POLDA 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 26, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

POLDA 5: Passage
POLDA 5: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Management in the game is carried out with the mouse.

Left mouse button – selection and research of objects, opening of dialogs and the movement of the main character.

When double-clicking on the destination, the main character will move faster. To go to another game area, click in the place where the cursor takes the view of the hand that shows the gesture “go”. In some cases, the map appears on the screen. Then enough to click on the map to send the main character there.

To open the inventory, you need to bring the cursor to the top of the screen. Inventory closes automatically when you go out of it.

If you want to use the subject, click it in the inventory, and then on the selected item or character on the game screen. If the device can be used, the corresponding text will appear.

Note: You can combine several items in the inventory. If the subject can be combined, you will see the appropriate text.


– The whole game world needs to be carefully examined. So you will be sure that they did not miss anything important.
– Combine objects in inventory.
– listen carefully dialogs. They contain tips to help in the investigation.
– Keep the game in different cells, otherwise you will deprive yourself with the opportunity to return a few steps back. But this does not mean that the game cannot be passed from any position.
– Be careful! Detective is not immortal. The game has dangerous situations, hitting which, he can perish.

We got a strange parcel in which there was a letter to meet. But in order to find a meeting place, we must take advantage of a special device located in the package. By entering the coordinates, we go to look for a meeting place. The device will lead us for the city, to the landfill.


To get to the landfill, we need to overcome the fence. We look at the bush, on the left – at the bottom of the screen. In the inventory, reveal, and then take a knife and cut off the branch. We go to the right. We inspect the pointer, and then a bunch of garbage. Near the pipe see a piece of cheese. But take it until we can, because the rat is sitting there. We inspect the fence by the pointer. Maybe in this place, we can move through the fence. Apply to the fence, knife. Bad luck! Locking knives, broken, but in the inventory, a piece of wire appeared. We go to the right. Cat! Maybe porodim? But the cat is dyed, we will not risk, but suddenly he has rabies. Right, near the fence, standing broom. Take it and go to a pile of garbage. We hit the broom on the pipe, and while the rat ran away, taking cheese. We look at the pipe. It seems that there is something there. Apply to the pipe branch. Yes, this is a spring! As she turned out? Well, it is not important. We look at the board lying on the left. It is unlikely that it is magical, but may come in handy. Apply the knife on it, and then the spring. Ready. Now we have a springboard. We try to jump on the springboard, but it was not there. First you need to experience it. And who will be experimental? Looking. We go to the left. And here is the rat, runs in circles. We inspect the land, over green blades and put a piece of cheese. But rat is afraid of. Then we go to the right, and immediately come back. While the rat sharpens cheese, knock the backup of the barrel. Poor rat! Take the corpse of the rat and go to the cat. Show the cat’s cat and the cat turns out to be. So he will experience the springboard. We go to the springboard and throw a cat on him. NDA, somehow it did not work out with animals. It is necessary to protect yourself from the lightning strike, and for this we will make an improvised gross. In the inventory, we combine the broom with wire and install the grossing on a pile of garbage. And now, boldly on the springboard. Fine. But where we failed?

Police Base

It turns out that we have teleported, to the police base. But why? Natasha, will tell that we are accepted in a police squad to control anomalies (ass). Well, the name. And our first task is to find the commander of the detachment, for further instructions. We inspect teleport, cable and edge of the platform, right. Talk with Natasha to all topics and then with the operator. We pass under metal arches and find ourselves in the hall with a huge screw, near which the mechanic is worth. We inspect the exhibits in the hall. Then inspect the signs above the outputs. Strange, they all indicate one name. We inspect the screw and speak with the mechanic to all themes. And so the command center is in the southern direction. Go left and down. We speak with a soldier. But without badge we can not pass. We go to Natasha and tell her breakdown. Natasha asks to report this commander. Let’s talk to the operator, but he will repeat the request of Natasha. We return to the hall with a screw and go to the left. There works on a computer, girl – operator. Turn to her, but the girl rolims us. Let’s leave this location. To the left of the entrance, it is a computer. We work on it and go down the screen. Talk to the technician to all themes. Technician kindly treats us a cup of coffee. A cup will appear in the inventory. Coffee is good, but where to take this icon! We go to the soldier guarding the command center, and again try to pass. Talk to the soldier, but he does not give in. We go to Natasha and talk to her on all topics. Then turn to the man’s operator. Well, finally we gave us an icon. What a bureaucracy? Go to the soldier and show icon. Finally, we can pass, but the commander is now busy. But we can talk to him through the communication device.

Come to the left door. Click on the button of the communication device, located on the left of the door and speak with the commander. But the commander asks us to wait outside while he is free. What the hell is this? Why did we draw and notice here in general, without our consent. Have to find another way to get to the commander. And don’t we try to overhear the conversation. Apply the cup to the lattice on the left. Something heard, but it is impossible to disassemble. Can cut down the bottom? Or piercing hole? Return to the room with screw. Come close to right sculpture and put on the edge of the cup. Return to the lattice and apply a holey glass on it. It turns out that the commander interrogates Charles Darwin. Well, and things! Come to the scanner located on the right and try to scan our fifth point. But, alas, she is not enough. We go to Natasha and inspect the piano. Then ask the operator about the gallery of the jaws. But he advises to ask about this colleagues. Then we appeal to Natasha. She will tell that in the jaw of Camila Malinovsky, hidden a tablet that increases potency. Interesting.

We return to the hall with a screw, come to the jaw Camila Malinovsky (to the right of the computer) and apply a knife on the jaw. But there is no tablet there. Ask, about it, the mechanic standing near the screw. Possible mechanical cleaner, knows something? We go to the technique), we were treated with a cup of coffee) and talk to all themes with him. Technician assumes that a mechanical cleaner is incompatible with memory card. We’ll see. We approach the mechanical cleaner and remove the knife from the head, the memory card. We go to the computer and insert the memory card. Of course, the robot went crazy, and inserted a teeth in the jaw agent Mulder. Come to the exhibit of the jaw agent Mulder and apply a knife on it. And here is a tablet. We go to Natasha and show her tablet. Natasha will tell about how this tablet works. But we need coffee. We go to the coffee maker and drink all coffee. Click on the red button. One cup is, press again, so the second. Then drink, the third and click on the button the fourth time. Well, that’s all, the device is empty. Throw a tablet into a capacitance with coffee standing on the floor behind the chair in which the technician sits. We are talking to the technique that coffee is over. We go to the command item and listen to the end of the interrogation, applying to the grille, a holey glass. After it happens, an unpleasant moment, for the commander, we go to the command item. We speak with the commander and get a task. Our path lies in Troy in 1184. We go to teleport (where Natasha is located) and talk to a man-operator. But here there is a way out of teleport, and the entrance is in another part of the base. We go to the sister of Natasha and talk to her. She will send us to Troy.


And so, the first task is to search for a achilles tent. I wonder where to go? And here is a bird! Maybe she will tell us the direction? We speak with the firebird. She will tell you where to look for a Tent Achilles and asked to take revenge on the cat. Let’s see what kind of cat. Go to the right. And here is a cat on a tree. We try to climb on the tree, but we are no longer at that age. Let’s look at. Someone has prepared a baudew for swimming. We inspect the pointer and plant. Near the plant we select mushroom. Knock on the toilet door. Yeah, captain there, but he is not going to talk to us until we bring him paper. We go to the camp. About one of the tents we see a banner. This is the tent we are looking for – Achilles Tent. Greeks are now afternoon sleep. Inspect the hearth and try the soup. Oh my God! What is he sharp! We go right and talk to a carpenter on all themes. And so no Achilles, no offensive. Yes, and the Trojan horse burned down! Carpenter is possible and will help us if the captain orders. Maybe it is worth going on the coast and inspect the burnt horse, and at the same time the only remaining ship?

We go to the left and turn ourselves on the shore. Let’s see what. Inspect the ship and cerper. Good pussik. We go to the left. We inspect the pit, strengthening and crossbow. On the opposite side of the pit, we notice the arrows. But so far, it is not possible to get them. Return on the coast and go to the right. We inspect barrels with wine and ruins. We go again to the right. On the shore lies the dead whale. We will examine it and take the bone. Suddenly come in handy. On the left, the sink is lying near the stones, try it, raise. But it was not there. We go to the right two more screens. We speak with Aphrodite on all topics. It will be necessary to help her get the mirror. To the right of the lake, inspect the palm leaf. Maybe this leaf will replace toilet paper? But what to cut? We go to the left. And here is a tornado, which carried out the mirror Aphrodite. How do we get the mirror? We inspect the column to the left of the tornado. But there are some badges that we do not understand. We look at the altar. But besides the stains of blood, we do not find anything. Return to the shore, to the path leading to the camp. From this place, go to the left. And here is the sword. Although he is old and rusty, but we will come in handy. We inspect the charred residues of the Trojan horse. Now we have a sword. Return to Aphrodite.

Sword cut off the palm leaf and go to the camp. Fit to the bowler with soup and omit in it, palm leaf. Now we will be able to pull the captain from the toilet. We go to the toilets and give the captain a burning palm leaf. Captain, with screams, will run to plunge into the bathroom. We go to the captain and see how the cat falls from the tree. Poor cat. But he had no chance. We go to the talking bird to report that with the cat is finished. Bird will fly away, but will drop one feather. Raise it and go to the captain. We speak with him on all themes. After talking, we return to the camp and apply a sword, on the Achilles tent. Get the drill and in the inventory combine, cropper with a knife. What we have there? Book and Document. In inventory, we read the book, and the document refer. Attack the city captain is not going. But kindly gave us your ring. To achieve from anyone any action, it will be enough to show the ring. It will be useful for us, but first try to help Aphrodite. We have a book, it means that we can decipher the hieroglyphs on the column. Go to Tornado. Come to the column to the left of the tornado and apply a book on it. Understandably! The wrath of gods can be gone, only by the sacrifice. Who would be sacrificed. Of all the surviving animals, it is a three-headed cerber and crab that sits in the sink and is not going to voluntarily leave her. But this is not the only problem. After all, the altar is destroyed. Therefore, we are now two tasks – to find an animal for sacrifice and find an altar. Let’s start looking for an animal. We go to the carpenter.

We look at the pumpkin and apply the sword on it. We take half pumpkin and go to the captain. We dial water pumpkins from the bathroom and go to the shore, where there is a dead fish. Come to the sink in which the crab sits. In the inventory, combine pumpkin with water and fiery feather. Pour hot water on the sink with the crab and take the sink. In the inventory we combine the sink with fish. Here and crab. Animal is. It remains to find an altar. We go to the carpenter. Show him the ring of the captain and tell about our plan. But the carpenter does not want to start construction, a new Trojan horse, while we are not distracted by Cerber. And all that he gives us – this is a huge board. With a chaser board? Rave! We will look for another option. We go to Cember. Pensik peacefully sleeping. We go to the left and put the board on the pit with stakes. Go on the board and pay attention to a huge number of arrows. Next you can not otherwise we will perish. We take arrows lying near the stone and insert them into the crossbow. Open fire. All archers destroyed and while the guards come to themselves, go through the board and go to the Trojan camp.

On the wall of the diner, inspect the gong. We look at the dnore, full of Trojans and take the bowl, standing near the left column. We go to the left. We speak with a soldier. I wonder if he believed in our fairy tales? We go once again to the left. And here is the sacrificial altar! But he also guards soldiers. Talk to him. Something of a soldier slightly braids tongue! Really he is drunk? We try to put a crab on the altar. But it was not there. Soldier does not allow this to do. Will have to drink it. Go from the camp of the Trojans and go to the barrels with wine. Inventory we take a knife and make a hole in a barrel. We recruit wine into the bowl and take it to the Trojan soldier guarding the altar. We go to the left and talk with the guards, standing near the gate, on all topics. And so at noon produced an arrow. Need to think how to use this. Return to the sacrificent altar. Soldier fell asleep. Put the crab on the altar and go to the tornado. We take the mirror lying on the plates where there was a tornado before, and we attract the mirror, Aphrodite. Giving the mirror, we get an arrow Aphrodite. Run red flower. We remember that we have a shell in our inventory. Showing it Aphrodite. Aphrodite will impose on a speaker. Now we are with the help of this shell, we will be able to lead an army in the attack. It’s time to deal with the Cerber. We go to the camp of the Trojans. Come to the diner and take the arrows from the quiver, and put on their place, the arrow Aphrodites. We go to the gum and hit him, sword. Howling? Top to Cember. It can be said that the heart of Cerper, struck Aphrodite arrow. Now the dog is in love. I hope not in us. We go to the carpenter and inform Cerber. Carpenter robbed a new horse and filled it with wine. Let’s go and check his work. Great job! It remains a little stimulating. In the inventory, combine a mushroom with a flower and get a pill tablet. Add it to the horse and go to the Trojan camp. We go to the guard who guards the gate to the camp, and talk to him about the Trojan horse. Return to the Trojan horse. Excellent, he was taken. We go to the camp of the Trojans. All soldiers are sleeping. Open the gate. We try to apply a shell on the gateway to submit a signal to the attack, but we do not know the place from which you can return to the police base. In inventory Click on the device. Now we know the return point. Take a shell in inventory and apply it to the gate. Now you can disappear.

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