Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 31, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Passage
Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Prison Island, Shanghai, 1899

Amanda receives a letter from Jack, which says that he stuck in Shanghai prison. A certain object becomes incentive for his liberation, the hunt for which Amanda leads. We enter into battle with the opponents and, being behind the shelter, we get weapons from the inventory and shoot in the upper barrel. Then we shoot in the drawing box with pyrotechnics. Heavders the enemy by surprise, we get closer, clicking for the following shelter. Prowing the barrel on the right side, we are moving to the left and shoot in the spilled alcohol. We produce a shot on the cannon core on the right side. Next, hiding behind the mast and, not bag, run to the gangster. Pulling out weapons, aims in the wick (fuse) guns on the right side and shoot.


Shaman Jack about Treasures Yukumba – Eye of Fate. Did not have time to tell about them in detail, the shaman dies. Come to the door on the left side and learn about the Boy in which we will take part. To this not happen, you need to urgently get out of imprisonment. We study the newspaper lying in the corner from the left side. We select the dirty packet cover, and from the bed we take the pillow and apply a magnifying glass on it. The resulting pillowcase dip in dishes with water to the left of the window. Clean the packet cover wet pillowcase. We look into the window and notice British ships at the harbor. Among themselves they communicate with the help of ABC Morse. Use the pure packet cover on the window, after which we speak with the guards through the door. Choose the last answer. Return to the window and again we use the cover on it. Answer questions:

– An Englishman in Distress
– Unable to TranSmit My British Accent in Morse Code
– London
– Rugby
– Why Are You Wearing Lingerie?
– The British Only Have: SMALL GUNS
– You Do Not Have the Guns To Fire

The cannon kernel flew straight to our chamber. We go outside and run on the left side, jumping over the obstacles by pressing the space. Get to the window and pass inside. We go to the right, climb upstairs. We meet a stranger and after communicating with him, proceed to the fight. No matter what replica we have chosen at the bottom of the screen, the enemy will still be top. We finish the conversation and watch the visitors of our chamber.Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and GuideVictory in battle gets easy and easy, the main thing in time to choose the right card at the bottom of the screen.
Moving to the right, speak with all the concluded in a row. Then on the fork we go upstairs and communicate with prisoners in the chamber on the right side. He will find out the password – Sixty Chinese Silver Coins. We return to the previous prisoner and inform him the password according to. The prisoner plans to escape, by undermining the door of the camera. To do this, he is required and wick. On the fork we go upstairs and choose out through the window. Sit down to the right, pick Curved Bone from the cornice. We pass to the end right and communicate with prisoners through the window. Returning to the corridor, we go to the left at the lower level. We inspect the guard’s booth and find the amulet that we dropped during the battle. We use curved bone from inventory and practice Lighter. We go ahead and take the lamp above the door on the left side. Apply a magnifying glass on it, then connect in inventory Petroleum and Lighter. We rise to the top and give the prisoner two subjects.

An explosion occurred, so we pass around the corner, we are selected from the window and through a barred wall, penetrate the prisoner’s chamber. From the wreckage removing the board and communicate with prisoners. Selling from the chamber, pass inside. On the door of the right side we use objects from inventory. Go down to the lower level. We go down the corridor, turn right and speak with the guards on the right side. When he runs out, get the green book from under the chair. We go to the prisoner who undermined the wall, and give him a book. We study protection and attack. We use continued skills on the guard at the lower level. Winning, take the key.

Unscrew the door of the booth using the key, come to the table and activate the radio. Choosing any answer options. Once at the arena, entering the fight with a more experienced fighter and … losing, regardless of which cards we chose. We climb on the platform on the left side and through the lattice we communicate with eager blood by the audience. We answer them the last replica. From Paul Arena We select Loudspeaker and climb on the platform on the right side. In the dialogue with prisoners on the left side, we constantly choose the last answer option. Prisonered on the right to give an object from inventory. Communicating with him, return to the left platform. In a conversation with the audience I answer the second replica. From Paul Arena We select Shoe (12 Size). We climb on the platform on the right side and transfer the subject found. We study new techniques, go down and again trying to fight the opponent. This time to choose the cards you need to take seriously. In the first round, click on the map “Scorpion’s Sting”, in the second – on the “Steppe Rarer” card.

Once in the depths of Jack’s subconscious, we are moving along the shore to the right to the door and click on it. Appeared in the inventory we throw in water. After talking with the creature, go down and open the chest. Remove the contents and take the chest itself. Also taking the subject, absorbed all the water. Along the stone trail, we move to the volcano in the center. Throw a sponge in Lava, go down and at Heavy Fog use a chest from inventory. Let’s talk with Shaman, choosing any replica.

Climb upstairs, go to the subject. Apply a chest on it, then we will wait for the jumping boot and use pearls from the inventory. We collect huge items, come back to the creature and apply Blaring Loudspeaker on it from inventory. Now we can go beyond his back and move to the other side. At the crossroads turn to the right and install the boot on the protruding platform. We move on the other side and jump down.Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and GuideSponge, Chinese Yuan and Guard Uniform.
Amanda arrived in prison and immediately dismissed guards hosting shower. We collect things left by them, we also go to the right and pick Clean, Dry Town from the shelves. Cut the guards and when they leave, slam the door. We go to the left and next to the skeleton we take Rag Mop. I block the door, we return to the shower and key from the inventory unpiring the door on the left side. Rising upstairs, we go to the archive and communicate with its owner. Having finished, from the table to the right left, we collect items: chinese pomade, Matchbox and Stamp Pad. Speak again with an old man and offer him a drink. First apply Towel on the cup, and then uniform. Leaving the archive, we move right and shoot on the door. Combine in Inventory Sponge and Pomade. With the stand on the left side we take Club. We connect it with Sponge, and then with Matchbox. We pass through the open door and wrapping the corner, use the torch and go upstairs. The next door spread the wet towel, a uniform and shoot on them from weapons.


We go with the pier and on the shore we meet the chief. Sharing with him money, go further to the building with turquoise gates. Left will hang ads, taking one of the leaflets. Speaking with strikers, then unfold and return to the ports of the port. In a conversation with him, we always choose the first answer. Having received sachams, speak again with strikers. Having learned new techniques, repeated with the port of the port. For the first time, choose the “Jungle King” map, the second time – “Ape Tamer Hold”. Winning, go left a little further pier and click on Crane Controls. Dragging for the extreme right lever, then for the extreme left. We go further left and climb up the top. Get to the window and make your way inside the building.

Jumping down, run left and detect the gorilla in the cage, reading a book. Click on the book, go away and constantly choose the second answer option.

Having finished the conversation, open the door on the right side. Without reaching the ship, we go along the next trail and get to the noticeably aged Jack Kane. Communicating with him, we select a picture on the left side. We go around the septum and take a bottle from the table. We go to the area with brown floor and use a bottle on a predatory plant. Click on Jack’s Treasure Map under it. We continue to move along the path, we climb on the tops on the top and select Bucket-Like Cooking Pot. Returning to the first box, next to which the broken barrel is lying. Apply on it Cooking Pot, go to the predatory plant and put the cooking POT on the hotplate. We throw a picture of the inventory into a funnel near the white table. We inform the old Jack that the picture pleased in the funnel. When he gets her, speak again with him and choose phrases: the last, last, first, last. I get the card from the inventory and give it to the old Jack. After the excavations, we again communicate with the old jack. Get to the ship, combine mops and full bucket in inventory. We climb the boxes and smear the melon of the resin. It remains only to return to the old Jack and report on the work done.Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and GuideIn often emerging disagreements between girls, the final choice will have to do us. From the way, the final game depends on.
After talking with Eve, Amanda, again Eva and the head of the port, approach the pier and pull the levers in the following order: the extreme left, the extreme right, twice the left left, three times the second on the right, the second left. Let’s leave the pier, run right and taking the paddle. We pass until the end, we communicate with strikers. TORN-OUT Page From Inventory Using on the board of the list to the left. Long passing along the rail, again use Torn-Out Page on the next bulletin board at the other end of the container. A similar action is carried out with the last board on the right side. CAP and PADDLE combined with Knife from inventory give gorilla. We return to strikers and after talking with them we get Certificate, which combine with chinese stamp and give the ports. After talking to him, we communicate with strikers. Run left to the pier. Watching the port of the port, speak Amanda or Eve. One of them will have to send to the boss. When the distracting maneuver works, go to their back and click on a big suitcase.

Let’s leave the cabin and climb the top deck. So, when we offer money, choose the last option “regrettatable. I MUST REFUSE ». On persistence I answer “None of the Above, You Arrogant Snob…”.


Click on a small branch of the shore and take it. We run to the end to the end of the left and select pineapple from the plant next to the rock, using Knife from the inventory. We climb upstairs on the stones on the right side and get to the entrance to the cave. We try to push the obstacle, then go back to the ship. Next to Carl is a box with small nuclei, click on it. We also need Torch lying near the entrance to the cabin on the right side. We are moving towards the stern of the ship on the left side and take some dynamite. In the inventory, combine Long Branch with Knife, Long Branch with Pineapple, and then Knife with dynamite. The resulting gunpowder falling asleep in the gun, which is a little right, and pushing the kernel. Stick with rampant pineapple and chinese fuse Using on a cannon. We go right and go down to the cabin. We take two subjects from the shelves on the left side. When trying to choose a bottle on the right side, the gorilla will indignant. Ignite the torch from the inventory using the stove. We return to the deck and the torch set on the wick of the charged gun. Aimicious shots are hit by a bunch of bananas on the left side, which covered the statue on the right side and the obstacle at the entrance of the cave in the center.Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and GuideBanana bundle, entrance to the cave and statue.
To begin with, we will take the bananas, we will take their gorilla in the cabin and take the bottle on the right side. We move to the cave on the collapsed statue. A little displaced the right, but we will not be able to go through. Let’s talk with Eva and Amanda. We accept the Amanda method and scatter scattering volatile mice. We select a dead bat. We once try to move on the bridge on the right side, after having previously convinced Amanda. Going on the other side, come back and communicate with Eve. It is transferred to the right, and Amanda back to the left. We send Karl, return to Amanda and go to the right together.

We select Retired Adventurer to the right of the bridge. Torch and Retired Adventurer from inventory Using on the pyramid. Click on the pyramid itself and on the figurines on the ground in the order in which they are marked with numbers. Go ahead through the opened passage. Ignite the fire with a torch. We place all the ingredients from the inventory in the bucket and put on the fire. Cooked dish fogging a huge plant.

We go right and select Wooden Board. Spade from inventory Score round shield behind Karl’s back. We are moving to the end to the end of the left and install the table from the inventory on Cleft. We produce a shot on it, taking and install Dynamite from the inventory on the Breaking Point little to the right. Combine Broken Shovel with Sundial and Plant Shield. Communicate with Carl and a little weather, he will restore the ship. We produce a shot on dynamite in the upper left corner.Jack Keane 2: The Fire WitHin: Game Walkthrough and GuideClick on the figures in the specified order.
Shift to the left and in the threshold of the car we move a little ahead. Shot in the farthest propeller of the airship. Click on the image of Eva in the lower right corner. Open the panel on the right side, activate the radio and after the conversation we use the gearbox. Click on the image of Amanda. We raise the rear seat and select Crowbar. We are moving around the threshold on the right side, pull the side mirror and open the hood using Crowbar from the inventory. After examining the Fan Belt Tightener and picking the car icon a little further in the center, click on the Eva image. Touching with Karl on the radio, click on the image of Amanda, then Eva, we use the gearbox and, switching to Amanda again, fix stockings from the inventory on Fan Belt Tightener under the hood.

I click on the image of Eve, we use the gearbox and communicate with Karl on the radio. We switched to Amanda, we use a magnifying glass on the side mirror in the inventory. In the resulting fragment, free from the belt the wheel on the left side. Click on the image of Eve and communicate with Karl on the radio. Car Icon from Inventory Free Belt Holding Suitcases. Switched on Eva and click on the steering wheel. Playing Amanda, on the left threshold we pass a little forward and shoot in Jack.

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