Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 11, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Passage
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Game Walkthrough and Guide
May 16, 1986

We come to the locked room. The glass can be seen how Edna is talking about something with the guard. To the right of the window is a negotiation device. We use it to overhear the conversation. It turns out that Edna is going to carry out a course of the Citizen Plus over us. It is urgent from here to get out. Come to the window above the bed and notice Jennifer. Need to somehow attract her attention. To do this, choose the camera under the ceiling and communicate with the Father. He will help us talk to Jennifer, putting the intercom. We speak with her and find out that our girl was held the first courses of “washing” brains of the program Citizen Plus. It is because of this that she will not help us, referring to the fact that it is now a good man. Come to the cabinet with our personal things. The grill is closed on the code lock. Come to the intercom and get a dialogue with the guard. Please ask for a permission to look at your personal belongings, suddenly the guitar has broken the guitar. While he opens the castle, try to see the code from the locker. The guard is too high, so because of his shoulder is not visible. Come to the camera and talk to your father about this problem. It turns out that the camera at that time removed everything that happened in the room and so you can easily see the code from the lock on the film, The camera hangs a much higher guard. Take our things and begin to wake Jennifer. To do this, we get the guitar, you travelers to the intercom and play a guitar solo. After that, she will finally find and help us escape from the hospital. We change clothes in the guard and go for Jen.

Before committing escape, you need to save dock from the treatment procedure. Near the guard for the remote control lies a tray with food. It will not be possible to pick it up, the guard will refuse us, referring to the fact that it belongs to Biff Tannen. It turns out that he is somewhere here. We leave a little left of the control panel and spy on the door. And here is the Biffa his own person. He has a pill, which he refuses to swallow, but which would be very useful to us. Sake under the door to the newspaper and at the intercom, we ask Biffa to swallow the ill-fated pill. He refuses her to swallow and simply spare on the floor, right on the newspaper. Take it out and pick up her pill. Now you need to get rid of the security guard for the control panel. Put the pill in soda and see how that instantly falls asleep, drinking a drink.

Having taking the place of the guard, begin to indulge with various feelings regulators. Raise the ridiculous hearing to the maximum and notice that the docking driver drove a little forward. Now increase the sense of smell per maximum. In the room with a dock, the system fails, so Edna, along with the guard, leave the observation room and appear down. We go to this room, get the guitar and apply it on the microphone. A little disappointed in our plans, still continue to fight the guards and save from the evil hands of Edna.

Hurt from guards in garbage baskets. Talking with the dock, we remain waiting for it here, while he reigns “Delorian”. Soon I will catch Edna. Saying it all that we think about her, we meet the dock, who has already managed to repair Deloryan and returned to us to restore the right course of events, returning in 1931.Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Game Walkthrough and Guide“You! Signed by Volunteer for Citizen Plus?”
August 26, 1931

Walking with the dock on the old good Hill Valley, send it to the courthouse, and come to the young Emmeta. To distract him from Edna, persuading Emmeta to go to the film “Frankenstein”. He will speak every way, because he managed to be very strongly attached to EDNE and all his thoughts are only about her. From the dialogues with him we understand that now in fact on October 12, and not August 26. It is on this day that the exhibition opens. We urgently return to the dock into the courthouse, after which together with him we go to the exhibition.

Find Edna near the front entrance. Our main task is to separate it with a young Emmette to prevent those horror that will occur in 1986 with Hill Valley. To do this, come to EDNE and we are interested in what she found this in Brown. We find out that in it she likes the three most important features: he looks good in the white costume of her grandfather, is very devoted and in itself is a very smart exemplary citizen. At this time, we celebrate Trixie, which went to Arnie behind the helmet. Come to her and ask her to smell it with Emmett to cause jealousy from Edna. She refuses, so approach Eder himself and quarrely from Trixie. Edna is going to dismiss this “hearty”. We go to the right from the front entrance and meet Kybolla. He probably knows a lot of indecent about Trixi, which will allow her to dismiss without shame and conscience. Ask him about what he knows about Trixie. Kywell will play silence until we tell you something indecent about yourself, for example, how we dropped the train last year in a break. In return, he will give a postcard where Trixie is captured almost completely naked. Take a postcard and give it to EDNE. After dismissing Trixie, we go talk to her. She will agree to help us with Edna, but for this she needs a fur, a diamond and an emmet photo album. We return to Deloryan and ask the dock to fly to the laboratory of a young brown. Alas, it will not work, the temporary contour sensor is still unstable. Need other wheels. Find the keys to the Tolubloul truck we will not work, so we approach the tent with the inventions of the future and take the board with the wheels, which lies under the toy train. We use it as a skateboard on the road and go to the house of Emmet.Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Game Walkthrough and GuideOrdinary room of ordinary scientist. Plushkin envied.
Come visit. We need to ensure that Edna believes that Emmett is not an exemplary citizen. To do this, ask him about the device for measuring mental abilities and test it on yourself. Having learned that we are a slacker, once again asking for the device and learn that Emmett is still an exemplary citizen, judging by the mental state card. Then maybe try to spend the experiment again? Run the device near the printed machine. We turn on the slides right away and see that Edna appears on the first of them. The reaction of emmeta at this moment must be positive, and since he does not see a picture, then it is neutral. We need the reaction to become negative. To do this, open the valve twice, thereby causing an unpleasant smell. The helmet will light up a red light bulb, which we wanted to achieve. Go further, we switch the following slide. John Booth appears on it. The reaction of emmeta at this point must be negative, and we make it positive by opening a saucepan with stewed meat twice. On the next slide we see the Parker officer. Open the valve again to get a negative reaction. In the picture with Tannen, we make a positive reaction, with the help of all the same stewed meat. Next: Child – Do Negative, Trixie – Positive. Take a card with test results and insert it into a device definition device. The results were the most negative, which we achieved. Come to the dies of Tannen and Emmeta and replace the card for a new one with negative features. Now you need to prove Edne that Brown Stranded. To do this, take a jar with butter from his table and shed it to emmeta. Everything in vain, Brown has a cleansing shower with which it will clean up any suit. We consider this shower, after which we see that the emmet has a pocket version of this cleaner, only in the form of spray. Cheat take it yourself and go with him to the exhibition. We use spray on a caveman in a tent Hill-Valley of the past, after which we take me fur. Now you need to make up this cleansing spray. Put it in Deloryan and notice that the green light burns in the car. We ask the dock to test the time car twice to form a spray to the maximum. If at this moment the bulb will burn red, then you can just go home to Emmeta, after which the light bulb will become green again. When the dock returns from the journeys, we take spray and fly home to Emmett, There is Edna. Tell her that it wishes to talk to her about what he was in a bar. She will nourish it and leave the house. Give spray and try to use it on Emmet, but he will select the cleaner. Then it remains only to prove Edne that Brown was deceiving her and was not particularly loyal. We look at the Emmeta shot, where it says that he caught Kida Tannen. When Brown ask for a photo, we say that it is not very good. He, having a little offended, will share with us with her photo album, which is needed by Trixie. It remains only to find a diamond.Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 4. Double Visions: Game Walkthrough and GuideDoc came here for privacy, and you thought?
Return to the exhibition. Doc At this time will ask us about the future fate of Edna. Tolding the whole truth about her, in every way we dissuade him from returning Hill Valley again to the police state. Doc, offended, somewhere leaves, and we go to the right tent of the exhibition. Click the button in the center, after which immediately to the next. Take a brilliant. Now let’s give Trixie all those three things that she requested. At this time, Emmett himself comes to the exhibition. Touch it to him from behind and pour his suit with machinery oil. He sprayed spoiled by spray, after which the costume is simply spoiled. At the same time, Trixie will suit and makes a scene of jealousy right in front of the EDNA, and the card of the mental state will show that Emmett is a real gangster, and not an exemplary citizen. After all this, Edna will throw Brown. Going behind him and find it on the clock of the courthouse. Talk to him – Emmett will hang on the rope. We ask him, did not fall in his pockets of what the necessary. He will get a spray that will fall down. Go down to the ground, select the cleaner and apply it on the rope below. Climb upstairs, cling to the rope and start swing. When it is cleaned enough close to Emmeta, click on it and grab the hand. His pantna caught in a statue. Spray a stem and fall down.

The end should be ..

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