Blitzkrieg 2: Liberation: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Happened! The second front opened, and now Wehrmachut will have to fight not only in the east, with Russians, but also in Europe – with Americans, the British and other allies. The most tragic and famous from the battle of the Second World War – again before us!
So, the next addition to the already well-known game came out somehow imperceptibly, but immediately there is a split with all the faces. What does it differ from the original game? The first change that rushes into the eyes is the lack of the familiar chapters with constant reinforcements. No, the card remained, the mission also seems to be present, and reinforcements meet places. All officers disappeared (our units do not depend on them in their experience), and we no longer choose which mission will go, obeying the strict conditions of the plot. But… Such is now military life. For comprehensible, we were pleased with the return of binoculars for infantry. A lot of it or little? This can be judged only after the recognition of the essence of the next innovation.
Another difference can hardly be called new. Rather, this is a return to the origins, to the first “Blitzkrig”. Many missions need to pass only by those forces that you have initially. However, there is a very significant difference. If the first Blitzkrieg in the main mass – clarification of thin places in the positions of the enemy and then attack these very places with its tank wedge with the support of infantry, then here the fighting is usually simultaneously going immediately in several places. And, most amazing, nowhere there is no distracting maneuver, everywhere everything is completely serious. Therefore, the real fans highly appreciated the game, its missions are made at the highest level, they are not allowed to relax and make it constantly be in tension, wait for some kind of adversary. Actually the level of complexity is always the highest. Of course, it can push out new strategists, but those who doubted their abilities can always read the prompt about how it is necessary to pass certain missions below…
Specific features of the game gave rise to several new techniques of fighting. The first one is “Driving infantry”. Infantry has an opponent often so much that it is extremely difficult to cope with it. But it is wonderful “maintained” to the technique, and especially deft cars (armored cars) can carry huge infantry troops, passing her. Periodically, they can drive directly through the enemy’s system, passing the enemy fighters. The main thing here is not to slow, otherwise pomegranate.
The second “revelation” was the increased value of machine guns, which perfectly destroy the enemy infantry. But! Machine guns and themselves are perfectly destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, they must be placed behind the cover of their infantry, then they will be more benefit. The most interesting surprise is that the enemy usually has heavy tanks with which we must straighten with average. There is nothing new here, besides inadavits, it is impossible to offer, but there is one tricky technique that allows you to win “Monsters” with limited losses. To do this, they quickly pour one of the tanks if we know what is about to appeal on the enemy, and after he appears, quickly go to the flanks by one or two tanks. The heavy tank of the opponent is usually fond of the first goal, with which it cannot just be divided into the same way (it is socopane), and its side is more fragile, so the rapid result will be guaranteed.
However, the most important changes are waiting for a player in network mode. For two modes appeared at once in which the player can try his colonical talents. In the first of them, the “battlefield”, you have to comply with 5 detachments, 4 reinforcements in each. During the fight with the opponent, you will alternately get these reinforcements. And the one who thoughtfully scored his detachments. For example, opposed to several platforms of medium tanks with a battery of anti-tank guns, infantry, musicals and anti-aircraft. The second type of network game is called “dominance”, and in it you will have to take possession of some point on the battlefield and keep it from a similar action by the enemy. True, it is worth noting that those who want to fight in new modes are a bit, and if you have a desire to become the winner in these categories, it will be quite difficult to implement it…
Four tanks, not counting the infantry
What kind of “blitzkrieg” without new types of equipment? So now we got as many as 4 new tanks, two for allies and German troops. True, as usual, these tanks can be applied only during this addition, you will not meet such machines in the network mode. But still…
So, the first German ranks replenished the Merder’s self-propeller. According to its characteristics, this is a good fighter tanks, but this is a long-range platform that cannot be turned. It is extremely recommended to put it in the front rows due to the fact that with the similar characteristics of weapons “MARDER” is extremely inferior to Stug III in booking. Therefore, this self-propeller at a meeting face to face is rapidly turning into a leakable cans.
“SturmTigr” will be available to us in just one mission. Differs in excellent booking and small reserve of shells. It is a powerful self-propelled mortar, which is perfectly disassembled with enemy guns, for, if it does not break the gun itself, it is thoroughly sobering artilleryrs.
Americans received M18 “Hellket”. Another pretty anti-focus self-propeller. And again in the American style – with a swivel tower. Well, what can I say – and before it was not bad, and now it became even better.
Finally, the latter became English light tank “Tetrarch”. Here he is extremely numerous and smart. If one manages to get closer – I will not spare and “Panther”. Although with his 40-millimeter cannon, it would seem impossible. But the fact remains a fact, the car is completely terrible.
In the battles for Europe
This time the campaign will be devoted to heavy fights for Europe, when the German troops will perform on one side, and on the other – allies. This is exactly what lacked in the original “Blitzkrieg 2”. The most “mischievous” years – 1943-44…
It should be noted that the campaigns for the allies were far from the most worked. Although the landing in Italy and Normandy were still expected. That’s finally everything happened…
Road to Rome
It turned out to describe such a long operation with only 4 missions, so the Italian campaign is a rather chaotic set of tasks, hidden from different times, and create a clear impression on what happened there really is quite difficult.
one. Tobacco factory
The first task will be an order to knock off the Germans from the tobacco factory. Intelligence showed that they use it as a database for tanks.
Initially, we are invited to take the fact that the factory itself. I recommend not to climb on the central road, but to shift to the side and break the wall to the left of it. The fact is that the Germans are shot through the whole road from the guns, and at the entrance to the territory described above, they will not have time to turn around. Capture the first checkpoint and cross the way from it to the second, but do not take it, and we destroy the remaining instruments and infantry near the center. At the same time we try to capture guns, they will be more useful for us. It is better to act with light tanks – they are not terrible mortars, unlike infantry. Then we pour guns near the central road and capture the test point. This will follow the response attack of Germans from 7-8 tanks and groups of infantry (and before that there will be art preparation on Central Street). After beating it, we will receive reinforcements and will have to get out of the town to the north and entry. The fact is that in the city itself it will be impossible to defend – the enemy will constantly send tanks that spread through the streets and attack from different sides.
The next task will be the destruction of an artillery battery in the East. You can simply shoot it with your long-range cannons, but you can capture the checkpoint. For the latter, you first need to fire a patch before congress from the bridge – there is a good anti-tank gun, which will not miss any of your tank. And then the battery then destroy easier. Then, you can make the same warm-off the battery of the anti-aircraft guns that fastened a little below the village. They are very successful, and the assault attempt will end with very large losses. Finally, in the remaining forces we capture the railway station.
2. San Pietro
In the breakthrough of the German fortifications of the village of San Pietro – key item. You are given an honorable opportunity to take it.
First you need to destroy the enemy battery on the Eastern Hill. Here the main fighting will be recorded in the company with tanks. After the execution of the first line of the trenches, you can destroy concrete dots by self-containers – they have a big shelling radius, and they will easily cope with this task. In the end, you will free up the hill, and a new task will rise – to clean the West Hill. Everything is more complicated here, because the road between the hills is mined (although we are sluggishly helping their attacks of the Allied troops). The sappers are very poorly coped with the taskful task, so the best option will be cast across the infantry road in the deployed system (mines are rushing and under the infantrymen). True, north of min almost no, so there can be almost safe.
After taking the second hill, you will have to reflect the counterattack of the Germans from the north. But there will be a bit of them, and you must cope with this task.
3. Landing in Anzio
The landing of paratroopers near the anzio was extremely unsuccessful, and now the Germans are in a hurry to eliminate the bridgehead. You need to defend the position and do not let go through the German tanks.
To begin with, send a jeep officer to the village, where the trucks leave for the rear and send them to position. Do not knock down the acoperies by infantry, it only acts on the role of cover for guns and machine guns. Just add new infantrymen as they destroy old. The far gun is better to raise to standing on the front – so it will be more sense.
After some time, you will be reported that it is not to keep positions and it is necessary to retreat to the second reference point. Unfortunately, it is made extremely uncomfortable, and defense will actually begin after the Germans will cut advanced dots that prevent the shoot of our guns. The main thing is to have time to take all your guns and most of the infantry from the advanced positions (and what we have trucks?). Well, and tanks, if possible. Although they and some of the infantrymen must cover positions from the next wave of Germans. We withstand a few more attacks at the second point – and the mission ends.