Anacapri: The Dream: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Passage Anacapri: The Dream:
The kingdom of dreams:
We are in a cafe on Piazza Vittoria. We take a letter from Dr. Orlanda, which we will give us a waitress. We read it in the inventory, then leave the cafe. We go to the right to the main road (a panoramic image will appear on the screen). On the right there will be a bus call panel. We go to the left via orandi. Find a green ticketing machine. Learning it. Go forward 3 times. We look at the stand with postcards on the right. Be sure to take an accessible postcard. Go ahead 1 time. Go to the museum on the left. We speak with an artisan. After the conversation we pass to the inner courtyard of the museum, where we study all the exhibits and the miniature of Capri island in the center. Returning inside. Speak again with the artisan. She will give us a tile. We leave from the museum. We continue to go to the left. We go ahead twice. Click on the intercom button on the red house. Next we go ahead to the flower shop store, in order to just talk to her.
We look at the map. We go to Villa Orlandi (house on the corner of the street). Knock at the door. After talking with an Assistant Orlande, we study the mailbox. Inside, we find a second letter from the doctor (read in inventory) and marble sign. We go to Vico Boffe Street (house at the end). Call on intercom. Speaking with Mr. Syrayo, we open the mailbox from which we get the Diary Cherio. Having studied it in the inventory, we find a credit card lying in the diary. Next We go to Vico Caprile Street. We go to the house number 16. Speak with the Nubert, the buyer of vintage coins. We leave from the house. We go to the left to the main road. There is also installed on the house a bus call panel (a quick jump to Caprile is activated).
Make a jump to Piazza Vittoria. We go through Via Orlandi to the Santa Sofia church. Not reaching it, we celebrate an old man sitting on the bench. Speak with him. Read the newspaper that he will give us. Turn around, visit the shop de angelis. We go out, go to the left. Go ahead 1 time. We look at the TV for the showcase on the left to look at the interview with Syrayo.
Again make a jump to Piazza Vittoria. Turn around, go to the left. Go ahead 7 times. Case of man with a guitar. Going further forward 6 times. Go to the shop of the spirits left. We take perfume that the seller will offer. Come out from the store, keep going left. We go ahead. Go to the Limoncello store on the right. We speak with the manufacturer Sandals. We take the sandalwood, look at it in the inventory to look at her disappearance. We go to the left of the store. Speak with the Limoncello seller. We leave from the store. Go to the right. We go to the house of Dr. Manza (Villa San Michele). After listening to a man, we leave the villa and go along the trail to the right to the gate with the magic passage (a new point will appear for quick movement). We use a postcard here, which we took on Via Orlandi. We pass through the gate. Torre La Guardia stroll until Dr. Axel Manza is found. After listening to it, we use the rapid move to Piazza Vittoria.
Turn around, go to the right. Go to the building ahead. Appeal to the duty sitting behind the window. Come out. Go to the right. We pass by the bank, we go along the path until we meet the turtle. Talking to her, we turn right. We step on to the entrance to the church, where the rope will hang from the roof. Dreak for the rope to be in our bedroom.
All this time we turn out to be in a dream, but now we are in reality. We look at the night table on the left. We look at the photo of a woman, a ship and instructor with a date and time, we study 10 rules of the dream. We look at the bedside table on the right of the bed. We study letters from Dr. GreenTert and Mirate. We look at sleep syrup (lower active point). We pass to the table. We study the computer, calendar and game. We look at the bedside table on the left of the bed. We study the picture of Myrtha and Adriano, as well as the box. Go to the bathroom. Find perfumes there that we took in a dream. Here things are nothing, in dreams they are all. Check the door handle with animal images at the end of the corridor. Now we take with a bedside table near the bed syrup (medium active point), drink it (click on the bottle at the bottom of the screen) to continue the adventure in the kingdom.
We produce tiles with lizard:
Departed from the church. To the right of the track from the ground we select a call. Now calling it at any time, we will be in reality. Move to Piazza Vittoria. Turn around, we go right and left to the bank of Anakapri. We look at ATM. Insert a credit card. In the password we enter piggy or, simply speaking, 74449 (the answer was written on piggy bank-pig in reality). Having received 10 denunciations and taking a credit card back, step to the vending machine located in Via Orandi. We buy on 10 denotes season ticket to Marina Piccola and back. In the Vittoria marketplace, we use a bus that calls. Click the red button, choose Marina Piccola. We enter the bus, we go on it to the destination.
Run, come out of the bus. Go down the stairs to the beach (a new point for moving will appear on the map). We go to the right to the tent of Massimo. After listening to him, we get the missing pages from the Cherio diary (read them). Raise back to the main road. On the way, look at the clock on the green door. Call the bus, we go to it to Grotta Delle Felci.
Going out of the bus, we go through the only route forward before the road split. Choose the left trail. Go further back and go until the asphalt trail is over. Raise then on the path right. We pass twice ahead. We select a crumpled sheet of paper from the ground on the left (read it). We go ahead until the panoramic view appears. Go to the left. Under the lizard on the rock we find a riddle. Turn around, we go to the right to the end (water type in front). Turn around, on the right we find other pages from the diary (we read it), we see the telescope on the left. We look into it.
Return to the riddle. The solution lies in Cherio’s diary. We install in the window I – Shaman with the disk, II – Shaman with a luminous disc, III – two little man, IIII – one man, IIIII – Skull. From the middle hole we take 4 stones (we study them in inventory). Go back to the telescope. Get up before the cave from which a lizard appeared. We use here a stone # 1 with the image of a lizard. Now look at the telescope. After listening to the History of Shaman, we select purple tiles from the ground with images of animals. Call the bell to be in reality.
Come to the locked door to the end of the corridor. Exhibiting from top to bottom animals: Dolphin, Dolphin, Seagull, Snake, Lizard. We pass into the room. We read letters lying on the table. Check the messages on the answering machine. We look at the CD player under the TV, on the marine shell and on the picture on the fireplace mantle, also on the dolphin in the bath and the picture to the right of the bath. Check the door with a blue handle with animals, as well as a braided locker near the door. It’s time to go back to sleep.
We produce tiles with dolphin:
Move to Marina Piccola. Go down to the Massimo tent to talk to him. He will give us a guide on the sea (read). We go along the shore (the sea must be left of us) Mean the stairs on the left. We use a stone # 2 with the image of a dolphin on a metal tube to the right of the telescope. We look at the telescope. We listen to Dolphin. Return to the main staircase, which leads to the road. We turn right. Raised the stairs and then go to the pier, where the carons will pick us up on the boat.
Sit down and keep the course left when you first choose a route. Swim to monolith with a hole at the base. Swim on the left. Swim forward. We meet the triton blowing in the horn. If at some point he heard the roar of caronts, then turn around. I get into the same hole in monolith. This time swim on the right side. The sea will become Violet. We swim to Poseidon. After listening to him, swim forward, swim under the monolith. Choose the left route. We float forward, look at the rock in the middle of the sea with a tail of sirens. Swim right to green grotto, turn around and float back. On this rock in the middle of the sea will sit siren. We look at her. Next floate forward and left to return to the pier.
Go back to the telescope. We look into it, listen to the dolphin. Return to the boat. Sit on her and swim along the coast to the green throat. Blue stove will appear in the left batch of grotto. In the inventory, having studied her, she connects with purple. Returning back to the pier, siren will delay us. To deal with it, go into reality. Turn on music there. While she plays, go back to dreams. So siren will be neutralized. Let’s float to the berth. On the shore, use the bell to get into reality.
We pass to the locked door to the right of the fireplace. I exhibit animals on the door from top to bottom: Dolphin, snake, lizard, snake, snake. We go to the table. In the box ahead, we study a wedding invitation. Turn around, look at the statue. We go to the living room. There are looking at the constellation of scorpion on the wall, on DVD discs on the left. Check letters on the table in the corner. In the table box we find the game scope (you can take off). We check the dark blue door handle with animals. To the right of the door on the table look at the newspaper and on the picture. We also examine everything else, and then come back to sleep.
We produce tiles with a snake:
Go to Massimo. He will give us a postcard with the image of Scala Fenicia. Moving to the Villa Axel Manzay. We pass to the magic gate. We use the postcard here, which Massimo gave us. Travel down the mountain. It will have to go long. Halfway with steps pick up the emerald ring. Next, we select the book of constellations (we study in inventory). Reaching Palazzo A Ware, look at the black oval on the wall with 12 astrological signs. The riddle is not yet available. Recovering, talking with the statue of Ogastus. We go to the left and forward. Having received a bite from the snake, we will be in reality. Drink sleep syrup to come back back. We listen to the statue of Ogastus, who will want to get back his hand. Approaching the snake hole, this time we use the stone number 3 with the image of the creeping creation. Avoid bite, come to the edge of water. We remove the pile of stones downstairs to the right and select a Roman coin.
We find the hand of Ogastus:
If the movement point to Palazzo A Ware has activated, then you take a jump to Piazza Vittoria. We go through Via Orlandi. Go to the red house. After listening to a woman, give her an emerald ring taken from Scala Fenicia. We study exhibits in the courtyard at home. We go out and move to Caprile. We go to the house to Norbert at Via Capril 160. Raise upstairs. Sell a collector Roman coin for 10 dennaunks. We leave from the house.
Move to Piazza Vittoria. Go forward to the green vending machine. Click on the button, go to the gap 10 dennaigas. Take a blue season ticket to the bus to Grotta Azzura and back. We are transported to Caprile. Call the bus towards the blue grotto with the help of a yellow device hanging on the wall. We use a travel ticket. Sit on the bus and go to Damecuta. Go forward to the gate, go to the park. For this area there is a map.
Go to the point a. We pick up a visit to John from the ground. We return to the steps, this time, go to the left to the point b. We look at the circles to the right of the glass door. The decision of the riddle lies in the selected business card and in the words of the woman Julia about the confused colors: blue is green and vice versa, and purple is yellow and vice versa. The left upper circle should be purple, the right top is red, central – blue, lower left – yellow, lower right – green. Click on the black button, go inside the cache. Take the print and diary of McCowan (read it). We go out, go to the right to the tower (c). Go around the tower on the left side. We look at the keyhole and on the red word to the right of the door.
We are transported to Piazza Vittoria. We go to Via Orandi to the Red House. Inside Talking with Julia. After listening to her, leave the room with the paintings. We look at the triangular exhibit hanging on the wall. We use printing on luminous letters. We are transported to Damecuta. We pass to the tower. We use the seal on the word to open the door. We go inside, exploring the tunnel. Get to the window overlooking the blue grotto and control panel. Click a couple of times on the red button to pull the capture into the water. Moving to exit. Next, do mileage to the main road. Call the bus and go on it to Grotta Azzura.
Reached, we go out and turn left. Go down under the arch Riccio. Go ahead along the white steps on the asphalt. We turn right and pass under the metal arch. Go ahead to the restaurant, with the first opportunity we turn right and right. Communicate with Riccio. We have to win in Scopa to get a boat. Rules of the game in the instructions. But if there is no desire to play, then we go back, turn to the left. On the screen with bottles (scene 3945) click on the right bottle. Card game automatic will be won. We leave from the restaurant. Rising along the steps, we turn right. Go to the coastline. Seeing the aquarium, turn around (ahead of the pump control panel and valve) and look at the water on the left. After listening to two fish, turn on the pump and, while it works, open the valve, we wait for a couple of seconds and close it. Add to the aquarium perfume. Run the pump again, open and immediately close the valve. Those two fish will fall into the aquarium. After listening to them, take the aquarium with you. Return back, but, without climbing the stairs leading to the road, we go ahead and go down to the boat. Sit down, sailing to the rope, from it to the left. We go to the cave, we use there aquarium. Touching with Nerem, we return to the boat to the rope. Dive under the water, click on the button to capture the hand of Ogastus. Pop up, swim on the boat to the pier. We are transported to Damecute. We go on the tunnel in the tower to the window with the control panel. Raise and move the capture. We take the hand of Ogastus.
We are selected from the tunnel, we are transported to Palazzo a Mare. Go down, come to the statue. We use the hand on it. The mystery with black oval is activated. The goal is to move the stars, get the following image.
Again, you can use cunning. T.E. Climb the steps and click on the letter N on the plate (5975 scene). Come to the snake. After listening to her, we pass forward, turn around. From the hole getting a blue tile. After listening to the turtle, in the inventory we combine this tile with the rest. Call the bell to be in reality.