Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 12, 2022
17 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches: Passage
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Chapter 1 Arrival

You arrive by car to the private house. No one can see. Examine territory. Admire graphics. Then move to the front entrance. The door is closed. But not something. Somewhere next to the key. Inspect everything around. Especially look at the bodots of pots with flowers. And here is the key. Take it and open the door.

You are in the house. There is dark. It is necessary to turn on the light. You probably immediately noticed in the distance. But do not hurry, it does not work. On the right side of the door there is a shield. Open and turn on the light.

Excellent, light appeared. Now you have to go through a couple of steps deep at home. And as soon as you did it, suddenly the door slam sharply. On the other side that the note weighs. We take root.

Now we have to go to the living room. This left door from the wall. Inspect everything here, but look at the first thing to the piano. It lies a lighter, undertake. Then look into the cabinet. There is a book on various herbs, you later come in handy. And of course, listen to all missed calls.

Now we go to the door that is near the phone. You get into the room in which the cosmetic repair is not completed. Despite this, go to the windowsill. Click on his left edge. Showing photo. Take her. After that you can look into the closet. On the right side of the window. Move the box in it. Wow, you lantern! But unfortunately you can’t take it. Just remember this place.

Time has come to visit the storeroom. That is, you must go to the door in the opposite side of the window. Here there is a lot of interesting things here, but we need only two things, it is a light bulb (right-sided cabinet) and dry alcohol for the fireplace (on the table with lev). Of course, you can inspect everything, but it makes no sense.

All go to the kitchen. We go out into the lack of room and immediately in the right-hand door. Here we need to look into the refrigerator. There will be a bank with tomato. Open it. Wow, you, key! We take it. Then you had to notice a bowl on the floor. Take a look at the top cabinets above the fridge. There is a cat feed. Take it and sit down in a bowl. Then take lying next to the mission, dead mouse. And go to the bathroom, and the Zetas to the courtyard, for firewood (door next to the mission). How to go out, look at the right there the place where the firewood. Take a couple of powder and running in the living room.

Now you have not a simple task – to light the fireplace. So do everything as it is written here: Dry Alcohol -> Sliers (next to the fireplace) -> Firewood (who took in the yard) -> Gilt all the lighter. All fireplace is burning.

All now go to the hallway (where to be a shield), right-hand door of the front entrance. But this door is closed. But we found the key to refrigerators, and what if you try it on the door. Trying. Excellent, approached. We enter, and immediately climb into the bookcase. There is one book that interests us. Scroll through it. And what we find a letter. Read it to spit the plot. Then pay attention to the MP3 player. He lies next to the printer. But, unfortunately, it is discharged. The computer has just a suitable charger. We put a player there.
All now go to the hallway. We are trying to climb the second floor, but what happens. Appears by bringing. You fall from the stairs. Now we need the same lantern from the closet. Running him. And after that, try again to climb the second floor.

Happened. You are on the second floor. From Lev from you to be a table lamp. But it does not burn. You have just a suitable light bulb from storeroom. Insert it to the lamp. Drain. As seen here six rooms. Let’s start in order, counterclockwise, from the stairs. In the first room you should, how to inspect all items: posters, notes on the closet. Zetam we go to the bedroom. But before entering the wall in front of the door hangs the sword, inspect it. And in the bedroom, inspect lying on the metronome window. And only then leave the bedroom, go to the bathroom, this is the next door from the bedroom.

Here pay attention to the sink. Turn on hot water. On the mirror appears an inscription. Now we go boldly from the bedroom.
Now it’s time to visit another room behind the stairs. She is the leftmost and all. Try to open it. What’s happening. Music sounded, and words appeared on the door. Another puzzle. How to decide it? Pretty simple. Remember the piano in the living room. There are notes there. This melody comes to one of them. And under the notes of bottom music there are six letters. Namely: C, F, A, C, A, F. Return to the door. On it, as can be seen, all three words written by capital letters. This means to open the door, you just need to push them in the prescribed manner. The door opened, you are in the household room at home.
Inspect the room, but pay special attention to the diary, lying behind a wicker basket. Scroll through it. Everything. Now you can turn on the computer. But he requires a password where to take it? If you carefully examined the rooms. Then they should have discovered another diary in the fireplace. Which was well covered with a pillow. First two words in this diary and there is a password. Namely: the wonderful Dylan – Dreamy Dylan (in case the Russian translation of the password does not work). Drive it to the computer. And enjoy reading someone else’s mail. We read it all until you finish the chapter.

Chapter 2 Earth

You woke up on the bed. During the time you slept, a new letter came. We read it. You are asked to translate an ancient manuscript to a modern language. What need to do? To start open the box in the table. Take the shallow and a big sheet of paper. Now go to the yard. To do this, go around the stable and go along the path until you reach the stone. Mouse over it first a sheet of paper, and then crayons. Return to the room.
You have come a letter again, just this time two letters. In one of them, the result of the translation of another manuscript, and in another program for translation. It is not quite difficult to translate, the main thing is to know that the end of the previous fragment is the beginning of the following.

After transfer, take the book on the window and the book in the living room about various types of plants. But also look into the office on the first floor. Take the area of ​​the area. And look at the time of playing the song of the song in a MP3 player. Just this castle code to a stable. Or rather 0406.

Send to that very stable. Open the castle. And how they got lost immediately. Over the door lies the winch, take it. She is very useful. There is a wardrobe. Try to open the bottom shelf. Does not open. Then take the lubricant on the table. And lubricate the shelf. When it opens, take a list of things from there, you will need to find these very things. But do not rush, you have a challenged task. Fill the lawn mower. To start on a left-sided shelf from the door to be container with measurement of volume. Now remove the cap from the tank of the lawn mower and first pour oil once and five times gasoline. Then we close the cap and take the lawnmower in the inventory. Now you can leave this workshop.

We go to the same stone, which we cristed ancient language. Take the winch and bring her a little higher than the stone. Stone raised. We found a plate under it. Such plates are only three. We must find the rest. But first we go to collect “Herbarium”. How do you remember, we have a clan area. We look at it. Three zones are displayed on it. We go to the first.
Here we have to find two varieties of plants: oak and ash. We go to the end of the first zone, then turn left. At the bottom there is an oak twig, take it. Now in the direction of the house we make two steps, and find the ash. Excellent, now we go to the second zone. She is divided into three parts, in which go first? In the one that begins behind the blue gates. Here we are interested in Birch and Iva.

As we went to the territory, we make two steps and find a birch twig, take it and boldly moving to the end of the path. Here turn on the left and find a twig of ash. We leave the territory. Now against the clockwise visit all other areas at number two.

Next territory is an apple garden. Here we are interested in the apple tree and the second plate, which is located under stone.
The last territory at number two. Here we are looking for Vyaz, the beech and the last missing fragment of the plate. How to find yourself on the territory immediately turn left. Look at the bottom, there is a stone, slide it. Here is the third plate. Lost Vyaz, Rowan and Beech. They will not be so who is just to find, the main thing be attentive. Mashtupim. We do one step forward, turn left, take the lick. We go to the end of the path and there we take a beech. Everyone go out from here.

From the open gate cases three steps turn to the right, find Ryabin. Now we go to the steps to the stone, turn the right, take the hawthorn. And the last twig. Go to the door of the stable on which the castle hung. And do three steps from it towards stone. Turn to the right, find a thorns. All searches are finished.

Now let’s collect all the honor of the plates in one whole. Just overlap one to another. What’s next? You should have noticed that behind the stables of the wall, and one of the walls of the stables are indicated by Greek numbers. So this plate is key to encrypted post on the walls. But unfortunately these walls are covered with mold, we need to clean them. Go to the workshop, to the box. The upper shelf is a tool that will help us to scrape mold.

Luffed the walls, you see that they have inscriptions. And you just need to ask them the order of writing. According to the key go, and click on the inscription. At the end you will get a verse.

Apong appeared. You automatically follow him. He leads you back to the stone. It turns out that the stone has a second bottom. Open it. Wow, you crown. This one of the things you have to find. Namely these things: Crown, Sword, Wooden Horse, Claw, Cot advertising. Let’s start in order.
Go to the hallway. On the floor behind the door lies the newspaper. Open it, and you will find a second thing there – advertising a cots. Climb the second floor. How do you remember next to the door of the bedroom hung sword, take it. Leaving the house. We go to the territory number one. We reach the end of the path, turn right. There Zaroshi. Take the lawn mower and put everything. Wow, you, we found a passage to the garage. Inspect everything in the car. And at the end of this, press the rear window, it will break. On the rear seats is a wooden horse, take her. We leave the garage into the territory number one. We make two steps towards the house, turn on the right, look down. Tat Lyzhi Beach. All go back to the stone.

Now we need to put it all back to the second bottom of the stone. But all these things are not so who just put. And what do you think, why were we running, they collected “Herbarium”? What would all these things put in, we need to combine each you want with a certain plant. This will help you the book that you found on the window in a room with a computer will. And more precisely, it is necessary to combine this way:

Advertising sheet + birch
Sword + ash
Wooden horse + apple trees
Claw + Thurning
Corona + Vyaz
After that, the sphere appears. Take it into your inventory. This chapter ends /

Chapter 3 Water

So the new chapter began. Now you need to get the scope of water. Go down to the first floor in the hallway. You have a letter. Open. It lies the key. Take it in the inventory. Come out of the house into the yard.

Opposite the stables through the lake, there is another building. But unfortunately on the door weighs the castle. But fortunately we found the key from the castle in the letter. Open and go. Without stopping, go to the other side of the room. From there Look towards the door. And then pay attention to the iron stick lying in the left top of the screen. Pick it up. Then next to the door there is a cart. It lies a lombing that you must pick up. After that, open this score of the flooded. On the right side of the room from the door. And finally, with the right from the door behind the iron sheets lies a list of things you need to find, and this is: silver rod, goldenware, bread, starling, magic fabric, skull and boiler. And still, look at the door, the key hangs on the right, take it.

Now exit this room, take a step left and turn towards the construction. There is a passage to the second floor of the building. But the door is closed. Good that we took some kind of key from the hook. Try it to open the door.

Worked, enter inside. As it should, all inspect. Then go down to the first level of the building. On the left of the door hanging the board. Take her, and run to the second floor. Lie to her place where the floor is broken. We pass on the other side. Pay attention to the top right of the screen, there is a compartment in the wall in which the first part of the boiler lies. Everyone can now leave this building.

We must visit the territory at number two (the territory behind blue gates), there is a well, at the bottom of which lies the second part of the boiler. To open it use scrap. The third part of the boiler lies right in the lake, you pull it out with the help of the length with the crochet on the end of the stick that found in that flooded room. After that combine all parts.
On the left side of the back door of the stable lies a little twist. Take it. After that, go to the fork to the steps. Take a wand, click on it, and take a step forward. You found mine. Put the assembled boiler on the stone, water over. Now break down the search for the ingredients.

I will visit first the stable, and more precisely go to one of its rooms, in a blue door. On the floor will find, the detail for the tractor. Take.

After this go to the kitchen. There are almost all ingredients that bake bread. But first take the recipe on the bottom shelf in the book. And only after that look into the refrigerator in which oil lies. Then look into the bottom closet, take the package in which we will all mix all this, and take the salt in the upper left cabinet. Go to the storage room. Here you need to take a shape for bread (Far cabinet) and a bottle of wine (the cabinet on the right side of the door). Only flour remains, it is in the same place where you found the first part of the boiler.

Having all ingredients, it’s time to bake bread. Go in the kitchen to the sink. Type in the container of cold water, output the second bowl on the screen. Place all the ingredients and fill with water.

You got the dough that you must put in the mold and put in the oven. After that, we go to search for the next item. Magic fabric lies on the table, in the kitchen. Skull We will find in the poster of the household houses at home. And the gold table can be found on the bookcase in the desktop on the first floor. And the last ingredient remains rice. His statue we will find on the roofs of the building. Just how to get there? Go out through the kitchen, in the exterior yard.

Make a step forward and turn to the right. Go under the carport. Then turn back and look the top. Need a staircase, it is located in a building with a flooded basement. Next to the subsidiary. Take her and back.

Rising upstairs, you must notice the iron risk. Take it and go to the extension of glad to the bathroom. There is a parcel. Grabbing her, go the laboratory, is the room on the second floor right behind the stairs. Unpack the parcel. This is a kind of printer. Scan every thing you find. After that, go to the left-sided room from the stairs. On the table lies an excerpt from the magazine about living water. We take it and come back to the laboratory. We take test tubes and glass glass for microscope. Go to the cabinet on the first floor, and print leaflets on the printer. One leaflet on the slide, the other on the test tubes.

After all this we run to our boiler. Fill the test tubes and pour them water on the slide glass. Visit the storage room. There is a refrigerator. Let’s place the glass. After that, it will be necessary to go out and go into the room. We take the slide glass, return to the laboratory.
In turn, we put the glass under the microscope and chew them with sheets of scanned things. After that we go to the boiler. Like the last time things need to be placed, combining with something. This time it is live water, and it is necessary to place this way:

Skzorets + True – Truth
Bread + Nizhny – Humiliated
Skull + Respect – Duty
Golden Saucer + Calm – Calm
Fabric + Cheating – Deceived
Rod from the tractor + offense – insulted
A sphere appears, a lie to its inventory. The new chapter begins.

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