Around the world for 80 days: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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February 14, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Around The World for 80 Days: Passage
Around the world for 80 days: Game Walkthrough and Guide
The Purpose of this Game from the company “Newcom”, as in the novel of Jules Verne, Is The Exercise Around The World Travel for 80 Days. Each of the Items of Travelers Should Be Chosen To Choose The Most Advantageous Vehicle With the Time of Year and Local Climate.

Before Not Forget to Fold The Objects in the Suitcase That The Phileas Fogg Will List. Each of Them Plays a Role in Your Travel:
– The Guidebook with the Descriptions of Cities – Has A Cognitive Value;
– Calendar – Alla You to Monitor The Current Date and Number of Remaining Days;
– Compass – Needed On a Ship to Choose A Direction;
– Climate Tables – Allow You to Determine The Temperature and Direction of the Wind In The Year, The Shaded Areas and Dot Covered Are Shown Areas and Dot Covered Are Shown, ReSpectively, Wet and Dry Periods;
– Wallet – Need To Pay For Transport Services. To Do This, Click on the Appreate Banknotes. REMEMBER THAT THE MONEY SPENT CAN NOT BE RETURNED, THE DELIVERY IS ALSO MISSING;
– Map – Allows You to Study the Route, Orient in Directions for a Balloon Flight), Determine The Distances with A Scale (Important for the Right Shipment for the Ship);
– Travel Plan – Allows You to Estimate The Planned and Actual Number Of Days At Each Stage;
– Globe – Has Only Cognitive Importance.

Next, I Will Describe All Actions That Allowed Me to Pass This Game for 80 Days and Get Another 10 Thousand More Prizes for One Won Day. SO in the Path.

In The Office We Take All Items: A Calendar IS Hanging Next To the Clock – We Take It, We Take the map and the globe on the table, in the table – A Wallet, On the Wall Near The Cabinet – A Travel Plan AndaClimate Table, In The Wardrobe ItSelf – A Compass and A Guidebook with the Descriptions of Cities. Now, Clicking On The Door, Go Out to the City.
Of The Three Pointers, Choose The Store, Go to IT.
We Buy Two Umbrellas, Three Pairs of Boots, One Cap Of Each Type, Winter Clothes and Warm Caps, Just Three.
Come Out From The Store and Go to the Harbor. There, After Delivery A Wallet from the Suitcase, Spread 60 Pounds to the Captain and Go to Kale. But For No Hope – The Ship Remains Wort A Captain and Gets Off The Course. What to do? Click in a suitcase for a compass and it appeaars to the left. AND HERE THERE IS SOME DIFFICULT: THE GOAL OF ALL THESE MARINE WALKS IS TO BRING THE ARROW ON THE COMPASS TO A CERTAIN POSITION.
It is Best for Clarity to Draw Some Kind of Compass Like A Piece of Compass on a Piece of Paper and Put the Numbers on It:

8 1 2
7 3
6 5 4

So to Get Without Loss of Time in Feceses, You Need to Move The Compass Arrow To “6” – “South-West” for the Three Stroke.
We Buy In Calais for 100 Pounds Ticket to Paris and Enjoy the Surroundings. Arriving In Place, We Go Again to the Station and Buy A Ticket to Brindisi for 530 pounds. From There We Go to the Harbor.
There by Paying 300 Pounds, Sit Down On The Ship. The Captain Disappears On The Ship Again, So Boldly Put The COMPASS TO THE COURSE ON THE “SOUTH WEST” – “6”. Combustly Arrives In Suez, Go to the Shop, We Buy Water There 3 Labels and a New Umbrella.
We Go to the Harbor. Shopeful Captain Will Give Way to 900 Pounds.
The Lack Of Captain On The Ship Is No One Scares Anyone, The Compass In Place, Keep The Journey to “North-West” – “8”.
WE GO TO THE BENCH AND BUY 3 VACCINES FROM SNAKES AND WATER ABOUT THE STOCK, WE GO TO THE ELEPHANT MARKET. I Advise In The Future You Can Bite The Snake, and It Maim Not Be Bitede, IT IM IMPOSSIBLE TO PREDICT, ALWAYS IN DIFFOSSIBLE TO PREDICT, ALWAYS IN DIFFERT WAYS, BUT IN CASE OF BITE YOU LOSE 1 DAY, SO IT’S BETTER TOREPLAY AND GO THROUGH THIS PLACE WITHOUT LOSS(To Sign Up, You NeedClose to the “Output”, then on the chest, in Which there are points to “save” and “download”). After Counting The Seller of 600 Pounds, You Go to the Wild Jungle on Elephants.
But What is IT it? The Girl Want to Burn on the Fire?! We Will Not AlloW us! Click On The Girl – And Paspartu Takes Her Out Of Fire (Save the Girl Must), Then Click on the Elephant and Go On.
WELL, HERE WE ARE IN ALLAHABAD, OUR WAY LIES AT THE STATION. We Pay 390 Pounds and Forward to Calcutta. From theere We Go to the Harbor, Pay 480 Pounds.
The Direction of the Ship IS Kept On “North-West” – “8”.
Arriving In Hong Kong, Be Suce To Respect The Request of the Saved Girl and Look At the Arrow To Her Uncle – It Will Not Be At Home, But In Your Wallet 5000 Pounds Will Add. Aftert That, We Go to the Harbor and Give 300 Pounds, Keep The Course on “North-West” – “8”.
Iokohama – Not Slow No Seconds, Go to the Harbor and Pay 1000 Pounds – Here Okmeli! ONCE ON Board, Keep The Course on the “West” – “7”.
Finally, Our Water Rides Approached the End, Then Everything Will Be Easier. WE ARE IN SAN FRANCISCO. We Head to the Station, Click The Mouse Over The Chain Sign, Lay Out 210 Pounds and Forward.
In Chain, We Buy for 3000 Pounds a Balloon, I Advise You Again Just In Case to Sign Up, Everything Happens With These Balls – Then the Wind Does Not Fit So, then Something ELSE.
We Are In A North Dress. WE GO BUY A DILIGENCE, GIVE 350 BLOOD POUNDS AND GO. But What Kind Of Sounds? My God, The Indians Caught US! But As Well, That Our Acquaintance TURNED OUT TO BE GROANED, Click On It And The Way Is Free. And Here We, In Theory, Should be at the crossroads Between The Two Pointers, One in Grand Island, And the Other in Omaha, But It Does Not Always Work, As The Game Sometimes Throws You Some Beginning, (Somewherethroughtime). But Sometimes It Turns Out to Slip This Place.
I Hope You Managed to Get to Two Signs: Grand Island and Omaha. Having Chosen The Grand Island, We Lose One Day, But We Ride The Bonus.
But It’s Better to Ride Next Time – We Are Going to Omaha. Reaching Place, Buy Tickets to Chicago for 90 Pounds (Sign Up!!). In Chicago, Take a Balloon for 3000 Pounds.
New York. WELL, WE ARE ON THE FINIS LINE, WE BUY A PLACE ON SHIP FOR 3000 POUNDS, AND THIP ITSELF TO GET TO THE POCE FOR 6000 POUNDS. Upon Arrival In Liverpool, We Are Nothing Else and It Remains, How to Buy A Ticket to London (To Home, To Hut).

SO, WE Managed on Time, Won Betting and Saved 1 Day (We Save It When Crossing The Line Change Line).

Now We Have Three Options: Go to the Club, Go to Your Home or Go to Church. THE RESULT IN ANY CASE IS THE SAME. WE ARE THE WINNERS WHO WON THE BET AND THE ROUND SUM THAT DID NOT COME TO PUT IN THE BANK. Good Unitary Banker Will Ask, Whose Name IS Putting Money, It Will Be Your Final Score in the Results Table.
WELL THAT’S ALL. Finally, I Want To Notice That I Think That There Are Options for Passing, Even For a Longer Time. SO Do Not Stop At What Happened, Experiment and Enjoy the Result.

With You Was Balashov Andrey [Igrke (Sir Andrus)].

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