with a dog. Now go through the road and go to the neighboring house. We look at the device for drying things. Now it hangs on one single handkerchief. Remove the shawl with a leash and go to the hospital.

Use the adjustable key on the broken bike postman. Before proceeding with restoration work, Tony will offer a postman for a reasonable fee to quickly and efficiently repair his bike. After receiving an affirmative response, we start repairing. We again use the adjustable key on the bike to unscrew the bridle wheel. With the same key, we unscrew the wheel of a disabled carriage lying on the ground a little bit. Install this wheel on a bike and give the postman a good vehicle.

We go to the “House” of Seimur. Click on the box on which Seymour sits, and listen to his story. We ask the Seimur a question about the wig and, asking permission to go to his house to search for masking elements in it. Seymour will allow Tony to seek a little in his house under one condition that he will be limited to visiting the living room and bathroom. Having received good from Seimur, go to his house (to the left of the tree) and go to the bathroom. Take the toilet eye eyelashes from the tank and leave the house. We return to the Seimur, we ask him the question of Lorrain’s aunt and transfer to a petrol station located outside the city feature. Find an unveiled from the station a black board installed on the side of the road on which the city name is derived. Take chalk board and go back to the city.

We go to the pharmacy (right from the church) and ask the owner of the pharmacy Aleksis about the wigs available on sale. She tells Tony that his wig that interests is available at a price of 5 dollars. We begin long negotiations on the reduction of the price of a wig that will end with the fact that Alexis will still throw off the price of 50 cents.

We leave from the pharmacy and go towards the church. Meaning the porch, where we celebrate your class teacher. At the end of a short conversation, we use on Tony chalk to reincarnate in the gray-haired senior. Now we can easily enter the church without fear of calling the anger of the Holy Father. Take a handful of coins left here by parishioners as donations and quickly come out of the church. Now we go to the Seimur and again ask him a question about wig. We hit the foot on the box, which is opposite the Seimir, and we find a piggy bank under it. Now Tony has the whole amount so necessary to buy a wig. In the pharmacy we are talking to Alexis and automatically get a wig.

Scene 3A

At the end of the cheerful scene with the participation of Seimur, we go to my home. Tony will find out about the abduction of Cornelia and gets from mother to half of the identification bracelet. On the street explore the lattice of the drain. Tony notes that he sees some kind of brilliant subject at the bottom. We connect in inventory the magnetic letter F with a dog leash. Use a leash on the grille and take out the second half of the identification bracelet from the storm sewer.

Scene 4

Connect both halves and go to the hospital. Speak with Nurse Lorrain. We take a mint candy from the rack. From the hospital we go to my home. We go to the kitchen. We recruit water into the bottle and open the door of the oven. Take out two metal sheets baking sheets for baking. Put a candle on the baking sheet lying on the stove and remove it in the oven. In a couple of minutes, Tony will get a baking sheet of an oven with molten wax. We use a mint candy on a fight with wax. Further put the chalk to another baking sheet and remove it in the oven for a couple of minutes. Then we pour water from the bottle into a baking sheet with chalk and overflow a thick mass into the next baking tray. The result of all these “culinary” surveys will be the creation of a special chalk candy. We go to the hospital. Put the chalk candy in the crookes with mint candy at the moment when Lorrain will do records in the magazine. When the nurse is running to rolling the throat, approach the only open drawer with filled cards of patients and carefully examine its contents.

Scene 5

We go to the house of the Rev. O’lander (opposite the house Tony). We look at the parked car. We move through the car on the territory behind the Church. Find in the wall of the church an open brickwork and pull out one brick from it. Return back the same way. Now go to the central square and look for nearby the store with a signboard Bazaar. We try to throw a brick in a glass of store and end up with a local prison chamber.

Scene 6

We take the broom and use it on the pillow, which lies on the bed in the next chamber. Raise the pillow from the floor and put it on your bed. Persuade the sheriff, give you a night pot, which immediately goes on the same bed. Put a wig on the bed, stretch the blanket and lure the sheriff into the trap.

Scene 6A

Take from the table your bag and unintended cigarette. We go out and go to the destroyed church. Talk to the postman. Please lend you a bike. When transferring money, the coins will slip out of the palm of Tony and scatter on the territory adjacent to the Church. Go down to the cemetery and find on Earth near the announcement prohibiting independent earthworks the first coin of three. We go towards the benzocolones. Not reaching the refueling, we find a blank pickup cut into a tree. We recruit gasoline in a bottle and return to the cemetery. Pour the contents of the bottle on the field and set fire to it using a nonposted cigarette. When the fire destroys all the vegetation, we are looking for a second coin on earth. Let’s go home. Call the funeral bureau and very quickly run to the tower while the owner of the Bureau did not go outside. Lubricate the steps with soap and at a safe distance we are waiting for the moment when Chucho Juarez spreads on the threshold of your office. Raise the last third coin from the ground and go to the postman. Give him all the coins and get a bike.

Scene 7

Raise lemon from earth. We try to break the pole with a sign. Returning by bike in Washington suburb. Go to your house. In the kitchen, pick water into the bottle. We return to the benzocolone and on the bike again we go to the mountain. Pour water to the ground next to the sixth, to which the sign is attached. Dug up the ground with a shovel and feed the sign. In your inventory there appeared a bottle with an anticipate agent. We use on a metal stick lemon and a bottle with an anticipate agent. We look at the final junction.

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