Half-Life 2: Episode TWO: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 26, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Half-Life 2: Episode TWO: Passage
Half-Life 2: Episode TWO: Game Walkthrough and Guide

The game, as it should, begins with a colorful video clip dedicated to the main ultimate event of the first episode – the explosion of the citadel and the subsequent salvation of the main characters by train. It is with the ruins of the aforementioned train that the play side of Half-Life 2 starts: Episode Two.

We go past the collapse of the train. Alix opens the door and gives Gordon gravel. With it, we open the gate and jump down. We pass to the cliff… Oh God! The remains of the citadel emit a mighty energy wave, from which the bridge collapses and breaks the lattice to pass into the mine.

Go to the hole in the floor, jump down. We throw explosive barrels in zombies, go to the control point. Gordon Fremen sticks the grave plug into a socket, fonding Alex call his father through the Pu, after which the door opens.

Passage in the mine is open. But the road further blows the big door. Raise above, break the boards. Trolley, moving down, breaks this fence. Go further, run on the right on the hill, jump down. We find a staircase, we climb on the roof and jumping into the hole, press the button. Alix opens the door. Open the door on the floor ..

And here it is! Alix skeins a three-legged robot (hunter). Alien immediately resorts, destroying the hunter, who will continue to carry Alix on his arms, supporting life in it, and kindly offering us to cleanse the road from different evil creatures.

We go to the open gate to the elevator, there we will reach your favorite mount from the mechanisms and fall down. Go before downloading to a new location.

We run on the elevator-lift, twist the wheel and quickly jump on the top floor. We take a gun jumping down to the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel – not a very friendly creation, highlighting lights.

We run by him right in a protective snack, we discover grenades and shotgun. Killing all annoying insects from the pistol, after which we we clean the hole in the dawn in the dock where there were grenades and shotgun. Jump down, then go ahead, clearing the path of gravel and sending cylinders in the arrow beetles. We dive under the water, make your way to the next segment of the cave, after which you see the inscription “Loading”.

Ring Volta

New Location Game called Volta Ring. Formic lions climb from all sides, so our main task is to place stationary machine guns competently. Beat your attack and go with aliens mining extract for Alix rescue.

We go on tunnels, jump down, after opening the door, we discover a bunch of zombies, with which we treat methodically. We like to the cargo elevator, we make a box in it, under the weight of which he descends down. Below we put three glands under the freight elevator and turn on the button, after which we throw the glands on the floor back and climb up.

Open the alien door, go up the mine tunnel, between the business killing zombies. We find the staircase, we climb upstairs, we move the container and jump down in the hole under it.

We get into the cart that rolls down, after which we fall into the abyss with water. We get out of the water pit and get right away from the abyss in the next tunnel to the “shock installation”. We make chop from monsters and on the lift go up. Our mynched friend, alien stay downstairs covered us downstairs, but after he climbs on another lift.

After alien opens the door. Clean the passage near the corpse on the chair and go on. Jump in a hole and get into your favorite mines. Gravipochka kill the backups at the gate to continue.

We go further, we see the inscription “Loading”. We go to a broken elevator, which clearly needs to be fixed. But how? Jump over the elevator shaft to the shedding fan. Gravypushka knock the table, the fan scrolling a little breaks. After that, we move the fan with gravel until the moment where there is no one blade, we will crawl under it and we go through the tunnel on. Jump down and after a meeting with a cobweb fall into the water. We swim under water, we climb into the next tunnel, we kill a couple of dissatisfied insects and approach a large cliff.

ABOUT! It turns out, here we are waiting for the guard, as soon as we jump down! We do not shoot it, but we run by and, without stopping, we are looking for a small hole where it can not climb. We go further on a mini-tunnel until you go to a big hall with honeycombs. There runs the guard, with whom you do not need to fight, but just run on and again hide in a small tunnel. As soon as he leaves, you need to quickly run to a wooden compartment, punch the boards and jump there.

It is here that we are looking for the desired design for the elevator, which, as it turns out, is not enough gear. Insert the gear gravel into the mechanism (it lies behind), press the lever, and then the button. Hooray, Elevator Stained! We see the inscription “Loading”.

After healing Alix rose on the elevator up. Located new location.

Papa Fremen

New location begins – Dad Fremen. We go to the “Dolbyl” settings down to the left, a wonderful landscape opens ahead: robots and soldiers walk on the bridge. Men two big guards with grenades, bait and explosive barrels and call elevator. However, he gets stuck. We go up the stairs and past the corpse along a narrow path along the wall. On the roof of the elevator, knock the board and the hatch and go down to the elevator. Knip the gravel gravel from the grit lever. The elevator goes down, after which, together with Alix and aliens we go upstairs.

We see the viewing platform with a bunch of broken corpses. We find a new weapon – Patrol rifle (Impulsenik). Alix opens the door, removing the power fields. They with aliens stay on the observation platform covering Gordon sniper, and you need to get to the car on a dilapidated bridge.

Climb upstairs, disassemble the blockage and jump down in the elevator shaft. Then break the boards – and again down, to joyfully grunting zombies. Know the lid on a broken elevator. Jump out. We go on the stairs to the roof of the hangar and jump into the hole, beating the gravel zinc sheet. Jump down.

There is a friendly meeting of a dozen zombies that fall under the fire of Alix from sniper. After the fall of the iron plate, a few more zombies pop up. Kill them, go to the pound, after which we get into some kind of workshop. With the help of drawers we climb up, activate the yellow lift, we use another drawer and get into ventilation.

Middle of the ventilation, we go under the bridge. Jump down. Go ahead on radioactive water, shooting on the road distraught zombies. Raised the stairs upstairs, pass on the bridge.

We find a car with a motor, but without a hood. Further, it will be our vehicle. Customize the wheelbarrow to the handrail, we move on the second piece of the bridge. The bridge is even more falling apart. Drop the gravel three cars from the far end of the bridge. The bridge is sissing. After that, on the railing we return to the first segment of the bridge, sit down in the wheelbarrow and fly on the speed through the crack. For this, do not forget to click Acceleration (SHIFT – quick running).

We climb the stairs, turn the chopper and release Alix with aliens. Alien says a lot of kind words, after which leaves you with Alix alone, advising you to get to a white grove. Sit down in the car and go further.

Road to white grove (armed and on the road)

The road ends in a dust. We are looking for a detour. It is located on the left along the river. We are going on a country road and leave for a small settlement at the radio. Settlement allegedly abandoned, however a couple of zombies there still live.

Alix wants to send a message to white grove, but no current. Electricity is included in the basement of the Bombed House. You can get there via a break in a brick wall. Go down, we find six sockets and two cords. Short cord sticking in elevator lift sockets, and long – to the top outlets of the opposite wall.

We return to the top with the help of an elevator … and get into the ambush hunters. Bring them, go to the house to the transmitter. Alix binds to grove, but the connection is very bad. Settlement gates open, sit down in the car and go further.

After downloading, we drive a little more and get into another abandoned settlement. We enhance the rooms, we find a hole in the floor of one of them. I am in prolonged on it and find yourself in the Big Saraj. Here in the metal cocoon, the adviser’s beetle. We shoot a gravel in the power supply of the cocoon, the wounded beetle carries out of the cocoon and is wounded. Soldiers appear. Put them in a row, then come out out. There we will have a few more soldiers, a hunter and a helicopter with a machine gun. Quickly jump into the wheelbarrow and we go on the way away from the settlement.

Fly on a wheelbarrow along the railway tracks, diligently knocking down drawers with ammunition and stray zombies. Driving thus a couple of kilometers, come to the final destination.

While friendly soldiers lead the helicopter distracting fire, you need to spit under the compositions, passing the stock of lives, and then gravel to blow up a bomb in the corner. She will free further pass.

Shoot down the helicopter is quite simple. Need to grab the grave of his own bomb and throw up the top. After three hitting the helicopter bends. We get into the location “on the radar”.

There we offer us without Alix to deal with a machine gun that does not allow to drive further. Well, nothing to do. Break the window, get out into the yard. On the body of the truck we climb up the window. Go down on the stairs, go out into the shelling machine gun yard. Gently go around it, we will rinse under the swollen mesh, and then – in the tunnel.

Hiding behind the cars, cross the courtyard and break the window. There a couple of soldiers. We put them, go into the courtyard again. Through the Body of Gazelle penetrate through the grid, put the box and, quickly jumping over the truck through the body, we go to a safe place.

Killing zombies, then on the body and cabin truck climb on the roof. There is a window leading to the room, and five soldiers. Kill them, then open the casing and throw a grenade there. All, machine gun is neutralized, you can return.

By killing a couple of zombies on the road, we return to Alix, sit down on the car and go further.

We leave garage. In the van nearby are ammunition, but the entrance is littered with a broken wheelbarrow. We blow up a barrel with fuel, car depicted, freeing the passage. We collect gravel preparation. Going on. Enter the tunnel, we see the download screen.

On the mountain road, come to a small hut, densely smeared by blood. Search for her, go further. Come back on another abandoned village. We start searching him – and fall into the ambush. Hunters and soldiers appear. We drive with them a shootout and discover that the power field cuts us into a tiny snack of two houses. After the first wave of attacking, the second appears, which penetrates the house through the door stamped earlier in the basement. Kill hunters and soldiers. Go through the broken door outside. Now you need to turn off the power field.

Climb upside down and discover another building. Go to it. Alex finds the energy control panel, but it cannot disable it. Under the root of the building, we make our way to the right room, spread the boxes and we find a narrow LAZ in a room with an energy ball for one of them. Gravipochka kill a ball with a rod, the power field is turned off, you need to open the door behind, so that the ball flew out out of the room.

We return to the car, sit down in it, we are going along the road, rich boulders. Enter the tunnel.

After “download” continue to go to the river. We leave from the car, climb the stairs to the goal … And we see a shot down cargo ship. From under the wreckage, alarder (walking battle tripod) gets out, but we can’t beat him. Suddenly, the iron dog Alex and his tears of it in the shreds. Then the dog raises the gate and removes the fragments of the truck aside. Customize the car, sit down in it and come to the long-awaited base “White Grove”.

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