Arcania: Gothic 4: Fast Passage

Before reading this passage, it is necessary to take into account that it does not describe numerous side quests of games that are not compulsory for the story.
Waking up on the throne in a delusional state, you, from the face of King Rahar III you need to overcome a small dungeon. Some weather will have to face some resistance from the local undead. However, communication with them should not be called any difficulties with them, so immediately after this short introductory part you will get acquainted with the main hero of the game and proceed to its direct passage.
To begin with, go to the village and see there with Father Ivi, sitting in the center of the village. Thunder will tell you that for the blessing of the marriage with Ivi Hero will have to perform three tests. First you need to find in the caves that are located across the bridge to the north of the village, ancient dagger and bring it to the commander. On the bridge you will meet with the farmer whip, who offered you to save his fields from the invasion of crotocryrs. You can agree, then the knut will give her hero his club. With it, it will be easier for you to fulfill not only this side assignment, but also to divide with opponents inside the cave, the entrance to which is immediately behind the field. Taking the desired dagger in the dungeon, do not forget to search the chest before leaving and return with trophies to the commander. We receive a second one from him – drive a smuggler, which settled the mountain lake. Take the key from the old man and go through the gate to the lake. There we meet your familiar Diego, who offered you some likeness of the training fight. Having lighted to you, he agrees to give his old machete as proof of your victory, but only after you are parted with a couple of goblins that dripping around his boat on the beach. Get down to the water and well sweep opponents. Bring Machete Gromaru, you will receive from him the third order – to drag him three pairs of deer horns. At the entrance to the deer, you will again meet Ivi and she will report that you can take onions in the hunting towers, which immediately goal. Quickly shoot a deer from it and take their horns. We go to her father with this wealth and get the last miserable from him – make a wedding bracelet for your bride. To do this, talk to Chalwen, which stands at the exit from the hut. He will say that with joy will make a bracelet for you if you break amber. This substance is available at the Outcast. Oruk will ask you to serve it in exchange for stones – bring the blue toadstool from the cave that in deer more often. We find five mushrooms there, and get amber instead. Take it to Chalwen and present a ready-made Ivi bracelet.
Now it’s time to meet again with Diego to arrange with him about departure from Feshire, and at the same time on the way to him and find the physiognomy of the whip. You will find Diego for a waterfall at the mountain lake, and he agrees to help, but only after you will assign a bundle of the magic witch witch to the Lyark, that lives in a forest hut. Get out of the other hand, Diego’s cave and go along the forest path, knocking off from the attacks of wolves until you reach the Logovo Witch. After talking with her, you can already be in the dungeon, where you will be asked to divide with parasites destroying the roots of trees. To deal with them it was easier, the line will give you a lightning spell. Go ahead and systematically sprinkle with parasites. When they hide from the blows of your sword under the shell, beat them with zipper, and then fly to a sword. One of the pests’ defeat, you will have to lime from this light and their uterus, distinguished from your brood with great size and danger for the hero. Immediately after that, you will demonstrate a video from which it follows that Feshire has come to an end, and the main character miraculously escaped the unenviable fate of his tribesmen.
Farewell, feshire!
Once on the new island, go to the east to the tavern “Splitting Virgo” and find the Maga Magazine there. But first, negotiate with the “cute” woman Murdra, who indicated to us where to look for the magician. If you want, you can buy any equipment from her, and then go to the second floor of the Kabaka, where and meet Dustoce. From Him, we learn that the road to the ball is blocked by the gangsters, but you need it there. Local residents have a plan, how can be divided with the gangsters, but just so they will not tell you anything. First of all, we again communicate with Mourdra and get an order from it to drag from Garva a couple of barrels with a honey. Get out of the Kabaka and go on the way to right to the side of the old watchtower (southwest). For the simplicity of solving the issue of Bay Garo and the pair of his friendship-lumberjobs of the faces, after which they calmly take the kegs and carry them Murdre. Now she is ready to share with you with your plans to get rid of this area from gangsters. If you mix the iron mushrooms and give a drink to the robbers, then they will open the gate without problems and will miss in the steward. Medovuha you already have, it remains to get mushrooms growing in an old mine. The most closest entrance to the mine is directly opposite the restaurant, but we don’t need it, because we still can not get into it in the Stand. We also need to find the cave located in the south of the restaurant and east of the watchtower. Having passed under her arches, you will find a distillation cube of the rally, and a little further with it, you will explode one of the walls of the mine (next to the squeezed rally). It remains only alternately assemble the desired mushrooms and exit directly opposite the Cabanka. With poisoned potion, go to the gangsters that the passage in the steward will be held, and alternately offer them to drink. As soon as the gate open, get ready for a fight with Dartan and his minions, then open the gate leading to the bridge to the flight. Having learned from the merchant the road to the castle, we run to him, picking up on the way from crowned beetles and other rubbish.
Going through the main goal of the castle, rise up the stairs until you reach the main tower that Mountains Mount. He will tell you that Diego is now in prison on charges of murdering Assistant Baron. Going down to the entrance to the incomes and speaking there with the guard, you will meet with the arrested Diego. From him you will learn that the only way to justify it in front of the baron is to find the missing assistant Mermund. To begin with, it is necessary to talk with the guardian Wirenah, stitching on the western outskirts of the city. In a conversation with this subject, it turns out that it acts at the same time with the rebels, hiding Mermund in one of the caves outside the castle. For simplicity, resolving the issue beat him the face and learn the locations of the rebel camp. Get out of the castle and find the entrance to the catacombs located in the north-east of the baron. Having passed by Farm Oltra, you will reach the cave to enter the cave, where non-micro-sensitive rebels will already be helped. Get ready to wave a weapon quite actively, because along the promotion in the catacombs, opponents will constantly attack you. Passing the room with a number of beds, you will open the lattice door and come across a fairly serious opponent in the face of the chief investigator of this cute institution. Try not to come across his mace and then you will handle it without problems. Having touched the trophies and dismissed the camera locked up, you will release Mermund. The liberated prisoner will tell you about lost secret documents that are very valuable for Baron. Having found them, you will no longer win his location and get a pass to the blood valley. For this you need to return to the farm of Ogtar and find the cave there nearby. Inside it, you can find and their leader who has these most documents. It remains to take them in the castle Baron Renvik and get permission from him for further travel. By the way, in addition to this paper, you can choose your armor to taste out of three models. In the new closure, leave the lock limits and go to the east of the barn, until you reach the gate guarded by the guardian who should show the resulting resolution.
Blood valley
Passing the gorge and the forest path, you will meet in the estate with the Castela Giller in the hope of displaying information about the archives of the castle of Silverlak. He agrees to help you only after you return one of his people – Doran’s sign. Get out of the manor and go in the northern direction, where the desired subject is waged by the battlefield. Having learned from him that he lost the banner of Lord Havana, promise to help the poor fellow and go to the goblin caves in the east of the battlefield. Rising in the forest ridge and faced there with a small goblin squad, you will reach the desired cave. Lay inside the banner of the Havana and take it to the Doran. Now come back to the south through the estate until you reach the castle. Having risen to his second floor, you will find in the hall by the fireplace Castela Giller. He will tell you that only Lord Hawan, who captivated the orcs during the battle, can give access to archives. Naturally, you need to return the honorary prisoner. To do this, go out of the castle and go ahead along the Lake Silverlake. Soon you will come across the bridge with guards who missed you further as soon as you say password. By the way, on the shore of the lake you will see some similarity of a low observatory, whose surroundings are sisha orcs. I advise you to destroy them right now, but only then approach the entrance to the cave nearby and talk to Orcov Ogbosh, the chief of the gate to the camp. He will miss you after you bring him squeezed as a scan. This thermonuclear beverage can be requested by Shaman Melog, that dwells in a forest hut in the south from here. Having passed on the road across the river, you will fall into the forest, where soon and come across the dwelling of the Shaman, in which his owner is magging on the drums. In exchange for a dog, he will ask you to find the son of the previous leader of the tribe named Irry. To do this, go along the path from the house of Melaga to the West and soon you will be stumbled upon the sideling of the side of Irrya. He will tell that the Orc Salog took the name amulet from him, and without him he is just a body without soul. Go to the south of the forest, where you are referred to the stone block, blocking the road forward. Moving along this ripped, you will find a sage and he will tell you after a brief course of Mordobiya telling you that Irry’s amulet hid in a cave. The entrance to it is in the east of the forest and to get to him you will again need to go along the stone ridge. In it, you will find a chest with Amulet Irrai, which can be attributed to his owner in a hut for Shaman. From Him we learn that to defeat the operating leader of Orcs Erhaga now no one for. But if you put the Amulet Irriya on myself, you can independently throw him a challenge, and at the same time to release Lord Havana. Get a malfungent duck from a chalogue, and from Irria his amulet come back to the entrance to the camp and give it to ogbicha. He will miss you inside, where you have to fight in some kind of throne hall with Ergham and a couple of his bodyguards. The liberated Havana will ask you to be divided with Erhaga minions and freeing people of Havana, whom the orcs make working on the sawmill. You may have already managed to deal with the minions of Erhaga, when I chose all orcs next to the Observatory on the lake. You can find prisoners by climbing along the path to the east, which is on the way back to the castle, if you go from the orc camp. After fulfilling all the orders, talk with a walking along the path along the Lake Lord Havan and report to your successes. It remains only to return to the castle and explore his archives (they are in the basement of the southern wing of the castle). Having received an ancient card, raise up and talk to Lord Havan again. From him you will learn that before you an old temple was interested in two more magicians, which can be found in Toush. He will also give you a scroll spell, destroying the stone blockage on the road, blocking the way forward. Go to this ripple (near the place where the orc sage met) and apply the spell. As a side effect of his actions, you will have to face a stone head, the creation of bad, but sustainable enough to your attacks. Cooping with him, go along the way forward until you get to the forest settlement, built around the sacred tree Toush.