Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Age of Wonders 2: Shadow Magic
The war between wizards unleashed by Merlin in the second part of the game, broke up not for a joke. There were gaps in the world of world and 3 previously unknown passages between measurements. Through one of these cracks, Merlin and pulled into the shadow world. Magic began to seem to people harmful and terrible. Although at the same time, individual rulers, like a phobium, opened by communizing magic, used it for their dark divisies. And now Merlin calls on the former enemies to unite and destroy the empire of the phobias based on the world of shadows. Otherwise it will destroy all the living in the usual world.
So begins a new chapter in the long history of the ages of magic. You again have to drive fighters, each of which can be a hero. And apply magic that no end and edge. However, not everything remains the same. What happened in the game with the exit?
While the creators of Heroes of Might and Magic 4 are forgiven with their fans (indefinitely – while the new owners of the series will not prepare new plans), guys from TRIUMPH Studios show how to continue to strong games. Campaign? Well, of course! What a continuation without a new story about how the well-known fantasy world was decided to take away all that lies badly. New Monsters and Fighters? Oh well you, who is exchanged for such trifles – Get 3 new races and troops of other soldiers in terms of. New abilities and spells? Yes, you have a finger on their recalculation! New landscape? Why so small? We take a better separate measurement (getting in the amount of the whole 3) and arrange bloody fights there.
And now – the most interesting. The game has almost changed! Only a new dimension and makes certain changes in the combat system at the expense of some of its features. New fighters and buildings, however, quite organically fit into the system that existed in Wizard’s Throne. So, if you did not read the description of the original game – then the grace is welcome to our disk. Well, if you know him no worse than the multiplication table – Shadow Magic is waiting for you!
Skilled and terrible…
So, let’s start with the first and most important innovation – the appearance of a new dimension. It is not as easy as banal dungeons, different from the surface only the narrowness of their corridors and the ability to expand the living space in some specially designated places (by digging tunnels). In the shadow world, residents of surfaces and dungeons move faster, but their characteristics are reduced by half, and even besides, the first two strokes in the new world are etched by poison. Considering the fact that the indigenous inhabitants of this world, sirons and shadow demons are resistant to the effects of this disgrace, to fight them to the inhabitants of the surface and the dungeons will be very difficult. However, do not despair, not everything is so bad. There is magic aimed at counteracting these disgraces. Only learning this magic will have long and seriously. Therefore, in an early game, the inhabitants of the shadows may feel calm – the fights are possible only on the territory of the enemy.
But for the inhabitants of the usual world, the other way around – if there is a card with shadows, then the rapid scaffold will fail.
The second serious innovation relies on the previous one and is designed for the fact that the contractions will be long. This is a building in which the artifact can be created. What’s interesting? And the fact that previously you patiently hunted to artifacts, rejoicing to everyone, although the artifact could have a rare fatty. Moreover, the most wonderful properties could be in artifacts for one part of the body. And instead of combining them among themselves, you will be forced to choose which artifact you boot on this battle. These times are over – you can choose three abilities and create an artifact containing them. ATTENTION – Under the ability to be understood as the attack +1, and walking along the water. Naturally, each artifact is worth a round sum, and some abilities are only available in the respective artifacts. But these toys are worth. In a separate ripping, you will read the recipes of some combinations of abilities, proven by the game.
Everything else is somehow bedding and not so much effect on the game. Fully expected new buildings (one for each race), where new troops are produced (one by one at the building). However, the construction of the troops of the building is not limited, performing some other important mission in the city where it is built. Naturally, about it – in the section on races. New buildings can be built immediately after construction in the city of all buildings of the first level, which makes it possible to appear on the battlefield battlefields even earlier than fighters of the second level.
From a large number of new abilities the most original transformation. A fighter that has this ability, having received a gold medal, turns into another, more powerful fighter with lack of experience. The most interesting owner of this ability is the neutral dragon, who, indurating in the battles, mutates in the Red Dragon. These are more in our army more!
There were also many changes (and not innovations) in the already acquaintances of the components of the game. But about them – in the appropriate insert.
Welcome newbies!
Table # 1 Syona
Name | Attack | Damage | Protection | Protection against magic | Hits | Speed | Capabilities |
SESCRECTOR (PROSPECTOR) | 4 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 7 | 28 | Walking in the shade, True Vision, Vision I, Masking |
Lightning Catcher (Lightning Catcher) | 4 | 3 | 6 | 8 | 8 | 24 | walking in the shade, a blow of lightning, immunity to zipper, throwing zipper |
SPELLBINDER | 7 | 6 | 6 | I | 12 | 24 | Walking in the shade, true vision, theft of spells |
Rider (Rider) | I | 8 | 8 | 6 | 16 | 36 | Walking in the shade, rider, ataction on the race |
Shadow Runner | I | 6 | 8 | 6 | fourteen | 28 | Walking in the shade, lightning protection, double blow, protection against death, mortal blow, shadow shift |
High Priest (High Priest) | five | five | 6 | 10 | 12 | 24 | Holy Punch, Holy Protection, Holy Arrows, Treatment I, Exile Ugly |
Warrior (Giant Warrior) | fourteen | 10 | eleven | eleven | 25 | 28 | walking in the shade, destruction of walls, immunity to zipper, lightning |
Substitution (Changeling) | 10 | 6 | 12 | 10 | 15 | 24 | Walking in Shadow, Vision II, True Vision, Substitution |
Frosty gun (Frost Cannon) | – | – | 7 | 7 | eighteen | twenty | Immunity to poison, weakness to fire, immunity to cold, frosty shells |
Astral Elf (Astral Sprite) | 12 | 7 | 12 | 16 | 15 | 36 | Walking in the shade, Levitation, Holy Punch, Revival |
ForceShip ship | – | – | 10 | 10 | 25 | 40 | Vision II, takes up to 7 detachments, weakness to fire, immunity to poison, levitation, throwing zipper, magic transmitter |
Syron (The Syrons) – the initial inhabitants of the shadow world. But one day the shadow demons arrived and enslaved them. Syona repeatedly tried to break free, but they always failed. And now they are waiting for the one who will help them in their difficult struggle.
Fighters of the first level in Sironov are very mediocre and not intended for large-scale conquests. Yes, Lightness catcher knows how to beat the lightning, the immunity to which is still the extremely small number of people. He can even defend himself in hand-to-hand (unlike most ordinary shooters), but to support it with no one.
Second-level fighters are also inexpressive, losing many fighters of the same class. Both by the set of abilities and by numerical indicators. Substitution, which could try to replace the second level, also weak. And its ability works very strange, so it is not recommended for use.
But at the third level, an interesting combination is tied Warriors-giakanov, playing the role of a rescue float, and Astral elves, possessing revival. These are the strongest fighters among possessing revival, and the enemy will be difficult to cope with a bunch of newly “phoenixes”, once at once we are thrown, like a sailor, on the combat order of the enemy. The only lack of them is that they are reborn with the number of life that remained at the time of untimely death. That is, with due skill, a good fighter will hit them with one blow. Well – and how does not flip? Yes, do not forget that the giants beat the lightning, which stuns the enemy until the next turn.
Ship power – This is a separate page in the history of Sironov hostilities. It is almost an analogue of the former aircraft (the troops quickly transports), as honored, that he levitizes, and does not fly. Although there is another very important difference – it is the transmitter of magical energy, that is, the magician can use spells in the battle with the participation of the power ship. Often just one spell can solve the outcome of the battle in one direction or another.
Syonov’s building imposes on the city of Svetll Sights during the siege of the city. Actually, it can be applied manually.
Thus, to the third level of the troops of the siron, they will die hard, after which the assault detachments from the pair of astral elves and 5-6 giants send. With the advent of the ship’s ship, movement is accelerated and magical support appears.
Shadow Demons
Table # 2 Shadow Demons
Name | Attack | Damage | Protection | Protection against magic | Hits | Speed | Capabilities |
Larva (Larva) | five | five | five | 6 | 10 | 28 | Walking in the shade, transformation, weakness to zipper, night vision, protection against death, blow poison, immunity to poison, cave specialist, poisonous spit |
SPAWN) | 6 | five | 8 | 8 | 12 | 28 | Walking in the shade, weakness to zipper, night vision, protection from death, magic blow |
Bombard (Bombard) | – | – | 8 | 8 | 12 | 28 | Walking in the shade, weakness to zipper, night vision, immunity to death, bombard |
Black Priest (Black Priest) | five | five | 6 | 10 | 12 | 24 | black arrows, mortal blow, treatment, protection from death, expulsion of undead |
Battle Beetle (Stag Mount) | I | 8 | 8 | 8 | 16 | 36 | Walking in the shade, weakness to zipper, night vision, rider, attack on the race, protection from death, magic blow |
Skimmer | 10 | 7 | 8 | I | fourteen | 40 | Flight, walking in the shade, weakness to zipper, night vision, protection against death, vision II, magic blow |
Reaper (Harvester) | 12 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 26 | 28 | Walking in the shade, night vision, weakness to zipper, protection from death, magic strike, cave specialist, devouring |
Brain (Brain) | 10 | 6 | 10 | eighteen | twenty | 28 | Walking in the Shade, Levitation, Night Vision, Death Protection, Magical Blow, Command II, Spell Theft, Magic Transmitter |
Flame Cannon | – | – | 7 | 7 | eighteen | twenty | Immunity to poison, immunity to fire, shooting with fiery shells |
Spirit | 12 | 8 | 10 | 10 | fourteen | 36 | Walking in the shade, night vision, protection against death, magic blow, protection against physical attacks, levitation, disguise, weakness to holiness, immunity to zipper, pulling force, pass through the walls |
Lord (Lord) | 15 | 13 | 15 | 13 | thirty | 28 | walking in the shade, night vision, immunity to death, magic strike, mortal blow, destruction of walls, fear, willpower, weakness to holiness, shadow shift |
Shadow Demons – Warri, who came to the Earth from the Shadow World. Although before that the shadow world was free from them. They absorb souls caught by them. And the only salvation from the shadow demons will be united by. For one to defeat them can not be able to.
The shadow demons of the first second levels produce an even less impression than similar sirona. Especially considering the fact that they are terribly vulnerable to lightning and are easy prey for Lightning Catcher. However, on Bomberry still worth paying attention. In quantities, more than 3-4 and with the “Besnowy Darkness” spell, they become a terrible force. Straight peculiar cheap guns with shooting in squares.
The first decent fighter – spirit. Having acquired a bunch of different protection (among which the protection against weapons is particularly highlighted) and owning the skill of passing through the walls, the Spirit becomes an excellent attack aircraft driving. Immunity to zipper allows him to relate to the defense of sironov with a complete disregard.