American McGee’s Alice: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Some special advice here do not need to be given, because everything is trite: collect two types of crystals (red and blue) and crumble all of the most powerful weapons that are at hand. The first type of crystals replenishes health, the second – magical energy. There are also a couple of types of columinations, with which Alice acquires new properties, but they come across quite rarely. The passage of special difficulties should not cause, however, sometimes confused puzzles come across (especially at the end). If you want prompts, just call the cat and start listening to it. Only in most cases, its strange hints come to the riddles rather than for intelligible tips.
In the abyss jump over the other side. Alice can with his dress to float over smoke. Further on the tunnel and take the kitchen knife. This is the very first and, by the way, is very effective weapon. See where the rabbit ran – in a small hole. From her on the roads to the right. There, on top, another local resident will tell you about who can help you. Jump to the sign "Yur Mine" And go on.
New card (new card, accompanied by a long load).
Jump from rope to the rope. Below, talk to the bearded old man. Go on the corridor, past signs "Danger". Racing on the trolley. How come, go to the right. Take maps. This is the second weapon. They can be quite well. Go to the door near, then to another. Kill the guards cards and take the key from the table. Now the door is upstairs and in the portal.
Eggs all the cards and go to the portal, which will open a kind old.
New card (door fortress).
Come in a break in the wall, from the tenting home to the right. Close to the second floor, and there in the portal.
New map.
Hall with chess floors: kill the guards and take the red crystal over the platform in the center. Alice will turn into a monster. Do not be afraid, it’s not at all what you thought about. Just now, Alice has a multiple force. Further I strongly recommend using similar columns.
Go to the long door behind bars. Then there will be three more or four doors. Further on the chess track over the precipice, jump into the portal at the end.
Before you there will be a lever. Click it and go down to the floor below. Here are already three levers. Pushing them in such a sequence: right, left, medium.
The castle will open on the door on the side of the abyss. Go on chess plates hanging in the air. If you go to the edge, a new stove will appear. Having traveled through the abyss, go to the door and in the portal.
Hall with flying plates: run on the very top. And, clearly, in the portal.
Position in front of three doors that fly, depicting something like something like "Natrekov". The right portal is at one of them. Guess – go further, no – try again.
New map.
Now you are at the very top of the wall that surrounds the hasting house. Go on the wall, kill cards and a couple of flying creatures. At the end, jump into the window open in the house.
New map.
Immediately see "Psychic" With some bandage on the face. Go to the door. On the left on the platform will see the club to play in the crocket (flamingo). Later you take it. In the meantime, go to the left door. Follow the theater with "Psycho". Look what happens on stage, go out. An old man will hold the shelf in the library.
Close to the second floor and left. Jump first on the fireplace, and from him on the ledge with the stick. Take it – this is your third weapon. Go to the door on the other side, to the left of the constantly clapping doors.
In the library right, then click on the book on the left. She will fly upstairs. Rise on the elevator for the next floor. Cat drops the bookshelf. Left come to the second book. Sure on the other side and tap the third book. Drive on the elevator for the next floor and tap the fourth book. Now go to the books and jump to the plate with the handle.
Your cat will advise you advice, but Alice will throw this book down. Get down and go to the revealed book. Learn Recipe Reduction.
New map.
Hall with a large column – go to the door to the right. From the statue of the hatchnik left. Climb on the scene and touch another red columble (alice-monsters we have already passed). Click the lever on the contrary. According to the stairs that appeared, go upstairs, then on the beams above the ceiling jump to the old man in the far end. After talking with him, kill three flying creatures and come back to a large column. Climb on the second floor and in dual doors with the inscription "2nd Grade".
Help the old man to manage cards, then take a wardrobe. Go to the corridor, in the first door to the left. In the new corridor – in dual doors to the left. Go to the next room where you kill the card and go to bed with the inscription "Poppy seeds". See what happens. After capture with you "Ball on a stick". Go to the corridor with four doors and go to a small door on the left. Then in the dual doors on the left. Will you find yourself in the laboratory with an old man. Come to him.
Take the star and go to the portal at the site of the door.
New map.
Will you find yourself in the already familiar room. Go to the library (on the second floor, on the door next to the squabble doors) and climb on the third floor. Come to the door with the inscription "Observatory". In the room with a big globe, raise upstairs and look into the telescope. See how Reduced Alice jump into the portal.
New card (Mushroom Forest).
Jump over the abyss and the waterfall go upstairs on the ledge. Malicious ants will throw in you stones. At the top kill ants, go against the flow of the stream. Come to a strange humanoid creature with a bull head. In fact, it is a turtle, only without a shell. So you have to return it to her. Jump on a piece and swim on it followed "Byk". Fly and hard and stubbornly. If you fall from the leaflet, then find the nearest and swim further. Do not forget to follow "Byk". At the end you will fall from a big waterfall.
New map.
Get down down, passing out the ants. In the water do not jump – eat big fish. Jump from lily to Lily, then to the root. On the other side – for the root, with him on a piece, swim. On the bank kill ants, rose and mushroom beetles. On the sheet of float to torches. There are entering the house. Alice will start talking to chameleon.
New map.
Go on the corridor, in the round room take the box. This is your new weapon. She explodes some time after you throw it. Compare Queen. Throw it with these boxes. She dwells. Talk with "Byk" and chameleon.
New map.
Long float for the bull. See on the sides and go away from fish falling stones. Air reserves can be replenished with bubbles. If you missed "Bull", then swim on the trail from his bubbles. And why did he need it so much to go on scratch.
New map.
On the path climb upstairs, by the rope, past the waterfall. Upstairs. At the end, jump on the blue mushroom on the right (he is here instead of a trampoline), cling to the rope. There you will meet the rabbit.
Jump on the mushroom on the tree, you do not need to jump from him. Better to go around the tree in a circle and jump onto the second rope. From her to the ledge where the portal appears. Jump over the rugs on the stones, in the hole to the left of the waterfall.
New map.
Bunny, I will dismiss the evil hatter. From the crushed rabbit go to the left and in the hole in the ground. Soon you will come to a couple. Jump over the other side and right. Hatter will occasionally strongly stupid, do not pay attention. You need to get to the very top, to a thin path. There is still a club-flamingo there. Go on, again on a narrow path and past blue crystals.
In the new cave, look at the crystals at the far end. You need to get to them.
To do this jump on the ropes, mushrooms. Take the cards (if for some reason you have no longer) and upstairs. Past of malicious rosets, on the rope, to the tree. For the second romel, drop in the hole and go down.
New map.
Right run away from the mirror bowl. He will chase you for quite a long time.
Run two caves, frozen lake, fall under cracked ice.
New map.
Slide down (on ice differently it does not work). In the cave left, go through a narrow trail and take the ice scepter. While it will be the most powerful weapon for you. Return to the entrance to the cave and now go to the right. From there to the cave in the rock.
You will replace this mirror ball behind you. How to confirm to the lava river, quickly jump on the right side. The ball will wish to pass. A couple jump into the abyss.
Go to mushrooms where you will meet the caterpillar. After talking go to the portal.
New map.
Go past mushrooms, in the passage. Pedoxin from large white mushrooms dive into the puddle to the left. Then in the hole in the rock. Soon you will find yourself at the exit from the cave, which guards a bunch of ants. Tell them all.
New map.
Battle with evil waxwork in helmet. It is necessary to approach her almost close, then she will rise "on sill" And there will be a red carrier on her bouquet. Need to shoot it. And long and stubbornly. How it will die, go up on fallen columns to the mushroom on the hill. Alice bits a piece and grow again.
New map.
Position on the big glade with a lava river and a bunch of tablets. In the center Take the staff. While he will not work, because it is necessary to collect a few more parts. The grille opens. Go to the cave on the arrow "Cave of the Oracle". Wire ghost and go on. There you will say what to do next. Return to the signs and go to "Pale Realm".
On the chess track with pawns go to the goal of the castle and in the portal.
New map.