DEUS EX: INVISIBLE WAR: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 5, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

DEUS EX: INVISIBLE WAR: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Deus Ex: Invisible War – Passage for Church and Illuminati.

During the game, search all boxes, collect all valuable items, rob ATMs, but do not buy anything in water and food sales machines. Only in special cases I will point to a specific item you need to take. The game is full of secrets, there are alternative ways to perform tasks, I described the most successful ways.
The passage of the game is completely nonlinear, t.E. You can at any time to betray one and go to the side of others. The passage will be built as follows: I will describe in detail the passage for each corporation, as well as alternative ways. To facilitate the game before each passage there will be a list of necessary, the essence of which will be disclosed for understanding the situation.
Attention! In the process of the game there may be minor missions that I will describe purely for profit. Minor missions do not have a significant impact on the plot of the game, but it is very strong to understand who is who, and also give you a lot of information to think about the general alignment of the forces in the game.

Brief description of the main characters and corporations with which you will face in this passage.

one. Omar. Race Cyborgov. Excellent merchants. When you play for the Order, they constantly help you, and you – they.
2. Church. Religious Order of Fanatics, which encourages the civilian population to the uprising and offers all a fundamentally new life.
3. Coffee wars. Throughout the game, 2 coffee shops are fighting with each other and attract you for this. Who help is your business.
4. WTO. Corporation for which you can also play, but in this passage you will fight with them and with their soldiers.
five. NG Resonance. Pop Star, which is WTO Informant. In the process of the game will offer you a spy mission. The extracted information will be paid to pay.
6. DR NASSIF. Especially related to your origin, as well as to your special. opportunities. She is interested in everything. Someone seeks to kill her, someone on the contrary.
7. Klara Sparks. She is the same as you. You will meet her at the beginning of the game. Then she will fall on the WTO side and will subsequently be killed.
8. Leo Jankowski. Same comrade in misfortune like you. He will become a good luck soldier, and periodically you will intersect, and sometimes help each other.
I. Her Holiness. Cult church leader. Closer to the end of the game, will show its true essence.
10. Lin May Chan. Deputy Her Holiness. Will give you tasks for a while.
eleven. Ava Johnson. Pilot helicopter. The most mysterious character. It will be free to roll you at a helicopter, as well as give advice on life.
12. Tracer Tong. Scientist. Will explain to you who are you really, and will also give some tasks.
13. Illuminati. Powerful shadow corporation. Her Holness – Daughter of the Head of Corporation.
fourteen. JC Denton. Corporation Leader Apostle Corp.
15. Templar. A very powerful corporation that goes to all for the achievement of its goals. You often have to fight with them.

My parameters of biomodov.

one. Eye – Regeneration (legal biomode).
2. Chernaya – hacking computers and security systems (illegal).
3. Skeletal – inflicts EMP damage at hand-to-hand (illegal).
4. Manual – an increase in physical strength, portable weight (legal).
five. Foot – silent movement and the possibility of falling from large heights (legal).

Entry: Facility

Take from the box with a basketball ball card and read the information. From the shelves we take binoculars or another useful subject. Come to the terminal, take candy, get the code, the door behind us opens. Come out and go to the kitchen. Open the refrigerator and take me from there. We leave our apartments and go to the north until we ride into the corpse of the guard. Highlighten the corpse away, then lift the cartridges. We go north, and then turn to the West. Talk to a person, then go to the door 454 and talk through the intercom that to the right of it. Come inward, talk with a girl, get access code, go around her kitchen, then go to the door of the elevator, about which is worth the guard. Raise the elevator in Tarsus.

We go south and speak with Dr. Nassif, which will be behind the glass to the left of you. We go further south and speak with Clara. Go to the next room and find yourself over the gym. Speak there with Leo. Get down the steps into the gym. Go to the locker room and go around there all lockers that will be open. If you find an electronic wash, then open the cabinet in which the most valuable items will be: money, cartridges, and.T.P. Get out of the locker room and at the exit, talk to the guard. Offer her to soak terrorist and get a gun. Get out of the basketball room and fill the reptile. In the future, collect all the trophies from the enemies, with the exception of the weapon that you already have. To find all the trophies, just send the corpse away. Go to the elevator and go onto the floor where your apartments. As soon as you climb, collect trophies at the corpse, then offer the security guard and run behind him. Shoot the enemy, then go to your apartment, go to the toilet. Go through the hole in the wall. Come on the door leading to the laboratory.
Read all the information using terminals and disks, take all the biomides, and also do not forget to take the latter that lies on the table with the terminal and 3 discs.
Install the biomodas in the order in which it is convenient for you, after which go out from there through another door.
We speak with scientists, then go and open the door. We pass forward without lingering, go beyond the angle, where the staircase is up. We go further and talk with scientists. After that, get ready to wait 2 enemies. They will come from the same side that you came, so get ready. As soon as they fill them, go further into the room, the way out of which will close the laser rays. Native everything in the room, open the box and get a biomoode. Insert him in the head and can hack security systems. Come to the computer and disconnect the power field. Go to the northern wall and move away from her box. Curl into the pass. Next, climb the stairs to the second floor and climb into another passage. Kill the spider there, then move until you see 2 enemies in the room. Kill them from shelter and come back to scientists. Report on the task. Go to the room where the enemies killed, disconnect the camera there through the computer, then collect all the trophies. If you are wound off the gun, then go to the robot. Pass the room through and move to the elevator, then rise the surface.
Pick up the datakeup to the right of you on the bench. Talk to the soldiers, then, if you want, kill them. Ideally, you need to go to the enemy with the machine behind the back and shoot in the back of the back, then finish His partner.

Main part game.


From the place where you rose to the surface, go to the coffee shop by signs and talk to the bartender. Find the index on the subway and go up the stairs upwards, then go to Historical Area, and then to the green sign of the Emerald quarter. Come in the door. Talk to Janiator, then go to the east, in the opening and climb the stairs until you see the hatch in the wall. Close to it and go until you find yourself in the doctors’ apartments. Search here all the premises. We are interested in Data -Cub on the table, in the second room.
We leave emerald and go to Old Seattle Overlook. Block the camera near the ATM, rob the ATM and take the launder on the seat nearby. Go to the nightclub. In the club, talk to the girl at the entrance and get a task to meet the owner of the club. Go to the second floor and talk to the club owner, then go on to the West and talk to the Dancing Girl NG through the intercom. Take the launder behind it.
We go to Emerald again, then in the room 2225, we wake the door, rush past the businessman and go to another room. We collect everything valuable there, the main thing is a very steep knife, which will lie on the bed under the pillow, as well as another weapon. When you hit this knife, the enemy flows into a stupor and can not do anything, besides, he dies for a couple of blows. Go to Apartment 2226.

Tell me in the intercom that you are about the party weapon. Come in and on the whole number – Take away from there all valuable. Go to the lawyer and when talking twice, select the lowest answer, after that it will give you money. You can kill him and return to the club for a reward.
If you speak with him again, the hero is recognized in the intention to kill a lawyer, after which the lawyer will offer you to go to the club and fill in the VIP zone of the merchant – Cyborg Omar. To do this go to the club. On the first floor, in front of the stairs to the second floor, turn right, there will be a door with the inscription Basement. Enter the room and go until you finish the laser barrage. Disconnect the lasers using the terminal, then go and find there on the e-mailbox and pass your biometric data into it, collect all the trophies on the racks. After that, find the door in the club in the VIP zone, open it. After that, all the protection of the club will be climbing on you, as soon as you leave it, the cyborg omar will be released. Talk to him and buy a product with a 50% discount, which interests you, after which the merchant should kill and return to the lawyer for the award. When you kill the merchant, then lose the right to buy goods from the black market, as well as you lose the discount, which you have found. So think, and you need it?
After examining the VIP zone, you can report this NG.
Come out of the club and go to the inclinator, which is located in the Lower Seattle zone. Three guys will go around the entrance to you. Act at your discretion. Go to inclinator. We speak with the woman-director, then go to the door, go to it and immediately run into the next door, which is right, and close it by. Do not waste cartridges on robots. We go to the Cabinet of the Director, from there through the ventilation mine we get into the room with gas. By the pipes, go to the north to the terminal, with which we clean everything around. Survey all the premises in the district and take all the valuable. Return to the director and get money. Follow back to the room where gas was. Use the terminal from the southern wall to descend down. Before getting out of the territory of Inclinator, we realize all the rooms.
As soon as you find yourself on the street, talk with a woman about the church and her location.
Open the grid and go down into the sewer, kill 2 bears there and find the sword.
Get out and go to the door leading to Heron’s Loft Apartment. Next, go until you reach the broken elevator, then climb the stairs to the second floor and go to room №21, say there with the Coffee Shop manager. Natade his room and take the key from the coffee house. Leave from this location back to Lower Seattle Slums. Go south until I stop.
Go to the cafeteria and destroy there boxes with beans. As soon as the case is submitted, look after this to the bartender for the award.
Opposite the cafeteria, discover the gate with the help of the terminal, then go inside and find yourself in the church. Go to the altar and talk to a woman broadcasting from there. After that, go to the door to the right of you and go back there.
Go to Inclinator, kill 3-temples there, then raise up on the elevator and kill everyone who climbs. Go to the office of the director and overheam there is a conversation of 2 people. As soon as they finish talking, enter, kill them, then pick up a data from the table. You can go to the bartender for remuneration, after which we go back to church. We get a new task.
We go to The Greasel Pit, the entrance to which is near the entrance to Inclinator. We go inside.
In the club, find the place where monsters fights are held. Put 500 coins on Green Dragon, but only save. If you win, then get 900. Now go to Eddie, and he will suggest you to fill up champion. To do this, go to Heron’s Loft Apartment, get to the broken elevator. Descend to the elevator shaft, under the elevator itself. Through the ventilation tunnel, get to the room. Kill the monster from the tunnel, then go back to Eddie. Get a reward, then place another 500 on Snake Eyes and sue Jack Pope.

Now our task is to find a pilot.
Method 1. Find in the human club by Sid Black, it will stand with a girl near the exit. He will ask you to help bring him a plane. Go to Heron’s Loft Apartment, go up to the second floor, and pass it to the end, there will meet a security guard that will ask to kill Sophia Sak. Rob the ATM, which is nearby. Climb on the third floor of the stairs in the elevator mine. Go to Sophia Sak Cabinet. You can pay it 250 loans, and she will return to you the plane, after which go to the club and tell the pilot about this.
Either you can kill her, after which you will achieve all who compete. Natively all around, then go to her hangar and with the help of snipers. Penetrate the warehouse with weapons and take everything you need. To make it easier to fight enemies, reprogram the security guns using terminals. After the end of the rubber, return to the club, report SID Black, and then return to the hangar and for 500 LED loans will deliver you to the factory.
Method 2. In one of the club rooms there will be a terminal, with which you will contact you by the girl Ava Johnson pilot and asks for help. We go to Upper Seattle, where the metro station. To disable the barrier, you can pay money, or walk through the ventilation hatch and disable the barrier. You can also kill freaks collecting tribute and disable the barrier manually. We go to WTO Terminal. Find in one of the rooms ATM and empty it. Next we go to the elevator and go down. Kill all people from sniper, bots carry EMP grenades. Go around everything around, disconnect 2 air defense batteries or simply blow them. Under the take-off field, take a biomode from the box. Reprogram all security guns for yourself, then turn on in the dispatch lighthouse. Just all who came and who have not yet spawned your guns. Sit down to the helicopter and fly to the factory.
This method is much better, since this pilot never have to pay, and besides, WTO is your enemies, and you have a chance to slightly pump them.
We are in a new place. 2 spiders and one soldier will be rapping. Go to the east and when exit the door, overload all from the rifle. To the factory you can penetrate 3 ways: buy an access code from the guard and enter through the central entrance, therefore, get a bunch of problems with guard. The second way – to go to Cargo Bay 02 and hacking the door of the spare output, go to the factory.
The third way (the best): From Cargo Bay climb the roof, jumping on the blue canopy, then we go west, we destroy the turret there and go to the ventilation hatch. We occupy out the room and from there Ralm security, beware of guns to the west of you. As soon as the battle subsides, go to the West and a hotel’s guard, then go to the south laboratory. Open the door and wrap there all. Collect trophies and go out. Beware of newly arrived guards. To do this, leave the laboratory, but do not descend down the stairs, and go further and climb into the ventilation shaft. Go on the tunnel until you find. Attach the shots of the soldiers and put them as soon as a convenient moment is introduced. Get out of the ceiling and go to the east, then the corridor turns north, and you go there, killing everyone who climbs. If you see a robot, then shoot in a box with explosives that next to him. According to the corridor we go until we plan to the elevator leading to the biolaboratory.
Go down and speak with doctors. After that, from the rifle we endure the security, after which the Director may take. As soon as he calms down, talk to him. Alpine the laboratory and collect trophies. Go to the office of the director and look there video communication. We leave from the building through the hatch, according to which you crawled here. Sit at the helicopter.

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