007 Legends: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 29, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

007 Legends: Passage
007 Legends: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Aurik Enterprisis.

After the entrance roller, wake up and go into the following room. Near the body of the girl we select the phone holding the “U” button.

We undermine all fighters and in a passing truck penetrate the territory. Moving forward to “Aurik Enterprises”, in the same time shooting meets enemies. On the radar in the lower right corner it is quite easy to navigate, especially to detect opponents. Climb up, shoot the pipe from above to put out the fire. Penetrate inside and get to the control room. Get up in front of the panel you want to hack. Press the “M” button, then the middle mouse button. Hold “U” to start hacking. Buttons “E” and “P” move apart and down the left slider, and “g” and “r” – right. In contact with the slider with already moving and move them to the beat to burn blue. Activate the lasers that walked the iron fence.

Get to the gate, and we will be offered to undergo training on stealth mechanics. Come to the goal so that they open and select a gun with a silencer. Kill two forward and one more on the balcony on the left. Raised the stairs to the left and eliminate the distant enemy. Go further, go down. We clean the floors with the help of a radar clock that helps track the location of the enemies (the “h” button). Taking pictures of three objects, after selecting the camera (the “M” button). We go into the following room and choose a biometric filter by pressing “M” and selecting with the middle mouse button. Scan the cylinders and without turning off the filter, proceed to the trail.

Listening to the conversation, proceed to stripping the room. Or we can just go down the trail. Being outside, we will go to the left and enter the building, waiting until the enemies turn away. Catching up a girl and interrogate her. On the elevator climb upstairs. The guard stops us and the fight is tied, which is QTE of four buttons – “E”, “P”, “G” and “P”. Because of the angle, we use a laser on the clock (h) and burn the speaker system at the end of the corridor to distract enemies. We are imperceptibly made up to the top, by biometric filter inspect the control panel of the right. Than a fascinating imprint, the later button was pressed. Code – 1703. Let’s go inside, on the right on the wall near the billiard table, you will find traces. We inspect them through a biometric filter. We open the safe, for this compare the ring with the same elements.

Damage from hats quickly by pressing the right mouse button. Let’s leave the “Aurik Enterprizis”, in terms of shooting enemies.
Goldfander grabbed us and ready to kill. But at the last moment Bond refuses his plan.

Fort Noks.

People from the CIA came to save us. Go forward, destroying enemies. First of all, we kill grenadeometers on the roofs. Accompany agent, helping him to destroy enemy soldiers. The next barrage will be discovered on your own. Inside the booth there is a control panel. We are hacked by her Eletro magnetic filter. Armored Transporter with Laser Installation Trying to burn us. We will find RPG for trucks and with the help of it shooting transport.

Penetrate the complex and follow our friends. Sometimes the doors slam right in front of us, in this case follow the agent of the CIA. He will try to deal with electricity in the complex. First we cover it, then he. Electro-magnetic filter we wake the electric boards so that adjacent elements connect to the same colors. Get to the bomb and try to neutralize it. But the source appears and attacks us from behind. Keep with it in QTE mode, quickly pressing the corresponding buttons. Neutralize the bomb at the last moment and go on the plane to a meeting with the president.

Goldfinger was aboard and wishes to change the course of Cuba. We are trying to take the gun with frequent pressing PCM.

Alpine Valley.

During the rest at the ski resort, we are attacked. Get on skis and follow Tracy. Hold the “Space” to accelerate, but moreover, we act gently and labby between trees. Promptly deal with the pursuers in the snowmobile. Also evade the snowdrifts formed due to explosions. Arrows on helicopters pose a big threat. Snow avalanche displays us from balance, and we do not have time to save the tray.

Lorney Blofelda.

With support on helicopters arrive in Blofeld’s Lair. Shoot enemies from sniper rifles, and then crumbled from minigar. We try to kill grenadeters in time so that there are no problems. Sit down and break through to the main building, shooting opponents. We interact with an ally and climb upstairs. Enemies have become even more, pomegranaters sat on the upper positions. The main door is closed, so we go from the left flank bypass. Climb upstairs, we clean the floor and run up to the door so that the partners burst inside. Rising upstream. Do not be ahead of the events and get up in the line of the helicopter fire, otherwise we are waiting for instant death. We detect a secret door through an electro-magnetic filter (M). Come to the wall and hit the mechanism that opens the door to the secret room.

On the elevator go down, we study round rooms. A guard appears that you need to disarm in QTE mode. We inspect one room after another, until you find trace. We protect it from enemies approaching from different sides. Then alone go to the laboratory. We go down on the right side, from now on, we act silently with a gun in the hands. Passing into the room, keep on the left side and try to slip for the next door. After the cat scene, we go to the left and neutralize the enemy when it goes away from the field of view of the camera. Near the control point on the other side is the opponent, shoot it. Avoiding scientists on the lower floor, get to the next room. Enemies here are even more, so we turn right and, hiding behind the boxes, get to the wall. Then let’s go straight, rise upstairs and left. Code from Blofeld Office Door – 8701. Electro-magnetic filter Detect the mechanism on the wall. The card appears, take it pictures. Blofeld locked us and put gas, quickly shoot the glass wall, where the map has just been. Break through the elevator and begin to pursue Blofeld. To stop the funicular, take the lock on the grid and press the button. We climb upstairs, go down to the funicular. We paint with enemies, select RPG and destroy the helicopter. We go to the neighboring cab, where is Blofeld. In QTE mode, we develop with it and complete the task.


Having a gun and a dart pistol in arsenal (button “C”), we get to the sewage plant, passing up with the protection. To detect enemies on time, use the clock (h).

Going down through the hatch, neutralize the enemy and go down the stairs. Turn to the left, go around the truck and go upstairs. Quickly neutralize the enemy and camera on the right above. Lay first minutes on the box. Go down on a wide staircase, keep the right side and climb up the stairs. We lay down two mines, here you can already run gallop – no one will hear us. How can you notice here there is a ventilation grid, according to which we can go to the next compartment. Go down, go from below on the left and lay mine. Let’s go further, we will rise up, put the explosive. Go down and get until the next point, there are many cameras, but there are few enemies.

Get to the door, we are moving along the corridors where we meet PEM and Sanchez. PEM will repay him, and we will run to the elevator and rise to his office. In Corrida shoot two, and in the lobby of three. Electro-magnetic filter detect electric boards behind the door leading to the Cabinet of Sanchez. Hacking best start with the right lower cell. Inside, the electro-magnetic filter will indicate a statue that opens a globe with a valuable document. Returning to the elevator, PEM has been crushed, you need to save it. In slowing down, shoot two, we move through the room to the right. We destroy many enemies and in QTE mode are separated from a submitted Sanchez. We go back, get to the hangars dredged with a red flame. Make your way further and then until we have a truck. Sit on it and at speeds are racing the gate.

We protect the PEM from the enemies, then climb up and get to the room with the roof opening button. Nearby is a sniper rifle, we cover the girlfriend out of it. When she will be at the helicopter, he will sit in it and take off – press the button.

Mountain road.

Capture transport and pursue Sanchez. The management is quite unusual: “F”, “B” – left, to the right;LKM, PKM – acceleration and brake, respectively. Shy only from pomegranate shots. Having overtook a wagon, climb on it. Shooting the enemies surrounding us and penetrate the cabin. Quickly press LKM to disarm Sanchesa. Being on Earth repeat these actions to finally deal with the enemy.

Ice hotel.

We communicate with Agent Jones in the “Ice Hotel” near the bar. Follow it, do not forget to take a picture of Greivza. Code to graves number – 8315. Pass inside, open the case lying on the bed.

Get to the biodom, follow forward, silently straightening with enemies. Penetrate the building, proceed to the wire in the floor from the office door and hacking the electrical. Climb upstairs, get to the case. Sanchez appears from behind and neutralizes us.

Fall down to Jinx and fight with CAO in hand-to-hand combat. Then quickly press PKM, LKM and “Left Ctrl”. Disarming the enemy, finally finish Cao. We liberate a girlfriend and tear together to exit hundreds of enemies.

Ice Lake.

On the company Aston Martine, we rush in a challenge for grave. Activate the anti-slip system (h) and a missile detection system ©. Now we easily decline from the attacks from the sky. To sharp turns are preparing in advance.

Soon there will be an enemy car that leaves mines. Activate the seizure of the goal (m) and continue the chase. We go to the finish line: we go ahead, evading from the baggage departing.

Plane Greivza.

From the cargo compartment, we get to the control room, in terms of shooting enemies. Jils will go up the pilot to visit the pilot, and we will go down where the hand-to-hand fight with Gravez. After it, quickly press PKM, LKM and PCM again. We continue the fight, then quickly press PKM. Inadvertent shot, Gustav creates a hole in the plane and pays for it. We return to the cargo compartment, open the ladder and now the main thing is not to please down. Shoot the fasteners of the helicopter, sit down inward.


Our goal is to find Dr. Gudhead. She is literally in several rooms from us. After talking, we go to the next room. Use the electro-magnetic filter and activate the control panel. Take care of the discovered barrels with toxins. We go back to Gudhead stuck guard. Play with him and proceed for a girl in the laboratory after pre-venting. Using an electro-magnetic filter, you will detect the button. Biometric filter recognize toxin. Another security guard appeared, deal with him and on the biometric filter will be traced behind the next toxin. We go on the right side next to the rails. We tear into the room from the lift and in slowdown we remove it from enemies.
Go down, here we act carefully, without falling across the eyes of the guards and training staff. Get to the door, with the help of an electro-magnetic filter, you will detect the electrical stopper and wake it up. Machine guns are activated above the door, similarly follow them and in a specially room, press the two corresponding buttons. Door to Drax Cabinet – Code 1258. To begin with, we will examine fingerprints on the booksheels with a biometric filter until you find the drains. Then the electro-magnetic detect the book that opens the secret safe. We wake it up and remove the flash drive with data.

Go down on the elevator. Critical level of secrecy, we should not notice. Turn to the left and go to the stairs, if necessary, neutralize enemies. Climb upstairs, enter the server. We calculate the sphere from enemies and crack the control panel. We are waiting until Gudhead finishes with copying data. At this time, we must protect it from arriving enemies and turn off certain servers by clicking on the appropriate buttons. You can trace them with an electromagnetic filter. Open the door and the jaws appear. Quickly press the corresponding buttons to win the trick to defeat this versil.

Soon there will be a drax with their people. Jaws will drag us into the combustion chamber. To the right of the fan we interact with the control panel to output the fan. We are moving along the ventilation mines, help the partner to open hatches. Run exclusively at an accelerated pace, otherwise do not escape.

We change clothes in uniform to merge with staff. The guard spoils all our plans. In slowing down, we destroy the arrived reinforcement. We go to the server, where we crack wireless transmitters and deal with the mouths of the enemies. Next, we are chosen outward and, on time, neutralizing grenadelatometers and snipers, get to the helicopter platform and hijaculate the aircraft. Fight back from the enemies, as much as the cartridges. Unsuccessful drop is compensated by accuracy, because we ended up right in front of “Lunatic-6”. We enter on board and enjoy the flight into space.

Space station.

Go from the room to the room, neutralizing the main goals from the dart handle. It is impossible to notice us, otherwise the mission will be failed. Even if we find, that is, the chance to escape. To do this, quickly deal with the enemy, which noticed us before it activates the alarm. Get to the control room capsules. We enter the Alpha code in the terminal – 745, beta – 164, gamma – 261. The jaw who appeared first stuns us, but we manage to inspire him that you need to help us. The partner activates gravity and we must protect the main hall from enemies.

Climb upstairs, wear a helmet and go out into open space. Need to destroy a couple of turrets and interfering enemies. Then we return to the main hall, go down and spread with opponents. We continue to move forward until we are in open space again. From here we will fall into the Hall of Capsules, where six manipulators will have to destroy.

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