Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 16, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Passage
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Claire and Moira

Experiment Alex Wisker approached the final stage, it remains only to wait for the results. If everything goes as it should, the Alex will be revived in the body of Natalia. Reaching the door, highlight the drawing of the kafki (1/6) on the ceiling and go to the server. The supervisor followed every step through many cameras throughout the path. Activate the lever or leave it untouched. We pass to the neighboring room, we select sapphire (500 bonus points) under the stairs and climb upstairs. In the room, with the bedside tables, we take the document “Thoughts about Kafka” (1/18), with the bedside tables at the sofa – the document “Report of the Nile” (2/18) and from the coffee table – document “Notes on the Transmission Procedure” (3 /eighteen). Highlight the drawing of the kafki (2/6) on the only picture hanging on the wall on the left side. From the chair to the right of the bed, select Rubin (250 bonus glasses). We also break up vases on long stands and collect cartridges to guns and gun. We shoot an aquarium, push it right left, highlight the drawing of the kafki (3/6) on the floor and activate the lever. Go to the lowered bridge on the balcony and climb the stairs.Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and GuideAlex Wisker.
Alex Wisker performs suicide, before this proclaiming himself goddess, thanks to the overcomed fear. Shoot the emblem of the tower (1/10) on the server cabinet on the right side and return to the elevator. Go down the pipe, then on the stairs and get to the next compartment. We go to the left, we swallow the box with explosives with a bottle and improve the weapon on the workbench. Returning to the fork, we go to the right and at the first turn highlight the drawing of the kafki (4/6) on the wall. We pass to the lattice, shoot two locks on it and, hacking the box with Magnum cartridges in the far right corner, go down the stairs. Immediately highlight the cartridges for the gun on the floor, in the corner of the right side. Next, we swallow a box with a smoke bottle and with the help of it we find an invisible monster on the right side. In the next fork, turn right, we swallow the box with the cartridges to the gun-machine gun and go down the stairs. We highlight the cartridges to the gun on the floor, in the corner, and get to the exit, passing up with a couple of invisible enemies.

We descend on metal plates and highlight the drawing of the kafki (5/6) on the wall. Jumping down, shoot the Emblem of the Tower (2/10) right under the metal plate. We go through the narrow protrusion and, playing for the Moir, neatly rummage on the plates under us. We wake a drawer with a diamond (2000 bonus glasses), we go through the end and jumping on the ledge on the left side, we select ruby (250 bonus points). We carry a metal box from one end to another, pass the folding wooden box with a smoke bottle, and jump over the fencing.

We move forward by narrow protrusion, then jump down and satisfy the Moir to the ledge. Lower two platforms, switch again to Claire and move on to the other side. Move the container to the side, we switched again on the Moir and already from the inside pushing the remaining container. Go inside the tower and pass through the gate.

We smoke the box with cartridges to the gun-machine gun and rapidly descend down, making my way under the debris. By walking the block through the center, highlight the drawing of the kafki (6/6) on the wall on the left side. Jump down, descend on the stairs and shoot the Emblem of the Tower (3/10) in the bottom of the central design. Continuing to move forward, we destroy the invisible monster and go around the next challenge through the center. Crashing with the second enemy on the other side, we jump from the last ledge. Moira repels Claire at the last moment, and herself turns out under the root. We are unable to help your girlfriend, so we go to the prolve behind the back and make a protracted jump into the water.

Barry and Natalia

Having woke up on a catal surrounded by doctors and Barry, Claire with Zakorbye reports that I could not save Moyra. Barry comes to himself deeply at night and together with Natalia goes in search of Alex Wkeker. Passing through a spill in the fence, point to cartridges to the assault rifle between containers on the right side. Shoot the lock on the cargo container, go inside, select gunpowder and cartridges to the gun, and also improve weapons on the workbench. Going on the bridge, shoot the Emblem of the Tower (4/10) above the searchlight in the distance. Go down lower, go around the cargo container on the left side and alternately silently neutralize two opponents. Inside the container, we destroy another enemy and select a cloth. Also from a small container climb on a large and point to cartridges to the rifle in the corner. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and GuideInsect larva.
If the lever has activated in the first part of the episode, then we go down the stairs to the right channel. Crawing with the revived opponents, climb the stairs on the opposite side, pre-throwing up the brick. We point to the cartridges to the assault rifle to the left of the staircase, we smoke drawers with cartridges to the gun and the assault rifle on the platform and break the insect larva (1/6), which is from the outside of the fence, to the right of the pipes. Returning to the canal, we get to the stairs at the other end and point to the cartridges to the assault rifle behind the bars. Climb upstairs, go to the other side and point to cartridges to the assault rifle in the corner on the right side. Climbing the stairs, select an empty bottle to the left of the door and go inside. We take alcohol from the shelves of the rack and come out out on the other hand. Shoot the lock on the door and box behind bars, and select an empty bottle near the grass. Returning to the building, switched to Natalia, make your way to the room through the hole under the window and shove the enemy to the outside, to then shoot it, playing for Barry, and pick up an explosive bottle. In the room, with a drawer of the table, we get the cartridges to the assault rifle, we select gunpowder from the shelf, and we wake the chest with the detail “weakening of the return of the Ur.2 “. Returning back, we go further and jump on a dilapidated bridge.

If you left the untouched lever in the first part of the episode, then we go down the stairs to the left canal. We go to the left, destroy the opponents and select an empty bottle in front of the grid. Raising the stairs, immediately point to cartridges to the gun on the left side. We smoke boxes with cartridges to guns and assault rifle, and come back to the canal. At the other end, we select alcohol from the ground, point to ruby (250 bonus points) behind bars, on the right side, and break the insect larch (2/6) behind bars, on the left side. Having tightened to the ledge and climbing the stairs, we turn around and smoke a bin with a rifle cartridges. Inside the container, select a red grass and smoke a box with topaz (100 bonus glasses). Switching to Natalia, make your way through the hole in the next container and, playing for Barry, take the castle on the third container. Put out the enemy and we kill him. Inside we wake a chest with a detail “Throwing”. We go around the container on the right side, select green grass and climb upstairs. Then jump over to the adjacent container, point to the cartridges to the assault rifle and go through the dilapidated bridge.

Reaching the stairs, point to the rifle cartridges between the barrels. Singing, make your way through a small passage opposite and smoke the box with cartridges to the assault rifle and topaz (100 bonus glasses). We rise to the crane and take the document “Crane 1” document (4/18) with a cardboard shape. Playing Barry, get up for a mobile platform and, switching to Natalia, activate the first lever. Once on the other side, we climb the stairs and select an explosive bottle on a parallel beam and steal ruby (250 bonus glasses) on a small rectangular surface on the other side of the fault. Switch to Natalia, we select fallen ruby and activate the second lever. Playing for Barry, go over the bridge, omit the stairs and go down. At the very end, we smoke the box with rifle cartridges and activate the third lever. Get on the platform and, switching to Natalia, activate the third lever. On the other side, I am transferred and Natalia. We smoke a bin with topaz (100 bonus points) and point to the rifle cartridges to the right of the lever. We get up parallel to the lever and shoot the lines of the tower (5/10) on the consecutive fracture in the floor.

Activate the third lever, climb the stairs on the left side and go through the bridge. Having descended on the other hand, we take the document “Crane 2” (5/18) report with a cardboard figure, point to the cartridges to the assault rifle to the left of it and activate the fifth lever. Switched on Barry, get up onto the platform and get ready to go on the intermediate area, after playing for Natalia, alternately activate the fifth and fourth levers. We select the document “Recent Words of the Gateway Operator” (6/18) and a new weapon – Gun TAR194. Returning back, activate the fourth lever with one character and climb the stairs and get on the bridge to others. Then activate the fifth lever first character, omit the withdrawal staircase by the second character and the first go upstairs. We point to the cartridges to the gun before the damaged staircase. We smoke the box with cartridges to the gun at the top of the same stairs. Inside the building point to a smoke bottle on the lower shelf of the rack and pass through the gate. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and GuideEmblem towers.
Selecting outwards, smoke a box with rifle cartridges near the dilapidated column on the left side. Inside the destroyed building on the right side, we point to the topaz (100 bonus glasses) between the barrels. Raising the stairs, go to the building. We point to the cartridges to the gun under the table and the rifle cartridges between the barrels in the corner, select the smoke powder from the shelves of the shelving and smoke the box with cartridges to the gun. Raised the stairs to the very top, jump over to the railway track and point to the topaz (100 bonus points) inside the inverted trolley. We get to the very last trolley in front of the tunnel and shoot the Emblem of the Tower (6/10) on it. Jump over the platform opposite the inverted trolley, we smoke the box with an explosive bottle and go down. We point to ruby (250 bonus glasses) between the barrels in front of the stairs in the corner. Under the stairs, we smoke the box with cartridges to the gun and break the insect larva (3/6). We select an empty bottle in front of the entrance to the elevator and go down to the mine.


In the room on the left side of the table, we take the map of the mine and the document “Warning of Poison Gaza” (7/18). We also point to an empty bottle in the cabinet and select the rifle cartridges from the shelves of the shelving. Leaving the room, pointing to the topaz (100 bonus points) next to the barrel before the bomb. Get to the door, pointing to another topaz between the barrel and the rack, and go on. We take the cartridges from the table to the gun and go down to a tunnel with a poisonous gas. Time is not so much, so we act as quickly as possible. The right fork will lead to cartridges to the assault rifle, and the left – to the exit. In the intermediate room, we point to ruby (250 bonus glasses) between the fragments of the column. Continuing to wade along the tanned tunnel, on the next development we go to the left and select Topaz (100 bonus points). Selecting the room, we go to the right and, ignoring enemies, get to the room with a lever. We select cartridges to the assault rifle from the shelves of the rack, point to the topaz (100 bonus glasses) between the barrels in the corner and activate the lever. Returning back, we go through the opened grid on the right side and get to the exit.

Selecting on the open space, in the left end, we smoke the box with the cartridges of Magnum, and in the right end we select cartridges to the assault rifle. We go to the center, we select a disinfectant near the barrels and the document “Package scribbled by Shakhtar” (8/18) from the barrel, and also improving weapons on the workbench. Raising the stairs, go to the right and go to the tunnels. Quickly climb on a safe wooden platform, destroy enemies and smash the box with cartridges to the gun. From the barrel to the left of the locked lattice, we select gunpowder. We point out to topases (100 bonus glasses) between the barrels near the fenced pipe, between the barrels under the wooden platform and in the corner between the construction and the fenced pipe. Inside the buildings we select an empty bottle from the barrel and document “Shakhtar Diary 2” (9/18) from the table.

In the first tunnel, push the trolley half, climb the stairs and smoke a box with ruby (250 bonus glasses). Press the trolley to the end and in the small room we wake a chest with a detail “Capacity of the SR store.3 “. At the end of the second tunnel next to the bonus point to the topaz (100 bonus glasses). In the third tunnel on the first fork we go to the right and at the end we select Magnum cartridges. Returning back, pushing the trolley quite a bit, literally to open the passage, go around and smash insect larva (4/6). In the second fork, we go to the right, at the very end point to the cartridges to the gun between the bags, we climb on the wooden platform and select a new weapon – Magnum 2005m. Returning back, in the only remaining branch, we get to the door, in front of which we select rifle cartridges, point to the cartridges to the assault rifle and alcohol on the shelves of racks, and go further.

First of all, we kill the enemies in the distant positions in front and on the right, which thumps a plump plump in us, and already, running circles, destroy the mutant with a tentacle. Rising into the room, select the red grass, we smoke the box with cartridges to the gun and activate the lever. We return to the mine, we are laughing with a mutant and pass through the opened grille. Breaking into the room, activate the lever and go down the stairs on the left side. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – Episode 4: Metamorphosis: Game Walkthrough and GuideEmblem towers.
Raising the stairs in the center, pass through the doors and destroy two enemies. Plugging the trolley, switched to Natalia and sneak through the hole. Quickly unscrew the door and, playing for Barry, neutralize the opponent’s waking. In a small room with a barrel, we select the detail “the rapidity of the UR.3, climb on the platform and smash boxes with topaz (100 bonus glasses) and rifle cartridges. Reset the metal box down, refer it to the stairs in a large room and climb upstairs. With racks shelves, we collect odorous chemicals and rifle cartridges, and from the tables – Diary of Shakhtar 1 Diary (10/18) and the key of the lift. Also point to ruby (250 bonus glasses) between boxes under the window. Returning back, we go down the panel staircase, insert the key to the terminal and go down on the lift. After leaving the cabin, shoot the Emblem of the Tower (7/10) on the top of the construction and at the end of the corridor we open the door through a special panel.

Going down, pass through the door and smoke the box with rifle cartridges on the right side. In a small room on the left side, we take the cartridges to the assault rifle from the locker and the document of the “sample transmission log” (11/18) from the shelves of the shelving.

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