Divine Divinity: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 19, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Divine Divinity: Passage
Divine Divinity: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Divine Divinity Firms Larian – Action-RPG from a third party. The game is distinguished by an extensive and interesting plot, the wornity of parts, a balanced gameplay, a wonderful role system. In short – familiarity with it is unambiguously recommended!

The action takes place in the beautiful medieval world, called the Rovelon, where seven races live – elves, people, dwarves, lizards, detects-imps, orcs and magicians – who worship seven gods. On this world, after the death of the old duke, Pendraka Farol, a wave of misfortune collapsed. Orcs went war, burning human settlements, firmly firmly, a series of mystical murders rolled in Ludoma Verdistussa, gangs of trolls, dwarves and elves turned their weapons against each other. It seems soon this world will absorb chaos. And can save him only marked by the fate of the hero. It is you.


Games are thoughtful and convenient. Main management tool – mouse. Left mouse clicks define the direction of movement of the hero, the choice of target for the attack, the choice of NPC for joining the conversation, items that need to be taken in Inventory, etc. Sometimes items (example – quest vase in the elven tomb) do not want to be found in the luggage by clicking. Then you need to get up next to the subject (so that it will be illuminated by white, and not pink), open the inventory window and holding the mouse button, drag the object there.

List of control keys

ESC – Calling the main menu. Salvation, download, new game, override audio and video installations, output from the game – all this here. Like viewing a beautiful three-dimensional screensaver roller and a list of creative Larian team.

Ctrl – when you press this key, the enemy closest to the mouse cursor automatically becomes a target. Very comfortably.

Alt – holding it in a clamped position, you will see all objects available for manipulations on the screen. Walking hidden in the corpses of trophies – weapons, gold. Levers, stairs when hitting them mouse cursors are highlighted with pink. Exceptionally useful thing!

Shift – the clamping key allows you to view the terrain without closing. To do this, simply move the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen. The combination of pressed SHIFT and ALT allows in pause mode to scan the terrain. Just keep in mind that you will see objects, but not enemies!

M – call to the screen or shutting down the small auto-cart. It is extremely useful – you will see monsters on it marked with red lights, much earlier than they fall into your field of view. The window can be carried by the mouse over the screen by placing in a convenient place for you.

BUT – Calling a large car accident. Makes it easy to navigate the terrain and in the dungeons. On a large car accident

You can check boxes with your comments.

Space (Space) – Challenge Pause. The appropriate inscription appears in the upper right corner of the screen. Pause allows you to stop the game, give orders (for example, change the spell or cook the potion, view and change the characteristics when switching to a new level) and turn on the action.

I – Inventory. Luggage is divided into five parts – armor and amulets, weapons, magic scrolls and gems, empty bottles and with potions, and all so. Switching between sections – row icons at the top of the baggage window. Volume, as practice shows, is not limited. But limited weight. The overloaded hero does not want to run, it is worse and refuses to collect trophies. Therefore, regularly apply visits to the merchants, without waiting for the appearance of surplus. Gold, which does not weigh anything, will fold with bouches of 50000 coins in your baggage.

Note that things are suitable for you, in Inventors are not visible. And, more interesting, sometimes it is possible to get rid of surplus weight, changing the light onions in the hands of a heavy ax.

IN – Equipment, worn on the hero. It is necessary to regularly view the detection of things that need to be repaired. Note – When the thing turns out to be in a critical condition (for example, a 2/20 sword), a yellow hammer appears on the control panel at the bottom of the screen. If the subject breaks – the hammer will become red.

FROM – transition to combat mode. Not too relevant – if you click on the monster, the hero and without additional orders exposes weapons. In addition, on the screen there is a “war-world war” pictogram, which is convenient to use.

Ctrl + S – Fast salvation.

Ctrl + L – Fast download.

All control keys can be overridden to you.

Control Panel At the bottom of the screen gives access to most game options. Green Horizontal strip shows how far to the next level. By installing the cursor on it, you will see how much experience points you need to dial before the transition. BlueStrip shows the stock of mana, Red – health status, Yellow – Energy stock. You can remove the panel by clicking, then only three thin colored lines will remain at the bottom of the screen, and, by clicking on them, call the panel again.

Pictograms in the top row of the panel (from left to right)

one) Call car accident.

2) Diary, work with which disintegrates into several options.

but) The list of quests where the quests performed are marked with blue, specified – blue, and cracked – brown.

b) Local map.

in) The heads of the hunter for heads – a list of monsters killed from your hand with their portraits and characteristics. In addition to creatures statistics, the number of killed by you is given. This is one of the most interesting things in the game.

G) List of dialogs held with NPC. Conveniently if you have forgotten who and what you told you.

e) Section “Traits” with funny comments touching personally character. With low strength: “Must be, in childhood you were a painful child…” With agility (Agility), equal to twenty: “You are clumsy, like a cow, and also slow. Rustic doctor believes that you were smoothed as a child“. Or “In principle, you heard that there is such an art as a procession…” But then (strength of about 150): “Fellow villagers believe that your mother lay down with God… or demon“. Cute, do not find?

e) Quests sorting – allows you to output a list of unstable quests, facilitating navigation in the task list.

g) Marker – click on it takes to the last predetermined or dashed quest from the list.

3) Sandfish

Clock – Pause.

4) Selection of available weapons. You can quickly change the sword on the onions, and most in the same vein.

five) Choice of skills or spells. By clicking on it, get a detailed list of Hero Skilles. Choose the desired one, and after clicking the mouse, the image of Sailla, whether “hacking locks” or “meteor rain” appears on the panel. And you will use the skill by clicking the right mouse button.

Pictograms in the lower row of the control panel

one) View the skills of the hero – three screens that match the profession of warrior, thief and magician. In the presence of skill points here you choose the skill skill.

2) Statistics of the hero. After switching to the next level, the pictogram is blushing, recalling that it would be good to distribute prize glasses according to the characteristics.

3) Main Menu – Alternative Keys ESC.

4) Pictogram “Planned Sword – Pigeon” – translation of the character from the combat mode to peaceful and vice versa. If you start a conversation with NPC in combat mode, then the first thing he will ask you to hide weapons. Your replica usually offers a choice – or not to act a person on the nerves, putting the weapon into the sheath, or attack it. Just keep in mind that the rapid murder is not welcome, strongly affecting reputation.

five) Opening on Hero Equipment – Analogue Key IN.

6) Luggage consisting of five screens. Go between them – click on the bookmark at the top of the screen. Analogue key AND.

Characteristics of the hero

There are four basic characteristics that grow when moving from level level.

Strength (Strength) – The power of attack and carrying capacity will be directly dependent.

Agility (Agility) – gives a dexterity in handling a weapon, increases the defense capability of the hero, affects such skills as “punishing”. Offensive (attack bonus) and Defensive (Bonus for defense) directly depend on agility.

Intellect (Intelligence) – really associated with magical abilities, for example, with the magnitude of the mana reserve.

Addition (Constitution) – determines the supply of health and energy.

Many things – armor or swords – require a certain level of strength and agility. Typical ax required Strength – 60, Agility – 30.

Hero’s height

The transition from the level level occurs automatically when the required number of experience points given for murdering monsters and performing tasks.

For transition on the 2nd levelnecessary 2000 experience points (2K),

3rd – 8k,
4th – 20k,
5th – 40K,
10th – 330K,
15th – 1100K,
20th – 2660K,
50th – 41650K points.

So, the number of points needed to transition to the N-level is calculated by the formula: Level (n) = (n * n * n – n) / 3(thousands of points).

By the end of the game to really grow a hero 50-52 level.

When the level is restored, completely hit points and mana hero, and the pictograms at the bottom left of the control panel “characteristics” and “skills” are highlighted in red, signaling that new opportunities appeared – glasses that need to be distributed, and the ability to master one new skill or spell. For the growth of the characteristics is given every time five points. To study skill skills – usually one point, and when switching to the 5th, 10th level and t.D. – two points.

Features of a set of experience – planning from achieved

A couple of interesting game features Divine Divinity I managed to notice only because when testing the game went on two different machines with two different characters of different levels. It turned out that the awards received by the character depends on the level he achieved.

Exprices, obtained by the head of the monster, back proportional to the pixelness of the character. The hero of the tenth level for the rest of the dead man Corpse Approximately 3,500 points, the level is 15th – about 2800 points, and at the 34th level – only 250 points. Rat at the first level costs 50 points, the second – 49 and t.D. And after 30 levels for most types of livestock – rats, boars and wolves – generally cease to give experience.

But with glasses for the fulfillment of quests The situation is reverse. For the delivery of the outfit for the supply of grain farmer, the hero of the 13th level received 11,000 points, and the heroine of the 34th – more than 30000! That is, for a set of maximum experience, it makes sense to first spend the total sweeping of the terrain, starting with the weakest creatures, and then proceed to check the passport mode from NPC!

In passing, I bring a reward for many quests that my heroine performed. Probably, at the beginning of the game, the numbers will coincide with yours, but after the bridge, our paths may disperse, and then my data will serve only a guideline!

Generation of Hero

Generation it happens just. You choose one of six characters: Three girls and three men of the human race represent the path of development – Magician, Warrior or Tramp (Survivor). Only the initial distribution of glasses depends on the selection of the profession, the special ability, which he originally has a hero, and two skills, also originally characteristic of it. The tramp knows how to proceed, and the warrior is a powerful circular blow spreads enemies like puppies. The magician bounces, changing places with enemies. From the skills of the warrior owns “elven vision” (increases the overview) and blacksmithing craft, allowing to repair armor and weapons. The selection of the initial role is only affected by the starting conditions – in the future you can develop any of the 96 skills of any of the three roles: the warrior teaches magic without any problems, and the magician like nuts clicks the locks and shoots from the bow. Below is a complete list of skills.

Skill skills

All skills are divided into “passive” (after the name of the skill in the screen “skills” there is a word Passive) and “active” (nothing after the name is not worth it).

To select active skills, you need to click the “skill” button (the second right in the top row of the on-screen menu) and select the desired. By the end of the game there will be a lot. You can apply active skill by pressing the right mouse button.

Passive ability to apply not necessary: in fact they improve the characteristics of the player. If you learned to the skill of the sword (passive skill) – then you will simply fight better.

Each skill has 5 degrees of skill. Only a certain level of the hero can go to a new degree of skill.

For the use of spells, naturally, you need to spend manu. The required number of mana for many skills does not change with the growth of skills, and the power of the spell increases. For many others, the strength is also growing, and the price of the spell, and only for a few spells price decreases as craftsmanship mastering.

The following lists the skills on sections and subgroups, and it is indicated at what level of the hero is possible to move to the following degree and which bonuses are given. For example, the inscription “1, 7, 16, 23, 30 levels, and a strike is applied 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 poison” means that the fourth degree of this skill can be processed only if your hero’s level is not less than 23-go, at the same time he will beat poison with force 10.

If some numbers are repeated (for example, 10%, 20%, 20%), this is not an error, just at the third level this bonus does not increase, but for sure others are incremented.

The skills are grouped into 3 sections: the skills of the warrior, magician and tramp.

In each section, there are 4 subgroups, however, the fourth tramp subgroup (Divine) becomes available by no means immediately – only after the hero turns out of Marked one in Divine One, passing through the kingdom of death. In each subgroup of 8 skills – it means only 96.

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