American McGee’s Grimm: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » American McGee’s Grimm: Game Walkthrough and Guide
January 12, 2022
3 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

American McGee’s Grimm: Passage
American McGee’s Grimm: Game Walkthrough and Guide
So, You Appear in a Wonderful Fairy Tale, Which Begins to Sick From This IDYLL. IT IS NECESSARY TO URGENTLY CHANGE THE SCENERY ON MORE VITAL. How to do it? From the Hero, Such A Negative Energy Comes from the Hero That Passing Simply Next, Everything around Changes.

AT The Top of the Scale That Shows How Much Territory You Still Need to Capture to Go to the Next Sublevel. Just Quickly Run Around The Territory Until We Say That WE Can Go On. WHEN OR AN OBSTICLE THAT PREVENTS US FROM PASSING FURTHER, APPROROCH HIM AND PRESSING A DOUBLE JUMP. Idealy, You Need to Turn the Whole Territory Into Hell. WHEN YOU PASSED ON, JUST RETURN AND GRAB THE WHOLE TERRITORY.


Q – Left
E – Movement To the Right
A – Left
S – Back
D – Right
Space – Jump
Left Mouse Button – Forward
Right Mouse Button – Jump

Episode 1
Scene 1

Capture The Territory and Break The Door. WE GO FURTHER AND REPLENISH THE PLACE MORE. To Go Further, The Scale Must Reach The Third Point. Double Jump In Big Stump. Right Left And Right Through The Fence Will Be a Bonus. The Second Bonus Is Left At The End of the Fence. Capture Everything And Double Jump From The Waterfall. Not Falling Into Lava to Two Peacefully Speaking Tricks. Near Them Double Jump.

Scene 2

WHEN THE SCALE COMES TO THE RIGHT POSITION, MAKE A DOUBLE JUMP AT THE RHE. Jump On A Black Boat and Swim On The Opposite Shore. WE Make Our Black Things There and Jump from Another Rubber. We Look In The Floors Among The Trees and Select Secret Bonuses.


Your Task to Turn All The Children To the Lists and Set Fire to the Teacher. Everything As Usual, Turn Everything INTO Chaos and Catch Children. WHEN ALL TWENTY GATHER IN NEED PLACE, COME TOGETHER AND DO A DOUBLE JUMP.

Scene 4

The Challenge to Convert All Birds and At the Main Monument to Make a Double Jump. Birds Are Only Twenty Pieces. After the Bird Will Take You to the Next Level.

Scene 5

WE PASS THE FIRST ROOM, AND WHEN YOU CAN, JUMP AT THE GATE SEVERAL TIMES. In The Next Room, WHEN EVERYTHING IS BLACK, WE GO TO THE THE THE THE MONUMENT AND JUMP, THEN TIPS WILL SAY WHERE YOU NEED TO JUMP. We Pass Lava and On The Balcony, Jumping to the Crowd of Skeletons and Jumping Near Them, But Before You Take A Bonus Coin On the Right.

Scene 6

We Destroy Everything in Your Way and Jump Six Guns. There IS A Passage, And Thera Is A Wedding. But Here You Need to Make Everything AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. We Jump by the Bride and Go to the Big Cannon. THERE THERE ALL CHANGE TOIR OWN AND JUMP FROM HER. Bonuses Are In The First Room On The Left At The Entrance and In The Third Per Canhell.

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