DISCO ELYSIUM: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 5, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DISCO ELYSIUM: Game Walkthrough and Guide
In this manual, I will describe the minimum set of actions that you need to execute to complete the main storyline. In addition, there are many additional goals. If the material is relevant, we will definitely release it.

Hotel “Dancing in Ragier”

The first thing to do at the very beginning of the game is to communicate with your subconscious. Soon it will be obvious that the main character woke up from Bodun. Ultimately, the street comes from the car, which will wake a detective. When you wake up, you will understand that you are in the hotel room “Dancing in Ragier”. The hero does not remember who he is and how it turned out.

At any time of the game by clicking on the Tab key, you can highlight all interactive objects located on the screen. Examine all things in the room, choosing different options for dialogue. Continue to do it throughout the game, because such actions can be able to discover new thoughts from the Cabinet of Thoughts. In addition, some dialog branches allow you to earn additional experience points.

Pick clothes from the floor and other objects and put on it. To begin with, stop the fan under the ceiling to remove the tie. If your perception is at a sufficiently high level, the detective will automatically detect in pants the key from the hotel room. Otherwise, pants will have to be searched by manually, through the inventory. You can also explore clothing items in inventory. Most of them give certain buffs to attributes, but at the same time they can and impose fines.

Go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. You will see an avatar of your character, also unlocks the new thought “Guyom Le Miyon”. Remember that you first open thoughts, and after you need to fulfill certain actions so that they come. But this is the topic for a separate article. In the bathroom there is another room from the room. He will be either behind the mirror or in a small locker. To detect it, you will have to go through checking perception.

Exit in the living room. On the floor lies an empty audio cassette. If you pick it up, additional dialogs will be available later. View the window and explore different options. If you pass the check, the main character will understand what the window broke his boot. Surely he is lying outside, on the balcony. Leave your hotel room and go through the door left below the room. So you will find yourself outside where you can find the second snake skin boot (the first is inside) and get 10 points of experience. Now you have a pair of boots!

Return to inside and talk with the clan dancer. She will slightly clarify the memory of a detective, who knows who he is and what does. If you want to become a smoker, you can pick up the cigarette, which will leave clan. When you finish, go down, in the cafeteria. The first communication with the manager of the cafeteria GARTO clearly will not work out. To find out something useful from him, you need to check the empathy check. Near the entrance to the cafeteria on the left side is Kim Kitzuragi – the partner of the main character. Job with him. Now he will join the detective, and will accompany you throughout almost the entire game. Communicate with Kim, to unlock three important tasks by the end of the conversation – to inspect the victim’s body;interrogate a cafeteria manager;report missing icon.DISCO ELYSIUM: Game Walkthrough and GuideMachine Kima Kitsuragi.
Return back and talk re-with GART. Because with you now Kim, who has a badge, Garth will more eagerly dialogue. If you ask him behind the smell of alcohol, then a little approach to restore your name. Ask Garut all questions about murder, and learn that the corpse of the first reported some Silvi, which was already left of work. Closer to the end of the conversation, Garth will ask for paying the account and will ask compensation for the damage caused by the hotel. You can avoid this, receiving 5 experience points. When talking to GART next time, he will be ready to make a discount in the amount of 50 reals. As a result of this conversation, you unlock one of the thoughts – “Bomomekop” or “Lonely Road Home”.

Finally, talk to the old woman in a wheelchair. Perhaps you have already encountered her before, if you tried to escape from Garth, without paying the bill. Her name is Lena. If you correctly answer all her questions, get a handle of a good green monkey. Having gone all the dialog phrases with Lena, you will hear the Council from Woman. She offers to talk to someone who can explain what is happening in reality. So the goal is activated “Learn the whole truth about reality”. In the corner of the cafeteria (left below). You can get magnesium, 5 reals and dust ID, if you pass the skill check. Then leave the hotel through the door on the left side.

Explore the crime scene

As soon as they leave the “Dancing in Rag”, you will see the Gardenman standing at the corner of the building. You can talk with her and ask for different objects in the city. You can also ask for a woman yellow garden gloves. They will use you later when you study the corpse. Inspect the broken fence in the north. If you study it carefully, you can understand what happened. Go through the gate to the backyard. Two children play here, and one of them throws stones in a hanged man. You can try to interrogate them both, but at first, probably the conversation will not work out. Take a look at the body and try to study it. If you are quite insightful, complete all the necessary checks and notice a few evidence on Earth.

Remove the corpse from the tree is quite difficult, and probably you will not be able to do it from the first time. Instead, take a look at the garbage container on the left side. It will be blocked, but you can ask the key from the container in Garta, the manager of the cafeteria, or hack it with the mounting, which will find in the car Kimuragi Kimuragi. By the way, there are bologores and flashlight. So I recommend to go back, on the Martinez Square, and inspect the car to the left of the gardener. Be sure to look into the box with the tools, where the flashlight is lying, borer and mont.

At some stage, you will also notice that the detective has a certificate. From the car Kima can be contacted by the police station and report missing a token. Also, the detective will notice that his jacket and gun disappeared. You can also inform them about the plot, but do not complain about work, otherwise the game will end with failure. Also, if they got from Garth number Silvi, be sure to call it through the device in the car. However, it will not be too responsive.

Return to “Dancing in Rag” and ask the Garta key from the garbage container. Return to the backyard and open this container. Inside him, Gina and shirt belonged to the victim, lost documents and a mug. Explore all items, especially documents (through inventory). These are the documents of the main character. Communicize with kim about the case and select its name. It seems, he likes the option about “hanged”.

If you are quite insightful, then the roof will notice the hidden passage in the barn. It is in the northeast corner of the backyard. Once inside, inspect the room to detect the things of Kuno – the boys who throws into the corpse stones. The staircase will open access to the harbor, but in order to get there, you will have to make a difficult jump. If you do it, then on the way will also discover the lost police raincoat. In this step-by-step guide, I went to the harbor later, using an easier way. In the meantime, let’s focus on how to lower the body in order to continue.

Remove the body

There are three ways to lower the body – borrow a pistol in a kim and shoot around the rope, ask for help from a gummer or enlist his help through the trade union leader, Evratrate Claire. Since the last option is possible at the later stages of the game, consider the first two. Before touching the corpse, you should carefully study the environment and the body itself. If you pass the check by perception, remove the traces on Earth. Having studied them, the detective will come to the conclusion that there were a total of 8 people. If you go through visual analysis, you can analyze every couple of traces, having received a vague idea of who they can belong.

To remove the corpse from the tree, you need to go through a complicated endurance check. Most likely, the first attempt will end in the fact that the main character will break out. Kim will give a detective a handkerchief and will ask to take. So a new thought will be unlocked – “Rogging”. And you will need to assimilate it before trying to re-remove the body. After the first attempt, you can carefully study the body. Look at reinforced boots. Detective will surfacitate them, emphasizing that it would be necessary to pick them later. After examining the belt, you will get even more information and 10 experience points. When you look at the tattoos, Kim will provide you with a camera so that you can take a picture of the tattoo. Finally, look into the eyes to launch another strange conversation. This dialog will simplify the inspection of the inner empire closer to the end of the game!DISCO ELYSIUM: Game Walkthrough and GuideCorpse on a tree.
Shot from a pistol

The fastest way to remove the body is to take a gun in a kim and shoot around the rope. But do not let the kim’s shoot, otherwise the game will end the Game Over screen. Aiming in the rope, keep both eyes open. To succeed, you will need a good level of “coordination of hands and eyes”. If you do not succeed, go for help to the chamber.

Ask for help

The headroom – a healthy-looking at the dam, dividing the strikers of the trade union and the harbor. There are three ways to convince him to help you – intimidate physically, listen to his philosophy of races or convince His boss, Evratrate Claire, help a detective. If you try to confront him, you have to go through a complex test of physics. First you try to strike a fist, and after -. If you fail, you can lose one health point, so before doing something, make sure you have at least 2 hp.

You can also listen to the theory of races. Try all the dialogs to get the thought of “modern racial theory”. Examine this idea in the office and make sure it is active. Return and re-talk to the head. He will ask what you think about his philosophy. Whatever you answer, he will agree to help, but while he does it, you will have to take his place on the aisle.

The last option is to talk with the leader of the trade union by Evrarth Clair. You can find it in one of the transport containers in the harbor. Detailed information on how to get to the harbor, look for the next section of the article. As soon as you find Evratrate Claire, make sure you have a couple of martial spirit and health glasses, since you have to communicate with the trade union leader very difficult. Ask His assistance in order to lower the body, and he will order a groovera to respond to your call.


The harbor will be closed until the trade union strike stops. However, you need to get there to chat with Evratrate Clair. He knows where the detective gun is, and can also help to remove the corpse from the tree. To get to the harbor can three ways: through a gonumor, staring the certificate of working docks or jumping with a ledge over the hut.

Path in Harbor

Complete past the gangster. It will not allow this to do if you do not fight with him or do not digest his theory of races. If you do not want to fight (and it is physically difficult to win), take all the options for dialogue, and then start learning the idea of “modern racial theory”. Having studied her, express the chamber all you want, and after that he will miss you in the harbor.

Can go through the green door. To do this, wait for the evening to enter the entrance to “Dancing in Rag” to discover the lost consciousness of the working docks. If you pass the check, you can steal his certificate. It can be used to open the door opposite the cumen.

As for a short path through Kuno’s hut, you need to study the roof on the right at the top of the backyard. Behind her hidden shed kuno. Inside there are some things belonging to the boy, and the staircase leading to the roof. From the roof you need to jump over the railing to be in another zone. There will be a cloak of a detective, as well as the path leading to the docks.

Talk with the leader of the trade union

Follow the transport containers, wait for them until you find the Evratrate Claire. He will insist that you sat down in an uncomfortable chair, because of what a detective can get 1 unit of damage (health), so make sure you have at least 2 hp before coming here. Also during the conversation, martial spirit may suffer, so it should be at least 2 points. It seems, Evrurt knows about many things, but not going to share information. He hys up, which will help with the search for a gun, if you work for him. So you will receive two side tasks. One of them is to open the door of the apartment, the other – to collect two signatures.

If the body is still hanging on a tree, you can ask the eastrart about the favor, and then he will order a chance to help you. Now you can automatically go through some checks in the conversation. Finally, Evrurt will give you a working port certificate, and now you can freely enter and leave the harbor. And you will need to do it several times throughout the game!

We attend important places

Book store

Bookstore is west of the hotel “Dancing in Ragier”. Outside it is a girl named Annette. You can talk about books with her by making appropriate conclusions. If you share with them with her, you will get 5 experience points. In the bookstore you can familiarize yourself with the range of several books, and some – even buy. You can also buy a map of the city, which will cost 0.9 Real. You can try to steal the map, but there is a high probability that the seller will notice a detective.

There are pictures in the back room, for the study of which you will receive 5 experience points. There will also be stones (another 5 more points of experience). Catch with Kim about different things to get an additional experience (5 exp). Take the production schedule and apply it to the device. When PLAY click, connect with a woman from East-Insulindian Repeater Station. Ask her about everything and climb the stairs to the second floor.

On the upper floor you will find the creator of playing bones. Talk to her about everything to get 15 experience points. When ask about cubes, she will give a couple of bones, but if you fail the check “coordination of hands and eyes”, then get only one. There is nothing to do here, but before leaving you will definitely look into the department of criminal fiction to earn another 5 experience points.

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