BLADES OF TIME: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 29, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

BLADES OF TIME: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Blades of Time is a fascinating fantasy slasher, similar to the spirit with such giants, like Devil May Cry and Darksiders. If you like to crumble the enemies by blade, using various techniques and “beams”, then it is the most! Also, this project is the spiritual heir to X-blades.


one. General reduction
2. Plot
3. Gameplay
4. Interface
five. Structure of the game
6. Inventory
7. Weapon and other ammunition
8. Bestiary of enemies
I. Skills and magic


Blond Warpernitsa Ayuma, who perfectly owning a sword and a gun, as well as considering himself a real treasure hunt, breaks into the guild of treasure hunters to take advantage of the sphere that moves it to the edge of the Dragons, famous for indiscrect wealth. Girl and does not suspect, some conspiracy she becomes. She will have to go through the “thirty” lands to finally return home. Ayumi causes a rupture of the truce between the forces of chaos and heavenly guards. In the end, she will meet the keeper of chaos, creature that created this world. Remember! The most valuable treasure that you have is life!

So, this is a standard slasher. In the game you manage the warrior from a third party. You can use both the blades as a melee weapon and firearms. The game will delight you with the “Rewinding Time Back” function. This feature will allow you to turn the time to reverse, create a clone that will exactly repeat the last actions of ayuma. This ability is vital in solving various simple puzzles and the destruction of enemies with shields. The game has the ability of “DASH”, thanks to which Ayumi can move to the enemy instantly. This feature will allow Ayumi to move on corals soaring in the air to get to the vertices of the mountains, Ruins and T.P.

During the game, the gamer will be able to get more than 40 unique skills, their improvements, including the skills of melee, tactics, combo, as well as powerful spells of order and magic of chaos. In the game you are waiting for huge maps, which are certain chapters. There is support for campaign in cooperative.

Left at the top is the basic information of the user interface. Green Scale – Health Scale. Scale Below with Two Turtles – Rare Scale. As the murders of the enemies, in case the attacks go without stopping, the scale of rage will be filled. When the skull lights up the yellow (first) or red (second) color, the special abilities acquired as the game in the altars passing the game will be available. When the scales of rage will reach the right to the right, where Rhombick is depicted with a cross, then you will receive one “first aid kit”. The first-aid kits are called above the scale of health, on the left. You can have three aid kits. To use them, you must click on the Q key.
Structure of the game

So, the game consists of several big cards. All such cards 9 pieces. We list them: volcanic valley, jungle, shelter people, desert, heavenly islands, heavenly docks, harsh land, harsh city, dragon temple. In order to pass levels, you need to get to the portal. To kill all enemies will have to run away.

Clicking on i, you can call the inventory menu and other items. There are four bookmarks at the top. From left to right this is: a description of monsters, a magazine with found pages, skills and inventory where you can choose an ammunition.

In total, the character has four slots: slot for blades, slot for firearms, slot for ring and amulete slot. In the process of passing the game you will find different things. In order to wear them, you need to choose one of the four items, then choose the object and click on it twice the LCM.

Weapon and other ammunition

Here we will look at some types of weapons and elements of clothing, which can be found in the game.

one. Chaos Force Blade: Increase damage from fire spells and increase the radius of lesion of fire magic.

2. Magic blades: increase ice spell damage.

3. Golemov’s era blades: increase damage from burning blades.

4. Dragon Power Blines: Increase Damage from Fire Spells.

five. Blums of Eternal Light: Increase Health.

6. Flinking star blades: increase the damage from the blow of rage.

7. Blinks rage: jerk to the enemy adds extra rage.

8. Katana: Standard Swords.

I. Pain blades: increase health, rage scale is not reset

10. Blood Rubin blades: Increase damage from freezing blades.

eleven. Blood heaven blades: increase damage from fire and ice spells.

12. Chaos governor blades: increase dams from ice spells, frozen enemies apply less damage.

13. Blade forgotten Hero: Increase damage from fire spells, increase the duration of the spell action ignition.

fourteen. Blines of hidden strength: increase damage from burning blades, increase damage from freezing blades.

15. Miracles blades: increase speed, increases damage caused by enemies in armor.

16. The blades of ancient Fatum: increase damage from the blow of rage, increase damage caused by enemies in armor.

one. Khaos Stone Ruge: Increases Radius Radius Radius.

2. Machine gun: Normal high-speed machine gun.

3. Ruzho: Standard Ruzh.

4. Dragon Coggy gun: Increases the radius of rage damage, increases damage caused by enemies in armor.

five. Assault rifle of heavenly guards: Increases health, the yarrost scale is not reset completely after receiving treatment glasses, burning enemies cause less damage.

6. Gun machine gun: Increases killer impact efficiency.

one. Ruby amulet: Increases rage impact radius.

2. Topazy amulet: Frozen enemies apply less damage.

3. Chaos amulet: gives you the ability to resist long attacks.

4. Ancient amulet: Increases rage impact radius, increases radius of critical rage impact.

five. Amulet Miracles: Increases the radius of the defeat from ice spells, increases the radius of the lesion from the ice weakness.

6. Strange Amulet: Increases the radius of lesion from ice weakness, increases damage from freezing blades.

7. Amulet of power: Increases damage from ice spells, increases damage from rage impact.

8. Amulet: Gold Amulet, Supportless Properties.

one. Ring of eternity: Scale of rage is not reset completely after receiving treatment glasses.

2. Ring: Beautiful ring, preferably by special properties.

3. Blood Fog Ring: Increases Damage Applied by Blade, increases shooting damage.

4. Magic Ring: Increases Alter Ego Efficiency.

five. Mystical Ring: Increases speed.

6. Honest Ring: Increases damage from burning blades, increases the radius of the lesion of the fire fever.

7. Defender Ring: Increases damage from burning blades, increases damage from freezing blades.

8. Ghost Star Ring: Increases Fire and Ice Spelling Radius.

I. Diamond Ring: Increases Fire Magic Radius.

Costumes do not have any features and properties, they only give the appearance.

one. Standard suit

2. Winter suit

3. Armor of Heavenly Guardians

Bestiary of enemies

one. Guardies of the Dragon path

These creatures from the stone and began to occur only on the way of dragons. Their calling is to attack the oncoming choices, thus implementing the principle of natural selection, on which the ritual of the initiation of dragons is founded. Despite the fact that they are vulnerable to various kinds of attacks, in large quantities of guards pose a serious threat.

2. Spider

This is a gigantic spider from the house. Acute claws make it a dangerous opponent in the near battle.

3. Saranscha

These relatively weak creatures are usually attacked by groups, jumping out of shelters. Locust moves very quickly, so escape from it extremely problematic.


4. Observer Chaos

These creatures are usually hiding in stones or foliage, watching and reporting the Lordam Chaos about all the movements of their enemies. As a weapon of protection, the observer uses magic missiles.

five. Poisonous spider

In addition to the usual attack, this kind of spider is able to spit poison.

6. People

There are several groups of people, both friendly and not very. Standard weapons of people are blades and guns.

7. Lost tribal soul

Chaos turned these creatures in tireless flying hunters. They are weakly protected, but have basic magic skills. They are able to raise a person, so try to grab this creature in the air and attack it with a sword. The guns are also extremely effective in combating them.

8. Creature Chaos

These monsters live in chaos zones. They attack groups, suddenly popping out from the subspace, and for the fraction of seconds tear their victim to pieces. They can be slowed down using order spells, but not long.

I. Zombie tribe warrior

These warriors of wild tribes were facing chaos. It is protected by middle-strength armor, which is made of wood and bones. They are quite a clever to block the attacks of the enemy and bring fast, sudden strikes however vulnerable to all types of weapons and magic.

10. Spear Zombie Speed

These warriors of wild tribes were facing chaos. Throwing spears from big distances, they are capable of acting serious damage. Nevertheless, the spearnesses are practically not protected and vulnerable to any attacks. Try to get to them before they attack you.

eleven. Spiritual Shaman from Zombie Tribal (mini boss)

Supreme Shaman skill in all kinds of magic. His main task is to collect the souls of the dead and bring them to the sacrifice of chaos. These souls are no longer destined to find peace, and they forever adjoin to the army of chaos, hovering horror to the world of living. Supreme Shaman owns joint powerful spells, the strongest of which is a giant fire explosion. Stay away from him.

12. Heavenly Heavenly Infantry (mini boss)

Dragon Warriors from Heavenly Islands. As a weapon, they use a giant sequir, rushing to the attack if the goal is outside the reach of its weapons.

13. Zombie Tribe Late

This is a well-protected heavy armor professional soldiers, chaos turned into ruthless killers. Their shield is able to reflect most direct strikes, but the ladies are slow and vulnerable to fast attacks from the back.

fourteen. Light infantry of heavenly guards

This is the main combat unit of the Heavenly Guard. Despite the middle armor, they are extremely agile and attack by the forces against which almost nothing can resist.

15. Reaper heavenly guard

These weakly protected flying warriors are the main tactical unit of heavenly guardian areas where the interceptor is useless due to its sizes and weak maneuverability. And although these warriors are vulnerable to any kind of attacks, they themselves apply deadly blows.

16. Zombie warriors from desert

These are warriors of wild tribes of the planet of the Heavenly Guardians. They are protected by middle strength armor, which is made of wood and bones. They are quite a clever to block the attacks of the enemy and apply yuster, sudden blows, but are vulnerable to all kinds of weapons and magic.

17. Desert Speed Zombie

These are warriors of wild tribes of the planet of the Heavenly Guardians. Throwing spears from big distances, they are capable of acting serious damage. Nevertheless, the spearnesses are practically not protected and vulnerable to any attacks. Try to get to them before they attack you.

eighteen. Sandworm

Some stories claim that this is not an independent being, but a part of a huge monster hiding deep in the sand. Despite its sizes, the EPE is very moving. Follow the zada of the land so as not to enter the worm attack and use the time control if you want to win it.

19. Desert Caracatian

Small and fast creature living and moving in the sand. Fuck them attacks jump. Do not let them bite yourself, bieving cuttlefish swords right in the air.

twenty. Interceptor of the heavenly guard

The colossal fire power of this ship scares the heavenly guard to securely defend his homes. Fully automated, the interceptor has an impressive firepower literally falling asleep enemies with dense volley rockets. To break through the Rhow of the ship will need something more serious than the usual rifle.

21. Fierce zombie warrior

Zombie warrior from harsh lands. Armed with a mace and small shield, and is pretty agoned in battle. These zombies alone do not represent a big threat, however, turn into dangerous opponents when attacking with themselves like.

22. Stern hammer

The combat hammer of this mighty Knight of Chaos Rayna is dangerous, so try to intercept the initiative and attack him during Zamaha. Even being seriously wounded, the hammer is capable of counterattacking. Try not to fall under his ice wave.

23. Commander of harsh Molotov

Commander of ferocious knights. In addition to powerful attacks in a hand-to-hand fight, he uses ice musket – weapons, instantly freezing goal. It is almost invincible: nevertheless, it can be loosen for a while.

24. Unrecognized zombies

These zombies are stuck between the worlds, and therefore it can be destroyed by an ordinary weapon or magic. Close connection with chaos makes them restore immediately after death, and the only way to deal with such a zombie is to break it into small pieces. Everything you can – carefully look at the sides in search of girlfriends.

25. Stern caster

Magician governor controlling the central part of harsh land. With the help of magic, the caster is capable of flying and rushing with ice balls. He is strong enough to withstand the weight of a man, so grab it right in the air and attack.

26. Fallen people

People are not as strong as other creatures of chaos in the edge of the dragons. However, the chaos still, who to turn into bloodthirsty monsters. These people look completely usually, but they act in the interests of chaos.

27. Fierce zombie giant

Huge zombie warrior from harsh lands. He is armed with a huge mace and closes with a heavy shield. The sword is not able to pierce his defense, but zombies are slow and vulnerable before heavy attacks. The best way to kill is to counterattack on E, rewind the time and while the temporal clone beats the latter on the head, approach it and cut into two parts by clicking on E.


28. Thorn

The deadly trap, the bulk number of which was once installed around the ancient ruins.

29. Laser

Security mechanism that prevents the promotion of strangers. Some of these systems are mobile, which allows you to increase their reliability.

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