10 ways students can start writing essays faster

Home » Education » 10 ways students can start writing essays faster
December 8, 2021
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Regardless of all the joy, excitement, and social links, students encounter lots of assignments, presentations, and projects. These days, learners are exposed to various tasks and have to deal with numerous assignments. And despite working part-time or attending other extracurricular activities, completing home tasks is a must. If you can relate to that, there are more options than turning to academic services and asking them, “write my essay for me cheap.” Below, we shed light on the most effective ways to help students write and complete essays faster.

10 ways students can start writing essays faster

Create the Ideal Environment

A specific place helps students cope with assignments. Before writing, make sure to review what things you have on your desktop. Do you use them regularly? If not, will you use them any time soon? How can they help you complete the task? Clear your desktop from unnecessary things, and ensure you have a laptop, a notebook, and a pen on it.

Besides, don’t forget to ditch any distractions. If you live in a dorm, go to a library and find a tranquil place where you can work several hours without distractions. Depending on your Internet addiction, you may want to use apps to block access to unnecessary programs.

Follow a Common Structure

Students often commit one common yet grave mistake. They neglect to complete a standard structure and meet the preliminary requirements. Supposedly, they think the instructor will give them credit for writing seven pages instead of five. In no way should you follow this approach. Academic writing is meticulous and requires the same approach from students.

A typical paper has three pivotal elements. They are the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Depending on your word count, you may add additional paragraphs. However, you should always check your teacher’s requirements with the instructions, the allowed number of included sources, and, most importantly, the required word count.

Design a Roadmap

Creating an outline will speed up your writing process, whatever essay you have to write. Usually, teachers don’t require composing an outline and attaching it to the paper, so students don’t bother writing it. However, you should, and there are reasons for that. An outline helps stay organized. Following the layout, the odds are low that you will add any additional information to the paper. Aside from that, the outline keeps you productive. It shows what you have to focus on without pausing the writing process.

As to the outline’s structure, it is pretty straightforward. If your educator hasn’t required you to include it in the paper, you are free to write it in any way. That is, you can build up a list of keywords for every paragraph. Or you can insert quotes and walk around them, explaining sources and providing relevant examples. Alternatively, you can compose several sentences with crucial information about every section. No matter what strategy you choose, make it understandable for you.

Draft and Edit Separately

Since drafting and editing are demanding and sometimes time-consuming, it is best to complete those two stages separately. Yes, you might spend more time completing the essay. However, multitasking will do you no good. Not only will simultaneous drafting and editing tire you, but it will also lower your productivity. As a result, your work will end up being mediocre, even if you feel like working hard on it.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Simply brainstorm the ideas, create an outline, and draft an essay. Once you have the paper’s first version, leave it aside and take a break. Re-approach it after some time, and start editing. This way, you will be able to capture more mistakes and polish your paper to a shimmering brilliance.

Write the Introduction and Conclusion Last

Although you must follow the instructions, no one will require a specific writing strategy. You can write in any way you like. However, professional writers admit that kicking off an essay with a body part seems more efficient and helps avoid writer’s block. Try writing a body part and proceed to the introduction afterward. This way, you will know how to begin the paper and present your topic to the audience.

Use a Citation Generator

Researching the topic can be a real pain in the neck. And so can be including in-text citations and creating a reference page. Depending on your subject, you have to follow a specific format. Still, whatever formatting style you choose, you will be overwhelmed with the number of citing rules. Fortunately, you don’t have to create citations manually anymore. Lots of citation generators exist on the Internet. They will help you create a bibliography quickly and easily.

Improve Typing Speed

High typing speed is a crucial skill that will allow you to deal with any writing assignment promptly. An average person types 60 words per minute. If you can reach 80, you will feel the difference. The more words you can type, the better for you. Use 10FastFingers to practice your writing.

Employ Time Management Method

Students often complain they can’t remain focused and productive for a long time. Even when they try hard, they can’t process all the information coming from a teacher. It is a common problem, and it strongly correlates with writing. The thing is, our attention span lasts less than 30 minutes. Once we reach that 30-minute barrier, our attention is scattered, and we experience productivity loss.

To maintain your effectiveness, use Pomodoro Technique. This strategy is broken down into four cycles. Set a timer for 25 minutes and start working. Once the time is up, take a 5-minute break. Repeat the procedure four times and take a 30-minute break.

Make Use of Apps

We have access to myriads of apps these days. Some of them will come in handy when writing an essay. The following apps will bolster your writing and help you deal with any paper more quickly:

  • Grammarly: A top-notch spell checker focusing on grammar, lexical, and punctuation errors.
  • OneLook Reverse: An excellent dictionary containing mountains of synonyms.
  • Hemingway Editor: A superb app making everyone’s writing bold and clear.

Stay Hydrated and Fed

Students forget about simple things such as staying hydrated and satisfied when working on assignments. To make up for their water balance, they consume dubious drinks with electrolytes and food full of pseudo nutrients. If you want to write faster, being fed and hydrated is the first thing you must take care of. They will pump you with energy, making you more concentrated and productive.

Writing an essay fast is a demanding challenge. It requires a thoughtful approach and the ability to get rid of distractions. The mentioned list highlights ten best ways to help students write papers faster, maintaining productivity at a high level.

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