Penumbra: Requiem: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 13, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Penumbra: Requiem: Passage
Penumbra: Requiem: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Penumbra Requiem Computer Game is a third part of the Thirdler series Penumbra. A distinctive feature of this series is that the main character there is no weapon, and even the most sophisticated monster on the way will be the last. Although, however, for the passage of the game everything is, in the left hand, the main character holds a flashlight firmly.

So, closer to the case. You were in the dungeon of the gloomy species, to start, go to the hall right. Raise the book and surprise the strange dirt on the ground. Then go to the hall on the left. There substrate under the press a stone and when it splits, make up for myself aside to the strange thing above (you need to build straight under the wreckage of the stairs). A strange thing is called monolith, make it so that all three parts of it with a drawn triangle. This will open the massive door with the portal, which, unfortunately, does not work. So that he earn need to get one of his details stored on the other side of the cliff on the right. But before that, you need to bring the bridge, for this: throw off two stones in the basket and press something heavy ledgers in the main hall. Taking the desired artifact key, go to the portal.

You found yourself in the room, go and jump down, there is still nothing interesting. On the wall there is a button, after pressing it, you can easily go to the other side. But this is only within 10 seconds and, if you do not step on the gas channels, otherwise gas will go. The situation is complicated by the fact that, in order to pass forward, it will be necessary for something heavy. Rusty cube, standing in the corner, quite suit. Behind the door, put a cube on the ledge and go on. There you will see a tape recorder on the table, remove the cassette from the drinking water machine and listen to it. Go through the door that appears (it was hidden by automatic).

Grab a cube and go forward. Avoid getting under the laser and grab the key on the way. Listen to the records of the voice recorder. In the next room you need to reach the key, jumping on moving boxes. Do not pay attention to the crane chains, they do not fit you – their texture serves only as a scenery. After that, jump on the drawers again, but now roll up to the other side. Behind the door you will find another portal.

Once in vertical mines, first of all, try the box with a painted key, there is one of the two keys required for passing. Then set up the gravifers so that you could climb up the raised boxes. You need to do this, given that the lever is responsible for which of the three lifts you want to adjust, but the buttons are responsible for the height: minimum, the average and maximum height.

Close up to raised bridge. It is possible to lower it by throwing around the chain that fixes it, a bottle of ketchup with the inscription TNK. Great, on the other side, lower the container and touch it. Now you need to go up even higher, To do this, run the bottle of TNK by the rubble. First climb up not to the end, you need to pick up the second key. Then, from the roof of the container, by pipe, lift even above.

Now go to the right right and take a metal board there, which you need to insert into the holes in the next room. Then put forward all the boards in the wall. One is not enough, I really don’t know if it is possible to find it – I put the black box, on which then safely climbed to the top. Immediately raise a book from the floor. With the help of a mattress on the floor, pick up the moving platform from which you can get to the upper platform, from it, in turn, you can reach the portal.

You ended up at the collector level. Immediately go to the room on the right, there take a wooden box and arrange a small swim. Gradually, you will swim to the hall, at the bottom of which is the first key.

In the same room you will see the valve. Get to him with your drawer. Flood began, but something went wrong, and an explosion occurred. Go where a green flame was seen. Lift the battery from the bottom and go to the place where the box took. Put the battery to where it is supposed to be, near the lever. Everything, the lever works. Start flooding. After the start of the water lifting, go to the room where the level began, now you can get a statuette on the battery under the ceiling. Go to the hall with the valve. Dangle to turn the chopper, which will lower the stairs. But not everything is so simple, the staircase is time and you will have to act quickly. Take the second key and pass through another portal.

You were near the satellite antenna, at the level of the helicopter platform. Immediately go to the tunnel behind you, you need to click the right button to open the door. Then go to the right. On the shelf, in the corner, take the key, and with the other shelf take a pipe with you. Go to the room opposite. Close all three contacts on the machine on the left. The first contact will have to be closed with a pipe. Click on the red button and turn the lever. The antenna will earn, but the fuse will break. Go along the remaining fourth road, go through the fence (it is easiest to do it, substituting the chair and jumping over the regiments standing nearby). Most importantly, do not hide wiring. Behind the fence first turn the switch (otherwise you will not choose) and take the working fuse. Do all the same with a replaced fuse and go for the battery that lies near the place where you found a fuse. Battery need to connect to a computer. And the computer is needed to view statistics, calibrate and send a signal from the antenna. All operations need to be done in this order. After sending the signal, go to the helicopter platform, there appeared a box with a second key (I broke the box about moving gears). Do you think any doors to the hangar (there you worked on a computer) and press the left button on the door control panel. Go to the hangar. Pay attention to the open hatch, go down. Going away, you will find the portal, jump into it.

Now you are brought to the power plant. See, in front of you a strange ball? Choose it with something heavy, and then roll left. But do not hurt the lasers, and not the ball will disappear. Move it to the other side easier from the side wall. When the ball turns out on the other side, roll it into the hole in the wall. Then go on the bridge, a closed door lift the device similar to the radio, the door will open. Jump over the other side and go to the right, at the end you will see the chopper, lower it. Then climb the stairs. Go through the translucent bridge and jump down – there is another chop. Get down even lower and get to the key to the key. Then climb on the same ledge, and go to where you lowered the first chopper, but do not reach the end – your goal is a staircase that is right hand from you. Upstairs you will see the control panel with three levers: omit them in turn, from left to right, so that at one time one lever is omitted at one time. Go for a translucent bridge. You will have to jump onto the iron bridge from which you can go upstairs, and then get to the second translucent bridge leading down to a strange ball. This ball needs to touch the pipes in the center of the circle – roll it up on the board. After the explosion of the pipes, the key will fall, take it and go to the first translucent bridge, upstairs lies the last necessary key. Go to the portal and leave the level.

Ahead you laser lattice, I do not advise you to put survival experiments – Lased Laser. You need only a gear lying nearby, take it and go down the stairs. Go to the right and attach the gear to the mechanism. Lack of two more: one lies behind the pipe nearby, and for the second go to the left of the stairs. After collecting the mechanism, go down to another staircase down and go straight. Overcome the obstacle, but before reaching the right. There you need to turn the valve and take a handle from the shelves. Now go to the end, take the key and move the door from the door. In this room lies another handle. Go to the door and make a handle where it is for them. It’s time to launch the mechanism with gear. Another strange ball will fall out, put it in the hole. Now go down and pull the levers (those you have fixed) so that the ball is moving forward. Go upwards where you took the last gear, cross the other side of the cliff, but do not forget to grab the key. Then go up above and above, we wonder the explosive barrels. As a prize at the top you will be expected by the last key. Return to the very beginning of the level, where there was a laser. When you come up, the laser will disappear. And you freely reach the portal.

Jump down and find the room with two boxes on the floor. Put boxes on each other – so you can pull out one of them outside the room. Now enter the box to the room with the buttons on the floor – the box must be on the button. Probably you paid attention to another drawer, standing at the entrance to the room. Cool and His. One button remains. Come on Ney. Ribbed. Go there. There, under the drawer, hatch, and in the hatch key. Turn off the device on the shelf and take the wood. Go to where you found the first box, probably, you noticed the hatch there. Go away. Put the wood in the stove and lower the chopper. Go around the stove and turn the second valve. Close up. Go at the very beginning of the level. Elevator earned there. Go on the corridor and turn right. Go until the end (jump over the break). There is a code castle. Code: 6497. You need to put a jar from the locker in the hatch on the wall (I think you noticed it).

Now go to the left (relative to the hatch). Take the key. And go towards the cabinet with a code lock, but this time go down and move closer to the non-worker box. Go down below. Go to the stove. You must return the second valve to the original state and turn the third to the stop. Go the same way to your box, put it on the lift and go up with him upstairs. Discover the second locker with this box. Chemical from there too throw away into the pipe. Go to the stove. Return to the source state of the third valve and turn the first. Go to the passage near Luke (in which you threw chemicals). Elevators earned there. Catch up to the other side and go through the portal. Another level behind.

So you got to the final level. Something heavy run lock on the door. Inside remove the grille at the ventilation channel and touch inside. In the middle of the ventilation collapses, and you will get into the flooded room. Ahead key, but do not rush to run to it – water under the current. Instead, in boxes, make your way to the stairs. Go to the room and stop the fuse in the shield in the middle socket, and then in the right – you will be able to take the key. Go to that room, behind the wardrobe canal, touch it. And go to the goal on the right. You returned to where you came from. Take with you drawers and encounter them into the water to move through the water under voltage. Once on the other side, go to the right. In the room insert fees in the connectors as shown on the screen.

Facel in ventilation. Move the box from the door and leave the room. Go left and right. In the room, stick both ends of the wire in the outlet and click on the button. Go to the previous room and take a red barrel with flammable. Now go to the middle door and move on to the other side. But before this allow the last platform to take away you left – there is a key. Go further and go down down (continue proudly carry a barrel). Put the container in pile of stones, now return a little back – take the rope and put one end on the barrel, and the second in the oil stain. Guess what to do next? Take the kerosene lamp and break it in the spot. Go straight and go to the door on the left. In the closet lies the key. Go to the opposite gates. There is a portal, jump into it.

You were in the Red Room, you need to make the last action – click on the Red button and watch as the protagonist burns on fire. Here on such a sad note it ends with this passage to the game.

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