SAM & MAX SEASON 1: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 1, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

SAM & MAX SEASON 1: Passage
SAM & MAX SEASON 1: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage of Sam & Max Season 1 (Sam and Max: first season):

Recently, among the developers of computer games, there has been a tendency to episodic content. In simple language, we buy the game is not completely, but in small series, and spend no hours for it 15-20, but about 3-4 hours for each episode, then we expect to continue.

Reborn Sam & Max Telltale Games also decided to file us entirely and immediately, but in small portions. The game was distributed through the digital service Gametap, and the spring appeared on Steam. The box version went on sale only in the second half of August and included all six episodes. In the autumn, all the favorite characters will focus in Russian.

The main characters are the reasonable dog Sam and his faithful friend Rabbit Max. The company is submitted to all as Freelance Police – something like a freelance police, – and detectives have ever debugs. Every episode from Max and Sam appears a new task – first the struggle with the villain trying to hypnotize everyone and everything, then the guidance of order on television studio. In one episode, Max becomes president, and we still have to fly to the moon. In general – fun, interesting and very funny.

The gameplay is true to the traditions of quests: we consider the surroundings, everything is studying carefully, collecting items and use them in the right places. A long time is to communicate with other characters – you can learn a lot of interesting and useful. Sometimes it depends on the correct outcome of the conversation, you will get one or another subject or not. All collected things are stored in inventory, which is caused by pressing the box in the lower left corner of the screen. To use the subject, choose it and drag the mouse to the desired thing – everything is simple and understandable. Puzzles in the game are not particularly difficult, and the genre lovers will spend on every episode of no more than a few hours.

One of the advantages of the game is a good atmosphere, and with humor the authors are all right. What is the shooting of a comedy on television studios in the second episode or an oval office of the president in the fourth. Graphics look very stylish and makes his highlight – you are waiting for lovely cartoon characters (even the villains look fun and original) and well-drawn locations: shop, Sam and Max, TV studio, the surface of the moon, the white house and a lot more. There are no complaints to the sound part, but the music contributes to the atmosphere. Basically, in the course of the game, we will be accompanied by jazz compositions, which adds a game game – after all, it happens in America, where everything is possible: a rabbit can become president, a psychotherapist – Queen Canada, and a merchant in a small shop can sell an atomic bomb or an earthquake call device.

In general, Telltale Games had a worthy continuation of an interesting game, and episodic turned Sam & Max to a fascinating series. In the fall, we are expected to be the beginning of the new SAM & MAX season – and therefore new adventures, new villains and new undisclosed cases.

Now we will proceed to passing the first season. You are ready? Then in the way.


Episode 1: Culture Shock

Sam and Max office

Villain Bracie Calcher hypnotized three children’s stars – Vizer, Pipers and Spex. Now our heroes have to reveal the conspiracy and punish the perpetrators. After the introductory video, you will find yourself in the office of Sam and Max. The phone calls but… Here is no hope – the telephone dragged the rat to his nouper and requires Swiss cheese. Otherwise you will not get your device back. Drain and take a bowling balloon in rat hole and a boxing glove with a window sill. Pay attention to the door on the right side of the office – you will find a lot of cheese behind it. Shoot it from the revolver so that cheese turn into a Swiss, with holes. Take the cheese and put it at the hole. Let Sam question Jimmy (so call the rat) and complains to the headache (Got A Headache, EH?). You will learn that the rat is very afraid of heights. Now let the Jim says Max. Trust that if you do not get the phone will have to throw away the unlucky animal from the window. Then Max grab the rat, and after a small moral, it will turn the phone. When Sam talks on the phone, we go outdoors.

The outside

Once on the street, follow the left and sit down in the car parked at the sidewalk. Now it’s time to ride in the city. Cock into the car traveling in front of you, then shoot the head with a gun. Use megaphone to stop the driver. Talk to him and report a broken spotlight. So as not to have extra problems, he decides to pay off. Take 50,000 dollars and come back to the office – the trip was very successful, you will not say anything.

Bosco store

Follow the office to the store Bosco’s Inconvenience. Ask the owner of the store on video tags and take the cheese from the tray on the tank at the counter. In the store you will see the Whisser, who is worn as a crazy. Inspect the toilet, and then Max will decide to visit this institution. It seems that the child would not hurt to go to the toilet. As soon as Max comes out of the restroom, Wizzer goes there. Put the cheese in his basket, and when a satisfied child takes his basket and go to the exit, an automatic boxing glove will be cut off. Talk to Bosco and ask him about a grenade launcher. The deal took place – give a merchant 10,000 dollars and we get weapons.

Office Sibyl

Follow the sidewalk to the left, past the machine to the building with the inscription Sybil’s. Sibyl locked in the cabinet one of the children. Refresh the hooligan gas, and then drown out his laugh with a boxing glove. Talk to Sibyl – the lady knows how to remove the hypnosis of the villain of Calcher, which Sam will tell.

The outside

Go outside and take a spray cylinder with a trunk of a car standing for the car of our heroes. Draw graffiti on the wall of the building where Sam’s office is located and Max. After a couple of moments, another crazy child will appear named Spex. Initially, he criticizes our heroes and their terrible tricks, and then it will start cleaning graffiti from all over.

Climb the office and throw a bowling ball on your head. Go out again and talk with Spex – now he has become talkative. Communicate with him and follow the Bosco store – it’s time to talk to the Whiszer.

Bosco store

Wezser we find peacefully lying at the entrance to the store unconscious. Come to the child and inspect it – it seems, the boy comes to himself. As soon as Sam says about the police, the Wizzer runs out of the shop, sit down in the Bosco van and leave. Sam and Max go to the chase.


Circle boxes that fall out of the van. Driving up closer, shoot a gun on wheels. Talk to Wizzer about the house Bradie Calcher – we go there and go.

House Bradie Calcher

Take a blank ticket to enter the house of Mr. Calcher and return to Sam and Max office. Now visit Sibil.

Office Sibyl

Give a ticket to enter the house of Calcher Sibyl – now you have three tests to get Sobil’s signature. Test First – Siebil will lay out sheets with drawings and ask Sam that he thinks about them. There may be several options for the correct answers. If the first sign in the form was money, choose the following options 1, 3, 2, 1 and 4. If fame – 3, 2, 4, 2 and 1.

The second test – now Sam needs to use a revolver or glove when Sybil says the word related to the second feature (it can be hair or teeth). If Sibil tells a word that does not have a relationship, click on the RELAX table. After a while, Sibyl will be broken down on the ticket.

Third test – Now you need to analyze SAM’s dreams. After the start of the test, SEM will be in the office. If the third sign in the ticket was “age”, click on the box in the donkeys and select “Birthday Cake”, then select the Dark Contour of the Man and Max. Another option: in a box with a ponchikov, choose “Wedding Pie”, choose “I” in the contour – these answers are true if the second sign is connected with mom.

After Sibyl fell into a ticket, go to the house of the kapeler.

House Bradie Calcher

Insert the shape into the hole under the monkey and go through the gate into the house of Mr. Calcher. After conversation with Calcher, go to Bosco.

Bosco store

Seems to be hypnotized. When the detective will take place near the table with cheese, take cheese. The protection system will work, and Sam will get a punch with a boxing glove.

Dreams Sam

We are in Sam’s dreams. Take the hanger from the TV, then open the toilet door and use the pump nearby while the door slammed. Follow the output and press the switch, then shoot a revolver on the arrow plate. Having received the head of Max, use it to Calcher, and you will return to reality.

Bosco store

So you again in the Bosco store. We leave and go to the office.

Sam and Max office

Take the hanger from the TV and go to Sybil.

Office Sibyl

Talk to Sybil and get instructions for the manufacture of an antihypan helmet from it – this is what you need. Now follow the Bosco – He will be able to help you in this matter.

Bosco store

Talk to Bosco and give him a hanger and instruction. Take the helmet and head to the car – we are going to Kalchera.

House Bradie Calcher

Come to the house and talk to Calcher. Then three boys will appear in the house, the outcome of the game will depend on the conversation. Speak them the following replicas in order:

– Worship… Me!
– Attack… those!

After talking, enjoy the final video.

Episode 2: Situation Comedy

Sam and Max office

After the duel, answer the phone call and watch TV. TV presenter by the name of the world captured the audience in the Studio hostage and requires $ 10,000 and continuously broadcasting its transfer. It seems that our friends have a new business. Go down and go to the TV studio.

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