Act of War: Direct Action: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 14, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Act of War: Direct Action: Passage
Act of War: Direct Action: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Well lives Russian terrorists. It happened, in the morning and decide – and whether we will do the Golden Gate Bridge on the bridge? Naturally, according to the fact that in San Francisco, they have not yet been delivered to Moscow. And, as you know, the Russian man goes abroad exclusively on the tank. Of course, at home, such things in the USA are not given. But who lives bad – so this is American special forces. Because it is that he will prevent such disgraces to stop. Damn, I do not want to be a special forces, I want to be a Russian terrorist! Well why again special forces?!

Guys from EuroN Systems briefly climbed the head over how to make a serious game. They took command & Conquer: Generals and made only more. In the sense: better graphics, more scene on the hard disk, more powerful system requirements, added this video, which have long forgotten about which long ago, considering that the video on the game engine is even cooler. Even marasma in the plot has become more. Previously, terrorists were dragged on their own territory. Now the terrorists, like pizza, are delivered right in the US.

Put the hand on the heart, I will say honestly – new things here are only two. This is an incredible graph, when you can see even the most recent infantry and it will not be a ugly bunch of polygons or a brushful spray. And an unusual endless campaign, where the missions smoothly flow one to another. And while all that is needed. The game gently shifts from the throne “Generals” and with caution, hesitantly looking around the sides, stealing on it itself. And we play.

We will understand according to the concepts

The first concept is the economy. Resources here are only two – energy and money. Energy is completely independent of some external sources, and it can always be done in the required quantities. True, it is not needed by some at all, but unlike C&C: Generals, where electricity did not use the wildest, here it is not used the highest-tech.

With money is somewhat harder – money is used. And the simplest way to make their prey – to postpone oil fields. Your fuel trucks will grow very quickly and will look closely with interest to remote. And anyway, oil is used to end. Like another similar source of money – banks. Banks in the game – large buildings, over the roof of which the figure of capital is burning, which contains them. Just put the infantry there as the contents of bank safes will immediately begin to flow into your pockets. Nevertheless, banks are even less durable than oil fields. And then to help us comes to exploitation of prisoners of war.

It sounds very nonsense, but it turns out, prisoners of war are not just sitting in captivity. With a very good regularity for each prisoner of your camps, your budget begins to be replenished with a call coin (50 coins every ten seconds for each prisoner). To be honest, it is hardly to introduce a way to make money on prisoners by civilized ways, and, as it seems to me, the main consultant on this issue was some kind of noble Chechen field commander. They know exactly how from prisoners to unwind a little money. But I’m distracted. Meanwhile, each party has its own concentration camp, where unfortunate prisoners kuyt coin. Money can also be obtained for the liberation of prisoners, for the capture of prisoners. In other words, prisoners are the currency themselves.

Where are the prisoners come from? But you destroyed any tank. If this has not been done any exclusively inhuman method (for example, a satellite blow with an admixture of Ebola), then the tank crew has chances to survive. And if you searched the battlefield by the time that the opponent will leave his battle car, it will only be left to send its infantry to capture defenseless drivers. In order to valuable fur did not burn a storm in the destroyed tanks and helicopters, each party has the opportunity to study the mysterious technology that allows you to shoot a squirrel in the eye, not spoiling a skirt. In other words – the tank was killed, the crew survived and will be caught with a further room in the camp of prisoners of war.

This is interesting: money can be easily lost. To do this, it is enough to destroy your fighter. Here and minus 200 coins.

Much more interesting to this bloodthirsty transformation economy that occurred with infantry. She was taught to mask and hide! In such a reference strategies, such laws of infantry in a novelty. And now you do not curse the unkind memory of invisibility. There are loafs nearby – beware, there can be elementary to hide enemy infantry. Yes, and in the buildings, the infantry behaves decent – you can even see enemy fighters in the windows and shoot them earlier than they do it with you. However, for this you need to try hard.

It is impossible not to note the sensible fire of the Gaubitz, which became something intermediate between the tanks of the direct vendor and the ultimative fire of the main caliber. However, in order not to have forgotten, there is a response measure in the form of artillery observers of the enemy, who are trapped, from where fire is being conducted, and condes their own shells there. Many types of weapons can fire on the flooring from the side, not showing at the same time. However, once again ordinary artillery was ignored. As if ordinary guns are forgotten and will never be used.

There is another moment in the game that I really liked, – Most of the equipment (and almost all!) has full right to crush infantry. Against the background of many modern strategies, where tanks are stumbled about brazenly crossing the “skiing” of infantry, it looks almost revolutionary.

Well, and did not go around our fighters to get experience. He is gained, killing enemy or capturing prisoners. There are 3 rank in total, and with each there is a slight increase in life, who has become more experienced fighter.

Three heroes

Already a long time ago, it became the law of the genre that at least three opponents should be in the strategy. In fact, who is interested, if people beat the face of the orcs, and the orcs demolish the heads to people? It’s boring and trite. But if both those and others from the bushes are quietly preparing the elves – it is much more interesting. It will be even more interesting if it will be bored with the orcs and people, they will be united and collapsed by the elf elves. This is the strategy!

Here, however, the sides are rather 2 and a half. The fact is that Americans are already two types – Americans are modern and Americans fantastic. Well, by itself, legendary terrorists who are willing to read and other. To be honest, I imagine weakly, on what grounds one Americans should make others, but we did not make it suffer with such thoughts – their fighters can only be seized in the multiplayer. However, it’s time to transfer to the transfer of the enemy extermination.

Americans modern (u.FROM. Army)

Americans are primarily a nation of trading. Their technique and improvements are considerable money, but they improve everything in a row. All of them require considerable amounts – here they are inherent the cunning technologies for making money from the enemy. It is also worth noting the most numerous and specialized aviation from all sides of the participants of the conflict. Everyone as in real life, real Americans also do not like to fight with small arms, preferring to shift the whole war on the pilots of their attack aircraft and bombers. True, such a blind faith in his aviation leads to the fact that the Americans are not very. Well, and finally – this is the closest to the reality of the race, the fantastic troops in the ranks of Americans were not marked.

Plants and bluddha

About the buildings you can say one thing – Americans are pretty standard. The construction of them goes without any restrictions. Where do you want – there and install the next building. The only limitation is possible to put any buildings if you do not have enough electricity, that is, you forgot to build generators in a timely manner. Generators have uninterrupted power technology, which will allow a few more seconds to maintain the combat state of the buildings even after the destruction of the generators, but I would not recommend to hope. The right opponent will start the attack immediately after the destruction of the generators, and then you will simply break between the construction of new energy suppliers and the reflection of the attack. It will correct not to collect all the generators of one bunch and create some power supply.

Headquarters. 3000. Produces excavators who later build everything else. Americans have a typical style of building buildings – improvements to the headquarters themselves are held at the headquarters, after which the next level buildings are available. For the second level of the headquarters will have to pay 5000, for the third one more 4500. In the headquarters, it is possible to conduct information processing of the population – while the enemy who freed his fighter will receive only 250 coins, the Americans will be able to harm as much as 500. Only you first need to pay 1200 for the possibility of using this technology.

Petroleum well (Derrick). 1200. From here we produce oil. However, the Americans are extremely enterprising people and, by paying 1000, can increase the initial volume of the oil field by 20%. True, for this you need to first open the second level of defense technologies in the headquarters.

Refinery (Refinery). 2000. Just an enterprise where the mined fuel is cooled. Everything like everyone else.

Infantry barracks (Barracks). 1500. There are enough infantry among Americans. And all it is produced here – marines, fighters with fighters, mortar rows, snipers and special forces. And even though the infantry of Americans is scary cheaper, they still care about her. So, in just 1000, you can teach off the marines every five seconds to shoot from bait grenade launchers (which is very effective against groups of enemy infantry). And for 2000, you teach your fighters to leave more surviving opponents on the battlefield. As a result – very soon your camps for prisoners of war will be filled with prisoner opponents.

Electricity Generator (Field Generator). 800. Some buildings of Americans in the process of manufacturing equipment are extremely actively eating electricity. And this is a pretty structure produced as much as 60 MW of Energy. Excess energy produced prettyly highlights slightly rightful of your currency reserves. For 1000, you can explore the technology of uninterrupted power sources. Then, if the trouble will happen to your generators in the form of an unexpectedly coming bomb, the instant shutdown will not happen – you will have another 10 seconds to restore normal power supply.

LIGHT ARMOR DEPOT. 2000. Here is the first consumer of energy – devouring as much as 30 MW. But as a gratitude, he will give us relatively inexpensive technique, namely, jeeps, “Bralli”, “Avengers” and M113. At the highest level of defense capability, you can explore new rockets for “Avengers”, damage and flight range of which are higher than 20%. This plant is already quite decently protected, in contrast to the Linen Tents, the barracks.

Sandbags Shelter. 500. Long-term defensive point for 4 people. The most interesting thing in the bunker is that he has 2 “windows” and 2 “doors”. So, if the enemy leads an offensive from the “Doors”, then damage for infantry in the bunker will be an order of magnitude higher. It is possible to position it only in one direction. And if this direction does not correspond to the direction of the attack of the enemy, then there will be little sense from the bunker.

Field Hospital (Field Hospital). 2000. Well protected unofficial concentration camp. Apparently, for better preservation of prisoners consumes 30 MW of energy. In its main time, this building generates money from captured prisoners. Well, and sometimes produces medical helicopters. Here you can torture prisoners, learning from the map of the area. And it is possible (at the highest level of defense capability) to pay 2000, and then the enemy will lose 250 coins every time you capture the prison.

Security Tower (Adats Defense Turret). 1000. Ranker, extremely disgusting against infantry. They can kill them, but they look these sweat extremely unconvincing. You can spend 2 improvements, each of which will cost 2500. One of them will strengthen the striking ability of missiles of all security towers against aviation, the second will do the same against ground technology. From the security tower begins 5 buildings of the second level of defense.

It is important: The security towers of all warring parties see invisible, and no improvements to them are required for this.

Heavy Armor Depot (Heavy Armor Depot). 2800. This building will please us already by no means cheap hard technique – “Abrams”, “Paladins” and MLRS. For this will have to pay 50 MW of Energy. Here you can also explore active armor for “Abrams”. At the same time, tanks for 6 seconds will raise their armor sharply. And this may be enough to slip into enemy trenches. True, after that the ability will be a minute to restore. MLRS for 1500 will be able to get the opportunity to span the fire of enemy artillery outside of the field of his vision. And, of course, they may well strike back.

Helicopter (Heliport). 2000. Just produces “Apache” and “Black Hawks”. But it costs this pleasure of only 30 MW.

Air Force Control Tower. 2500. Produces all aircraft, namely F-15, A-10 and B-2. For 2500, you can explore the technology that will show you all the enemy planes on the Miikard screen. Invisible will be visible at the time of landing. For 3000, you will receive an interference device at your disposal, which makes it difficult to guide the enemy rockets on your aircraft and reduce the damage applied when. For another 2500 F-15 will receive new rockets with double damage. For work requires 50 MW. Each tower can control 3 aircraft.

REPAIR DEPOT). 2000. Americans do not engage in nonsense and do not repair equipment in place – only in the repair shop. To do this, there is a helicopter that delivers broken equipment directly to the workshop. If this helicopter is shot down, then paying 100, you can get a new. Paying another 1000, you can double the workshop work. In general, its services will cost you in 30 MW.

Missile Silo missiles (Wolverine Missile Silo). 3000. And here is the tactical weapons of Americans belonging to the highest defense class. This is a mine that holds only one nuclear missile (and it is necessary to pay 3000 separately for it), which causes solid damage to buildings and ground enemy troops. For 2500, you can equip all such rockets with plasma warheads, why damage will be even stronger. Each such mine requires 60 MW.

Patriot Ballistic Defense System. 2500. The protection system for tactical enemy weapons requires only 40 MW. May be in service with 4 rockets, which will reflect the attack of tactical enemy weapons in the radius of its action. Rockets themselves are cheaper – only 1000 per piece. For another 1500, you can always have information about the state of tactical weapons from the enemy and goals for this weapon (if the opponent decided to strike).

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