Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Tracking Agatha Christie: Evil under the Sun:
Act 1
London, September 7, 1940
Office Puaro
After the monologue of Poirot and a pair of entrance rollers, you will be given the opportunity to explore the office to find and take items necessary for the upcoming investigation.
Take the desk a notebook from the table. Inside the books are still empty four sections: Poiro’s instructions, suspected, documents and timer. Transfer a look at the bookcase to the right of the table. We explore the book lying on the top of the cabinet between two vases. Find on the wall of the office the map of the island of the SeaDrift and most closely consider it. Then they raise the portfolio from the floor, inside which we find several coins. We take a stopwatch from the table to the right of sofa. To the left of the table Poirot is a wardrobe with boxes on the bottom shelf. They store folders with documents. We look at close range on the only open box inside the cabinet. We take the folders marked as Corrigan, Parsons, Drugs and ShipWreck. In notepad (documents), read the information contained in these folders.
Remove from the wall joint portrait of Poiro and Hastings. Now you can go to the island of the SeaDrift, if you click on the image of Hastings in the window at the top of the screen, and go back to the office of Poiro, if you click, respectively, on its image. Click on the image of Hastings to move to the Hotel Smuggler’s Rest.
August 24, 1940 – Morning
Come out of your number. We meet nearby occupied maid Gladis Narrota. We speak with her on all topics and learn the reason for her excitement. She is upset by the behavior of Villa Jenks, with whom she recently went to the movies. Asking her about the ghost of old man Tomatre. According to Gladis, he was periodically noticed in a local pub, but now it is closed.
We are looking for a spiral-shaped staircase nearby and go down on her first floor of the hotel. Come to the registration rack. We speak with the hotel manager – Mrs. Hilary Castle. Then we take the brochure, which contains information about the island of the SeaDrift. We go to the office of the manager (door per random). We speak again with Mrs. Castle. Learn from her about the missing tape recorder. He disappeared on the evening of August 19 – Arlena Stewart. We leave from the office.
We go into the left side of the screen past the registration rack and then go towards the main hall of the hotel. We study the book of registration of guests lying on the rack to the left of you. Now in your notebook in the section “Suspects” a fair replenishment occurred. We study data on the guests of the hotel. We pass in the hall. We take a car journal from the chair. Click on it twice in your inventory to consider it near. Use the zoom lens to see one of the magazine pages on which the motor is depicted and painted on how to clean it.
Go to the bar through the door at the top of the screen. We speak with Bartender Henry Bailey. We inspect piano. Look inside the garbage bucket, which is standing next to the double door. Give an empty bottle from the bucket, in which the pomegranate syrup was once. We leave the bar through a double door and immediately go to the door that will be left of you. We go along the corridor to the first door on the left side. Go to the table. Take an empty glass from the cart. We go to the center of the dining room. Rosary Darnley Rosamunda. We find out that she disappeared the typewriter – it happened on August 20. We leave from the dining room. We pass through the door at the top of the screen. Follow in the main hall of the hotel and go outdoors.
We go on an asphalt path to the closed Pub SMUGGLERS END. We speak with a bearded man John North. Pay attention to his binoculars. Follow the North, clicking for this cursor according to its figure. On the next screen, Poiro refuses to follow the North, afraid to noise the sea water with its lacquered shoes. We inspect the chalkboard with the phone and read the instructions for calling the marine tractor.
Return to the hotel’s front door. We turn on the inconspicuous path to the right of the central entrance and go on it to the spare output. Raise the stone. We step on the track at the bottom of the screen, which will bring you to the seashore. Here we celebrate Emily Brewster and talk to her on all themes. We take another stone lying on the sand behind Emilia.
Returning to the hotel’s front door. We step on the path to the left of the central entrance. We go to the sun beds. We speak Christina Redforn. We look at the boat with red sails managed by Howard Blatt. Christina Patrick’s husband swims near the coastline. After conversation with Christina, we descend the stairs and go to the beach. First we bring the conversation with a man in a strict suit. This is not anyone else as Major Montagia Barry is a big lover of women. Then talk with the servant of the beach – a young guy by George Freak. He recently saw the ghost old man Tomat Catter.
Come to the edge of water. Find in the sand – to the left of you – Motok Rope. Take her. Raise the stairs. We go along the path to the right to another staircase, in which it was once possible to go down to the beach. Now she requires repair. Raise two trees from the ground. We reach the development and we turn right. Go to the tennis court near the hotel. On the court we meet Kenneth Marshall and his wife Arlen. Kenneth gives you two letters with threats to his wife;We read letters in their notebook.
We return to the fork and go on a different path to the ruins of the old monastery. Go to the courtyard of the monastery. We speak with the former priest Stephen Lane. Get chicken feathers from him. We explore the big round stone to the right of you. He blocks the entrance to the tunnel. Manually do not move it, you need to come up with something. We look at ivy to the left of the arch. We move it to the side and detect the locked door. We leave from the monastery and go along the path along the edge of the rock in the holiness bay. Descend the stairs that to the right of the site with sun beds. We speak with Linda Marshall. She wants you to build a shelter for her to observe a bird. Put two stones on a bunch of branches, two woods and motors rope. Shelter is ready.
Returning to the beach on the other side of the Rock (Major Barry is still there). We approach the edge of the water and click the cursor to a couple, kept on the water with a small tree. We listen and see Communication Arlen Marshall with Patrick Redfor. Also this pair, besides you, the wife of Patrick Christina noticed.
Act 2
Office Puaro
Poiro voiced his opinion on how to continue the investigation. He advises Gastings to get acquainted with the residents of LeatherCombe Bay. Click on the image of Hastings to continue the story.
August 24, 1940 – day
We go to the bathroom, in which we take a set of clean towels. Come out of the room and look at the cart. While it is missing, we take a brush from the trolley, a pack of detergent and scissors. Return to your number. We go to the balcony. Go to the room Stephen Lane (door to the left of your room). We study the Bible lying on the table next to the bed. We go to the bathroom. Open the cabinet door over the sink. We take a bottle with mineral oil from the top shelf and a pair of bubble tablets without any label from the bottom shelf.
We go to the balcony. Make your way to the number of Major Barry (the door to the right of the number Poiro). We study the receipts on the table. We use scissors on the suitcase Barry, lying on his bed, after which the leather belt segment appears in your inventory. Come out of the room through the door.
We rise by the spiral staircase in the tower. We speak with Mrs. Castle. We ask her binoculars. We get it in exchange for one courtesy – to return the book “Prisoner of Love” to her book in the library of LeatherCombe Bay. Rotate three times right and look into binoculars to see the periscope of submarine.
Go down to the hotel. We go to another spiral-shaped staircase, which can be descended for the first floor. Before this staircase there are two doors located against each other. Go to the door to the right of you. We go on the balcony to the second number on the left. We listen to the conversation between Kenneth and Arlen. Go to the Rosamunda number Darnley (the second door from the Marshall room). Open the suitcase lying on the bed and pull the pile of clean sheets of paper from it.
Go to the office of Mrs. Castle for the registration rack. We look at the calendar on her desktop. We see that in cells 2, 11, 17 and 21, the letter U was signed.
Weching an empty frame for a photo. Find under her silver key. We shift the frame back. Click two times on bust standing on the same table. We see a torn green cloth, tosing a bust from below. Click on the fabric to see a hole for the key. Insert the silver key into the hole and get a golden key from the cache. Open the top box of the table and take the hotel plan out of it. We consider it in your inventory. Close box. We use the Golden Key on the Safe. Inside, we explore the German radio, the old oil lamp and a book with codes. Learning the contents of the book in your notebook.
We go to the hotel’s courtyard (on the right there should be a tennis court). We listen to the conversation between Kenneth Marshall and Rosamunda Darnley. We reach the development and climb the hill. We speak with Okley Gardenane. Today, August 24, they have an anniversary. Poirot is called to find a gift to his wife to such a momentous event.
Return to holiness bay. Let’s go down to Linda Marshall (the beach on which the shelter you did). We speak with Ne. She asks Poiro to help her clean the bird from oil spots.
Go to the beach to the other side of the rock. On the way, overhear the conversation between Christina and Patrick Redforn. We speak with Patrick, after he remains alone. We find out from him about the cave. We go to the site that offers a beautiful view of the sea. We speak Carrie Gardenener. Poirot is called to find a gift to her husband. Go down to the beach. Open a wooden booth. We take a raft, a boat lacquer and paddle. Come to the edge of the water and look through the binoculars on the raft swinging on the waves near the beach. We notice that something clung to the raft.
Return to Patrick. We ask him to swim to the raft and see what it clung to it. He will give you broken swimming glasses. Without them he will not go close to the water. We go to the hotel’s bar. Take a row knife for rolling ice. Connect the leather strap with glasses in the inventory. Then connect the knife with glasses. We give Patrick glasses. He will get a broken lifebound from the water. Inspect the circle in your inventory.
We go to the ruins of the monastery. We use paddle on a round stone with an ornament. We go to the tunnel. Come out of the tunnel in a big cave. Raise the coin from the ground – Golden Guinea 1869.
Return to the hotel. Raise upstairs. Find the number of the garardner (door in the corner). Knock at the door. Poiruri will automatically hand over Carrie Golden coin and get a handkerchief from her.
Return to holiness bay. We use a scarf on a bird. After certain efforts, Poirot Linda will leave the beach with a bird in a scarf.
We go to the front entrance to the hotel. We step on the path to the right of the central entrance and go on it to the spare output. Meet Major Barry on a path. Go down to the rocky bay (the path at the bottom of the screen). We speak Arlen Marshall. She received another letter with threats, already the third in the account. We read the letter in the notebook.
Returning to the hotel’s front entry and we go on an asphalt road by a closed pub to the bench of the call of a marine tractor. We use the phone to cause a sea tractor.