Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and Guide
August 29, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Passage
Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and Guide
As it has already been known, Minecraft: Story Mode from TellTale Games will consist of five episodes. In turn, each episode consists of six chapters. Below you can get acquainted with the passage of the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode called “Order of Stone”.

As in all Games TELLTALE GAMES, you yourself choose certain actions, as well as replicas in dialogues. And if most of them do not affect the plot, some of your decisions may be important.

Chapter 1. Competition “Enderkon”

List of first chapters:

– Collect items located in the room.
– Select from the house through the hatch.
– Perform a sequence of QTE actions with keystrokes Q, E, W, S, A, D.
– interact with Bench No. 5.
– Perform the sequence of QTE actions during the construction of the exhibit.
– Move through the forest until you find a dark cave.
– Enter the cave inside and leave it on the other side.
– Find rubles hiding in the bushes nearby.
– Use your wooden sword to fight with zombies mutants.

After the introductory video, collect all items in the room: Wooden Sword, Flint and Steel, Scissors. Wooden sword will automatically turn out to be in your inventory. As for scissors, they are hidden inside the chest standing in the background, under the window. In the chest at the wall on the left lie flock and steel (chairs). Next, select from the room using the hatch. When you find yourself on the street, go ahead with Olivia and Axel. At one point you will need to choose actions. Complete an episode from QTE actions while Jesse collects materials. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and GuideMain characters of the game (from left to right): Lucas, Jessie, Olivia, Axel and Peter.
After you regroup, let’s talk with the members of another team. Select the name of the command and go to the exhibition. Come to the stand number 5 and start communication with friends. After a while you will get acquainted with Petro and Lucas. Run QTE sequence to complete the construction.

Soon Aiden, a member of the enemy team will push the block, because of what the lava flows and Ruben will light up. Your team will try to protect the building. Decide how to act further: in the group or alone to look for rubles. Once in the forest, go through three sections before you can find the cave. In the first you can find carrots. Before the cave you will see smoke. Inspect the burnt part of the costume, but rubles will not be here.

Enter the cave inside, inspect the dark hole on the left and go to the far end. Cave small and soon you will find yourself outside. In the next location, inspect one of the bushes to find Ruben in it. Zombies and other opponents will appear. Fight against them using a wooden sword. Attack the left mouse button, and use other keys to move forward and select the goal of the right or left. The sword will break and a huge spider will appear.

Begga! I distract them!

If you choose this option of dialogue, Ruben will run away. But it’s not worth afraid! Ruben will return to you in the third chapter when you find yourself in the store of the butcher.

Hold on next! I will not give you offense.

Choosing this replica will force Ruben to stay near you in this and subsequent chapters, but a bruise will appear under the eye. When you find yourself in the butcher’s store in the third chapter, Ruben will disappear. The same situation will repeat as in the case of the previous choice.Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and GuideDangerous spider, one of the most common monsters.
We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU. Decide what to do with Ruben, then watch how Peter will save heroes.

Chapter 2. Acquaintance with Petro

List of goals of the second chapter:

– Make a stone sword.
– fight with enemies on the bridge or jump from it.

This chapter is very short. You, together with Pra eta, must go to the cave. Choose several replicas that do not affect the development of events. Here you will learn that you need to build a stone sword. Discover the chest to get all the parts you need for craft. Before you field 3 on 3. You must place two stone blocks in the squares of the middle row, namely the upper and central. In the lower square of the middle row, place a wooden stick.

Go to the bridge to meet with opponents on both sides. It is time to make a decision: either you stay on the bridge and fight with enemies, or you jump off the bridge. In any case, ultimately, the main character will still jump off this bridge down.

Chapter 3. Awakening of the dryer

List of third chapters:

– Meet the merchant in the terrible, Dark Lane.
– Talk to different people while moving through Ederkon.
– Empt Ruben from the hands of the butcher.
– Talk to the controller.
– Talk to the lady selling mucus to get eight mucus cores.
– Talk to Lucas to get the ninth mucus core.
– make a block of mucus from nine cores.
– Spice the glass and free the chickens.
– Pull the lever in the library.
– Do uncomplicated QTE actions to escape from Iron Golem.
– Decide: help Lukas or talk to Gabriel.
– leave Endercon and head to the temple.
– Open the portal.
– Choose whom to save – Peter or Gabriel.
– Enter the portal.

Together with Petro and friends, talk about everything. After that, follow in the dark and terrible alley along with Petro. Expect a merchant. Talk to a mysterious person while waiting for Peter’s return. Soon there should be Peter. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and GuideMinecraft Introductory Tits: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order.
Now you can stroll through the exhibition in different directions. Examine various stands and interact with people. You can chat with the controller, Lucas and a number of other persons. Talk to Axel, then – with Aiden. Finally, go to the silhouette of that very stranger standing back. Unfortunately, it’s not him. Here you must hear screech scrus. Come to the butcher shop (man with black mustache) and talk to him. Do everything to return Ruben back, threatening the butcher with a sword. Follow below.

After you talk to Olivia, you will see Aivor, who goes into the hall. In order to pass by the controller, you must free the chickens on the left side. Go to the back of the screen, where the guy jumps on a green mucus block. Take a look at this picture, then go to the stand with a mucus, where the girl you confused with Ivor. Talk to her to get eight pieces of mucus. Next, talk about everything with Lucas, which will give you a ninth piece of mucus. To find it, move to the forefront of the screen – the guy will be on the right side. From all this to build a block of mucus (place all nine nuclei of nine squares) and use it in order to smash the glass. This action will allow you to scare up the controller and get into the hall. In the jump, it will be necessary to click first on the mucus block, and then – on the glass block, followed by chickens.

Oven arouse in the hall and follow the IVOR to the library. Go deep into the screen, talk to Prew. Go left to see the intricate potion on the stand. Inspect him, Axel will take a flask. In her place he will put another bank. But you will see a lever. Pull the lever to detect the hidden area. Behind the wall is the sand of the soul and chest. Look inside the chest to detect the skull. When you hear the sound, then hide behind the chest on the right.

Ayvor eventually caught you and create an iron golem. In the main hall, your team will decide to save Gabriel, but you can refuse and independently go to the help of Lucas. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.

I myself will go behind Lucas.

Choosing this option implies return to the library where you can find Lucas, which hides in a treasure chest. Take the golem. To do this, raise and turn the head right. Take the flank standing nearby and throw it into the shelves in the far wall. Now Lucas will follow with you. Return to the top to see how Aivor comes to Gabriel.

Let’s go to Gabriel together.

The adoption of such a decision will allow you to go through the crowd to talk to Gabriel. After several short phrases, Aivor will appear. Lucas will return immediately as soon as you find yourself outside.If you went to Lucas or have taken another solution, Ivor will still appear. Ivor will use the potion and nothing can stop it. Go for Gabriel, who leads you to getting out of the hall, where you will be safe. Perform the QTE-action sequence. Click forward on the debris by holding the w key. Save Peter.

Continue to run to the temple, moving on the side from the purple rays, in parallel by pressing the keys pop-up on the screen (buttons). After you get to the temple, open the portal (turning on the light) and be prepared to jump inside.

Save Gabriel.

If you select this option, then Gabriel will fall to the ground. Then Peter cries your name. You can then try to save Peter, but everything will be in vain.

Save Peter.

If you choose this option, Peter will fall to the ground, and you will soon find yourself in the portal.Take the decision and log in to the portal. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.

Chapter 4. Lower world

List of fourth chapters:

– jump into the trolley.
– Perform the QTE-action sequence by moving on the trolley.

So the path back is not. Soon, Aivor will appear, but it almost immediately disappears. Job with some characters, and then start to run away when you see a ghost. Jump into the trolley in the mine and start going down the rails. In the next part you are expected of a segment with QTE actions. Gang away when it will need. Save Ruben. Then attack the sword flying in you fireballs. Fight with enemies, click on the specified keys (buttons). Ultimately, you reach another portal and reunite with the rest of the command. Go through the portal or let the first one will do Axel.

Chapter 5. Tree house

List of fifth chapter purposes:

– destroy the zombie mutant outside the portal.
– Take decision: build a hut or a tree house.
– Take decision: give Lucas biscuits or not.
– Decide: Let Lucasa stay or tell him so that he goes.
– Climb through the vine.

After you choose from the portal, deal with zombies. Next Take the decision – to build a hut or a house on a tree to spend the night in the camp. After everything is built, be prepared to talk a little more with heroes. Axel will pull four cookies and deliberately will not give him Lucas. Solving you: Do you give your biscuit Lucas or do not share with it. Next, the situation is somewhat increasing. There will begin confrontation between Axel and Lucas. You can take the side of the axel or protect Lucas. This is the key decision of this chapter. Choose how to do: Stop Lucas or agree that he should leave. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.

Perhaps it is best.

The choice of this option will lead to the fact that Lucas will leave. It is not yet known what will happen on.

You stay with us.

Taking this decision will allow you to save Lucas in the team. Lucas will stay with you throughout the remainder of the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode.After the confrontation is completed, everyone will fall. In the morning the heroes will go further. Soon, Jesse climbs on the vine. With it, you can get to the temple. Go inside the building to start the sixth and last chapter of the first episode.

Chapter 6. Temple of the Order of Stone

List of goals in the sixth chapter:

– Create onions, and then – the arrow.
– Read the book in the library.
– Place the amulet on the pedestal.
– interact with switches to light all ten color blocks (five on both sides of the card).
– Take the decision: Go to the search for Magnus or Elf,.

Now you are inside the temple. Find uncomplicated QTE steps. Pay attention to the flying arrows and switch on the other side of the room. Create a bow. On the right below there is a button with recipes. By clicking on it, you can learn how to build onions. Just in case, here is the right recipe: the right column is three threads, the left column is the second top down the cell – a stick, the middle column of the upper and lower cells – two more sticks.Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: The Order of the Stone: Game Walkthrough and GuideHow to construct LUK.
To create an arrORE, you will need to install flint on the upper square of the middle column, stick on the central square of the entire region 3×3, and the pen on the lower square of the middle column. Use the arrow to get into the switch on the other side of the room and stop the action of the trap. We continue to pass Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU.

Go to the familiar library and read the book to find that in fact Aivor was the fifth member of the legendary heroes. The book lies on the shelf that in the foreground of the screen. Go to Lucas and go down the screen to discover her. Climb up to find the destroyed part of the temple.

Inspect the pedestal in the center. Place the amulet in the hole on it, and then move to the back of the temple to find five switches. Interact with switches in the following order: first, third and fifth. It is in such a sequence! If you changed it, you have to do a little. You have to do so that all 10 color blocks on the sides of the card tanned. This will allow you to activate the light, which will indicate the location of the two other heroes. Listen to the characters’ dialogs, and then get ready for the adoption of another big solution, finalizing the first episode.

Choose Magnus. This solution determines the search for whom you will go to the next episode. It also means that you will continue the journey with Axel, while leaving Olivia with Lucas.

Choose elfness. This solution determines the search for whom you will go to the next episode. It also means that you will continue the journey with Olivia, while leaving Axel with Lucas.On this passage Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 1: Stone Order on StopGame.RU completed.

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