Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows Of AMN: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 1, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows Of AMN: Passage
Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows Of AMN: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Immediately make a reservation – this passage does not in any way apply for the coverage of all quests in this game. They are here somewhere an order of magnitude more than in the first balder, so you can imagine… In general, all highlights will be reflected, and there they already decide what additional quests are to get involved, and what no. Many, by the way, do it – first pass all "In the pace of Walsa" from beginning to end, and then "thoughtfully", "with feeling" Begin to search every corner of the map and shake the entire soul from all the oncoming characters.

Chapter 1.

Laboratory of Irenikus (IRenicus).

After talking with Imoen (Imoen), go to the room on the left and take your gear from the table. There will also be the key – Jail SELL KEY. Talk to the big golem, then return to the cells and talk with Minsk (MINSC) and Jahera (Jaheira). Minsk, breaking the grille, will join you immediately, and this jachair will make it a little time. In the library you can read a lot of books on history (if someone is interested). Go to a room with a strange device in the center (rotating balls). Before killing Cambion, click on the thing in the center – its protective field will disappear. In the round room in the center of the map, talk with a blind head, and issue yourself for his host. After that, go to the room with Rielev (the merits in the bank) and take a special stone there to activate the blind golem – "Activation Stone", Return to navel. Follow him, as it starts to open the locked earlier doors. By the way, you can now return and attach to your company and Jahaeir.
In the central room itself, kill a strange creature and take "Wand of Frost Key". From here, move to the northwest. In the living room (with a fireplace) from the chest take "Wand of Lightning Key" and next to another – "Air Elemental Statue". At the exit to the forest, talk to DRIADA. In the room south of them will be "Key portal", With which you can activate the portal (there are two of them on the map – go to the north).

Laboratory of Irimes 2.

Again you have to look for a way out. Talk to Yoshimo, he agrees to join you. In the chest at the top take "Wand of Cloudkill". After go to the next room and kill all the winged fests there, pre-destroying the portals in the cells. In this room, take three more keys (let the immune will look for them). These keys are needed to turn off traps (where columns) and pick up the magic ring from the statue. We go to the north, on the way straightening with any evil. It is necessary to find (on top of the card) and free frennedan. The key is located in one of the boxes next to its room. Now we go to the south-eastern corner of the card (where the sewage) and in exit.

Abduction of Imogen.

Sad, childhood girlfriend kidnapped. Well, you have to look now. You can perform a quest in the circus on this map, then follow the AMNA neighborhood called Slums. So, first talk to the boy named Giran, whose mother is stuck in the circus. Go to the awning. There, Jin will begin to make her riddles – the correct answer "Prince – 30 years old, Princess – 40". Then you need to save Quayle from death, killing Kalah’a. Everything will come to normal in the circus, all illusions evaporate. In addition, Aeire will want to join.
Chapter 2.

Amn’a – Slums.

Immediately met Gaelan Bayle, who agrees to bring up with people who know where Imogen is. Will be in his house. In order to share so "valuable information", He will ask for 20,000 coins. Cool, truth? Now the main task will be reduced to perform quests for which they pay a lot, earn a lot of money, and pay this pass all the amount required. On this, this chapter will safely end.
I can advise to perform a couple of good quests that give in Copper Coronet. Talk here with Nalia, which will ask to clear your castle. There is also Lord Jeirdan, which will be offered for 10,000 to deal with the situation in Windspear Hills. Firkraag’a also has a well-paid quest.
Talk to Lehtinan on the topic "how to spend money". He will offer you "Entertainment". Go to the northeastern part of the card, there will be a battle with the guards. Fall them all, after talking to prisoner, Hendak. Need to get the key that beastmaster. We go to Aren’, we kill Beastmaster and all his handicress, taking "Beastmaster Key". Returning and release Hendak, boys and girl. Panic starts, go to Lehtinan and see how hendak will be confined. To the north of the arena, we go to the secret entrance to the dungeon, because a few more slaves have to be released.

Underground labyrinth.

Immediately you will have "warm" Reception Small Goblin Hand. Next, we go to the room in the northwest, we kill "jelly" and underground monster. After clicking on the hatch in the floor and take a severe hand ("Hand"). On the labyrinth go on. Click on two skeletons on the wall, get "Lover’s Ring". Now we go to the left, down, right, kill Kobold’s bunch. One of them take "Shaman’s Staff". Caution, trap! In the south of the card speak with quallo. It is necessary to attack it "worm" and pick up the fourth subject – "Blood of Quallo’s Friend". After all items are collected – go to the room with riddles (pipes in the east). Click on pipes need in this order: the second bottom, the most upper, the second top, the lowest. In the award, get a bunch of experience and steep sword.
Talk to QUALLO and go to Slaver Stockade at the bottom of the card.

Slaver Stockade.

By the way, you can get here and directly from Slums. Kill the people of Captain Haegan’a and take its key ("Haegean Kay"). After go to the room on the right and talk there, kill the trolls, talk to the girl. Then there will be a lot of magicians, archers… In the end, choose out.

Nalia’s Castle

This quest will help you, as I mentioned, a little to ignite with money. To get here you need to get out of the city through the main gate and reach the map De’arnise Hold. Once on the spot, go to the frequency in the southwest. There, talk to Captain Arat and Nalia, we attach it to your honest company and go to the secret (secret – it means, "manifest" only after there is a little next to her) the door to the castle. It is located north of the frequency. In the castle, go to the entrance bridge and lower it, then go inside the castle. There are a lot of trolls, so I advise you to stock up the fiery arrows in advance. Talk to Daleson, then in the secret door in the north. In the next room there will be a forge (Forge), in which you need to post Flailt of Ages. For this you need to collect three parts. In the northern room there will be the first part. Go to the second floor.
Nalia’s Castle 2.

There are two more parts here. But first take the key "Keep Key" In the library and go to the room behind the locked door (before the first troll). In one of the central rooms, kill Glacias and take the second part of the weapon. In some corridors there are secret doors, so to get on, you will have to find them. On the same map, find the steps leading to the basement. The third part will be in the hall with columns, in one of the statues.
Return to the forge and align there all three parts. Then go down to the basement. Here you need to kill the boss trolls – Torgal, it is in the eastern room. By the way, to remove the Umber Halk from the road, you can make the following – in the courtyard of the castle kill dogs and pick them up with meat, then cook it on the stove on the first floor of the castle, then a thief in the invisibility mode to slip by Halk’ov and put meat in the boxin the western room. These creatures will flee there with a mig, and the path will be free.
After that, you will receive a reward from Nali, listen to her Rosskazni. If your Fighter’s main character, then this quest is his stronghold. That is, Nalia will offer to steer a lock, and you immediately get a round sum as taxes.
The second large quest – will lead you to the execution of the Stronghold Quest for Paladin. A little about Strongholds I will tell after the main salt, and this big and more importantly – a cash quest I will describe right now. So, talk to FirkraAG in Copper Coronet. He will ask to explore Windspear Hills.

Windspear Hills

At the entrance to break monsters and you will be transferred to the bottom of the card. Talk to Garren, then go to the house and talk again with Garren’om. It turns out that Firkraag deceived you. Here, a scoundrel! Then Garren will go to the capital, and when he returns, he learns that his child has kidnapped. Agree to find his daughter.
Go to the ruins in the northeast, come inside. After reprisals above the monsters, go down to the dungeon in the north. Observe again with monsters and talk to the warrior named Samia. She will give you the key ("Samia’s Key") From the tomb. We go further, we paint with the guards (many traps!), collect parts of the mask. When you collect all pieces – the mask will automatically work out. Now getting it (for example, on the main character) and you can see the last Gina (fiery) before the locked door. Kill him, go on. Select the shield and sword from the floor (the floor is highlighted if the cursor hits it).
Samia will appear, her and her comrades will have to kill. Now go to the West and talk with two orcs. In conversation, select the answer that will allow them to escape. With the second, then talk again. He will tell about finding a child Garren’a. In the next passage, turn the monsters, then in the wall open the secret passage and kill the big golem. Return to the bridge and go on a wooden carriage upstairs. In the room right, on a spiral staircase further. Killing monsters led by their bare – Tazok. Take away the weapon and the key ("Sewer Key"). Talk to the camera with ILTHA, go up to the next floor.
There you will meet FirkraAag’a, who is also a dragon part-time. He wants to take revenge, because he did not please Hyun (my mentor in the first BG). You can not fight the dragon, but kill Conster, pick up the key and free the child. But you can, of course, try and fill the winged monster. If Silenok is enough, then get 64,000 experiences at once. Return to ILTHA, open its camera. Sat on the surface and go Banquart with Garren’om. He will say that I can now take the order "Radiant Heart", It is only necessary to talk to the prelage.
Now go to the house to Gaelan Bayle and complete the deal. When Give Money, Gaelan Bayle will tell you that you need to meet with Aron Linvail, which is in the guild of thieves.

Chapter 3.


Go to the dock area (Docks) and immediately in the guild Hall (Shadow Thief Guild Hall). Inside the building, enter the secret door in the northeast, then in a secret passage in the wall (right from three tables) and, in the end, talk to Aran Linvail. He will ask to fulfill the task for him (all of them will be three) – meet with his man and transfer from her a report.
Come in the docks at night (at the very bottom) and talk there with Mook. Soon there will be a strange figure (Lassal) and kill Mook, you will have to kill it, but… At the last moment this type will be able to escape. Return to the guild and talk to Aran. Get the second task. His comrades decided to travel to the mill to the enemy, will have to stop them. We must go to Five Flagons, which is located in the Bridge area. Climb on the second floor and talk to Jalylos’om and Caehan. I killed these types, although it seems, it was not the only possible solution. Then he killed and their employer (Guild Contract) and took he "Contract Note".
Come back to the guild and speak with Aran. Yes, during the next dream, I began some kind of vision about Imogen, Irenikus… The third task will be the destruction of all vampires in the cemetery.


Go down to the catacombs under the cemetery. We kill spiders and talk to the magician (HAZ), which will open big blue doors for you. Then go down the steps. Kill everyone and talk to Lassal, who will call you along. Well, climb upstairs and go in the western direction. Click on "bed" on the left (where he was naked), and the soul of the vampire will fly away to heaven. Yes, you should have wooden pegs for this business, otherwise nothing will happen. Need more "sleep" So two more sarcophagus in the same room. So first kill everyone at this level (there are two more supremes), and then pinch the spikels of vampires to their tips forever. Bodhi appear, after a little closer she will wash.
Return to the guild and talk to Aran. He will tell that Imogen is located in SpellHold, on the island. Agree to sail if necessary – first prepare, and then go.

Chapter 4.


Here, as usual, a few quests, but the main task is to get it in SpellHold, where the Imogen is hiding. Get there in two ways.
1) as a prisoner – go to Galvena’s Festhall, save a woman there, fight with guards. Kill chremy in the street in the street, pick it up a medallion. After removing a woman to her friends in the docks and she will tell about the main pirate. Go to it (House of Lord desharik’a) and make a chamorid – find yourself behind bars.
2) As a tourist – go to the house Cowles Wizard, kill the magician, take the stone ("Wardstone") With a corpse. After that, go out from this card (output at the very top).

Kill some shadows (or vampire spirits) and enter the building at the very top. You will meet Coordinator, go for him. Finally, you will meet with Imoen, then the vision will begin again. It turns out that Imogen, too, like Sarens, daughter Bhaal’a.
In the end, you will find yourself in a very strange place (let’s call it soaring lock). Go on the bridge in the castle, talk on it with a demon. Give him something from what he will ask. Inside, talk to the Imogen, then leave the castle and go around it left. Talk to Bhaal (by the way, this is your daddy). Then you will get a little with him and fall back to the castle and talk again with Imogen. Again gifted vision…

Underground ASYLUM 1.

Talk to Imogen, she will join you. The task is again alone – get out of here. Climb the steps up (north) and go to the first room right. Kill goblins and take "Ruby Stone". Then further – to the room to the left. There are eleven statues and as many objects in the chests. Need to take objects and put them in bowls in statues. If you are not strong in soloing the riddles, then the correct combination looks like this (right to left):
one. Grinning Skull
2. Hourglass
3. Mirror
4. Gagged Man
five. Sword Medallion
6. Sun Medallion
7. Sundial
8. Jar of Water
I. Worn Out Boots.
eleven. Star Medallion.

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