Alpha Polaris: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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April 4, 2022
10 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Alpha Polaris: Passage
Alpha Polaris: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Standard Point – & – Click Adventorchur. Management in the game is carried out using a keyboard with a mouse. Left mouse button – ordinary actions (start a dialogue, take item, apply the subject and t. D.). Right mouse button – skipping video and dialogs. Space Key – Hide / Show “Hot” points on the screen.

Day 1


After the introductory video, we will be Ted, who asks to put another white bear (run ahead – a bear). Choose any answer options. Come out of the room in the corridor, go to his far part and try to go to the garage. Automatically find ourselves in the rest room. After conversation with the new, we return to the corridor and pass to the garage. We go to the left and go to the lobby. Take a gun with sleeping cartridges located in a wooden stand on the wall and scotch, lying on a wooden box in the foreground. Also from the floor, a little left of the drawer, we select a rope. Put in inventory the GEP flag, resting on the wall on the left side of the screen. We go into the laboratory, the door to which is on the right side of the place where we found the flag.

On the near table, next to which garbage urn is, we find medical preparations and appliances: sleeping arrows, oximeter, electronic collar and antisodeal substance. Pay attention to the station plan hanging on the left wall of the laboratory. At any time we can visit the laboratory to re-familiarize yourself with this plan. Run ahead, he will only need it in the end of the game. Return to the lobby and go through the double door to the street.

The outside

We will tell us a young guy named Ted Krin. We start with him a dialogue and choose any answer. Raise the fire stairs to the roof of the building. In the inventory, combine sleeping arrows and guns, after which a single shot is immobilized by a white bear. As soon as we find yourself next to the sleeping beast, then we definitely study his mouth (right-clicking on the face). The bear has a bleeding tooth, apparently it is infected with something. Take out the beast from the body of a sleeping arrow. Then we put an oximeter in her mouth, and on the neck we attach the electronic collar. After a small conversation with Ted, we understand that we need to find a way to move the bear to the cage that behind us. If we go to the side of the western part of the station, then we will stumble upon a snowmobile. Than not transportation? Repeat the dialogue with Ted and we offer to transport Medveditz on a snowmobile (Snowmobile). To do this, enter the word “snowmobile” or “snowmobile”, depending on the version of the game, in the line “Suggest” (Suggest). We look at the video, at the end of which from the back of the snowmate we take the load belt. We use this belt on the bear, after which we open the cage in the long part of the screen. We use a rope from the inventory for the following items alternately: a lugged bear, the support of the cell and snowmobile. It is done!

We enhance the station on the left side and go inside through the same doors.


We go to the laboratory and get antibiotics from a locked aid kit on the left side of the screen. We look at the video, at the end of which we take two femoral bones from the table.

Click on the exhaust cabinet in the right far corner of the laboratory and take out a small reservoir from it. We put this tank on the table located in the foreground, after which they pour distilled water and acetic acid into it (both bottles are on the same table). Now put on the same two bones from the inventory and put the filled tank back to the exhaust cabinet. In a weak solution of acetic acid, a calcite deposited on the bones should be dissolved, and for the results we will return here in the morning. Now we need to put the first dose of antibiotics with a sick bear.

The outside

We go outside and go to a cage with a bear. In the inventory, combine an empty antsydal with a jar of antibiotics and apply to the Maternity. Stop! We don’t want to stay without hand?


We return inside the station and pass to the garage. On the right side of the room, behind the red cabinet, there is a circular saw. We use the GEP flag from inventory. The resulting wooden stick is combining with a syringe, and then – with adhesive tape.

The outside

We return to the cage with the bear and apply a syringe on a patient. Go to my bedroom and click on the bed.

Night 1


Come out of the bedroom and go to the rest room, where we first saw with the new. We inspect the radio on the table, and the conversation automatically begins with Ted. Choosing any answer options. At the end of the conversation, we go to the laboratory, where we talk with Ela Showman. Return to the bedroom and go to bed.

Day 2


Hurry to the laboratory to check the reservoir with two bones. Take out the bone from the exhaust cabinet and put them on the table next to the skin. We look at the table and click on a deep cut in a large bone. It is necessary to find a person who needs something is known about it. We go to the kitchen and talk with a new on all topics. Nova will bring us an article that is just the same to help us deal with symbols on the skin.

Go to the laboratory, read the article, and then study the skin. We inspect the first character on which the horizontal line and hemisphere is depicted. The symbol is very much reminiscent of the horizon and the rising sun. And at the bottom of the article depicts exactly the same symbol, only in an inverted form, and means “West”. Consequently, the answer: “East” (EAST). On the second symbol on the skin depicted crossings, and in the center of them some kind of triangle and the horizon line. On the symbol in the article crossing the sea. Mountain in the sea? Answer: “Island” (ISLAND). The third symbol resembles the accumulation of people. Answer: “Tribe” (Tribe).

Click in turn on each of three characters and introduce the answers with the analogy with the snowmobile:

Symbol of 1 – East (EAST);
Symbol 2 – island (Island);
Symbol 3 – Tribe (Tribe).

With skin and bones figured out. Did not forget that Ted is waiting for us on the street? Leaving the station.

The outside

We go to the cage with a bear and watch a video. We talk about all themes with Ted and return to the station.


Take a TACS-12 shotgun with you, which hangs next to the gun, from which we launched a smaller arrows in the bear. We go to your room and take a laptop and a triangulation device from the table. We go out on the street.

The outside

We become on the right side of the garage gate, back to them (required). In the inventory, combine the triangulation device and computer. Open your computer and go to the Triangulator program. In the program menu, we are asked to fill in two lines: Collar number (Collar ID) and Beading (Heading). Close the program and open a notebook. Go on the “Work on Bears” tab (Bear Thesis). In notes (Notes) at the bottom of the left page we find the inscription: “19.4 inflamed tooth “. It’s just the same our bear. We look at the table above the collar number (Collar ID) of the Medoli in line No. 19.4 – AOL339 (in the English version – ALO339). The first data we have:Alpha Polaris: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Now close the notebook and click right-click on a multipurpose tool with a compass in the inventory. At the end of its description, we find numbers – this is our decking. Attention! This value is changeable, t. E. depends on the direction where you look. My Belayer, for example, was 264 degrees.

Re-open the program “Triangulator” and enter the found data:

Collar number – AOL339 (ALO339)
Pereleng – 264 (variable value)

After that, click on “Calculation 1”. The program asks us to make 15 steps towards the direction of delege, in our case down. We make these 15 steps down the screen (count them to one). Run the program again and click on “Calculation 2”. If everything is done correctly, then at the bottom of the relevant comments of the rune, as well as the offer to ride on a snowmobile to the calculated place.

We pass around the perimeter of the station to the left side and sit down in a snowmobile. We look at the video and come back inside the station.


We go to the laboratory and talk with Alla Showman about what happened. Going to the kitchen to prepare a dish called “Bomb Alaska”. On the way in the garage we take the Red Canister. As soon as we turn out in the kitchen, the rune puts an empty bowl on the table. Cocktail recipe can be found in notebook. First, let’s collect the necessary ingredients. From the refrigerator, we take the cream (Household Ice Cream), and we take sugar from the kitchen table (Sugar). Follow in your room and from the floor raise the bottle of absinthe (verte abcinthe). We go to the lobby where the output from the station is. Go down to the cellar and take the following items: Fire extinguisher (Extinguisher), Biscuit Korzh (Sponge Cake), Meringue Powder (Meringue Powder) and Maple Syrup (MAPLE SYRUP). We return to the kitchen and add (apply) the ingredients in the following order (according to the first point of the recipe):

one. Cream
2. Sugar
3. Maple syrup 4. Powder Bezness
five. Fire extinguisher in paragraphs 1-5 We make ice cream.
6. Biscuit Korzh

Click on a bowl with a dish and choose the phrase:

– turn over (Flip It Over).

Pour the “Bomb of Alaska” Absuner. We use a lighter on an inverted cake, click on the dish and choose:

– Ready (IT’s Already).

We look at the video and rush to the laboratory. After everyone leaves the room, in the inventory we combine the collar with a laptop. Open the program “ProxyTrack”. We go to the item “Map-East Ketek Plateau / Epge” (Map – Plateau East Ketek). Next, click on the “Import-USB ALO339” command (import-USB AOL339). Now inspect the “DataPoints” menu (data). Here are six points from CP1 to CP6. Click on the point CP5. What is the meaning of the bear to go 20km to the northwest to then return back? Close the computer and click on the new map (Glacier Map), which appeared on the wall. Here Showman marks the place where he made his finds. Press the right mouse button on the inscription “Shouman 3”:Alpha Polaris: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Coordinates of the CP5 point coincide with the place where the showman found his last artifact! We will continue our investigation tomorrow, but for now we go to my room and go to bed.

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