Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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July 7, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol: Passage
Alpha Black Zero: Intrepid Protocol: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Devils are divided into fallen angels
and promoters from people.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts
Sometimes it is interesting to think about how computer games are born. I also see a top secret meeting in the secret room of the corporation where all important bosses gathered. Tired of the thoughts about the money brown the cigar smoke, fingers with expensive rings nervously tapping on the table. “You need to make a game with a graphics of fuckmer, with the detailing of more larger, with the movement is floating, and that all objects exploded with all the colors of the rainbow, and so that every enemy has its own facial expression, – says the most important boss. – Let the whole world of a month with a scattered eyes go “.
Meeting about “Alpha Black Zero” passed quite differently. “In the world is full of games, where the graphics are most importantly – thought smart heads from Khaeon. – But not all people are important just to shoot. You need to make a game with a swirling plot to and to kill who, and I did not hurt. “. Decided to do not just play, but an interactive fantastic film with a detective story. Well, such a decision is only praise!
This is interesting: The developers were so confident in the success of their kids, which spoke to the creation of a continuation of six months before the official release of the first part!
Everyone knows everything perfectly where the road is leading from good intentions. At first glance at the proposed world, thoughts come about the man-made embodiment of the most dreary fantasies of mankind. Lifeless deserts under the red sky, black mountains and brace sticking stems – not too cheerful landscape. If I had invented the game about the war in hell, the design did not differ from the local.
The game as a whole confirms the opinion of the future of all good ideas. The script is simply great: confusing intrigue, thoughtful world of the future, clash of human feelings and bureaucratic machine. Not surprising: the plot is based on the Cyberpan novels of Peter Hamilton.
Motor Serious Engine Checked for years (however, this is not a particularly strong compliment for the computer program), and there is no claim graphics quality. Praise, however, she also does not deserve. It should be noted that on the minimum configuration the game becomes more than thoughtful. The sound is not too original, but the rock concert on the desert planet would sound rather strange. And the point when quiet intense music after the first shot is replaced by quick and heavy, creates an indescribable atmosphere.
Game Game – Comer Fighter from Third Party – Interesting And Not too Litured Competitors. You will have to go at the chapter of a special purpose of five people. It is quite convenient to manage the subordinates, and in most cases comrades for weapons under the legs are not confused. Neighten with high intelligence they do not shine, but successfully shoot a dozen-other enemies – not a problem for them.
Tactical freedom – the biggest pride of developers. You can choose: to go quiet, removing hourly shots from sniper rifles, or ride a machine-gun hurricane by the position of the enemy. You can go at once with the whole crowd, but you can leave the subordinates and alone to exterminate the enemy.
As you know, a drop of tar spoils car jam. The creators of “Alpha Black Zero” stumbled in the design of the area. Endless sad landscapes and unreasonably dark colors made from a possible masterpiece just an interesting middle jacket of a computer world.
The game can be praised or scold. One will say exactly: this world has his own style.In fantastic novels, the main thing was radio.
With it, the happiness of humanity was expected.
Here is the radio, but there is no happiness.
Ilya Ilf
Humanity is more climbing the mountain of progress, but its vices are indestructible. New technologies do not get rid of the shocking difference between the luxury of the center and the poverty of the peripheral planets, huge bureaucratic machines, the thirst for money and power. The lives of millions of people do not mean anything in a difficult game of important politicians.
XXIV century. Humanity on spaces of space united into the federation and managed by the Unified Government – Solgov (Solgov). The government successfully controls the central settlements – the land, quahara (previously known as Mars), Leonidi Assistance and several others. Oleet Leonidi – Space Station-American-American Production Ring, derived in the Earth’s orbit in the XXII century. This is the house of millions of civilians of the Lumps and the base for hundreds of galactic corporations.
The rest of the planets granted self-government under the supervision of embassies. On the outskirts of the empire, criminal cartels operate, controlling whole planets, (“Exophage”) and the organization of trogulimperialists. Troglimperialists – feudal fascist fraction, whose leaders are expelled from the center of the dwelling universe for sharp political views. They were defeated in the first interplanetary war, and now they chose the path of terror and the undermining of the Lumps from the inside. The bench life of the provinces ready for all inhabitants makes the trogglenessist popular and doubly dangerous. Their dream is to enslave the whole living universe.
The greatest problem with which humanity met – overcrowding. Fighting with him decided the settlement of new planets. The resettlement process resembled privatization and in shape, and in fact: the corporation has redeemed the planet from the government and made them suitable for life (chopped), then the colonists sold the right to settlement. People began like farmers and for hundreds of years had to develop a society to a legal state. The colonists were then helped to establish a democratic system (judging by the missions, the methods for the three centuries did not change) and offered to redeem their planet from corporations.
Good plans on paper did not withstand testing practice. Many corporations went bankrupt, and residents of new planets remained in medieval conditions, some of them were in full insulation. Central planets united, leaving the “third world” on the arbitrary of fate. On many of the peripheral planets, the authorities captured dictators or criminal groupings. These objectives of all attempts to help poor settlements were their own interests of the members of the Central Federation.
The huge federation of Lumps was vulnerable to the danger of terror and betrayal. Special organizations have been created for control over external planets, one of which was QES – the outer service of Quakira. The official goal QES is military missions on the “Third World” planets, ensuring the safety of soling.
Management is not just so
As already mentioned, our squad consists of five soldiers. Any of them can be made by the group leader, choosing as active. At each moment, the player manages the leader, and the computer is the rest of four. The leader can give his subordinate orders. You can smash a detachment into two subgroups for especially cunning tactical ideas.
Management of the main person in moderation is convenient. With the mouse, choose the direction of movement, and the keyboard is an action. The screen can demonstrate reality in two modes: walking and aiming. In the first one can watch the radar and follow your subordinates, and in the second – more accurately aim and receive information about the enemy. All shooting functions are focused in the mouse.
The special forces can move crawling, squatting and in full growth (although I do not leave suspicions about the epidemic of rheumatism). The difference is obvious – than you lower, the harder it is in you. In addition, the hero can run or go with a pensive snail speed. Your soldiers will copy the actions of the leader as much.
Subordinates can be given orders to keep a position (read – wait), regroup (go closer), shoot or not shoot. In addition, you can choose from three modes of firing of various bloodthity. In order to give the order, you need to select the number of the soldier (from 1 to 5), and then the command number. To abandon all at once, you need to press the [F] or number of active soldier.
Switch to another member of the detachment using the [{Shch / Yu}] (previous / next), or using [SHIFT-1 / 2/3/4 / 5SCH. In order to get control of the selected soldier, you need to make a step forward.
It is important: Not moderately active arrows of your squad like to use a sniper rifle as a machine. Unfortunately, ammunition in this mode is enough for a couple of minutes. If you need to save the cartridges, go to the sniper control and change the gun to the gun – it myself will get the rifle back will not be decided.
Radar visible on the screen, where the enemies are shown. It must be said that if nothing can be seen on the radar, it is not yet proof of the absence of an enemy. Clearly hidden colonist can get out straight from under the neighboring bush!
You can navigate on the compass at the top of the screen, in which the letters are shown the direction on the target. However, the terrain is so confusing that it often has to go straight in the opposite direction. Even the compass will not save the player from danger to get lost in a labyrinth from similar, as twins, hills.

Weapons as a means, but not a goal
The developers did everything so that the player does not get confused in the long list of weapons. It was possible not to invent pathos names, but just honestly write: “Pistol”, “Small Avtomat”, “Big Avtomat”. The choice of weapons may be hit by that with its unprecedented narrowness.

  • GEIBO dart pistol. Light low-power weapon. I hope you do not have to use it. Cartridges in the store – 18, Spare – 90.
  • Skinless Sneglacher Pistol. Even, but confidently destroys the enemy. Can be applied if there is not enough cartridges for the main weapons or if you need not to make noise. Cartridges in the store – 25, Spare – 125.
  • Silent Durentai Machine. Convenient murder murder on medium and short distances. It is useful not only with a quiet pass, but also as unpretentious weapons of a close battle. The main advantage is that the wip is enough for a long time (compared to other machines). Cartridges in the store – 50, Spare – 200.
  • Sniper rifle M17-URL. Scary weapon: kills a unarmented enemy, even when in his leg. Equipped with an optical sight with the approximation mechanism. Cartridges in the store – 10, Spare – 10.
  • Stiegh assault rifle. Universal automatic rifle fighting on medium distances. Cartridges in the store – 75, Spare – 300.
  • HK90 machine gun. Even a small machine gun is a machine gun. Destroys the enemies with the tranquility of the lawn mower, while voracious, like a hippo. Cartridges in the store – 150, replacement – 300.
  • Rifle Freyland. Strange brainchilding someone’s sick fantasy. Combines signs of sniper rifles and grenade launcher. Suitable for the destruction of enemy groups. Cartridges in the store – 1, replacement – 19.
  • Grenades remained something that you need to throw in the enemy. On the other hand, for some reason they do not explode, but pursuing loudly. You can kill the enemy, perhaps a direct hit of my head, but to confuse him is also useful. When they throw a grenade into you (this can be understood on the hospital), it is advisable to quickly lie on the floor.
  • Grenades can be thrown out both hands and with Grenomatome. This weapon for the lazy: one shot – a lot of victims.
Among other things, the enemy can be killed and bare hands. If you come to him from behind and hit (key space), death will be quick and quiet. The method is designed for fans of quiet killings.
Even such a small assortment to developers seemed too complicated. It is impossible to choose the most armament of each soldier, there are only three standard sets for the entire detachment: for quiet passage, for full-scale hostilities and for war for extermination.
For a quiet passage, we offer two silent machines, two sniper rifles and an assault rifle. All pistols – Snellacher. For hostilities, two assault rifles are intended, a silent machine, a machine gun, a sniper rifle, three GEIBO dot pistols and two Snellacher. For war for extermination, we have two machine guns, two assault rifles and one rifle Freyland. Pistols in this case – Geibo.
You can replenish the health and ammunition in trolleys or boxes hidden in all sorts (key [TSCH). Identify the carts on the green point on the radar. Apparently, ammunition is synthesized directly inside the cart, otherwise than to explain that in the colonists challenged carts you can find modern cartridges of all types?
This is interesting: Trolleys have short intelligence. It is not enough that they supply us only the necessary ammunition, and two times in some hands do not give anything.
Recharge the weapons yourself your soldiers in life do not think, so you have to replenish the ammunition to choose every soldier and lead it to the cart. In some missions you feel not the commander of the unit, but a boiler for a fear of cartridges.

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