The Fall: Last Days of Gaia: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 18, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Fall: Last Days of Gaia: Passage
The Fall: Last Days of Gaia: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Part One: Ratskulla.
New Government: Speak with President Haynes.
Task: find the president of “new order” and get important information about the new government.
President you will find on the central square of the settlement just at the time of execution. After exploring the president, go to receive a passport. The map has already noted some important settlement objects. Click on the right object right-click, and your character (group) will automatically continue to the selected place. White pointers will allocate the desired character from the crowd.
Award: Important Information.

ATTENTION: Before the game in the pirated version of The Fall, be sure to install the patch from Derrflinger’a. Also Retranslation MOD will make the Fall more playable.

New Government: Get a passport.
Task: Get a passport in the office of Lucas.
You have two options for the formation of your character’s character. First – perform all settings manually, guided only by your knowledge. The second way, simpler (fast) – ask for help from Lucas. You will need to give only one answer so that the computer amounted to your character. My advice to you – should not rely on Lucas help, and it is better to approach the characteristics of your character with all seriousness. Throughout the game, most tasks can be resolved by conviction, threats or deception. Only your main character (you) can start a dialogue with the rest of the NPC, your parties do not have such a possibility. High eloquence (> 80) will solve many problems, charisma is recommended (> 14) not lower than 10. It is worth paying attention to the skills “heavy weapons” and “Light weapon”. The rest (basic) skills will be correct (profitable) to distribute between the rest of the parties.
Experience: 50 xp.

Hint: Save is the usual “zip” file. There is a file “ACT_MISSION”, it is text. Open it with the help of “worldpade”, find the name of your character and rule the main characteristics (power, dexterity, physique and t.D.). After that, back archive in Zip. I recommend the main characteristics not to exhibit> 20 (error occurs). Additional skills are better not to rewrite, but find the line “skill_points_left” (these are glasses skills). The main thing is not to overdo it, without distributing all the glasses, it is impossible from the skill menu. MORE 99TH SKYS INSTALL NOT OPEN.

New Government: to recruit mercenaries.
Task: go to the tent camp of the mercenaries and talk to the boss of Vistula.
The camp of mercenaries is northeast of the Lucas office. Sometimes some places on the map will be marked only after their visits (or (s) talk with responsible characters). In your team (including you yourself) at the same time, up to 6 fighters may be. You can dial your team here or replenish (dial) while traveling. It is reasonable to gain fighters with different characters (skills and talents). In my opinion, the most important skills in the game: Light weapons, heavy weapons, mechanics (repair and combination of objects), driving, theft, hacking, survival (water search, section of animal carcasses, pretend to be dead and t.D.), Eloquence and medicine. In The Fall a huge number of items (trophies), it is not necessary to select all of them, but if you are one of those who devastates the entire cards, then you will need all the characters. And do not forget that other fighters can join you while traveling.
Reward: Primary Weapon.

Training camp.
Developers could make a separate training module, but they were wiser, creating a training camp. All controls are easily viewed, remembered and configured in the game options, but our instructor will show all this in practice. Probably the main thing for you will be that your parties can leather through some obstacles (fences, walls). Okay, what to pull, remember the meanness of the old good RPG. After all, how I do not want to lose the ammunition given to you by the instructor. Before you go to a shooting line (for the iron door), throw all the ammunition obtained here on the Earth (it will not work out here), no, I’m not crazy, but after the briefing you will take everything back, leave something you don’t have everythingWhenever. When re-passed the briefing, the ammunition will not appear now (in the instructor).

The merchant can be found, focusing on the yellow label on the map, such labels are indicated by all merchants in the game. There is no money in the game! I did not talk about it yet? All transactions are carried out by the Classic Barter, T.E. The thing is estimated and exchanged on another thing according to their cost. That is why it is very unprofitable (troublesome) cleaned all the cards. Suppose you will collect all the ammunition, but it will not be exchanged for something and cannot be sold too. So it turns out that you will have to carry all these things on yourself or stored on Earth (stored objects in containers are not provided). I can only advise you to exchange cheapest things to more expensive, in such a way you can free the backpacks of the whole team and, most importantly, you do not lose anything.

The chest near his fitness with ease can be punished (there will be no triggers), of course, if you have a brand and your hacking skill is not less than 80. On this and on other locations it is difficult to hack anything, having a low hacking skill. In most cases, all containers (chests, boxes, safes, etc.) are equipped with traps, a meeting with which will not deliver pleasant sensations. Well, if you have the ability to notice traps and neutralize them. Of course, not even any safe can be discovered with a big hacking skill, so ensure your character with the talent “hacking the safe”. Even now, when your characters are not gifted by special talents and pumped skills, your thieves (I have lin) will not work to clean the pockets of the pair of dozens of residents. Your merchant is the most appetizing target, with a successful trying to steal the entire range of its goods, that’s just not good, and for what, if there is a lot of diverse game.

Tip: After catching around the village, you will find a lot of useful things, among which the Calico M900 rifle (range 33, weight 4.5), we can take from the presidential mansion. You can get into the mansion only on the reverse side of the yard, passing through the fence. If you do not have a brand, then there is no point. To buy a launder or find here is not possible. Another useful thing – leather armor (armor 4, weight 2.0). It can be found in the basket, near the Drying House, the eastern part of the settlement. All other items either are being conducted, or mined using kneaders.

New Government: Visit Father’s Tomb.
Task: Visit your father’s grave in the east.
The grave is located with the external east side of the settlement. Once on the spot, you will meet three vandals in camouflage that they need and what they did – unknown. I feel your passion for violence, but keep your dust. These guys kill in no way can not.
Experience: 50 xp.

New Government: Talk to David.
Task: Touch with David, former member of Ratskullov’s gang.
Go on the road to the north, and soon find the house of David or what will remain from him after the explosion. There you are lucky to watch the following scene ..
Experience: 150 XP.

New – Safford: Ratskulla.
Task: save the life of David.
David is a former member of the gang of scumbags Ratskullov, which is how they call themselves. The man dressed in old age years, stopped robbery, tied up with drinking and narcot, even, probably, threw drinking and smoking, because he needs to raise a diet. But, as it happens, Mafia does not forgive treason and let’s terrorize the poor dad. Now you need either save your informant, or to allow his death. In both cases, you will receive all the information, and the course of events will not change too much.
A) in the case of rescue David, he will ask you to protect the village in the east and save his daughter Sarah from the same Ratskullov. After completing both tasks, David will indicate the place of the laboratory for the manufacture of drugs. The location of the weapon warehouse you will learn after the liberation of Sarah, inspected the corpses of populars.
B) if David could not be saved, it is possible to get a task to protect the village in Ben – the head of the settlement, he will ask you to find Sarah. The coordinates of the laboratory will tell you Ben, the coordinates of the warehouse you will learn after the release of Sarah.

Tip: Rising to the eastern part of the bridge, you will find a pharmaceutical unit + 10.

New Safford: newspaper headlines.
Task: Find 5 stories for the newspaper.
In the north of the bridge you will find the road leading to the West. If you look at the mini card, then there you will see the building, here you need. Journalist will ask to find 5 stories for him (headlines) for his future newspaper. In exchange for your works, he will tell about an abandoned factory far in the northeast (in the corner of the map). The first story will appear when talking with a journalist, you will receive a second story, defending New Safford, a third story will search Wolf Cook, the fourth history is the secret components of rat meat, and the last one, the fifth history is associated with the time machine. Every story can be obtained by performing a pre-task (see. below). As soon as you collect all the stories, your diary will again be updated.
Experience: 150 XP.

New – Safford: Save New Safford.
Task: Protect the village from Ratskullov attack.
Find Ben and inform him about Ratskullah. Now something asking about Sarah does not make any sense, especially since David asked not to mention his name. Within a few minutes the whole village will be evacuated. To facilitate the task, you can ask for the son of Ben explosive “C4”, which, without any complications, you can undermine the Polbands Ratskulles. To do this, install a bomb next to the hanging bandit and go out to the entire group at home, but so to keep an overview of the territory near the tree. Now learn quietly and do not move, and as soon as 5-6 gangsters will gather near the tree – boldly blast. The rest can be found on the outside of the village. Now Ben and his comrades will safely return to the village, talk to him even time – and now you can go in search of Sarah. You found the second story.
Experience: 200 XP.

New – Safford: Sarah in danger.
Task: David’s daughter disappeared, it is necessary to find it and take a safe place.
Sarah hold the remnants of Ratskulles in the lower right corner of the map. A small camp guard two gangsters. After the shootout, do not forget to examine the corpses of the dead, you will find a note indicating the location of the rutskull weapon warehouse. Sarah is not necessarily accompanying, she will safely get to the village of New Safford. Now talk to David, he will tell you about the laboratory. And do not forget to visit Ben.
Experience: 150 XP.

Tip: Camp will not be available before receiving a job.

New – Safford: Fucking Wolf.
Task: Find for the boy Bobby of his hand wolf.
Boy is easy to find in New Safford, he cries very loudly!! The whole tragedy of the child … I ran away by a manual wolf. Wolf you will find in the east of the settlement, near the herd of Brahmins. This place is impossible to miss, it is even visible on the map. But, of course, not everything is so simple, the wolf is there, but how to return it back?! To solve this problem you will need a piece of raw meat. Meat you will find in the cone, use meat to the wolf, and he will run for you. The wolf will appear in the right place only directly during the attack of Ratskulles (that is, from one conversation with Ben to another conversation). Now talk to the kid, and another story you are ready.
Experience: 70 XP.

New – Safford: The Secret Components of Rat Meat.
Task: Meat trader asks to destroy evil wolves in the gorge in the East.
Meat trader is at the very top of the card, there you will find a small settlement. Go along the road, and on the left side you will see the counter. Talk to the merchant, and he will tell you about his misfortune. Vile wolves blocked the canyon east of the settlement. Wander there a bit, and (suddenly) a video will appear, which will report the right place to find the place. Go deep into the canyon, soon you will have a flock of wolves. Get rid of wolves and with good news come back to the merchant, he will give you a couple of rats in gratitude. The number of rats depends on your ability “eloquence”. You found the fourth history.
Experience: 80 xp.

Tip: Fry meat only with a spit, To do this drag the meat to the fire. Cooking meat Also in the presence of frying pan and talent “Cook”. All this makes sense at a burning fire.

New Safford: Time Machine.
Task: Tiberius asks to find an energy mixer that is a source of energy conversion required for its time.
Task can be obtained in the same village. The customer is easy to find, this patient on the head fanatic, who decided to prevent a catastrophe, is always unrelated from his wonder cars. Watched the film “Back to the Future”? Here on a similar device he plans to make moving in the past. The detail itself, which he asks you to find, can be reached by the strange guy Marty near the printing house. He sit there near and meditates. This is unique – the first person, albeit schizophrenic who decided to do something for just so. Now come back to the constructor and watch the incredible time in time. Before his death, he in gratitude for the work that you did will supply you to all sorts of different trash. You found the fifth story, it’s time to go to the journalist.
Experience: 100 XP.

Tip: On the outskirts of the village, from water tower to find Barack, the former building painted in red. In the last room, you will find a safe, and in it AK74 (range 36, weight 4.3).

New – Safford: Fredo.
Task: Clean the village from Vygrzeg.
You need to visit the former village of Fredo with the aim of liberating him from seekers. The number of seekers does not reach even ten. In one of the houses (on a glass table) you will find Sig SG-552 (range 32, weight 3.2). After you destroy all the marauders, your diary will be updated, the Fredo report this is not necessary. In the north of the village there is an old man Viggler, from him you will learn about the camp monks desert.
Experience: 100 XP.

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