Jack Keane: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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November 24, 2022
19 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Jack Keane: Passage
Jack Keane: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Several words about management in the game: In order to talk to the game character, you need to click on it right mouse button. Dialogues are branched, and you will not always be able to achieve the desired result from the first time, so do not be afraid to go through the options of dialogs. To call the inventory you need to press the “ENTER” key. In order to get a description of some subject in inventory, you just need to click on it with the left mouse button. Items in the inventory can be connected to each other, and apply outside the inventory using the right mouse button. To Kane or Amanda began to move faster, you need to double-click the left button on the screen. In passage, the descriptions of all items will not always be given, so hitting the next location, do not forget to carefully examine, and you will get true pleasure from the game.

Part 1. Trap (London)

After the introductory video, we see the main character, Jack, tied to the chair, and in front of him there is a couple of unpleasant types that they demand money (the money of these Jack once lent in one right advocate and “forgot” to return the debt, for which it is now paying),and threaten at the same time, impose irreparable harm to the health of our hero. To get rid, we need to start a conversation with one of the bandits and in the process of dialogue to insult him. After that, thugs will hit us, the knife will fall out of our pocket and falls on the box behind the chair. Let’s try to reach him. No, the knife is still far away. And what if you try to insult the gangster again? The result did not slow down to affect, because now you can reach the knife, for this you need to move the mouse to the right. As soon as the knife turns out to be in our hands, Jack will automatically be able to free. Once on the roof of the famous Big Ben, go to the left and go to the repair “cradle”. We look at, pay attention to the heavy barrel. We select mop from the floor, and then we unleash the knot on the rope, which holds the construction “cradle”, which will allow her to fall down, the barrel will move, and we can pick up a rag. Now you need to get rid of the gangsters hanging on the rope: we use mops on the barrel and shift the barrel from the place. When we again find ourselves at the top, we go to the left of the roof of the roof to the bucket with water. On the way, we will see their knife in the beak of the crows. Watered with water rag, go down to the nest, in which the bird sits. When we find yourself above the crownet, we will apply a wet rag on a bird litter to clear your way, after which go down. We try to pick up your knife at the crows – it will not work. We go to the left, raise the bag with sand and drop it on the head of one of the gangsters standing on the shooters of the famous Big Ben. The poor fellow is not lucky: it will fall inside the tower, thereby bringing the bell ringing, which will bend the bird, and we can pick up a knife. Now we have a knife in your hands, the gangsters are busy with their problems (not without our help, of course), so we calmly go upstairs. In the “cradle” we use a knife to the safety gate to go down down. We look at the video.

Part 2. Career Courier (London – Cape Town)

We speak with your team, and then we go to the left past the Mexican, who does not want to talk to us, we speak the store with a unlucky businessman, and then go to the store and inspect. We are talking about everything with the seller, and then on the left we find a fitting room, duck in the screen. Without constraint, we pull the cloth, and we see a charming girl. At this moment there will be a daytime traveler. Having introduced a captain of the ship by the captain, we start a conversation with the experienced traveler. In the corresponding lists of dialogs, sequentially choose a replica with numbers: 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1. After that, we get a bottle of Roma as one of the evidence. Return to your ship and give your sailors rum. After they go to their desired short-term vacation, approach the front guitors (the rope staircase attached to the board and leaving the top of the mast), grop out the active point, click on it and tear off the white board. In the inventory there will be a torn board and 30 shillings. After that, approach the Mexican, who is worthwhile, and bring a conversation with him. Wow! It turns out that this mexican and not Mexican at all, and the Montgomery agent is the best employee of the Secretary of the United Kingdom. In a conversation with him, it is necessary to mention the tea crisis that broke out recently, and that the only tea plantation that can save the empire from the crisis belongs to Dr. H. Having received its first task from the secret agent, we go to the right to the edge of the pier. Going down, we find a boat with a breakdown bottom, inspecting it and head towards the store. On the way near the barrels, we notice the girl who was met for the first time in the store. Do not pass by, but talking to her to find out who she is so where he came and what does. At the end of the conversation in the inventory there should be a postcard from Amanda. Inventory inspecting it, and we see the most ordinary postal stamp on the postcard. Come to a loser businessman and apply a board cut off from the schooner body. Having received a handset from him as a gift (do not forget to pick it up from the barrels), go to the store and speak with the seller about sending parcels. The seller is ready to send a package if the postage stamp will be pasted on the package. Come out from the store and go to the boxes to the right of the entrance. On them we can climb the ledge going along the wall of the building. We go on the way to the left, and then go down and look at the window. There is a fruit of blue, around which swarms. To get rid of insects, we use a smoking tube on them, and take our prey. You can go down to find some bonus items. The same way we return back, and go to the leaky boat. Apply on the pierced hole blue fruit to fill it with water. In the inventory, we combine the postcard of Amanda and the fruit to get a postage stamp. We apply a brand on the secret package, and then go to the store and lower the package in the mailbox, which is located to the right of the seller. Speak again with the seller and buy from him any three things in 10 shillings each. Making purchases, come out from the store, and. Go to the right to the very end. On the edge of the pier there are our sailors, who are only waiting to talk to them. We speak with them, we say shopping, and also pay attention to our sharp mind and turnout. After the sailors are hired, we go to Montgomery, and talking to him, and then let the ship departing. We look at the video.

Part 3. Shipwreck (coast)

When Montgomery destroys the temple on the top of the cliff, we will examine the board floating in the water, after that we speak again with a secret agent. At the end of the conversation, we will get a rope from Montgomery and a piece of bikford cord. We select a starfish lying at the feet of the agent, and the stone figure of an elephant that lies behind Montgomery. We go to the cave, inspect and find a chest with “treasures”. Maybe once all this trash and imagined for someone wealth, but we only take the old musket, which is leaning toward the chest. In the inventory, click on it first with the left button, and then right – we get a little powder. The second way out of the cave overgrown with wild vegetation. Apply your knife on it, the passage is free. We leave from the cave, inspect, including inspecting everything that remains from our schooner. We find a staircase and go upstairs. We reach the obstacle, inspect the big boulder and pay attention to the fact that there is a small deepening behind the stone. In the inventory, we combine gunpowder, stone elephant and bikford cord with a rope, then smear a knife from a compass lens. Made homemade bomb lay in the gap and apply a lens on it. Exploding the stone, we can jump over the abyss. Montgomery will follow us. We inspect the stone column lying on the trail and pass through the wooden bridge. Having reached his ship, cut a rope with a knife, which clinched behind the rock. Go down to the schooner and go to the ship on a piece of rei. Ending a chest in a chest, remove the scarlet from the boards. When location movements, you can collect starfishes as bonus items. We return to the shore to the place of shipwreck, we go to the end of the pier and look at the sea, we notice the board in the water. In the inventory, we combine the rope with the fishing rod, and then as a bait applied the larva. Sick out the board from the sea. Raised the stairs, speak Montgomery. We use the board to the stone column, speak with the agent, then we climb on the stone on the right and jump on the board. After an unsuccessful attempt to transport agent upstairs, talking to Montgomery again, and ask him to change with us in places. As a result of this simple operation, we turn out to be on the top platform, raise pebbles from the ground. Go to a niche in a rock, take a cylinder and look like a downstream head ride to serve as a counterweight for transportation to the top of Montgomery. M-yes, an unsuccessful attempt was, although the idea was good. We will think on. We go to the left of the stairs, select a package with wax for hair and a piece of stone head, lying near the door in the rock. We approach the winch mounted on the cliff, raise the second piece of the stone head and the fishing hook. We look at the winch from all sides, trying to rotate the winch lever, but all the details rusted in the inventory scissors open a package with wax, and we use wax on the winch, and then turn the lever. In a lowered rope, we go to the ship where we find the third piece of the stone head. Carefully inspect the bottom of your vessel, after which we rise again upstairs. Returning to the site located above Montgomery, speak with the agent and ask him to undress it to become easier. After a conversation with the agent we put three parts of the stone head into the red chest in the niche, and now Montgomery is at the top (praise our smelter). The local girl who calls the balls appears on the right side, speak with her. She will agree to help only if he gets back his wedding diadem. We go up the stairs to the door in the rock, and open it with the help of a hook, which found next to the winch. Passing through the door, we select sharp Indian spices waking from the bank. We go to the left along the rock, pay attention to the flagpole in the rock, raise, and then the brooch, in which there are no precious stones, we return to the girl, trying to give her to the diadem, but the balls are capricious, because her diadem was decorated with precious stone. Go to the winch, go down the rope down, and apply sharp indian spices on the pinched shells to get a beautiful pearl. In the inventory insert the pearl in the diadem, go upstairs and give her a girl to her torthee. Speak again with the balls, ungrateful maiden will relieve us only a piece of liana. Raise it and go through the door in the rock to the flagpole, where we need to apply Lian. We look at the video

Part 4. Remuneration and return? (Coast. Village. Jungle)

Montgomery was not lucky, he dragged him into the jungle whose terrible clawed paw. Going to the jungle, we go along the trail to the village. Before crossing a small river, climb to the pagan figurine, which is on the elevation of the cliff. We read the ad, take away from the hands of sculpters the remains of the burnt sticks. Come on the river and go to the left to the local hotel. Go inside, examine. We pay close attention to two blue bottles standing on the trolley, and on the brass star, which is pinned to the rack. Website and a fireplace that is located on the right side of the room. Click on the call on the rack to call the owner. Talking about everything. From the conversation, we learn that at this hotel Montgomery booked the room. Be sure to ask the owner of a glass of water, which is given to guests as courtesy.

Having received a glass with water, we use it to the fireplace. While the owner will again have fire fire in the fireplace, quickly change the bottles that stand on the trolley. When the angry owner of the hotel will return to his workplace, Izmazham the burnt wand, which the owner is so proud of. As a result of our manipulations, the star falls off, and we quickly choose her to hand. Now, just a time to talk with a stubborn owner, which this time will be much more conspicing. Having received the key from it from room number 7, we rise to the second floor, unscrew the room and enter. Going into the room, go to bed. Next to her there is a bedside table with which we need to pick up a secret package, in inventory we open a knife, and we get a secret agent certificate and a folder with the case. Raise a red sock, lying on the floor near the bed. We leave from the hotel and try to pass up the path that leads to the jungle. The passage is closed, so we return and go to the barrier, which is carrying on duty British soldiers speak with them, then apply. On one of them, Montgomery certificate. Then we will need to answer a few of their questions to prove your right to be called a true British. The first question is the answer – Raven. On the second question you can choose any answer. After that, we speak with the security of once again and inform them that we are ready to call your real name. Calling your name, you can safely go to the village. We look at prison located next to the barracks, and then go ahead down the street. Before the tray of the first woman, we read the ad about the poetic evening, and take it with you. Then we speak with Rupee, which is behind the first table, apply the folder with a job on the local realtor, which we got from the secret package. In return, we get a key bundle from her at home number 3. Talk to the woman once again to find out where the house we need is. We go down the street, go down the wooden stairs down and go to the left. Once in front of the grave, take a candle, after which we return to the stairs. Then we go on the board and try to open the entrance door keys. M-yes, Montgomery played a cruel joke. Pay attention to the hatch, try to open it. Annoyed, go back to rupees, and tell her that we do not need such a house. Woman will buy him for 10 pounds and 1 shilling. We go to the barrier, and then in front of the entrance to the marketplace, we turn right and go to the store. Near the entrance we speak with the Gopeshem, who is the Father Shari, and also trying to depict the local mafia boss. To the store will not work yet, so we go to the checkpoint, near which we noticed the challenge of the elephant, the local “taxi driver”, so to speak. We are talking to him and decide to help him for mercenary purposes: without an elephant, we do not get into the jungle, but it is very necessary. We speak with the soldiers and pay 10 pounds – this is a fine imposed on the drivers for drunk riding. Giving money, we return to the marketplace and talk to Louise, an elderly woman who is a part-time grandmother Shari. Conversation need to tactfully only about her granddaughter and jam, which is preparing a woman. Ask her a little jam, and immediately get it. Next, we speak turns with a small humpback old man and the balls that stand and talk right there, on the square. The jar with the jam give a girl, back the capacity returns to us empty. In the inventory we put a candle in the can, and cover the design with a red toe. It turns out an improvised red lamp. Returning to the checkpoint and apply the flashlight on the back of the elephant to replace the spoiled lantern. We go to the marketplace, talking to Louise about the challenge of an elephant and soldiers. After the granny will fail in the innocence of the charter, returning and speak with the soldiers. We talk with a Panda about the airfield, and go on an elephant in the jungle. Once on the road before the bomb, we go on the way to the resulting barrier. After the inspection, we return to Elephant-taxi, whose drivers made a picnic and already unloaded the animal. Near the elephant on the road there is a box with tools. We use the situation and look into it, and then we take the cuttings from the shovel from there, the bayonet from it and Baggore. We go ahead and turn to the stream, trying to go to the other side, but the way to block anaconda. Well, we will then go to another way. Click on the thick root of a huge tree, and climb to the foot of a majestic statue. Next to the huge feet on the left on the ledge raise a big nut and pay attention that under us is the place where anaconda hides. Then climb the stairs and pass between hand and trust statues. Going upstairs over the stone sculpture shoulder, go on the hand of the statue on the road and go to the right to the rip. Again inspect the challenge and pick up the branch. We leave from the rippled and, not going down down, go to the right screen and we find a strange place, acquired by a metal fence. We read a strange plate with drawn zipper and try to climb through the fence. M-yes, was not lucky. Raise a screwdriver lying near the dead rat, sign and return to the statue. We pass on the branch to the face of the statue and put the found nut in her mouth. Then we go to the left, we use the branch on the hollow, and go upstairs. We see, we see a nice house in which a monkey sits and turns the pedals, thereby producing electricity. We pay attention to part of a broken fence, and with a screwdriver we get a piece of mesh. We see the bell on the door, but we do not reach there, so we use the Bagg for the rope of the door bell. Well, very busy, it is necessary to somehow use it. We return back, go down the stairs to the place where we raised the nut, and throw down the nest of anaconda part of the fence. Hurray, reptile trap. Go down to the stream, and go to the other side of the stream on the dusting tree. We go to the left to the ruins, inspect them. With the help of a knife, we cut a liano hanging over the arched passage. And go to the left to the altar, where the stone figure of an elephant is located. Curling it for the trunk, we can enable the mechanism by which a large statue will close the mouth and walnut will split. To the left of the altar there is a passage that overgrown with stormy vegetation. With the help of a knife we remove the passage, overgrown with plants, and climb along the trail. On a small platform, we discover the predator and bone plant scattered around. We look at the bones and on the plant, then we apply Lianu on it to tie the predatory jaws of plants. In the inventory we connect the cuttings and bayonet shovels and dig a captive plant from the ground. We go back to the ruins, go through the stream and climb the stairs. We take from the mouth of the statue to half a split walnut and go to the house in which the pedal of a monkey turns. In the inventory, we combine the split nut and the plant, put the plant on the veranda, cut the knife to Lian with his jaws, and now our biological weapons are ready for battle. Call the door bell with the help of the same banner and look like a predatory plant snacks a little monkey. We return to the fear that is now de-energized, passing through it and turn out to be in the airfield. Stupidly communicate with the cashier, whose role is currently performing Madame cartilage, and watch a video.

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