Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 9, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare: passage
Wait for it! Issue 3. Song for a hare: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Scene 1. Make-up cat.

Under the chalm, Fakiir on the table is the key (click on the cap, then click on the key that appears in the Inventory, then clicking on the key in the Inventory, it becomes active and we can apply it to something or someone). Take it and open a cage with the mouse. The mouse runs away, and for her and Cote Fakir. Come to the cylinder from which the holy ears stick out. Click on them and pull out the toy. The wolf is drawn, and then click on the door (the backlight is a ridiculous silent tail) and we are already in another scene.

Scene 2. Behind the scene on which the hare sings the song stolen by the wolf.

On the firebird, we take a fire bucket and ax. A ax split the box in which the sand is. I draw a bucket twice in the box – and a slide of sand is formed by a height, sufficient so that the wolf can jump onto the scene. Click on this slide – and the scene is passed. Only wolf climbed the tail of the piano cap…

Scene 3. Tail in piano.

We take a gear in the bucket and put it on the mechanism hanging on the wall. Click on the gear, it activates the water supply mechanism – the jet is knocking down hippo. That falls… but not dead, and fainting. Wolves need to bring a firefighter to feel. Take a bucket, it is empty. Let the water (again click on the gear), weak water (with a bucket of an inventory on a jet), in the inventory there is already a bucket, full water. Turn off the water (click on the gear). We use a bucket for hippopotamus – and the firefighter comes to feel, frees his hose, and at the same time the tail of the wolf.

Scene 4. Before entering the museum.

We take a metal pillar from the fence (second right), apply it to the drop-down board. Pull out a shovel from the resulting slit, which we twice apply to a stone so that it becomes rolled from two sides. Then put the board on the stone and… fly out of this scene over the surveying rhino.

Scene 5. Gym.

Slightly move out to be visible to the springboard from the Swedish wall, which we put a little right under the horizontal bar (crossbar). We jump on the springboard, make the sun (until you get bored), and then click on the windowsill, where the wolf landed. When it goes through it to the end to the left, click on the trampoline. There wolf and fall, and the hare, naturally, will fly away.

Scene 6. In the fencing hall.

We take the sword, then tipping a basket that do not touch yet. Click on the top of a machine gun with a gas composition (more precisely, without it) and with the help of a wolf basket turns out to be upstairs. We use a sword on the knee of the pipeline from which two pieces fall. We jump on the floor, we select both pieces. Then we lay down the cover from the bottom of the machine and click on the basket. Armor automatically dress on a wolf, which is unhindered by the defender of small and weak.

Scene 7. Motorcycle.

Take the canister, then take the hose (sticks out of the yellow body to the left), unscrew the ring on the gas tank of the front passenger cars, insert the hose and click on it Canister – it appears in the Inventory. We refuel the motorcycle using canister on the gas tank. Now it is necessary to eliminate the problem with the match. Get out of the glove box of a motorcycle (in the saddle) a wrench that we unscrew from the wheels of the front passenger car, to which they approach, bolt. It is applied on a motorcycle – and ahead, behind the hare!

Scene 8. Crawler.

Take the key toolbox key (blank) and file. In Inventors, apply a freeze file on a blank and get a ready-made key from the cab. Click on the hook and get on the crane. Then apply the key to the keyhole and open the cabin. Hare caught on the hook!

Scene 9. Hook on hook.

Click on barrel – Wolf Pink throws her under the hook. Again click on it – the barrel becomes on the ass. Then click on a larger box, it gets in inquentor. We use it from the Inventory on the barrel – the box turns out to be on the barrel. Click on it and the box becomes on the ass. Then click on a smaller box, it also turns out to be in the inventory, from where it should be applied to a larger box. Put a smaller box similarly to the ass! Just click on the hare, the wolf is plugged into its structure and, of course, rustles, and the hare flies…

Scene 10. At the construction site under the supervision of hippopotamus.

We take a drink-hacksaw, hanging on the right of the Master (or Probala?) – Hippopotamus. We use it to a piece of reinforcement sticking out of the concrete slab on the left. This reinforcement is raised alternately all three cast iron baths. Raising the latter, the wolf will scatter under it past the hippos nose.

Scene 11. Winch.

Relieve the box, then brick, visible behind a bunch of sand. Turn on the plug into the outlet and the winch will rise up. Put the box on a bunch and climb on it. From here the wolf must go a brick in the winch control panel. After the second hit, the cord will weaken and the remote will fall to the ground. Click on the green button and wolf in the winch rises up. But the hare is no longer…

Scene 12. Trolleybus.

It turns out that you can not click on the door – the hare is not going anywhere from the trolleybus. We take out a board from the bench, then open the glove box under the motorcycle saddle – there are kragi and rope. It turns out that we are not needed, but we have a clickey on the rope, we still get them first, and then rope. We climb on the staircase and click the rope on the right bar of the current collector, and then on it, already naked, click the board and block. Everything! The hare is running away again, and the wolf catchies.

Scene 13. In telemon shop.

Click on the TV button standing on the left of the left staircase, the transmission image appears. Click two more times until the lever appears on the screen. Put the TV on the winch (click on its body). Next, you need to do a fairly fast two steps: first turn on the green button on the winch control panel, and then quickly click on the right stairs. The wolf will start climbing her, the hare on the cart will go to the left, but the lion shifts depicted on the screen has not yet managed to drop the TV. The hare runs away in horror…

Scene 14. Museum in the art hall.

Remove the rope from the fence, then remove the fabric from the wall with the inscription “on the restoration”. We use a rope from the inventory to the cornice of the right window, click on the hanging rope and find ourselves on the windowsill of the right window, the dirty glass of which we wipe the cloth from the Inventory. Apply a dirty rag to a wolf, which is hypsuned (or cemented) and the rhinoceros-keeper of the Karina hall refers under the mouse of the immovable wolf in another.

Scene 15. In front of the pool.

Come to the uluage of Neanderthal, touch his stone hammer. At the same time, naturally, we get them in the head, but now before that the hammer can reach and we get it in Inventors, from where we use it to a glass protective cap over the Greek vase, breaking it. We take the paddle from the statue of the crest and click on the vase, which turns out to be on the water. Again, click on the vase and sit down in it, and then apply paddle on the wolf and swim the pool.

Scene 16. Littered, Gada!

However, from this hall, the wolf has not yet gotten. It is necessary to go across! Taran Construct TA. First notice for the left statue of the worker, whom the wolf acted, whether the scarecrow, or for the mummy, the mentulation, which remove the metal chain in the middle of the room. Then the lying chain take and apply it from the Inventory to one of the hooks sticking on top. The chain forms two suspensions. Then I click on the statue of Venus, which moves to the left. Click on it again (twice so that the wolf can note that it has the proportions suitable). From the inventory, we use it between the sided rings and the statue of Venus becomes a ram. Click on it again and… It is a pity that the trigger process itself is not displayed, but the wolf is free.

Scene 17. Hare ears in boxes under Sofitami.

Click two or three times per boxes, a large of which finally turns the to the side where the round slot is visible, from which some kind of red rat crop…

Scene 18. Snow Maiden!

We take a broom in Inventory and remove the fur coat. Take kirzachi and apply them to a jar with red paint. Get red boots. We apply a broom on the wolf, he breaks it and gets a braid, and in the inventory a set of Snow Maiden, which is applied on the wolf. The elephant himself gives him a hat and the wolf turns out to be behind the scenes of the scene on which the bustling hare sings in front of the audience a wolf song…

Scene 19. Behind the scenes.

We select a cigarette pack and click on her wolf. Elephant throws him boxes of matches, the wolf litters immediately a bit of a third of the packs, the scenic fog and… Green, turns out to be on the street.

Scene 20. Need a lion car.

Shift a little left to see the dickery. When he leales on the hood, it is necessary to click in the middle of the rear of his car to excite the hammer from his trunk. Then you need to apply the hammer on the back of the body of a lion bar (from above somewhere above the gas tank) and – without delay, so that the lion does not break the wolf – click in the area of the rear wing at the level of the dimensions to hide. The lion will come out of the car, the wolf will pop up and – Adew!

Scene 21. On a children’s beach.

From the toys, take the mouse and then pull out a pig of an inflatable toy hare (click twice). Then I click on the mouse to the elephant (there is a stable opinion that the elephants are afraid of mice), which breaks down the trunk in the sand and begins to cry outwardly. We take his boat (click twice), we use a toy hare on a wolf, which inflates it and from the Inventory we use a boat on an inflounted hare, which floats, distracting the film from writing a clip with the participation of a live prototype.

Scene 22. On the shore with goose.

On the fishing rod not catching the hare. So it can not take it. First raise the mask for scuba diving. Then click (twice) by umbrella – and goose is neutralized. Remove flippers from him. It remains to click on the shovel, the handle of which, it turns out, the hollow and from the inventory apply it to the wolf. He breaks her, sinnets the stalk and gets a tube for breathing under water. In Investment automatically it turns out a set of underwater equipment that apply on a wolf.

Scene 23. On gear.

In the sequence of cars (truck and two tanks – blue and orange) waiting for the blue first, which has a valve on plum cloth. Click on it and learn that the tank is empty. More blue tank will not appear! However, the lambs from the valve turns out to be in the inventory, from where we apply it on the orange tank valve. Nadiva lambs on the valve, again click on it and open the crane – oil pours out. The wolf leaves the road, and approaching the truck, which appeared on an oil coating, cannot slow down and tall a port gate, which are free to penetrate the wolf – after all, the Bear Controller (the tire of the Truck wheel fell on his head) does not see anything…

Scene 24. At the gate between cargo and passenger ports.

Remove a piece of wire and move a little left, so that the image with a skull and lightning is visible on the shield stack, which warns about life-friendly voltage. We use a wire from an inventory in this image – so that the wire is one end on the gate, and the other in contact with the voltage source. Turn on the chopper – the whole design will be under the current. The electric car drives up, click on the red cabin and click on the green button of the lift control panel. The wolf rises and lashes into the passenger port area.

Scene 25. Landing on the ship.

While Captain Beaver talks with an elephant, we have a cortk stamps (click one or twice), which is applicable from the Inventory on the cargo (box), which will periodically rolling on the square. The wolf will open the box and safely falls on the ship.

Scene 26. In the hold.

In order for the staircase to fall, it is necessary to achieve the unexpected configuration of the levers – the two extremes should be raised, and the central so and remain lowered. In two stroke install it – and the wolf rises to the deck.

Scene 27. On deck.

We must be behind the captain. To do this, take the mop first, then click on a bucket with water, spilling it on the deck. Then click the mop from the inventory on the wolf and he begins to drag deck. Once next to the window of the radio, click on the leaflet next to the counter in the window (twice). Investing a leaflet of an urgent radiogram, we apply on the captain and safely fall into the captain’s logging, where the wolf finds out from the passenger accommodation magazine.

Scene 28. In Kayuta.

Click on the middle shelf of bedside tables, get the knife and fork. Then notice looking out of the blanket on the bottom bed. Corner of the sheet and click on it. In Inventors, we apply a knife for sheets and get a rag ladder-ladder. Apply from the Inventory fork to the wolf, which sneaks it. We apply in the Inventory Intruting the plug on the ladder and get there a ready-made design that we use a hare suitcase for which it engages. Click on it and the wolf climbs on the upper bed. Of course, he swears, and the frightened hare crashes out of the cabins on the nasal deck.

Scene 29. On nasal deck.

The task resembles the famous hit of office entertainment on the topic “Are pleased with his salary?”With an inevitable runaway negative answer. By itself, the hare is still. Cooking for him a trap. Click on the hare flown from pitching so many times until it turns out to be on the central deck board that fails. As soon as the hare will turn out to be on it, click on the opposite end of the board and… The hare flights through the wolf, and the wolf, who fell to the other end of the boards-springboard, flies later into the sea and says a sacramental phrase, departing from salt sea water and glancing on a hare, zadorly the wolting with a wolf deck “Bogatyr”…

ALL! Mission passed! Enjoy the Tutors “Congratulations on the victory!”In your honor, as well as the fact that the cunning hare once again managed to escape from the wolf, which in this game looks quite intelligent small…

Pavel Korolkov.
Bought for a son and passed 04.01.2004.

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