Al Emmo & The Lost Dutchman’s Mine: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Al Emmo & The Lost Dutchman’s Mine: Game Walkthrough and Guide
June 13, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Al Emmo & The Lost Dutchman’s Mine: Passage
Al Emmo & The Lost Dutchman’s Mine: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Passage Al Emmo and The Lost Dutchman’s Mine


Inventory in the game Classic. By right-clicking, you can choose various cursors: see, take / use, talk, and also choose the last subject. Access to inventory is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
In the game, active areas do not allow themselves to know about themselves, so you have to rely only on your eyesight, finding the area you need on the screen.
To suit as much as possible on the locations already passed, use the card (it is hidden in the lower left corner of the screen).
Communicate with the characters of the game until all themes for conversation are exhausted.


Station: Upon arrival in the city of Anozira, talk with the owner of the station standing at a ticket office. Give him train tickets to which you are late for him to return to you the cost ($ 30).

Cemetery (west from the station): Pick up Narcissus, lying on Earth near one of the graves. Look at the recently dug hole from which you get the human bone.

Salon Kevin (from the station to the north, then to the west): Talk to Kevin (first you should sit on the stool before the rack). He will give you the key from the room at the top for $ 5. After speaking Rita Perato Climb upstairs, where we try to open the door of the room. With a broken key go down to talk to Kevin again. This time he will give you a flyer with information about Rita, which will contain important data about the beloved flower Rita – Saguaro Bloom. Naturally, the flyer must be read (for this, click the flyer by El). Take from the table behind Ela Bottle of mustard, as well as read the beverage menu, which can be found on the same table (especially sharpen on tequila with the Agava worm). Make a bartender order, and then pick up a worm. Next from the rack of the bar, make matches, from the ashtray under the tire, get cigarette cigarettes. Talk to Pianist Bill before leaving Salun.

House of mayor (green building to the left of the Coco bench): Talk to the mayor. Learn from him where the Saguaro Bloom flower is growing. Look at the book of births, deaths and marriages, lying on the table behind the mayor. From the fireplace Take a shell for weapons.

Outside the city: move to the west of the city. Find a bunch of stones near the cactus and a few pebbles grab. Go even further to the west. Pick up a stick lying near the tree. Return to the city. Use a bag with money on the mechanism near the Coco bench to get food wombata.

Coco’s shop (the structure between the mayor’s house and Salon Kevin): Talk to the owner of the shop. Click on the bag with money and buy all the things they sell: Cost Mo magazine, Anozira map and an empty glass jar. The card will not display the places where you have not been. Use it to immediately get into large places, such as city, oasis, home Rita and T.D.

Salon Kevin: Explore the keys on the piano. Bill uses a spare key from the room at the top instead of the lack of a piano key. Try to take it. Then talk to Bill. During the conversation, it turns out that he would like to drink a drink called Blazin ‘Kev. Talk to Kevin about this drink. He will refuse to prepare him in connection with an accident that happened last time, but with joy will provide such an opportunity for you. But what components are needed to prepare this drink? The answer lies in the name of the beverage Blazin ‘kev. Need to mix those components that begin with these letters, t.E. Bourbon (Bourbon), Lemon Juice (Lemon Juice), Absinthe (Absinthe), Zedoary, Irish Cream (Irish Cream), Nutmeg (Muscat), Kirch, EggNog (whipped eggs with sugar and alcohol) and vodka (vodka). As soon as the drink is ready, bring the burning match to the glass. Do it need to quickly, otherwise you will have to re-prepare a drink. Then offer a bell drink. Throw into a glass of stones and once again offer Bill Drink. While he will drink, take the key with the piano. Open the room at the top where under the bed Find a broken whip.

City: Talk to the boys near the house of the mayor. This jungle will insult you and mock until you get the flag hanging on the flagpole, near the shed of his dad.

Sarai Babbi (from the boy north to the house of hospitality, then to the west): Talk to the Babeboy about the flag. Ask him to lower the flag. He will do it only if someone dies or flag pollute. Tell him that someone died. False not rolling. Need evidence and official document confirming death.

City: Near the house of hospitality, type in a glass jar, purchased in the Coco bench, the water from the fountain. In the inventory, rinse human bone in a jar with water to clean it.

Mayor’s house: Use the hand cursor on the book of births, deaths and marriages to create a fictional entry about the death of a person in it. Forged page take with you.

Shed Babba: Give the Bedbet Clean Human Bone and Page from the Book. Then pay (click the bag with money on Babbe), so to speak, lowering the flag. Before leaving, keep the horse to get a long horsepower.

Outside the city: Go from Square to the West to the place where stones were taken. From there move north to the cactus with growing flowers on his painter. From him go to the West. All this it was necessary to do in order to choose a damaged horseshoe lying near the wheel.

Shed Babbi: Take the babbo damaged undercalax. While it will be missing, stain the flag mustard taken in the saloon. Babba, seeing this disgrace, soak the flag in the fountain in front of the house of hospitality. You will only stay there and take a flag.

Over the city: go to the cactus with growing flowers on it. Take the Red Flag on Cactus. Then open the gate of the chamber behind which the bull. Bull on the field of natural instincts rushes onto the flag and eventually pours Cactus. Then take the Saguaro Bloom flower and give it to Rita, which you can find in Salyna Kevin.


Salun Kevin: After talking with Kevin, go to the house of hospitality, where talk to Antonio Bandana.

Shed Babbi: Take a hammer lying on the ground next to the Babea.

Outside the city: go to location with the wheel, where we previously found a damaged horseshoe. From there go south. Use the hammer on three cactus to get a needle in the shape of a hook.

Oasis (from the cactus in the east): Combine in inventory a broken whip with horse hair, and then combine all this with a needle in the shape of a hook to get a fishing rod. In the inventory, combine the fishing rod with the Agava worm. Catch with fishing fishing fish in water.

Desert: Go from an oasis to the West, south and then east until you see the skeleton of cows. Take the bone of the cow. Continue to go east, then to the north. On the fork, go to the northwestern way. Take a leaf of Aloe Faith Plants. Return to the fork and this time, go along the northeastern path. Take one of the Oleander flowers, which grow abundant to the left of the track. Move on the road, go to the east, then south. If you see the bear, then, it means they came to the right place.
Give me a fish to be behind the creature hiding in a badge. When creature drops some objects from the hole, try to take one of them, namely the beggar claw. When Emmo has a threshing glasses, use a hammer on the hole to activate the mini-game, the purpose of which will be to hit the hammer three times only the creature that will be in a red dressing on the head. When El get glasses, take the bear. Combine it in inventory with fishing rod.
Go from location with wheel to north. Standing in front of the ravine, use a rod on a plant with a fruit growing on the other side. Now that we have fruit and rod, you can return to the city.

Salun Kevin: Talk to Rita to agree with her about the trip.

Shed Babbi: Talk to Babezy about Horses. He will ask you three questions to determine which animal to give you. No matter how you answer questions. Babba still already decided that he would give you a mule. Try to move your animal from the spot. Then use a fishing rod with a pear on the mule and so, keeping it in front of the face of the animal, move to the house Rita.

House Rita (east of the city square): Discover the gate. Try to approach the door of the house that the dog will fit. Open the gate again. Throw to the door of the bone of the cow, which we found in the desert. Get rid of the dog, knock on the door.

ACT 3: Shallow Al

Salon Kevin: Talk to Kevin. He will suggest elly to take a bath.

Oasis: Talk to the rescuer Pammy Sanderson. Tell her what you would like to swim. Talk to her until she contradicted in the sun. Maybe she will be able to help sunscreen.

Coco’s shop: Talk to the owner of the shop on sunscreen. Give him a leaf of aloe faith, which we broke in the desert, and he will prepare you sunscreen.

Oasis: Give PEMMI sunscreen. Al will start to wipe the PEM cream as she does not like the smell. She wants natural components in the cream.

Mayor’s house: Talk to the mayor about how to make something smell better by natural methods.

Oasis: Fill in a glass jar of water.

Desert: Return to the place where you had to rip out the Oleander flower. From there go along the path to the east, where you will see bushes with small yellow flowers. Pour them with glass jars, and then use sunscreen on the flowers so that the cream becomes smelling well.

Oasis: Try to deceive with pammy sunscreen. This time it is not suitable enough soft consistency.

Hospitality House: Use a bag with money on the mechanism installed at the end of the hall. Then use the sunscreen on the mechanism to make cream soft.

Oasis: For the third time, try to wander with PEMMI cream, and again fails you. This time the cream is very liquid.

Shed Babba: Use sunscreen on barrels with a molasses that stand in front of the shed to make a cream thick.

Oasis: This time the sunscreen creates PEMMI completely.

ACT 4: The Torn Identity

House of Hospitality: Write on the door with the image of the bull head. Talk to Lu about work. It will hire you if you dress up as a woman, and for this you will need to find a dress, cosmetics, fake bust and wig. Open the next door in the hall on the same side, where and the office. Use a stick that you found to the west of the city to get a blue dress hanging on a clothesline.

Oasis: Take a few melons that can be used to create a female breast.

Post Office (north of the station): Read the Cost Mo magazine (for this, click the Magazine by El), which we bought in the Coco bench. In it, you will read the sale of cosmetics, which will separately appear in the inventory. Talk to Rikom. Show him an announcement of the sale of cosmetics and ask him to send an order for the purchase of cosmetics by mail. He will prepare for you a postal point that you will need to throw in the mailbox (the inscription “OUT”).

Station: Talk to a guy on a horse. Watch your order that he threw on the ground. Talk to the guy moved into a woman. Give him a hammer to get a wig in return.

Hospitality House: Enter the locker room (door to the left of the office Lou) to give an eligibility to change clothes into a woman. In this form, go to the office Lou. Talk to him. Having got the key to room number 3, go to this room, where Antonio will lie on the bed. Start not male work, just click on the bed. Then follow the instructions of Antonio to do something and that (stroke the hair, ears, neck). When Antonio falls asleep, touch on his clothes, lying on the floor to find his business card. Now, when you have proof, exposing Antonio, return to the locker room to remove the female rag with Ela. Go to the office of Lou finally, so he pays off with you inflatable doll. Women’s clothing will remain with you.

Salun Kevin: Show business card Antonio Rita.

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