A Way Out: Game Walkthrough and Guide

A Way Out is an original, exceptionally a cooperative game in which gamers are controlled by a couple of prisoners – Vincent and Leo. In the first episode called “Escape”, the heroes get acquainted and begin close cooperation to implement the escape plan and ignition.
At the very beginning of the game you will need to make a choice who played for whom. Leo begins immediately in prison, and Vincent – “Newbie” in this case, which only goes to prison by bus. Leo can move around the yard, performing arbitrary actions, but do not forget about the limits of reasonable. Leo can monitor from afar behind Vincent, looking down from the upper floors of the prison building.Arrival.
In the role of naked Vincent, climb the stairs until the guard leaves you. Character camera is located near Leo’s detention room. Put on clothes and get ready for the night. Leo should get to his own camera.
The new day will begin in the prison courtyard, and Leo and Vincent will be in two different sections. There will be a little free time for communication with the rest of the ace and the passage of short training before the moment the next important event is coming.
In the end, Leo will fall into trouble, without sharing something with other prisoners. In the role of Vincent, intervene in the scuffle to help the poor. An ordinary dispute will turn into a fight, which, however, is a segment with QTE actions. During the battle you will need to hit and dodge. Continue until Buyanov will be divided into jailers.
Fight in the dining room
After scuffing Vincent and Leo will be in the dining room. Vincent must go beyond the portion of food and sit down at the table, while Leo will have to communicate with the rest of the congregations to the meal. Soon, Leo will be attacked by the hired killer Harvey, and Vincent will intervene again to help a new friend. As the battle moves to the kitchen, Vincent and Leo must fight back from all attackers. Reset the shelves on them and throw out other items, parallel to retreating through the kitchen area. Continue until the guards appear again. After the cat-scene, two buddies will wake up in a prison lazaret.
Helping hand
Being in Lazarut, men will communicate and Leo will ask Vincent help in organizing escape. Men will agree that you can only turn this together together, but for this you need to steal the chisel. The plan lies in the fact that Vincent is engaged in the distraction of jailers and nurses, and Leo is trying to find a chisel at this.
Vincent will start executing the plan using the bell located near the bed and allows you to call a nurse. While the nurse is engaged in communicating with Vincent, Leo will have a chance to escape from Lazarene in the corridor. If the guard appears on the way, the guard will appear, then simply wait for it when he will give his coffee to continue the way on.
When the jailer returns to his place, then Vincent will have to knock on glass to attract attention. It will be enough to ensure that the guard is shedding. So far, that is distracted, Leo will be able to continue the way further in search of chisel. It is best to wait when the jailer will go to the restroom, and after returning to bed. Vincent continues to talk with a nurse. When Leo turns out to be in bed, then the cat scene will start and you will see how a man throws a chisel through the window. Next you will need to get to it and deliver to the chamber.
Details of work
In this section, the partners will try to penetrate the prison roof, where Leo threw the tool. Sophisticated work will be required, because you will have to rewor the guards again. Go to the broom in the bucket and take using any character. Felt it in half, then refer to the jailer, saying that it is broken.
Bring a broken broom to the guard near the door. Follow the box next to the jailer and interact with the comrade to climb the forest. While one of the heroes communicates with the jailer next to the door, the other should climb the stairs and get a chisel under the window. The character remaining downstream continues to distract the guards to allow the partner to get into the right direction. The player on the roof should proceed along the path and get inside through the window on the roof. Go down to the building and go to the closed door. The character behind the door must hack her. Deliver Fred tool to complete the episode.
Break cell
Fred was able to find a way to return the tool back to Leo using the delivery book. In your hands again there is a stolen chisel, but this time they can take advantage. Your new task in the game is to dismantle the toilet, remove the panel behind it and navigate the concrete layer from the wall with a chisel. The tool, by the way, will be universal and will be useful on each of the listed steps. Take it in hand and drop the toilet from the wall. With its help, unscrew the screws on the panel and the bait on the grid.
The second player should stand “on Shukhra”, trying to track moving protection. If the jailer is approaching the camera, then stop poking in the wall. When the jailer will be next to the player’s camera standing on the striking, it will be possible to start a dialogue and thereby buy for some time for his partner.
As soon as the first player finished poking in the wall and hit the panel, then you can converge the chisel to another. The one who is not engaged in work with the tool must stand on shukher, and the other – take off the panel. As soon as all toilet panels are removed, you will have to wait for sleep time, after which leave the Cameras of the conclusion. After turning off the light, follow the hole in the camera and use along the wooden boards. Take advantage of the staircase to be in the following room.
At the top level, hold on the left side, moving on the boards. Find a pipe on a wall with which you can interact. Leo and Vincent will have to work together to pull this pipe from the wall and apply it to the blades of a rotating screw, stopping it. Cook around and find the switch to turn off the fan. Interact with a partner to make efforts and open the door together. When you find yourself in a big elevator, it will get stuck. Will have to look for auxiliary way down.Pull out the pipe.
After leaving the block with the chambers of the conclusion, the new goal of buddies will be theft of a sheet of laundry. You need to get through the open area of the service personnel and get to the long location. The plan is to fill in the laundry basket with sheets and deliver it to the ventilating hole for further use. Stroll around and talk with the rest of the prisoners working in the laundry to be able to distract the attention of the jailers. After that, go to the back of the laundry and talk to the zack from the carts. Use everything that will be needed to convince a man in help, after which one of the heroes should jump inside the cart.
The player remaining outside the wheelbarrow should start collecting sheets near the room and load them inside the carts to hide the partner. Enough will be three sheets. The one who is in the trolley should start covering the sheets as soon as it is ready. The second hero must move the trolley through the territory with the guards. Be patient, do not rush – jump out of the trolley after it stops. And Vincent, and Leo must penetrate the back room, but after all, one of you is still located outside. The guard blocks the path, so you have to come up with another distracting maneuver. You can either start a fight, or lead to breakage of one of the washing machines.
If you decide to start the scooling, then everything that needs to be done is to collect some prisoners who are disliked each other. Here it is useful to previous communication with the concentrations. As soon as the battle begins, move to the guard located in the backyard, and report on the fight. So you will get a little time, which is enough to move to the back room.
The door will be locked, so the player who was inside the cart will have to open it for his part. However, in the back of the room there is a jailer, so you need to wait a bit until the path becomes clean, after which you try to open the door.
As soon as the partners reunite, go to the room where the cart was delivered with linen, and grab a few sheets. You can also pick up other sheets from the tables. One of the heroes should raise the other on the top, and then use the sheets to skip them through the top. Skip three sheets through the grille to complete the episode in the laundry.
Path out
In the next episode, Leo and Vincent should get through underground sewers. Climb the sheets and together with a partner, remove the heavy grille on the floor in the center of the region. When the lattice is removed, then get ready to jump down. First jumping Leo. Vincent will pay a few seconds to grab a flashlight lying on the next shelf, and then go down. In the role of Leo, turn the valve to suspend the water current, and then move through new opening. Turn another valve to stop the water in the next part of the tunnel.
In the role of Vincent through the lattice, pass Leo flashlight, then go back to the closed gate. It will start a cat-scene showing them hacking. On the other side there is a closed door. Leo and Vincent must roll the door to open it. Complete the next section of dark tunnels, drag off the metal sheet to initiate the following task.
New goal of heroes – get through the vertical mine. During the climb of the 9-recognized episode from the game trailer) Vincent and Leo support each other. Synchronize keystrokes moving above and above. Incorrectly pressing a player button controlling Vincent or Leo will lead to a balance disorders. Try to stay at the same level with each other, but if any of you proves above, then you will definitely wait for your own partner, and after you continue clicking on the buttons.
When both characters are on top, it will automatically get on the surface. Next will have to find a wrench.
After going to the workshop, Vincent and Leo will have to find a wrench. It lies on the table near the prisoner driving on the metal. One of you distracts the alarm, while the other takes his wrench.
The meaning is to pick up a wrench from the room without passing through the metal detector. One of you must move the key to the other side of the room and stay next to the ventilator in the wall. Another character is obliged to get out of here through the metal detector and look at the room with the supply on the right. Remove the garbage, and then open the hole, on the other side of which the partner is. Ask a partner to push a wrench through this hole to successfully extend it from the workshop without passing through the metal detector. The player remaining in the workshop may leave it with the usual way – through the metal detector.Transfer a wrench between characters.
This topic of the transfer of a wrench from one character will continue to another. Move on until you find yourself at the checkpoint. The character who has the main key must wait until his partner follows. As soon as the partner is checked, then transfer it a key through the grille, and then do the same with the remaining character.
Continue to go through a block with prison cameras. When you find yourself about two jailers, then the character without a wrench should distract their attention. As soon as the time comes, then find the camera where there are no guards. Throw the wrench for the toilet so that the jailers do not find it during inspection.
Jail break
As soon as the wrench returns to his chamber, then the time will come, finally leave the local prison. The wrench will be useful at the top of the mine on which you closed the partner to the top. Do not worry, do the same actions will not have to do. Use the wrench to remove the nuts, and then open the hatch together. Climb on top, find the cart with boxes in the side room and direct it on the yellow ventilation hole at the ceiling. Climb on these boxes and pick up ventilation. Paint the pipes past jailers using boxes as cover.
When you find yourself near the closed door, you will have to push it to knock off the loops. Nevertheless, it is possible to do it secretly, disguising the sound under the thunder. Wait when zipper breaks out, and then click on the desired button. May take several attempts. Vincent and Leo will be outside during a strong storm, but it is not yet freedom. Together with the partner you need to get through the roofs, stunning guards on the way to avoid detection. Touch each jailer, secretly neutralizing them.
Climb the box next to the place where the chisel threw. Open the window to the office of the warder and pick up. If the cage with a bird is noticed on the balcony, then open it to free the bird and get achievement. Pass through the double door and follow the lazay. There will find two jailers, so you will definitely go like and move along the wall.
Soon you will again find yourself on the street, but this time you need to get to the watchtow. Keep moving squatting and move along the walls while remaining in the shade. Wait until the searchlight passes by, and then continue the movement. When you find yourself near the tower, then climb the stairs and disperse with the guards.
Find a long power line connecting the tower with the building outside the prison. Take the hanger from the room on the tower and use it to be on freedom. When you find yourself on the other side, then chat with a partner to open the door and how quickly you can hide in the forest.