Gast: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 4, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gast: passage
Gast: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Immediately I want to say that there is no unequivocal passage to the game, the authors promised us a non-linear story and did not deceive expectations: the plot is really completely nonlinear, the game involves many options for passing, depending on what character you choose yourself to the main assistants, what items will collectand on what heroes these items use. So this is just one way of a set, reading which, you deprive yourself of great pleasure to pass the game yourself…

So, the protagonist of the quest is not someone, but the most real ghost by the name of the gast, who is under your control to fight with an evil clown whisbob. The villain stopped the clock – the heart of the amusement park, and the noisy park, first filled with fun and loud laugh, turned into the kingdom of the darkness, the abode of evil spirits. Brave little gast, parking a park, challenges Belisbob and tries to return the park for the same kind. However, as always, to play for the main villain with a cheerful and pretty face will not be given to you, so you get used to and do not faint at the sight of squeaked your monster. And fight to fight with spiders, volatile mice and bloodthirsty plants. Although the game and gives the impression of a nursery, in some moments even in a cold-blooded quaker with an iron exposure of some kind of goosebumps… Pledge of Victory – Remove aside as many heroes as possible, which can support you in the last battle, it is necessary to destroy enemies and collect stars. Than them are more, the easier it will be the Gasta in the final test. You can theoretically try your hand in the battle with Belisbob, already by having already gathered two stars, practically it is more profitable to destroy all evil. So for business!

So, we viewed the screensaver, and here the gate of the park slam, and another exit, except how to move forward, does not remain. Well, then moving forward. Movement on the screen is carried out by “dragging” the cursor when the mouse button is pressed – you need to press the left mouse button and simultaneously direct the arrow on the monitor screen to the other direction in which you need to move (enough tedious lesson). It is extremely inconvenient that it is not provided for controlling the game from the keyboard and configuring the game control.

But we are moving, and here we are the area with flashing lamps, on which there is some small flying creature. As soon as the gast is suitable, or rather, swims closer, it is a creature that turned out to be huge fly, suddenly throws us!

Quietly, without making sudden movements, so as not to bother, crawl out of the table, look at the monitor screen and make sure it is not necessary to scare. This is just an unhappy fleet that got lost and can not find my home. Here, we have the first friend and the associate that will follow us. Inspecting on the sides and see levers, one with a red light bulb, the other – with green. Come to the left lever with a green lamp and twitch for it. (To stick behind the lever or take any item, you need to bring the arrow to it so that it turns into a white glove, and then click on the left mouse button – in general, nothing new, the usual “pixel-hunting”.) Under the control of the lever, the part of the stones are lifted and the hatch is detected from which something resembling a giant spruit. Quickly and carefully, avoiding his sucks, we run to another lever and twitch for him. BAM! The monster remains only a wet place in the literal sense of the word. Come to the green dirt remaining from the monster and select it, this is our first find, which is very useful to us in the future. For the victory over the monster, Gastik receives his first award – a silver star that needs to be selected from the ground. It may happen that a fly, which rushed around, killed the monster. If this happened, you will have to take another creature to assistants, but for now you can do without your own, but in general it is possible to start the game from the beginning, without substituting under the blows of the unfortunate courtyard.

So consider the case when after this incident we stayed together with mad fly. We are located in the center of the square, which leads three roads. Moving to the right and get into the dense forest, where among the trees we see the indicator flickering in the dark. Click on it – and he appears before us in an enlarged form. With the help of such indicators, Gast can navigate in this forest. Moving up and on the left we see the well, at the bottom of which something sparkles something. To get a brilliant item, Gasta needs a stick (guess it from thoughts in the cloud above it… Head?.. or skull?) Now we move to the right and then straight. We again fall on the fork and see the pointer, go from it to the left along the path. Again the intersection, go towards the arrow with a plant…

Nice to meet, huge, hungry and toothy flower! Uff seem to be small spirits of the gasta type he does not eat… And yet the starving you need to help. We tear a cherry from the tree, take it out of my pocket (right mouse button) and give her tobastics. Saying the cherry, the plant spits the bone, which we select, and suddenly it will come in handy? Go further on the road paved in a white stone and fall on the wasteland. Let’s fly on… AAA!

We jump on the chair and find out that it is just a butterfly, which is needed a flower or wings. We look at and see on a tree next to orange fruit. A little to the right of some kind of underground creature, which from nothing to do is thrown on the forty at a convenient case. Caution, saving it, tearing fruit from the tree. At the bottom of the screen we find the lamp tuberculk, covered with a leaf, apply a cherry bone on it and climb the growing plant up. Once in heaven, take the following silver star, hovering over the cloud, and go down down. Return back to the toothflower flower and fuck him just found fruit.

We again pick out seeds from the ground and move to the place where the winged creature met a remote butterfly. Moving along the path further and from the next pointer go up and right, and then straight, not folding. In the next fork you turn right, we reach the next development and go straight. Having done this difficult path, the Gast turns out to be at the crossroads where you need to pick a stick – the extremely necessary thing in our arsenal. Take it and turn left, get on the cemetery.

We meet with the raven, a big fan of brilliant things. In the cemetery, you need to find a small crypt, in which the soul is closed, asking us to help her free up and find the body. After listening to the request of the unfortunate, we select an empty bank in the crype and go back back, past the cemetery, for a plan where they found a stick, and then another for one. Now we move to the left, to the octopus, what a pointer standing on the development. Before us overlooking the lake, over which the semblance of the bridge is shifted, and here it is necessary to go through this harpdom… Well, ahead! As soon as we descend, a huge octopus tentacle fell out of the water.

Lucky that the Spirit is only an astral body that can not be killed. Therefore, afraid, actually nothing… So we open your eyes and play on. We look at and see on the water in the place where the railing is destroyed, the pita, which is removed from the water with a stick. Moving further on the bridge and see a stone octopus, with emerald eyes. In one eye emerald lacks. Now you can return to the intersection.

We are moving to the place where the pointer is located with a volatile mouse and a carousel. We go to the right and detect the old non-working carousel, to start which we need the key. Now we move to where the arrow with the mouse point. Gently go to the right, be careful, on the left side, in which you can fall! The vampire bat is immediately thrown on the fortune. Since the nerves are already hardened, then wait until the heart returns from the heels to the place, no longer need. Yes, and then, the mouse is needed only by blood, and I still don’t care. Therefore, the mouse leaves us alone, and Gast her too, but picks up a shining emerald from the floor.

Return to the pointer again, and from it – to the stone octopus. We insert the found emerald into the empty icing of the statue, and the door opens below. We enter into and we go to the elevator down, in the laboratory. Taking advantage of the lever with an empty bottle depicted nearby. When the bottle is filled with fertilizer, go back to the elevator upstairs, again to the butterfly. We water the fertilizer grown from the cherry bone of the plant and climb up, get two more honored stars. Let’s go down and found in the lake Square give a butterfly.

Now we go to the toothfown plant, planting the seed in the covered sheet of holmik. We again climb up the trunk and get a star. Returning to the pointer where the toothfown plant is drawn and keep the path right on this road, that is, to the lower right corner of the screen. There is a house, in which we look and detect the fire and other subjects. We select garlic near the house and come back to the intersection. We are moving to the left and down, and then where the pointer is shown to the pumpkin. We get another portion of adrenaline from pumpkins attached to us! Translate breath… Now we pass on, raise the worm from the ground, and then listen to the complaint stuffed on the hardest destiny and his requests for release. We return back and fly to the goal, (check with pointers). Fit to the well and, using a stick, get the key from his bottom.

Now you need to return to the square. There we grab a fly with you and lead it to a newly discovered house. Fly myself does not remember from happiness, thanks us, and Gast again gets a star.

Again, in what time we go to the square. This time the path is kept along the road that leads to the castle. This is not such a simple task, as it seems: Fake the stones and try not to break from the trail. Which time you got to the castle? 🙂 go inside. Before us is a big room. When we are trying to climb the stairs, the Gasta prevents a huge chandelier falling from the ceiling (and then they say: ghosts are intangible, intangible :)). Then go on the door to the left of the stairs. Put a garlic on the floor, take a glass with blood. Attention: garlic needs to be put on the floor! Now go further, behind the left door is a small room with an open window. On the floor lies the carpet with the image of the web, coming to which we are rapidly falling in Vnieiiz…

We choose and enter the right door, get into the corridor. Over the left door is the main hall, from where we started the survey of the castle, so it makes no sense to go there. Who does not believe me, can check himself 🙂 Well, I was convinced? Then we fly to another end of the corridor and enter the opposite door. Moving along the corridor and wrapped around the corner, we enter into one door. In the room behind it there is a brazier and hungry cat, which plays an ultimatum: feed and friends, or neither one or another. Okay, the cat will be done later, and now Gasta is not up to cats. Come to the aquarium and apply an empty bottle on it.

We return back and go out in the hall, climb the stairs and enter the room. Finding a lever with a green handle, jerk for him. The staircase is descended from the ceiling. We climb on it up and fall into the observatory. Near the telescope we find a screw staircase and go down down. There we discover the scoreboard with the stars with which you need to rewrite the necessary information: Finding the stars and position of the levers (90, 270, down, up, down, up, up, 270, 180, down, up, up, up, down, 180,90, down, up, down, down, down). Now climb up to the telescope, we use this data and get three stars that literally fell on us from the sky.

We leave from the observatory and go to the next door, behind which there is a balcony with a trick nest. Go down the stairs. Right door locked, apply the key on it, turn to the right… Now attention! As soon as enter inside, quickly fly into the opposite end of the corridor and go into the opposite door, quickly, very quickly, because the walls are trying to crystal! Now unscrew the key left door, we enter. We have a small room with a wardrobe and one more door. We enter it and fall into the library. There we will be waiting for the excavated evil rat. Climb upstairs, take cheese for her, give it a rat. Eye cheese, rat becomes another and an ally of the fortune. Fans of rats are available? Not? Then suffer a little, soon we will get rid of this creature. (If the “pocket” lacks a place for cheese, lay out any item on the floor, and, getting rid of cheese, pick it up again).

So, moving on. Under the stairs we find another door, we enter. Entering the next door (solid browse!), find yourself in a room with a staircase in the observatory. Over the left door is a stone corridor, we enter it. We pass the corridor, avoiding the knights in the armor, which is cutting down that neither falls into the room and come out of it through the next door. Music lovers can play piano. All the rest go to the room outside the door on the left. There we will find a flower, but because the pockets are clogged just under the urban, we pass by the flower, we enter the next door, cross the hall and go to the room with a cat. Greenpisovs and Crovfilov are asked to turn away! The rest feed the cat’s cat. Now approach the cat, we enter with him in a room with a secret hatch in the floor, disguised carpet. We enter the left door (relative to the balcony). Now let down down the stairs, fly in the door located on the left and get into the mine. Moving forward and then left. not to look nervous! Gast meets with a man without a head. Now give him dirt, and when he sticks his head into place and leaves, raise the golden key from the floor. Then we go out and fly on the corridor further. We see the door, we enter, a great spider is thrown on the gasta. Fuu, what an abomination! I give abrasions of the worm and leave the mine, we get into the room with a staircase. From here, we go through the other door, then we go to the next room and, finally, we enter the room in which we find a star. Now jerk for the lever. Glass is broken and can be fishing. Now we return to the stairs and climb up. Open the right door, we enter the room with a fireplace. Gilt in the fireplace stick and go back to the spider. We apply a burning stick on it and kill it. (Asked why it was to feed?) We return to the room with a flower and take it. Returning back.

Now we fly further and near the green lake we find Laz. Passing into it, we approach the bat, give her a glass with blood and go now further into the forest. Once at the first intersection, we turn to the carousel. Run it with the key. Now we go to the toothflower flower and the might of him everything you can rain, including the mouse, (what, however, low betrayal at every step!), then select the mouse on the floor and go to the butterfly. Give her the wings of a bat, and she flies.

Now we go to the cemetery in the crypt with a suffering soul. We light the torch and with the help of the key we exempt the soul from the chains. After that, we go along with the soul to the pumpkin field and help the soul to connect with the body.

Everything seems to. We helped all the suffering and needing our help. Now we go to the clown’s lair, using the pointer. Go to his gloomy possessions, put three stars on the board and… I recommend keeping the game! Now click on the lever, sit down in the cart and go. From stars flying on us, evade, otherwise, the fortunes will take away the stars accumulated. Now silver stars need to get into the cat and crow, and then in clown. All, the park is saved! Watch the final cartoon about the busy park.

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