Agatha Christie: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Agatha Christie: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE: Game Walkthrough and Guide
July 5, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Agatha Christie: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE: Passage
Agatha Christie: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1

Ten Little Sailor Boys Went Out to Dine,

First night – familiarity with the house.

Rogers thanks Narracotom for help. Return back to the pier and click on the boat. See that the boat is flooded. Come back, turn left and meet Martone. Talk to him and go back to the mansion. Talk to Rogers.
Go to the house and follow Rogers to the kitchen. Go to the dining room and through it into the kitchen.
Listen to the conversation of Rogers and Ethel Rogers. Talk to Rogers. Exit the door to the right of the refrigerator.
Go to the door to the hallway. Take a letter of Rogers, Sewing needles and invitation Rogers. In the inventory window, take the invitation to Rogers and click on the lens at the bottom of the window.
Do the same with a letter of Rogers. Read letters from A.N.Onim in the journal. You can also check the bathroom. Exit and climb on the service stairs.
Talk to Mrs. Rogers. Help her with silk sheets. Exit this room and check the rooms on the second floor. None in the room will work hours.
Dr. Armstrong’s Room – Turn left from the service staircase and go to the room to the left of the bathroom. Take a letter of Dr. Armstrong and read in the journal. Look inside the doctor’s bags in the dresser.
Bloore Room – Take the Bladere Invitation and read. Try to take a blore diary on the bedside table and you will be stopped by blin. Talk to him.
Lombard’s room – Look at the locking clock and see the pawnshop with a gun. Write on the door and talk to the pawnshop.
Clayton’s Room – Talk to faith.
Emily Brent Room – Talk to Emily.
General McKenzi Room – Talk to General.
Go down to the game room. Listen to the conversation of Judge Vargray and Doctor. Heard a call to dinner.

Inspection at home

Kitchen – Legend your ear to the door and overhear the conversation. Take the copper fruit basket from the table.
Pantry – Take a Turkish brush, a cheese wheel, a coated marlayer, and scoop. Use the scoop on the flour bag to take flour. Use scoop again to take batteries. Exit the kitchen, climb on the service stairs.
Lowering Room – Take Silk Sheets.
Marton Room – Take the encoded message from the chest and read. Take a note from the bedside table with the statue of the lion to the right of the bed. Take the Marton invitation and make it log.
General Room – Take the Invitation of the General and bring it to the magazine.
Emily Brent Room – Take the invitation to Emily and bring it to the magazine. Take the Bible King James. Look at the contents of cosmetics. Go to the bathroom. Check the table and take a medical warning card. Read it in the inventory. Take the base of the old tube Massage Bathroom and Wall. Go through the door to the next room.
Room faith – Look at the clock in the shape of a bear next to the bed. They do not work as well as the rest in the house. Look at the contents of the cosmetics on the table. Take a clipboard from the newspaper and log. Look at the picture on the wall above the chest.
Take the invitation of faith and log. Get through the balcony door. Take a telescope and a metal trenog in the corner of the balcony. Enter the following room.
Lombard Room – Take the invitation of Lombard and bring it to the magazine.
Bloore Room – Take the Bloura Diary and log in.
Room Judge Vargray – Take a tobacco bag and a chest from the chest. Take the invitation of warrrava and bring it to the magazine. Go down the stairs and take a cane with a bear to the left of the main door. Come to the door of the dining room and listen further.
Listen to how the missing owner says, accusing everyone submitting, except for narracotics. M-s Rogers falls into fainting. Take a doctor’s bag from his room. Go to Rogers’s room and give the bag Dr. Armstrong.
Living room – Listen to the discussion of accusations. Dr. Armstrong reports that he gave M-C Rogers soothing. Talk to all nine guests in the living room. Check Mr. Rogers in the bedroom. Go to the gramophone in the lobby and take the plate.
Listen to the conversation further. Marston suffocated to death or he poisoned. Talk to all guests again.

Chapter 2

Nine Little Sailor Boys Sat Up Very Late:
One Overslept Himself and Thene Were Eight.

Everyone is asleep
Living room – Look over the fireplace and read the rhyme about ten sailors. Take from the fireplace match. Look at the radio next to the window. Look at the liqueur table behind the sofa. Take three glasses, Martone Glass and Cocktail Mixer.
Library – Open the door to the library, look at the map on the wall and click on Shiprek Island.
Books – Look at the bookpin and see the writings of Judge Vargray. Take the book “Birds of the Devonian Coast” on the next left bookshelf. Take a book on a chair “History of the South Devonian coast” and a book from the table under the map – Diary. Bring 3 books in the log and read them in the journal. Look at the picture of the filth of the card – it is her former home home.
Go to the table and take a table lamp with a light bulb. Take the tape from the middle drawer and print and stamp from another box. Take from the box of the map of the island, a card . Top left drawer closed. Read the card. Explore the card in the inventory.
Gramophone in the foyer – Take a plate in inventory. Apply the plate to the gear and turn it over the other side. See the label “Goodbye”. Listen to the side with this label on gramophone. After listening, click on the gramophone panel and take a large Vacuum lamp UX-201A and a small vacuum lamp 807-H.
Dining room – Take a flashlight from the top box of the chest under the picture.
In the inventory, click the gear icon Combine flashlight and batteries. Close the stairs and check each room. When the morning comes, go back to bed.
Dining room – go to the dining room and listen to the morning conversation. Learn about Mr. Rogers.
Emily Brent still insists on the promised orange juice. Talk to each. Give a stick with a bear General and talk to him about Lombard. Need to leave the island or light alarm fire.

Chapter 3

One Said He’d Stay Here and Thene Were Seven.

Look at the statues of sailors at the dinner table. Go to the game room and listen to the conversation of the doctor and judges. Talk to the judge and doctor. The door to the cinema is closed. Get out of the house through the main door and talk to Emily. Go along the path and turn left. Go twice ahead and go to the barn. Try to take the ax. Take a shovel, lamp and card. Read the card. Take the stairs and bucket. Check the generator.
Garden – Go right around the garden. Take the garden hose on the pump. Click the bucket on the pump, fill the water bucket. Go to the left. straight and left go to the front side of the house.
South side of the cliff – go along the central path forward, left, straight and meet Blora and Lombard. Talk to them. Domaard will give a parachute plan. Enter it in the log and read.
Go ahead and click on the Schier’s Rock – This is the highest point of the island.
Beach – Go ahead and left to the beach. Roll to the left and talk to the general.
Climb the Point Ships and talk to faith.
Go to the screen with three paths, go along the top path and go out for an apiary.
Take the overlooking apples. Look at the bee hive. Go ahead to left.
Garden – Look at the yabdok on both sides of the garden. Use the staircase on the right side, collect fresh apples. Go down and over the upper right track.
Look at sunflowers. Then go ahead and meet the goat. Click on the goat – he does not want to skip you. Take a bucket of water and pour it into a trough. The path is clear.
Destroyed Village 1 – Check all at home. Take a gas cylinder in the first house.
Take a leather harness in the second house. Go back to the fork and go along the bottom tropiptype – you will see that the road is frightened by the born bushes. Near two hungry goats.
Come back to the house. Go to the library.
Library – Secret Room – Bookcase In Further Wall – Go to the bookcase to the left of the table. Take three books with shelves in the center of the shelf – a dark red book, a bright book, a light red book. Read them not necessarily. Establish these three books to the shelves in the color of the roots. Hear a click when put the book in her place.
Secret Room – Enter the Secret Room. Take and read the card on the chair. Read the poster – Rule Britannia! Britannia – Rule The Waves. Look at the shortwave radio and lying next to the cord. Open the panel and get 305GT lamp.
Safe – Look at the closed safe. Combine the encoded message, a Code hacking card and Bible King James from Emily Brent’s room and get a decrypted message. Enter the decrypted message log. Read the message.
Save the game here. Open the safe, moving the left arrow of the lock on the number 28, the right arrow to the number 11 and the left arrow to the number 49. Hearing a silk, turn the safe knob. If incorrectly typed code, return to the saved game.
Safety Room – Take Rubber Boat. Look – the walls have drawers with letters.
Check boxes – open the box E – Take the Crow Earring, N – Document Scraps, S – Microphone, and V – Card. Read the card. Move boxes and assemble the phrase “Rule The Waves”. The panel in the wall opens.
Grotto – Enter the secret door and click the switch to turn on the light. Go forward to the grotto. Go to the right and look at the underwater. Take the propeller. Come back and go on another metal bridge in the grotto. Look next to the Barel on the right of the door. Take Verla.
Underground passage – Open the door. Take ticks on earth. Open the panel in the wall and go to it. Look at the ledge in the earth. Use a shovel to dig earth. Take the pump. Go to the end of the dungeon and and see the locked door. Come back to the grotto.
Combine an inflatable boat, pump and oars in the inventory. It turns out an inflated rubber boat with oars. Put it on the water from the pavements in the far end of the grotto. See Roller.
Destroyed Village 2 – Go to the Middle House and open the wooden box. Remove the fishing network. Exit home and go to the left. Pick up the card from the ground, take it.
Come back to underground passage, opening shutters. Go back to the house.
Game room – Take playing bones from the table – they appear only after receiving the bonus card. In the inventory, click Played Camps on the gear – and get the key from the table.
Library – go to the pole and use the key on the closed box. Get a book about bees. Enter her log and read. Learn that bees are afraid of smoke.

Getting honey (optional game task)

In the inventory, pushing to a tobacco bag on the gear, it turns out tobacco and an empty bag.
Combine tobacco and lamp, get a tobacco lamp. Combine Tampa with tobacco, matches and hose, it turns out a chicken lamp. Use the lamp on the dear. Open the hive and take a frame with honeycombs. Combine the frame with honeycombs and mixer of cocktails and get a mixer with honey. Combine the mixer and glass and get a glass with honey.

Check fingerprint (optional game task)

Inventory Combine Turkey Baster and Flour and get Turkey Baster with flour. It is used on things having fingerprints. Use the scotch to remove the prints.
Use TURKEY BASTER with flour on a maston glass in inventory. Use tape on a screaming cup, get fingerprints. Go up the stairs and do the same procedure on the handbag of Dr. Armstrong, get the fingerprint of the Armstrong.
Make the same on cosmetics of faith and Emily Brent, get fingerprints of Faith and Emily Brent.
Remove the prints from Martone’s bag in Marton’s room.
In the inventory, compare the prints from the Marton Stacked with other fingerprints. WILL WILL TO WILL THAT MARSTONE PAGE.

Talk to Rogers in the kitchen.
In the inventory, divide cheese and gauze.
Put the gauze in the Press Bucket.
Put apples in a bucket with gauze.
Put a glass under the crane.
Put the propeller on the press.
Click on the press, Get Fresh Apple Juice.
Repeat the same procedure with boring apples, get apple cider.

Go with a wooden shed, talk to Marko and Bvor. Talk to Emily on the front porch about sewing a parachute. Give her silk sheets. Give her needles from Rogers Rooms. She needs a strong thread.
Talk to Blor and Mackenzie for the third time.

General stayed in Devon

Lunch – Find out that General Mackenzie is dead. He stayed in Devon.

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