Nexus: The Jupiter Incident: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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June 28, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nexus: The Jupiter Incident: Passage
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Want to feel yourself with the captain of the spacecraft of the beginning of the XXII century, to experience the taste of a real space war and understand that it is experiencing a real military astronaut when an enemy ship explosion?.. Well, then this game for you!

So, what the developers are promised to us “Nexus: Jupiter Incident – Sunset XXII century”? Three-dimensional tactical game whose action occurs in space. Epic campaign from six episodes (26 missions), including spectacular battles in real time. Ship crew, with time improving its abilities. Divergent missions: espionage and sabotage. Six unique alien races, each with its tactics. 10 star systems, 50 characters, 90 types of weapons. Under the control of the player – up to ten details of the developed spacecraft. In general, everything is in sufficiency.

Humanity exists under the control of powerful corporations. One of them managed to wake in the backyards of the solar system something huge and hostile… You have to take the control of the space fleet and eliminate this threat. The action unfolds in the near future on the expanses of our native galaxy.

Immersed in the world of the game, get ready. In the ears will ring the warning signals in half with explosions will be ringing, and the Sieve fighters will not give zenithics to relax for a second. Each ship will become not just an unnamed object-detachment in the mouse frame, and a living organism requiring sensitive management and attention to his person. Welcome to the world where the mega-corporations not read with the law and spitting on any prohibitions, when it comes to the benefit, is a fragile world, ready to break into the abyss, the world who urgently needs a hero…

Fire power of the space fleet

Much in the game depends on the choice of a combination of arms facing the ship. It dictates battle tactics, and accordingly, the style of the game, so seriously feel about the choice of weapons in front of each mission. Here is a common list of weapons by category. Inside categories, they are divided only by quantitative characteristics, and new weapons appear with time all in more varieties, gradually improving.

Energy weapon. Whole weapon sprinkling energy;With varying success suppresses the enemy shields, to which, in fact, and directed. Some types like bombs were better to allow published, otherwise they will bother under the hot hand.

Guns. Dolubet on the body, but in the presence of a working panel of the enemy, their effectiveness seeks to zero. However, especially advanced guns and in this case are able to attack the enemy.

Lasers. Shoot an opponent all that can only. Sometimes it is not possible to quickly suppress the panels of the enemy, and the battle takes on a bizarre form: you are circling opposite each other and unsuccessfully attack the shields to get to the housing. In this case it is useful to hit the lasers in generators, engines and armament. Next is already easy to finish the enemy to the state of cosmic dust.

Rockets and torpedoes. Well, where are we without them: this is you and from the distant front enemy to remind themselves, and near him life is thoroughly spoil, that’s just ragrazing, but a resistance at height!

Special forces. This is primarily anti-aircraft. If it were not for them, then the mosquito fleet of the enemy would quickly show that he, albeit mosquito, but terrible. There is still a blinding enemy of the thing, but it is good for tactical… Retreat. And of course, hot-favorite weapons, suction energy. Believe me, only it can cope with mechanoids. Everything else they only adds strength.

* * *

As for other equipment, it is also improved along the game. Engines will be able to squeeze more and more, you put additional engines for evasion, sensors and energy accumulation devices will be improved. At least weapons and fighters in most missions affect the outcome of the battle is much more, you should not discount the ship and the maneuverability of the ship, and its speed is associated with disguise. However, the entire set you do not have enough free cells and resource glasses, so choose.

Slightly stories

In the distant 1865, a brilliant science fiction writer Jules Verne was able to prove the future by writing about the journey to the moon. No one then did not take it seriously, and in vain: it takes a little less than a century, and in the distant snow-covered Russia, ruined and bleeding war, the satellite first launch in orbit, and then the first person, which became the legend and symbol of the new era – the era of the conquest of cosmos.

In just four years, the author’s fantasy of the XIX century embodied, the smallest chamber for one person and a huge step for mankind was made: the moon became the first heavenly body where earthlings landed. But the years went, and the cosmos stopped being something inquiry. The interest of the first years cool, and almost three dozen years did not happen, comparable to the former successes. Humanity experienced no better times. Arms race to couple with the prolonged cold war superpowered did not allow to make tangible steps forward, spurring the development of only what could be used in a military confrontation.

But, as one of the ancients said, everything flows, everything changes. Humanity with a creak and reluctant could come to generally that the cosmos must be conquered if not together, then at least together. And already at the end of the second millennium, the first module of the International Space Station appeared on the near-earth orbit. And later, private corporations began to publish the first plan on themselves the conclusion in the orbit of the first private space station.

In 2025, the corporations founded an orbital colony in the near-emblem space, and after six years they built the first settlements on the moon. It was a sunset of the era of conquering space, the beginning of the era of the systematic colonization and expansion. Its exactly its origin can be considered the birth of the first earthling outside the cradle of mankind – Richard Cromwell became. He became a symbol, the same as once Yuri Gagarin, he became the personification of the hopes of all mankind. Vain hope. And the first murder occurred, and the first orbital war broke out, and the neutral intelligence rebelled, and the war for the independence of Martian colonies…

But Nadezhda lived, and she was embodied in, perhaps, the dangling project in the entire history of mankind – in the ship that received the name “Noah’s Ark” (Noah’s Ark), it was he who had to deliver earthlings to another solar system, and his captain wasRichard Cromwell. He left his son Marcus on Earth, but promised to return and bring him the gifts of other worlds… The brilliant idea, which was conceived by the geniuses-romantics, and embodied heroes, suffered the collapse: the ship was missing, and with him – and those who died to challenge black abyss…

But all these intrigues and internecine Dryzgi Mercley predicted mankind and all the galaxy in the near future. It was war, perhaps the most terrible in the whole story, because too much stood on the map;She glorified the earth and her faithful sons as one of the best soldiers of the Galaxy. In many ways, due to the one of the simple captain of the middle warship, became the commander of a huge fleet, which caused a defeat by cars. My name is Marcus, Markus Cromwell, captain Markus Cromwell. I am the son of Richard Cromwell, Captain of the Ship “Noev Ark” (Noah’s Ark). And I will tell you about how everything was really…

And it was that…

Mission 1

My new ship, how long ago I was no longer sitting in the captain?! In my opinion, since I was shot down… Almost ten years in Anabiosis, in the cut of its own ship… Much has changed since then, and not compare that light mosquito fleet ship with my new “stale”. Everything looks completely different, even the control has changed. This new combat screen appeared with a floating target designator, able to give tactical teams. Everything is unacceptable: now the list of controlled forces is located in the upper right corner, and all the available objects are in the left. I’m not talking about the tactical panel with the help of where you can distribute the energy of the reactors and control the fire control system. Yes, and a freely rotating chamber together with the ability to change the scale of the virtual model of what is happening!..

The total absence of a mini-card, oddly enough, does not interfere. I think you will quickly spare with a new management system. Is that at first I have to strain a little to keep the overall picture of the battle.

On a note: The camera can move for the object you selected, for this highlight it with double pressing the left mouse button.

Eight months ago I took on board this ship and received an order to accompany the convoy for Jupiter. Finally, we have the goal, it remains only to coordinate your actions with tracking station. Go to the navigation point – Damn, torture to look for her!.. Oh, here it is – there is a scrolling in the upper right list: it is worth choosing an object, and the camera itself turns in the right direction. And after, by specifying the command on the bottom tactical panel, give an order to execute it with the right mouse button. Here, it seems, all. Well, it seems I’m already starting to bother with control!..

Everyone, reached the point, now it is possible to base. Confuse me, though these mine fields, but they seem like their… I knew: they missed one of the mines!.. Need to immediately make bypass maneuver and leave. To do this, on the lower tactical panel there is a team known in the army as “running!”. It remains to specify, from whom, actually, run (right mouse button). And you need to run from mine, the benefit of it, like all hostile objects, was labeled in red.

Everything, mine again under the control of the “tracking”, and the path to the native base is open!.. Well, thank God, at least at the end of the flight something dispelled boredom, and then from the incidents – only the broken sorter!

Mission 2

My convoy, it turns out, brought new spy satellites. Immediately after unfolding, they gave a lot of new information about neighbors in space. It turned out that some of them (and if to be completely accurate – Kisaki’s corporation) hides something mysterious from the public. And judging by the hell, it hides, it is something – very important. And with neighbors need to share in fraternal, so I am instructed to inspect the Japanese ship and in case of finding something interesting this is the most interesting expropriating.

On a note: In the first stages of the game, fighters are very and very useful, so it would be nice from the very beginning to deprive the opponent of anti-aircraft guns by shooting lasers.

My ship went on the interception of the Japanese ship “Ronin” and soon caught it, but our favorite intelligence, as always, gave very “accurate” forecasts: the ship was not alone, and it also turned out that he was armed. But the second ship, which was also called a simple truck, with a closer look at something completely incomprehensible, and even rushed, disappearing from the screen at such a speed that my experts did not even have time to raise from the floor of the jaw. Well still that he Stroxy and just left: does not inspire me on the feats of the thought of a military collision with a ship of a fundamentally new design with unknown properties. But “Ronin” remained, and therefore the task must be performed in spite of everything.

I ordered them to lie in the drift, however the Japanese refused and only increased the speed, and I did not have anything else, how to open fire on the building “Ronin”. A total couple of salts, and the Japanese went to the drift. But, even drift, they refused to take on board the boarding team for the inspection of the cargo, threatening to bring down the landing bot. Apparently, it was these and walked in Kamikaze… Fools! Fixed and poorly armed ship was the perfect target for my shooters: they, as in a dash, shot the Japanese all the anti-aircraft artillery, and the boarding team under the cover of three fighters easily reached the enemy ship. Brutally suppressing resistance, my fighters took under his control and could have been able to inspect the tricks. And the trims of “Ronin” hid the real treasures – samples completely unknown to us dotol technology. Prey truly fabulous. Paratroopers, taking everything they could carry, returned to board. Order executed. Leaving a robbed Japanese to hang out in space, we could safely return to the base with proudly raised head.

It is important: At the top of the screen there is a panel displaying all devices of the selected object. By ordering to shoot in one or another parts of the enemy ship, do not forget to note the preferred: it is on them that the fire will concentrate the fire. You can do it by pressing the right mouse button.

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