Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Tracking Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express / Agatha Christie: Murder in Eastern Express
The game in the game is carried out only with the mouse. Right-click the game inventory, the left button is responsible for various actions, such as taking, use, talk.
Inventory in the game has a complex structure. In the first section, you can view and choose all available objects. In the second section (lup) items can be carefully viewed and identified any evidence. In the third section (mechanism) items can be combined with each other. In the fourth section (album for papers), you can read various information discovered during the investigation. In the fifth section (passport) you can find and explore all the found passports of suspected persons by train. And in the sixth section (fingerprints) can be found collected along the game fingerprints of the characters and fingerprints found on various objects that can be treated with each other.
Be sure to talk with characters on all topics during the game. Be sure to view in inventory with a magnifying glass All items found. It will save you from problems while playing. Good luck!
Istanbul. Turkey
Landing for the train:
Before proceeding with active actions, we will study what we have in inventory. And we have only one only and necessary thing – a train ticket. Next, the album for papers contains stories about murders, and in the section with passports only passport Antoinettes – our main character of this game.
After reading the letter from Marseille Boudka, follow the Erkühull Poiro in the market, while the road does not block the angry cook, which will try to find out from us which clemas is better. We tell him that the best cleaver is that in the left hand.
Again puootu again. Boot on two men – Mr. Foscarelly and Mr. Hardman. They will miss us in the event that we bring them a sample of some clay dishes. Go back to a tent with a seller in a brown coat. Take a clay vase from the showcase and give it to the gentlemen of Phoscarelly and Hardman.
Before going further on the way to the following people who block the path, take the grain from the cart. Block the road this time will be Princess Dragomiroff and Miss Schmidt. They will want us to find the princess umbrella. Return back to the previously seen goat. Make it grain and take the umbrella, which he blocked his car. Take the princess umbrella, as a sign of gratitude, it deigns to open the path towards the Sirkeci station.
Speak with Greta Okhlsson. Agree to show her way to station. Next, speak with Ratchette and Macquino. We threaten them by the police, and they themselves will deign to go off the way.
We go inside Sirkeci Station. We go to the left, where we see how Poiro overhears the conversation between Colonel Arbatnot and Miss Mary Debenham. Along the way for the Poiro, I bump onto the conductor. Give him a train ticket.
Near the train speak with the conductor Pierre Michel. Get a train card from it and a list of passengers. Speaking then with Poirot, then again with the conductor. We decide to pay Poirot your coupe, as the train is full, and she will fit in a compartment with Miss Greta Okhlsson.
Part One: Facts
We speak at the dinner with Erkühul Poirot. At the same time we get acquainted with all passengers of the train.
Find bacon:
Upon arrival at the station in Belgrade, we will meet with Claus, upset because of the absence of bacon. We go on the platform along the composition to the fountain, where we speak with Arbatnot and Macquino. We continue to go along the composition (right). See how a woman rises from the bench and leaves. We study the fence through which the passage of a man who covered the train. Go to the head of the composition, where we speak with the conductor of Michel and the driver. We study the boxes on the trolley on the left, on which the inscriptions are applied in Serbian. I realized this, talking to Michelle so that he translates the lettering for us. Then click on the extreme right box on the cart, inside which will be bacon necessary for the chef Claus. Going away!
We listen to the conversations of passengers:
We go to the next car, in the car salon (up). Behind the bar we find and take mites for ice and 5 glasses. From the box we get adhesive tape and paper napkins.
We return back to the car carriage (for quick movement at the top of the screen presented a train scheme). We study the list of passengers who gave us a conductor, and further, applying a glass to the door of the coupe, erupt the conversations of all passengers, as if he insisted Monsieur Poirot.
Reaching a coupe # 16, Michelle wakes up into the eaves. Click on Michel “Shadov” cursor and follow it to a luggage car via a car-restaurant. After Michelle notices our presence in the luggage car, he will drive us.
Let’s go back in his coupe 7-8, where by this time will be back and our neighbor Greta. Asking her what she did, decide to break a little.
Suspicious sounds:
At this time, the similarity of the avalanche will block the further course of the train. Poiro will give the ankle and until the end of the game will be chained to bed, where he can give us valuable instructions.
Hearing a cry, looking in the corridor. When the call call from the coupe # 11 will be heard, look again in the corridor. Hearing the next strange noise, we go out into the corridor, for which a woman in red kimono was held in the car-salon. We try to open the door of the carriage, but everything is in vain, since the door is locked. We speak with the conductor of Michel, who sits at the end of the corridor. Asking him what he saw, and what happened at all lately. Return to your coupe, where we rest until the morning.
A completely murder:
In the morning, Michelle interrupt our conversation for breakfast and takes to Poiro, which will report to the murder of Ratchetta. Convince Poirot to investigate this murder. Accept Poiro to reveal the murder with minimal help from it.
Explore Ratchette coupe:
We look at the body of Ratchetta. From the pocket of the pajamas of the killed, we get a pocket watch that stopped at 1:15. From under the pillow we take a gun. From the floor select the nasal handkerchief with the letter H. From the table we take an insert jaw, a glass and a metal statuette. From the ashtray we take cigar cigarettes, flat mat, round mat and burnt paper.
We study the suitcase on the top shelf. Give the sleeping pills. We study the window and footprints in the snow. Near the door check the coat for any objects. There are round-match boxes. We take a hat with the inscription on the inside of Therav: 13: 18. From the floor we select the brush for cleaning the tube. All found items found in the inventory with a loupe.
We speak with Dr. Konstantin about the corpse and the nature of the invited wounds. We pass in the adjacent coupe to Poiro and with him we summarize all the knowledge gained.
Search for items necessary to read inscriptions on the burnt paper:
In order to read the inscription on the burnt paper, two coasters of wire are needed, with which it would be possible to keep paper, and a high temperature source.
We go to a restaurant car. From the table at the far end of the car take alcohol lamp. We return to Calev car.
Coupe # 5-6 Checking a box for storing headdress. Stand for hats in it is not the view that we need. From the suitcase Schmidt, we get a small box with recipes, and from the debenham suitcase – a handkerchief with the initials CMH. Both items are studying in inventory with a magnifying glass.
In the coupe # 7-8 of the bag for storing hats take a stand from a wire. Just what we need.
In a coupe # 11 from the suitcase, we get a letter that we can read in the album for papers. From the floor we select a button cut off from clothes.
In the coupe # 14 of the box for storage of hats, we take the second coach of the wire. All the necessary items now we have, but first get out of the suitcase in the coupe # 14 box with a mystery and solving it.
Solution Riddles:
The purpose of the riddle is to move the panel on three sides of the box, open it. If you click on any panel, the arrows will appear. If you click on the arrow, the panel will move to one side or another.
On the short side of the casket, you move the top panel to the right, and the bottom panel to the left.
On the long side of the casket, you move the panel upstairs.
On the short side of the casket, you move the top panel to the original position (left), as well as the bottom panel (right).
On the long side of the casket, you move the panel upstairs.
On the short side of the casket, you move the top panel to the left, and the bottom panel will first right, then down.
On the top of the box, we shift the left panel.
From the open box, we get a medallion, which immediately view in the inventory.
We pass through the door in the coupe # 14 in the coupe # 15. From the suitcase, get the packaging of the tube to clean.
In the coupe # 16 of the suitcase get the leather bag. From the laden on the bench, we take a tape of a typewriter.
In a coupe # 9 take from the table with a forceps for curling. Talk to Poiro.
We read the inscription on the burnt paper:
Take the burnt paper from the inventory. Click on the gear image. We put the burnt paper into the cell on the left. In another cell on the left, put the forceps for curling. Click on the image of the mechanism in the center of the screen to combine these two subjects.
Put on the table stand for a hat. On top of it put the burnt paper. Now put on top of the stand and burnt paper another stand.
Put the alcohol lamp on the table on the left. With the help of matches we light it and read the inscription on a piece of paper.
Part Two: evidence
The gathering of avalanche damaged the tube of steam heating and if soon it will not be fixed, everything will be thin.
Come in coupe # 10. Get out through the open window outside following the hardman. Once in the car Athens-Paris, speak with the guide of Matteo.
We explore the coupe in the car Athens-Paris:
In the coupe # 16 study the non-working radio station.
In the coupe # 15 with the seat we take the book of Azbuka Morse, and from the table passport matteo.
Coupe # 14 get out of the seat broken snow windows, which are studying in inventory.
Coupe # 13 inspect the coat hanging near the door. Take a doctor’s passport table. In a suitcase lying on the top shelf, we find the announcement. It is definitely checking in inventory.
In the coupe # 12 on the floor, we find a barrel of a torn letter that should be joined together. Drag the part of the letter to the frame on the right, with the help of the arrows turn them out as we need. The solution is looking at the figure below
In the coupe # 10 from the table we take the passport of the driver.
In a coupe # 9, check the suitcase on the top shelf, where we get the passport of the chef Claus.
In the coupe # 7-8 we study the floral vase and the handle to the left of the table. Go to the bathroom on the right. Open the box of the box at the bottom, pull the pliers from there.
In the coupe # 3-4 from the seat take the fire gloves, and from the table – the passport of the firefighter.
On a visit to the driver:
We go outside through the door next to Matteo. We follow along the composition to the head. We speak with a machinist at its workplace. Having learned that he could not eat due to the lack of teeth, give him a plugger jaw. We try to choose a hammer lying on the drawer. It will not get it until we give it to replace. I give the driver a leather bag found in the Hardmann suitcase, and then we already calmly take the hammer. From a heap of coal take one piece of coal.
We pass to the next service car. We look under the car where we find a broken tube of steam heating.
Get into the luggage car:
Go to the car driver through the open window in the Ratchette coupe. Speak in the corridor with a conductor Mishel. We get the key from it from the luggage compartment and the key from the car of Athens-Paris, which immediately unscrew the door behind Michel.
We go to a restaurant car. We pass to the other end of the car, where the key given to us Michel, we open the door to the luggage car. Inside, we find a basket with a label “” Two pairs “. We study it near, then with the help of a hammer, rip nails out of the box. Get out of the box connected snowshoes.
In inventory, choose related snowospaces. Click on the image of the mechanism. We put the bound snowshoes in the cell on the right. Click on the image of the mechanism in the center to unleash the snow windows (the copper wire will appear in the inventory).
Read the cargo declaration on the clipboard hanging on the wall. It refers to the loading of olive oil, honey and vinegar in Belgrade. Barrels with these products we can find opposite the cargo declaration. If you go to another end of the car, then there will be a locked door of safety room.
Forest in winter time:
We go to the car Athens-Paris. We leave from the car to the street and go to the right to the forest. Having reached the screen with a large stone in the center, click snowshoes on Antoinette. Go to the right. Communicating the wolf, scrolling it with a shot of a pistol. Go further along the path to the next screen, where you pull out the sharp tip.
Return to the screen with a large stone in the middle. We go this time from here to the left. There are tracks leading to the left and upstairs. Go along the track to the left. Here there is a way to left and right. We go to the left. From wood, pull out another sharp tip. Return to one screen back. This time we go right and once again right to the wolf. Scraps it with a shot of a pistol. We pass to the Rock. We select the object sticking out of the snow almost on the very edge of the rock. The subject will be a bifhtex knife. We study it be sure to inventory. Go right to the hut.
We explore the hut:
We see the door of the hut locked on a hanging castle. Look at the grille on the window. With the help of a hammer pull the metal rod. With this rod lying a hanging castle. We enter the hut. Take the uniform of the conductor with a torn button. Explore it in the inventory, we get the key.
We go to another part of the hut. Pull sharpening from the chair. We explore it in inventory for blood stains. We look at the chimney. Using pliers, borrow a small pipe section.