Serious SAM: The Second Encounter: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 9, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Serious SAM: The Second Encounter: Passage
Serious SAM: The Second Encounter: Game Walkthrough and Guide

This passage was written with a serious level of difficulty. It’s just a hobby. In this game, the passage is not required – everything is clear here, the road is one. However, I allowed myself to tell something. Maybe someone will come in handy. And tried to describe almost all secrets. If anyone found the secrets not described – write: I will take a note. In general, a joke from his tactical data is applicable to the game: “Go to the left, go to the right. Find something. Fight. Do not brand – sneakers “. The main thing is to move and search.

Sierra de Chiapas (12 secrets)

Immediately, as we fall into the water, we go to her face, and go deep under the water. Rapidly immersed by holding the “Fit” key (“F” by default). We will find a missile (Secret number 1). Taking it, rapidly pop up: now by pressing the “Jump” key (“Space” by default).

Before sailing to a chainsaw on a bridge, sailing to the island in the opposite side. There we take green armor among the bushes (Secret number 2), and we find the telephone booth (secret number 3), on which you can call, pressing ENTER one or twice (how to set in the settings). Read the message, again, you can click on one or twice or twice the right mouse button, and then again through the right button to return to the game.

Now swim to a new weapon, take it, and move forward to the temple. Everyone who attacks us here can overcome just a chainsaw, without losing health and armor. We just need to skillfully move to the sides, and do not stand still.

Before entering the opened gate of the temple, go around from the left side. There in the wall dark spot (Secret number 4): We launch the rocket there, and then cut into pieces of all the personalities who became the culprits of our accident. And let them not pretend to angels!

We go to the open LAZ, there we will find the ammunition rockets and estrad (Secret number 5). We look at the idea to the end, and then go out, and go to the hollow right.

Here we will find fragments of the Krotinovsky Tarantas (secret number 6), and a little further, at the very end of the dell, rockets (Secret number 7).

On the way back will have to stand up for yourself. Return to the temple, go to the gate. Before taking a sniper, we carry an eye on the edge of the temple: there will appear scorpion. Immediately remove it through the optics (right mouse button). Then the harpi will arrive. Well, in general, fight, try in action boots, boots, and then go to the temple.

We get a flamethrower, rolle new enemies. I will not give recipes for each case: this is a whole instruction manual to write to write. I just say that with good skills it is played very easily and without loss. Fast, but light-fastened opponents can be removed from afar. With skeletons of the clearing, you need to move quickly (see enemies), and from scorpions you can hide behind the stone protrusions. Emerge, shoot, and take place again. They can be combined even from the gun.

Come up to the entrance to a small tunnel. On the right will be raised-descending blocks, and on the left black spot. You to him. There is a secret room (Secret number 8).

Pass through blocks, then across the room with a stove and two buttons (realized that in order to open the door on the other side, you need to press these buttons, and between this hide in the niches in the floor?).

Let’s go out on nature. Go to the abyss on the left. In the abyss lies the rocket launcher (Secret number 9). Taking it, jump on the platform below, and then in the teleporter. Alive on the rock. Jump on the rock downwards, then to the ground, from the opposite side of the abyss.

Here you have to breathe. After you kill everyone, – look around. You will see a light cliff near the left side of the rock. Rocket in it! This is the entrance to the Secret Cave (Secret number 10). Come in it and dive in a reservoir. Swim with “sit down”, how to swim it will be impossible, switched to the “jump”: we swallow the cliffs at the top.

Going through the bridge we will solve cartridges for sniper and serious health (Secret number 11). Now go down again and go to the water. He is guarded, so be alert.

We dive into the reservoir at the entrance to the temple, rolle the fish there, and then take the bottom of the first aid kit (Secret number 12).

Note, and go to the temple, finish the level.

Valley of the Jaguar (8 secrets)

Forward and with a song! To new adventure.

I do not know who is like, and I have passed to hell with all shields and health. And I started the level of newborn, with 100% health.

We go dear warriors Maya. Do not relax for a second, and do not part with sniper. At any time may appear, very far, monsters. Preparing to meet them.

Jammed by teleports forward by Zigzag. From the cliff to the teleporter, and again on the rock on the left. From the cliffs on the teleporter, and when the moving approach, simultaneously with teleportation, press “jump” and move towards the last teleporter. From this, the latter, immediately fly to the door.

In the new room first jump over the teleporter to the left to the button. Ralm a couple of reptiloids in the other end of the room. Returning to the door, jumping to the approached teleporter, and then, without stopping, jumping on the rock. Now on the blue water slopes jump forward, to the button on the left.

Then, in one fell swoop, in two teleports to the door, where we take serious armor. To the left of the door there is a playground, jumping on which, jump up, and find cartridges for sniper (Secret number 1). I do not know how in the light levels, and in the complex below the Veribul appears. We jump back to the site, then up: noticing us, I believe the abyss. Jump down.

Go ahead, there will figure out, along the way, what to do. Let’s go to the grenadeette. Take it, and immediately switch to the rocket, we run 10-15 missiles into the tunnel, so that all the herd breaking down to us and remains. Then we take health and ammunition. Come out.

How to get out of the tunnel, wrap: Over the exit dark green playground. Rocket there! The “Golden Man” rushes to us – invulnerability (Secret number 2). Do not touch it. We go ahead from snipers shoot as many monsters as possible ahead. Then run back for invulnerability, and try to finish off as much monsters in the near battle as possible.

Now you can go ahead to the pyramid in the center. We go to the pyramid on the right. Here you will also have to breathe. At the very top of the pyramid, with her right side, a dark spot. Rocket in it! Here is a machine gun (secret number 3).

Take ahead on the pyramid until you take the Golden Jaguar. Now at the output. Carefully, with the top of the pyramid, through the optics, we remove all the monsters in the district, until they noticed us (I have from downloading to download the number of monsters varied from four to one).

Before going to the pyramid in the center, you can walk in the hollow on the right, where there is a huge boulder on the rock, and there to take the blue armor (Secret number 4). Naturally, you will have to protect your heritage.

Now we go toward another pyramid. Before climbing it, you can walk along the hollow in the direction of the giant letters CROLLI WOOD. Nothing happens, but you will get another mark that we found a secret number 5.

Now with the battle and retreats break into the pyramid. You can choose the cartridges for sniper and the first-aid kit.

In the pyramid, after the room with spikes, in a small room there is a jamp pad in the far left corner. He will throw us to the cartridges and blue armor (Secret number 6).

Now it remains to take the second Golden Jaguar, break back to the pyramid in the center, install jaguars, and then break through the battle up to the last, big pyramid.

In a small house, on the left of it you can take cartridges to the machine gun (secret number 7), and between the right house and the pyramid in the corner lies a health bottle (secret number 8).

Close to the very top, and come in the pyramid to complete the level.

THE CITY OF THE GODS (15 secrets)

Replenish the ammunition as much as possible, and go out to meet the thick of the fight in any of the two doors. Come back here.

First you will withstand light opponents, then the skeletons of the Clear will join. And how to take the Thomson automaton on the pedestal, you will resort to Kamikadze and arrive!. There will be some other monsters, but it is not difficult to finish with them if all the time be alert and walk with a loose.

Now secrets. If from the gate, of which we went out to go along the wall right, and then cut the tree between the pavilion and the wall, then you will find a first-aid kit (secret number 1).

Here there is a small house, and the fire in the bowl near him. This piece is unnecessary at the level is not broken. What is it connected – I do not know.

Go further along the fence. Let’s go to the gap between the pavilion and the wall. After breaking the wall of the pavilion, we find the blue armor (secret number 2). Move on.

In the corner, diagonally from the first secrets there is a serious bomb. And for the pavilion pill. This is a secret number 3. At once, three large mechanoids will appear at her, who will have to fill.

And in the fourth corner, at home, it will be possible to find a secret number 4: the kernels for the gun, which we do not have yet, but it will be soon.

We go to the temple that between the third and fourth secrets. Here you will immediately need to send several monsters to that light, and then a rocket break the fallen plates to the right of the entrance. This is a secret number 5.

Go to a symmetrical corridor, take a mask, fight. Then go out, and carry the mask on the altar.

Now to the temple at the opposite end of the territory. From the door of sniper, remove everyone who is inside. Mask behind the door immediately left. Outside the door at the top ammunition. And behind the stairs below serious health. How to take it, immediately leaving the corner from the passage: I will come running by Veribul, and in the tunnel there will be the second. At the exit – big mechanoid.

Carry the mask to the altar. Now you can go to the gate to the next polygon, naturally with a delay for disassembling.

With small complications we run through a labyrinth with arrows. From the gate to the next glade, remove all your handsome handsome on it from the sniper. Then cook the machine, and – forward. Round Kamikaze. Mercenaries will run from the building opposite the entrance. Boo dut small biomechanoids and scorpions.

Behind the building from which mercenaries ran, the nuclei lie (Secret No. 6). And in the building itself, the mass of another ammunition. Naturally, under guard.

Having come across the territory, for one of the trees (to the left of the entrance gate), find a mini teleportal on the secret territory (Secret number 7). This is something like “sacred yards” in the first Sam: all monsters or very small, or very large. But here a bunch of ammunition, health, armor. See themselves. In the end you will find a gun and teleporter back.

Go to the gate under the two-liter snake. At this polygon will have to brand a lot. Everything, as usual: Ralm opponents from afar, come forward, if necessary – retreat. Constantly moving forward-back-left-right. Close to yourself try not to let. From under the fire go away. Forward!

Get to the gate. Go. Here are small biomechanoids, kamikaze and scorpions. There are big biomechanoids.

Secrets on this territory: for the far home, which bring lion opposite the entrance to this territory, is a first-aid kit (Secret number 8).

And nearby – look around – on one of the houses a two-headed snake. Here is a secret number 9: kernels for a cannon. But before you go there, run a pair of missiles: opposite the entrance is a fixed gun.

We go to the knot under the two-alarous snake. Here a pair of pumpkin heads. And under the ceiling, on the second downward looking pyramid, serious health (Secret number 10).

You can roll down the inclined ramp, and you can jump over the railing.

And while we rub down, grab the ammunition, health, and maybe even armor, and then jump out: in the end, they will certainly stumble upon stakes. Maybe they are somehow disconnected, but I did not find how.

Below we deal with the army of the skeletons of the clearing. On the right and to the left of the day off, in the walls, two secrets (№№ 11 and 12). This is the kernel to the gun and three zumbulov playing the cards (run the rocket in the dark spots on the walls).

The next secret (№13) in the right branch of the corridor, where pans with spikes: jerk there. We find green armor and first aid kit. True, there are a couple of small pumpkin heads, so keep on the alert.

After disassembly from the destroyed bridge through the Lava, on the right, the lava itself can take the missile package (Secret number 14).

You can cross the Lava to the left: there floats on the surface of the platform. Jump on it, and when it approaches to that shore, jump over it.

Well, go on, by the end of the level. About the charms that are still waiting for you, find out.

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