This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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October 12, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

This Is The Police 2: Passage
This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and Guide
At the beginning of the game you have to take part in the attack on the headquarters. Here everything for you does the game, pointing to how and where to do. So all further sturches will be held, but believe me, they will be much more complicated by the current!


Next you are waiting for a cat-scene series, interrogation “Tie” and a letter that makes Jack Boyd. Choose any options.

Challenge “Narcotrafik 6-52”

This call enters the training system. Select two cops and send at the specified address. Watch the cat scene.

Investigation “Soup Soup Secret”

This is a training investigation. Here you will be available immediately all the evidence that you can read, as well as pictures for both suspects – wives and man in the Mask of Restlera. The killer is a wife, so switch to another suspect by clicking PCM, and spread photos as follows: Wife and husband sitting at the table, quarrel;The wife comes from behind with a knife;Wife cuts her throat;Wife scatters body parts on the bathroom;Wife comes into a shop with a trash.

Next will be assault, but you will not be able to participate in it. The only way is to configure the plan, but I recommend not to do this, because the result will be identical. After the cat-scene series, the training day will end.


Finally, Jack starts to work.

Call “Violation of public order 5-16”

Send any cops, shoot from the thamber and spend the cartridge does not need. It is enough to tell him that nearby the fire and its help is needed.

– Options: enter the truck with a patrol machine. Any cop, but the criminal will be dead.

– Shoot in a drunken work from the Tazer. Need a cop with a taser, the criminal will be caught.

– “Hey Mr., here a fire, you need your help”. Any cop, the criminal will be caught.

In the future, we will indicate only successful results.

Call “Robbery attempt 5-51”

The girl is trying to steal the dust of his beloved and fulfill her last request. Choose a Cop with one point of negotiation skill and suggest a suspect to agree with your parents. If there is a cop at speed, you can run out of the funeral bureau and intercept the girl on the street.

The challenge “issuing yourself for a police officer 5-73”

Go to the call, use the option with a lilac if you have a cop at speed and in the future you can choose it to catch up with a suspect. Otherwise, it is enough to choose a corop with the attribute of negotiations and order to surrender.

November 23

If you have the same bug, as in our case, and it will not be possible to send cops to the first call, then simply exit the main menu and restart the day.

Challenge “Public committing obscene action 5-20”

Order my grandfather to hide him old sagging ass, after which you will shoot in the air with any cop. Or chase him if there is a speed attribute.

Call “Shooting 5-38”

This is a false challenge, so you can not send cops on it.

Investigation “The secret of pink chewing”

Send any cop to the investigation to activate. In the future, send cops to search for evidence according to a schoolboy, because it is he is a criminal.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideSecret of pink chewing (start).
Here is the sequence of compiling cards: Tommy Moore and friends are sitting on the floor and watch TV;Tommy Moore comes with a backpack to the toilet;Tommy Moore, suffer, leaves the toilet;The boy shoves a video recorder into his backpack;All boys leave the house of Elmer.

In the first half of the day, look for Tommy Moore at school, later – in a trailer park.

Call “Abduction 5-47”

Turn on Sirena or ask a question to the criminal about how the child called. After that, either chase him with a character having one point of speed, or shoot a thamber.

Call “Trade without license 5-77”

Choose a copy with the skill of negotiations and offer an old man close the shop. Either the pepper can help you. Shoot in the air is useless, especially to drink suspicious alcohol.

November 24

During this day, one of your subordinates will not work, but will ask for help – then pick up the laundry underwear, then a cat from veterinary. If you agree, one of the cops of the shift will do this and will not be able to participate in departures for some time. For each action is consumed one part of the endurance. On the other hand, it will certainly be a Kurosawa, without a hat, so after completed request, he will trust the Jack Boy.

Call “Robbery attempt 5-51”

Go to the jar, do not tarante the bike! Persuade the criminal to surrender with the help of the negotiation attribute or catch it up if there is speed.

Investigation “Mystery of the Black Box”

The man in Balahon is guilty, so in the future collect photos with his participation.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideMystery of the Black Box (Start).
Here is a sequence of photos: a man in Balahon enters the building through a black move;A man wakes up the archive door with a wooden cola;A man rushes in a box with old affairs;A man in Balahon throws part of the folders with recent things;A man leaves the archive with a semide box.

In the afternoon, look for a suspect in the registry office, and in the evening – in the park named after the supreme judge Trent.

Challenge “Escape from the accident 5-11”

Watch the sedan until the teenage girl comes out of it. After that, run up to it using the corop at speeds.

Call “Attack 5-30”

You can reassure all conflict participants with a character with a negotiation attribute. If it does not work, you will have to use a light grenade or force.

Challenge “Public committing obscene action 5-20”

Do not shoot in the air, otherwise the old man slip and break his neck. Just wait enough until the old man finishes his business.

Challenge “Domogation 5-40”

Using a character with power, you can break the criminal. Either apply shocker against him. Pointer should not give a teacher.


There will be a fortune teller and will offer assistance on the other side for $ 400. It is useless to pay her, she will not tell anything intelligible. Although her words can be interpreted as you like.

From now on, a sniper will be available, which will be useful to you to withdraw especially important criminals.

Calling “Property Right 5-18”

Remind the woman that she is not the only client in the bank. Do not ask the cashier to serve her out of turn – the old woman will hide. It is best to tell her that she could anticipate other people (negotiations). Or you can send a revolver to it with the words “how about die right now?”.

Call “Cruel treatment of children 5-34”

Tell me a woman that Piros shared in her. Any character.

Challenge “Hymn 5-15”

Shot the cabriolet wheel. No need to burn out the road or to tash it so that the criminal does not die and the cops were not injured.

Call “Animal Cruelpotion 5-36”

Ignore this challenge because it is false: the guy does not hurt a dog stick, but playing with her.

Sturm “Armament Robbery” (Post Office Sikamo)

Giving various objects from broadcasts, you can interrogate people to find out interesting facts about the operation: the number of criminals, their location, the place, through which is best to go to the territory. In this case, you can not pay anything and anyone as we will tell you how to get the task.

So, through the main entrance to go undesirable, because there are two criminal at once, and a third of the neighboring room can connect. Send a couple of cops up to the monument to the left of the post office, the other two, where the car is located. One enemy will be on both sides of the building, so you will detect them without problems with a shocker, a battle or taser, after which they definitely arrest!

Various items stun the opponents to a different number of moves. If the stunning will pass, and you will not have time to arrest the criminal, then he will raise anxiety. Anxiety will be raised if the enemy notice you (exclamation mark), but you will not have time to neutralize it before the end, or if you decide to shoot or loud smash the window or door.

Go around the building on the left and enter inside. In the lateral premises there will be one enemy, the other will be indoors in the right part of the building. You can get through the window about the criminal you had to neutralize. After that, place the cops from different sides and pick up a moment when it is possible to stun to stun both criminals in the main post room. It is done!This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideSturma outcome.
Remember that for the dead enemy your hero gets 1 tongue, for the arrested – 3.

Call “Robbery attempt 5-51”

Another false challenge that can be understood by its description.

November 26

At the beginning of this day you will answer Lana’s questions, playing Emma Washington, the former secretary of Jack. Choose any options, it does not affect anything.

During the day you will be offered some boxes. You can take yourself to get canned food and cigarettes (these broadcasts will be useful to survey witnesses during sturge), or give their guys. In the latter case, their loyalty level will rise. Boxes can also be thrown away, but why do it, if you are guaranteed, useful objects are guaranteed?

A certain Donna Ferry will also appear. The woman will remove the plot that will increase the loyalty of your subordinates, but one of them fell in love with it and decide to retire.

Call “Cruel treatment of children 5-34”

You can use the baton, or contact the girl yourself and hit the teacher by a shocker. If you select a large knife, the suspect will die, as when used on other calls.

Call “Attack 5-30”

It is important to take a character with a bat. If this is not done and to break the woman, then she will crush the corop and flows blood from the nose. He will be wounded. Stopping blood, you cut the time of staying in the hospital, but if you have a chance for a woman with a character with a speed (at least one item), then you will catch a suspect.

Challenge “Domogation 5-40” (courthouse)

Shot into the clerk from the thamber, get it, if there is a character with force, or convince me to surrender (negotiations).

Call “Attack 5-30” (registry office)

Will have to shoot a guy from a thamber. Do not ask if he really wants to marry, otherwise he breaks the head of the passage employee. Well, the big knife, as usual, will lead to the death of the suspect.

Challenge “Murder Attempt 5-26” (Piccoli Ralph Mill)

This is a false challenge.

Sturm “Threat of the explosion” (warehouse)

In this operation you will have 12-13 moves to neutralize all criminals (arrest or kill), or get rid of the detonator. The detonator is in the distant place of the warehouse (at the top of the screen). You can pass for the fence through the room to the right or a hole on the left. Before the fence there are three criminals – one is above you, the other – the hole in the fence on the left, and the third later a couple of moves will enter the building to the right.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideHome Sturm.
Four-five people are located inside a large warehouse. There are also enemies and outside – one at the hole behind the fence, just above the other, even above three more or four people. be careful.

I would recommend to get through the building on the right above, depends only to the enemy inside it. Next, follow the warehouse inside the warehouse, neutralize all criminals, climb the premises from above and detonate detonator. On the street, believe me, go much more dangerous.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe location of explosives.
If you can not pass the episode without deaths, then at least do not raise the alarm – get closer with the enemies close and kill them with a knife.

Call “Violation of public order 5-16”

Approach the old man using secrecy, then attack the pepper canister or disable the bump.

November 27

From this day (more precisely the end of the previous one) you will learn about the existence of Fray, which extorts from Jack money. Now you have to pay him $ 20,000 weekly.

IMPORTANT! Agree to take food from the wedding table, ending mourning to raise the loyalty of employees. Thanks to this, almost all policemen will be rested the next day.

Special task. Ernst Aikhorn (Sicamo Street)

Send to the old woman of one of his cops who know how to negotiate. He will convince her to give the coins of Ernst, who will pay for them for them and will pay. You will receive $ 1000 as a reward.

Challenge “Grip hostage 5-44” (Bank of Sharpwood)

You can tell the guy that there are no no one for violence, but for this we need glasses in the attribute of negotiations. Either my wash (secrecy required) and neutralize it with a battle / taser (pre-invite you to call the Bank’s main branch). It is not necessary to shoot in the air, otherwise the employee will cut the throat of his boss.

Challenge “Unauthorized rally 5-22” (old church)

Just calm people at the rally using a corop with one item “negotiations”.

Challenge “Rape 5-41” (refueling of Roger Linington)

You need to use secrecy and sneak to the rapist. You can also shoot a thamber.

Call “extortion 5-55” (bus stop)

Take a shocker with you, demand the worker calm down, after which apply the device.

Calling “Murder Attempt 5-26” (Jameson Hill)

Clear the criminal is secretive and arrest it, or convince the negotiations to surrender. Next, you will need to save the girl in a burning building. Waiting for firefighters should not be because it will die. It is best to get around the building or go inside using a corop with force.

Challenge “Escape from the Scene 5-11” (city center)

Ideally, you need to send a corop with a good attribute of negotiations. Jump in a stroller can be copper with good speed and / or (possibly) by force.


If you have completed the investigation, associated with the missing video recorder, then in the house all copies will appear toilet. True, it may not happen on this day, it all depends on when the criminal caught. So, thanks to this, all the cops that did not show confidence in Jack, they will now wear hats.

Call “Domogation 5-40” (bus stop)

Requirement for rating: 505.

Use a corop with negotiations.

Special task. Barbara Kimble (kindergarten)

The girl will ask to look after the children in kindergarten, as all the educators got sick. If you send a person who will not be able to find an approach to children, he simply gets tired (for three parts from the scale), and you will not get a reward. Send a person with a good skill of negotiations (one item will be enough).

As a reward you get toilet paper, baby food, diapers and $ 20.

Special task. Donnie Snowrasson (warehouse)

Donnie asks to find lost keys from containers. Do it can any copies. Just send two people.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideFirst special task without time.
In a reward you will receive $ 1000, VCR and video tapes. You will also be available container in which you can store boxes from the things transferred to you (broadcasts).

Challenge “Unauthorized rally 5-22” (city center)

Rating requirement: 960.

Use a person with the attribute of negotiations to order people to disperse.

Call “Cruelpote of Children 5-34” (Alcohol Store Heidrun)

Request for rating: 345.

Order a woman to leave the child at rest (negotiations).

Call “Complaint of noise 5-19” (Hairdresser Beauty and The Beast)

Rating requirement: 590.

Need to go with a black stroke and shoot a taser to a woman. Other options seem to be no!

Challenge “Public committing obscene action 5-20” (Park named after the Trent Supreme Judge)

Requirement for rating: 870.

Fight in the air is useless. Or sneak and chase, or sneak and shoot a guy from a thamber.

Banda “Sanitary Forests”

Reward for the destruction of gang: $ 45 000.

Caught to investigate the “Mystery of the Black Box” A man in the hood was a member of the gang of “Sanitary Forest”. Emil Pedersen will propose to become an informant. Agree.This Is The Police 2: Game Walkthrough and GuideThe first member of the Sanitary Forest Gang.
Send to the court of gang members can not.

Interrogation of Emil Pedersen

So you will need to interrogate members of the gang to go out on the following criminals. On the other hand, if the interrogation turns out to be unsuccessful, you can always use torture. Read more about torture below.

For a successful interrogation of Emil Ask, right whether he was going to help women criminals whose dossiers were stolen from the archive. Next, agree with him that things in Sharpwood are not really going very, after which tell me what they do a good thing and you would like to know where the kopams do not need to see.

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