Armies of Exigo: Game Walkthrough and Guide

You know the expression "classics of the genre"? That’s it, it’s just about today’s game. Only her genre is not the one that you thought – not a strategy. She is a classic cloning genre. Everything fully corresponds to the requirements applied to the genre: much most compared to the original and a little more. Unfortunately, his suspiciously few. However, now the most popular strategy is a manager of something, from zoos to shopping management. In the subclass of the clones Warcraft III there are no competitors, so they will play. That’s right, we will and we.
Find 10 differences than this different army of exigo than it takes for the soul? So, the developers did not bother to troops. They did not regret and buildings. So did not spare that the type of absurds appeared "Build this barn to make 4 improvements in it". How not you want? And the next behind the palace you do not need? That’s the same – there is no palace without a barn. Such "Load" in the spirit of developed socialism annoy a little. Although then you get used to everything and already dimensionally think – now we will build the left one and a half dozen houses and call the opponent my kindness!
No one is trying to call Warcraft 3 strategy with role-playing component. This most component is so small that they are accustomed to him and do not notice. Strategy without "Skiming" The hero is now surprising with its naivety, and some time ago with the heroes, an example and ordinary fighters took. However, the game managed to stand out here – the heroes are not at all. Instead, a wide variety of soldiers, collecting experience each on their own way. Moreover, experience is far from all – cars and auxiliary magicians are deprived of such grace. Happiness to obtain levels of experience from nowend belongs only to the killing enemy to fighters.
But we have an underground level by which you can get into the rear of the enemy and show him the place of wintering crayfish. True, it is worth noting that no one bothers him to do the same. The inputs in the caves can not be destroyed, but some of the figures are always ready to break through to increase their number, and some even the lack of passages are not a hindrance (there would be only dungeons).
Another novelty – "Super threws". You can create detachments according to the standard technique (up to 15 fighters), and when there were many of them, several ordinary detachments are combined into a super studio (up to 10 detachments), the buttons of which are attached to F1-F10. At the same time, the same detachment can enter different super stresses, which gives space for a quick maneuver – you can prepare the army in advance for all occasions and regroup the detachments with one press of the key.
Otherwise, no matter how they try to stand out, it is immediately clear that this is a typical imitation of the already mentioned Warcraft 3. But we will not be about sad – we will be about the game.
Common and private despite the fact that the game is similar to many predecessors no less than one-time twins like each other, it still managed to stand out. As a rule, not for the better. Few people now do not use such a thing as various weapons and magic, damage them and sustainability for specific types of damage. This game survived all the predecessors – types of damage mass and not always clear, why it is necessary. But nevertheless: R – chopping, at the shock, K – Baking, C – shooting, Oh – Fire, M – Lightning, X – Cold, B – Harm, and also damage from the villages called (whom no one has seen,But they are). No less new approach to stability – their percentages mean the percentage of the harm received, and not at all the percentage of sustainability. That is, 250% of stability to a crossing damage mean that the owner of such happiness, pouring out on the spearners, will receive 2.5 times in the head, than if he met swordsmen. The figure is 80%, on the contrary, means that its owner is partially immune to what they are trying to process it.
Much more standard resource set – gold, crystals and wood. The game also seemingly indicated the time of improvement and buildings buildings. But silent about such interesting indicators as the speed of movement and attack. So, if in the description of the improvement it is indicated that it sharply accelerates before a larger fighter, then you have to believe. After all, the speed of this fighter before and after improvement and unknown.
In the campaign you can also find all sorts of bubbles, powders, rings and scrolls. The rings are laid by anyone (where the belt is valid only for a while, and the rings are constantly). But powders and bubbles can be used on any. Only powders are used to the area, and bubbles – only on a particular warrior.
Races them, as it usually happens, three. At first, they all have time to give to each other, but then the forces of evil will switch two of the sides on the side of good against the third – the power of evil. Who said I revealed the entire plot of the game in advance? In the perfect clone and the plot cloned, so do not wait for some revelations. Better watching the video set – this is the best part of the game, they are worthy of that. In the meantime, we are not talking about the history of the world, but about races that have to join the battle.
Empire of course, this is the simplest and predictable race. People develop according to the laws of the genre, without departing from them any micrometer. If you take people Warcraft 3 and local people, then the differences between them will be only in the names. Therefore, it makes no sense to spread about them for a long time and you can immediately go to business.
And the set of buildings in humans are perfectly classic. Again, nothing unusual is waiting for us. In addition, buildings are much more than one could initially assume. Well, we are easy and talk about everything.
This is interesting: Protection of human buildings is very standard. Stability against shock weapons – 150%, against rifle – 75%, fire – 200%, poison – 50-65%. Characteristics of stability of monsters buildings are exactly the same.
City Center (Town Hall). What else can be engaged in the city center, except for producing peasants and make general research? That’s right, nothing. Although in the city center itself can only build peasants. But it is only worth paying 100 coins and 50d, as the city center will turn into Stone Keep (Stone Keep). Here, it is possible to increase the efficiency of farms (150s, 150d, 60C), to 30% increase the amount of life from buildings, including towers (150s, 250d, 100 ° C) and accelerate the construction of buildings by the fact that they can be built up to 5 peasants at the same time (100 s, 100k, 60C). Still a little bit paid – and here in your possessions appeared Castle (Castle). The thing itself is very useful, because except for you already known research can know how to reduce the cost of mana to your fighters-sorcerers (100st, 250k, 140s).
Farm (Farm). Simple house, the whole point of which is to supply an army of food. Yes, here no one will lead to your fighters separate beds. It is assumed that they live in barracks. But without food, the existence of the troops is impossible. Therefore, if there is extra soldering – we produce soldiers. No – better build a farm.
Barracks. The main place of production of troops. Of course, those who can poke with spears, beat with axes and doubles, shoot onions. Some still koldy. Namely – swords, elven archers, spearkers, priests, knights and magicians. Most interesting "chip" A barracks require you to have a stone fortress. But in just 150s, 50k and after 60s in one barracks can be simultaneously producing 2 fighters. Also, you can speed up the movement of spears and swords (150s, 75K, 60C), increase the firing range of elven archers (150s, 150k, 60c) and teach them shooting fire arresters (200z, 100d, 200k, 160c). Finally, you can increase damage applied by swords (150s, 150K, 100 ° C).
Blacksmith (BlackSmith). In the forge, as you know, goes on armor and weapons for soldiers. And here the studies are the most numerous – 3 levels for 4 species. But these 4 types: improvement of armor for swords, spearkers and knights;Improving armor for peasants and elven archers;an increase in damage for swords, spearners and knights;Increase damage for elven archers and Valkyrie.
Elf Sanctuary (Elven Sanctuary). I am not sure that the name is given to the house right, but they train here exactly the mythical creatures. Namely Dryad, Phoenixes and Valkyrie. Also here (150s, 100K, 60C) can give DRIADAM the opportunity to call bears and teach them to become invisible (100st, 75k, 60s).
Intelligence Tower (Scout Tower). Initially, the reconnaissance tower can not. In addition to the possibility of seeing invisible pests of the enemy. Although it can accommodate inside the garnister of the shooters who will water the enemy arrows, while remaining protected. However, conducting improvement (75Z, 25D, 40C) can be improved to Observation Tower (Watch Tower), Which knows how to shoot not only by land, but also on flying goals Azh at 21 points with a stitching damage. Another same payment – and you already Security Tower (Guard Tower), which is perfectly protected from fiery attacks (who like to apply opponent’s assault fighters). Yes, and she herself begins to disperse fire (+2 Fire damage).
Temple (Temple). Of course, in the temple produced priests. But because there is no monopolies to this case, then at the same time these most priests improve. The first spell that can be added to the arsenal of priests is the resurrection (150s, 150K, 100C), which they can revive up to 3 friendly non-mechanical fighters at the specified point. For the third spell – Litania (150s, 100K, 120 ° C) Castle is required for study and at least 3 priests for witchcraft. But it increases the speed of all friendly troops and their resistance to the damage from the elements.
Gnome Workshop (GNOME Workshop). What are able to build gnomes? Of course, all sorts of mechanics. That is – your hands will hit the catapults, the gnome ark, steam bird and sappers.
Valkyrie BEACON Tower. Exceptional building – people like the Valkyrie so much that they took a separate room for improvement developers for them. Here you can increase the armor Valkyrie (200Z, 100D, 150C) and increase the amount of life (150s, 75K, 120 ° C).
Gnome alchemist (gnome alchemist). Dwarves never leave their products unattended. They constantly improve and improve them. Here. So, here three times you can increase the damage of the catapult and steam birds (but only their shock component). And one time – to increase the armor of the catapult, the gnome ark and steam birds (100st, 100d, 50k, 80c), give the opportunity to shoot passengers to shoot from the gnome ark (150s, 150K, 80c), increase the maximum capacity of the gnome ark (100st, 100, 60C), increase the range of vision for the catapult, gnome ark and steam birds (75Z, 75D, 80C), study the spell of fire hammer for steam birds, which will give them the opportunity to apply a huge damage by ground troops and buildings (150s, 150K, 100c).
Circle of Ancients (Circle of Ancients). Knight – this is not only half antenna lat. This is also a potential object for improvements. It is only worth paying a little money – and the knight will turn into an invincible fortress. So he can learn a new spell, which for a short time will sharply reduce its vulnerability (250s, 100K, 100C) and increase its armor (150s, 100d, 75k, 120c).
Obsidian Tower (Tower of Obsidian). Yes, you are no longer surprised by the magicians – they can be done in the barracks. But to train the old magician new tricks are capable only in the obsidian tower. So, he can learn how to strike at the area (100Z, 100K, 120C). There is another heavy duty spell that can be applied by any magician, but after that it will be recharged for some time in the tower (250s, 250k, 130c).