Dungeon Siege 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 30, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dungeon Siege 3: Passage
Dungeon Siege 3: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Small guide before playing

Management in the game occurs with the keyboard, or with the mouse, by clamping the left button. First the management seems inconvenient, given the fact that the camera is curved, but in time you can get used to.
There are almost no branched corridors in the game and extensive freedom of action, so it is impossible to get lost. Moreover, by holding the R key (by default), you can call the “Golden Thread”, which will indicate us the road.
Side quests are a bit and even those that are, are performed along the implementation of the main.

Things and weapons in the game for strength and power are divided into 4 colors:
White is the simplest and standard thing;
Green – things with improved characteristics;
Blue – things with very good characteristics, sometimes just unique;
Orange – unique things that can be bought for a round sum or raise from killed bosses.

In total, in the game you can wear two types of weapons, which depends on the character. So, for example, the bows can wear a two-handed sword and a one-handed sword with a shield.

In the previous parts, you could choose several companions and create a whole detachment. In this part, you can choose only one companion, but it can be changed. By the end of the game there will be three companions. You can change them at any peaceful time, that is, when there is no battle.

Often in the game we have to make decisions that will only affect the ultimate screensaver.

I turn to passage.

To begin with, choosing a character for which we will play. A total of 4 heroes:
Lucas Montbarron – Son of Head of Legion. The guy perfectly drawn with a sword, including two-handed.
Angali – half a man half a fiery elemental. Equally well refers to both cold weapons and with fiery magic.
Reinhart Manks – an old man who has “secret magic”. Playing for this character, get ready to mow the rows of enemies by spells.
Katharina – girl, to teeth armed with pistols and guns.

Next, choose the level of complexity of the game, after which we look at the screensaver in which our character comes from a certain ODO. In this letter, he asks us to come to the immigration of Montabarrons. There will be a meeting of all legionnaires in the estate.

Personally, I played for Katharina.


We start the game in the Dark Forest. Meet the management and successful to Montbarron estate. The estate buys a bright flame, three corpses are lying in the yard. We get a task – “Find survivors”! We run into the house, the door explodes ahead. Before running into the corridor, we read the letter and page from the diary, which are lying on the floor.

Go next. Next to the bookcases we find a rack with a weapon, select it. We run to the stairs, blast the barrels that interfere with. To the left of the ladder lies a letter and stands the chest in which some kind of useful thing awaits us. Run forward, kill the first two enemies. These are simple robbers, Skonci Army soldiers. On the right there is a chest in which weapons are. Go down even lower. Killing several enemies, then the door will open, followed by one of the survivors – Martin. Before approaching it, we look at the room, smash all the barrels, because they can be gold, open the chest. After watching, approach Martin. He is one of the legionnaires and friend of ODO. I ask him that she caught, then with him we run away from the estate. On the way, we divide the barrels, open the chest. We are successful to the bridge, we set on three barrels with explosives and watch the screensaver.


The first point of our journey becomes hands-butterwall.

We conduct a dialogue with martin, then start the game. First of all, pay attention to a huge pillar of light. At this point you can save the game. From the save point run right. On the way you search for the remains, we are successful to the military camp. In the camp we find an announcement that 500 gold gives a legionnaire. Search boxes and pass through the gate. Sitting a couple of steps, we turn out to be near the bridge leading to the shelter. But before crossing them, visit the second camp, which is located to the left of the bridge. There we kill a couple of enemies and throw the chests. After that, calmly go to the bridge and cross it.

On the other side we will spend a handful of robbers led by some Bogdan. Bogdan is our first boss. Killing Bogdan and his minions, run in the shelter, where ODO is already waiting for us. From his story we learn that almost all legionnaires are dead, allegedly except Lucas and Angela. We leave Martin to the shelter and go to search for the remaining legionnaires. To begin with, look into the small village of Raven’s Rill. But before we do it, carefully inspect the refuge. Look in all rooms, go down to the lower floors, where there are full spiders, there are closed doors, open which we are not yet able to.

We leave asylum on the road pilgrims. The road will be full of enemies, but in the end will lead us to the village of Raven’s Rill. Before the gates of the village we will meet a local resident and report that the village is occupied, but still miss us.

The village is a peaceful place, that is, it is impossible to shoot and kill civilians. In the village you can preserve and dial several side quests. The first such quest we get from an elderly woman who killed her husband. Woman craves revenge, well, let’s help her. Need to kill some Boris, with a bandage on the face, then bring a bandage to a woman as evidence. Taking the quest, go on the way further. After a few meters, we are stopped by a man whom we supposedly had to learn. But, alas, we do not remember him. However, a man persistently advises to visit his sister, which is in the cave in the west of the village. According to him, the sister can answer some of our questions. The conversation will not last long because the man will run away, having been afraid that we can get caught.

Next to us now there is a trading trolley. Here you can buy and sell found things. Potting, cross the bridge, take the quest by the fisherman (you need to go east, throw a hook received from the fisherman and kill a creature that interferes to catch fish). We persist and leave the village in West Forest (Western Forest).

In the first fork, turn right, go to the cave. There are meeting sister, which will give the key from the dungeon in which the prisoners hold. These prisoners – surviving after a fire in the estate. So, talking, running left, killing heaps of enemies. There are point of preservation ahead, there are stands with weapons and chests. The road is winding, but it’s hard to get lost. Somewhere in the middle of the way will meet the boss – the next leader of the robbers named Barbat. Then, after a couple of steps, we stumble upon a strong witch guarding prisoners, named Vera. It will have to fight with her. In battle, she will help several robbers and three wits are weaken. Be careful at the very beginning of the battle, because the enemies can hold and kill, you will not have time to blink.

After faith is defeated, run up to cells and release prisoners. What prisoner will sit in the right cage depends on what character you play. In my cage sat Endzhel. After that prisoner is free, it will become our companion.

Just to escape from the cave, we will not be able, because we will meet Leon (the same sister, who gave us the key) and asked to clean the place called Gunderic Manor. According to her, this place must be cleaned from the Haling of the enemies living there. Leon himself does not want to do it, well, but we better agree with this task. Not far from Leona meets her brother Alexey. We ask him a couple of questions and choose from the cave. In the first fork, turn right and get to a huge old crypt. This is a Gunderic Manor – the estate of the couple ganderik. Inside us they celebrate the heater and emptiness. But emptiness is only our temporary illusion, in fact, the ghosts live in this house with whom we will meet a little later. In the meantime, we consider the picture in the lobby, we rise to the second floor and turn to the corridor to the left. There I heard a voice that opens the door to the bedroom, go there. We meet the ghost girl – it is Alice Gandertik, the daughter of the owner of the owner. She will ask for help. It is sharpened in the house and can not leave its limits. In order to free it, we must get into some kind of storage, the key of which in the father’s office. We run out of the bedroom, kill the enemies that ran out of other rooms. Watch into another corridor on the second floor, there are three rooms here – one of them under password. We obscure two rooms, come to the speaker door of the third room. We are trying to guess the password several times until the door is laughing and does not let us inside. We take a letter from the table, read the diary on the other table. Go down to the first floor.

Go to the door that before that were locked. We go through the corridors up to the library. In the library we find locked iron doors. Next to the door weighs the lever, pull it, but do not open the doors. Our task is to find a kind of heart. After we fight for the lever, the door will explode to the left of us. Kill enemies, premhead right up to a circle, in which several magicians cause a demon. Sewing the ritual of the call of the demon, we are participants in the slaughter. Demon call Mire Hulk Horror. Killing him and his minions. In the Battle Hall, we find the corpse, search for it and find the heart you need. Bring it to the lever and open the door. We step forward, get to the hall, where we face to face with Lord Ganderik. To free his daughter, you need to kill him and pick up a magic ring. It is worth saying that the Lord is a very dangerous boss. He calls skeletons, can accelerate and beat magic. Having understood with him, we leave the hall and meet Leon. During the conversation with her we know that she … Our sister! After talking we can stay in the mansion, and we can be on the street. In any case, we need to visit another room that is to be left of the one in which we killed Lord. In this room there is an ancient artifact Heart of Nagog. It is this artifact that holds the daughter of Lord in the mansion. We destroy artifact.

Everything, with a mansion finished. Return to the village, we find Anton. He will ask us to do something, and we, it turns out, it has already done, we get a reward. Ask Anton about Lazar, Anton will advise to contact Gregory. We find this old man in the village and ask him a few questions. We leave from the village (at the exit we will meet Tatiana woman and asked to find her husband who went east from the village) and go to the asylum. On the way we find the corpse lying near the water. Here in this place is hiding a creature that interferes with fishing. Throw the hook and kill the monster. As a proof, we bring Jacob (so call the fisherman) Tooth Warri. Quest performed.
We go to the shelter, we speak with ODO, we get the key from it. This key opens the door to the refuge dungeon (yes, the one that we could not open). But do not hurry to open this door. Run out of asylum and go to the left. There are meeting a merchant who will ask him to free his cart with a commodity from robbers. We are successful to carts, kill all the river. After that, in this cart, you can buy something. If you go further on the road, you can stumble upon Boris (it is necessary to kill it, since we have such a quest) and on a closed crypt. Killing Boris, go back to the village and give the widow the bandage Boris. We return to the shelter, go down to the basement and cut the doors. Let’s get to East Forest (East Forest).

First of all raise the letter from the corpse. Having read it, we learn that the corpse is the thief who tried to find a room in which information is stored about all members of the Legion. Unfortunately, this is a secret room and to find it, you need to find three books in which three great kinds say. These books are scattered throughout the Eastern Forest. One in the cave in which, by the way, you can perform another quest – find Tatiana’s husband. The husband is already in the web, and behind his back sits a huge white spider. Killing a spider, unleash your husband, we get a reward. What the book swings, then it is pretty just found in the cave. The second book in the forest and protects her forest demon. Third – near the entrance to Mournweald (Dark Forest, in which we need to find the ring Grand Master of Legion). Having collected all three books, go to the forest.

We go along the path straight, minimize nowhere. At the end of the way, the corpse of the father of the main character awaits us. Search the corpse and find a ring. We are trying to leave, but we are stopped by a fire boy named The Radiant Youth. He will ask us to never go back here, tell you how to open the gate we need, and will send to the East Forest.

We return to the shelter, we find a secret room (we look at the mini-card, the room is designated on it) and speak with ODO. After the conversation, we go to the magic gate (in a room with a weapon seller) and open them. Let’s get in RukkenVahl Causway. This is a kind of transition world, with the help of which in the real world you can move from one point to another. By running on the other side and going through the other gate, we find ourselves in the Gunderic Mausoleum. We clean the mausoleum from enemies and search for treasure. We leave from the mausoleum and get to Raven’s Rill Graveyard.

Actually, we get on the cemetery. Running a little ahead, we meet the sorceress of the dawn, naturally kill her! Run a little more and get into the Upper Raven’s Rill, where we, by the way, and sought. At the entrance to the city we will meet a detachment of river with a weak leader. By the way, to say, before we enter the church, we will meet two more leaders. And in the church itself, the Super Boss is waiting for us – Rajani. This is a warrior girl and a magician. Very dangerous opponent. Shoots blue arrows, creates portals that take away life, causes rapid series of blows. The battle is held in two stages, that is, you need to kill it twice. For the first time she just runs and shoots in us, and in the second – creates a whole bunch of portals, shoots a huge number of arrows. Her shots are surprisingly accurate and take a bunch of hilok.

After Rudjani is stunned by the second time (yes, to kill so far we could not), we go to the dungeon and liberate Lazarus – Boyarina, the head of the village. Together with Lazar, we run to the exit, where Rudjani and Martin are already waiting for us. In the course of the conversation, we will be offered or kill Rajani, or to free her. This is your choice. After it is done, we will find yourself in the shelter. We talk with O. He will give us a task – get to the second refuge in Stonebridge.

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