Broken Sword 5: The Serpents’ Curse – Part I: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Catalonia, Spain
In the midst of the war, the troops got to a certain estate, whose hosts were dismissed from the last forces. Xavier reports Amulet to her son of Thiago. Presenting a special value is the picture “La Malediccio”. Taking her with me, Xavier and his assistant are trying to run, but it was too late. They are killed, and the picture takes the mysterious man in a suit. Thiago and mother manage to hide.
Paris, France
Our days
Gallery “Blue Lizard”
After decades, the painting “La Malediccio” was in the gallery “Blue Lizard”. Here the exhibition is held, at which old friends met by chance – George Stobbart and Nicole Collar. George works as an agent in the insurance company “Paris Mutual”, and Niko writes articles for the local newspaper “La Liberte”. The exhibition was overshadowed by the appearance of a robber. As a result, the gallery is deprived of the paintings “La Malediccio”. The owner of the Henri gallery, trying to prevent the robber, catches a bullet in the chest. Nicole rushes after the criminal.Eau de Toilette.
It so happened that the exhibition was insured by the company in which George works. We look at the place before the arrival of the police. All paintings have about the same value, but a stolen copy, written by El Sickness in 1937, represented a much less value. It is noteworthy that the alarm has not worked. Click on the area where the picture was previously hung. Open the door and pay attention to the upper red cut wire. It is possible to shed light on the events of the preceding robbery will help entries from video surveillance cameras. The door leading to the private room is closed. Talk to the Dominican Priest Simeon. He believes that the killing the work of the devil. We study the body of Henri: under hand lies a piece of paper in which time is indicated, exactly the corresponding robbery time. From the pocket of the vest, get the bottle with toilet water.
We approach the table by the window, inspect the box from under the pizza and take the remaining piece. We continue to communicate with Simeon. Ask about the devil and about the purpose of visiting the exhibition. The priest continues to firm about the devil and about the damned picture: everyone who approaches it, waiting for trouble. We approach the lost consciousness to Ecuto Lane – Art History. Click on the left side of the jacket and pick up the nominal plugs with the initials. Pshikham in the face of Lane vial toilet water from inventory. Conversation will not work, while Lane does not quit his hunger. Tell him a piece of pizza from inventory. Henri and Lane joint efforts organized an exhibition. We ask the standard questions and ask about the code that will allow you to open the door of the office space. We try to blow up the interlocutor, pointing on the nippers, which he could cut the wires. Also ask about the presence of Alibi.
We leave the gallery, go to the left and communicate with the appeared waiter. Lane is often visiting the cafe and last night he left without paying. We take a check and come back to the gallery. I place Lein Check to finally convince him to tell us the code. Come to the door of the office and try to drive the code. Not in time arrives the police. Now this place will be engaged in the inspector, and his assistant Sergeant MU from the department of especially grave crimes.
Meanwhile, Niko returned to the gallery. Playing for her, communicate with mu. He will not miss us into any pretext, even despite the fact that we are a witness of a daring crime. Nava and MU work day and night, so the sergeant looks like a squeezed lemon. We offer him cheating a cup of coffee. But on this Mu is responsible for refusing. Doctor forbade him to drink in the post. Talking to all topics, go to the left side and communicate with an aggressively tuned waiter who considers Nico a frivolous girl. Show the waiter certificate from the inventory to dispel all its premature conclusions. Order a cup of strong invigorating drink, drink it and ask to bring another cup of coffee with you. Returning to the gallery and offer sergeant coffee. He tells an unpleasant story that happened to him in the time of service in the Canine Security of the President. The temptation was too great. After drinking drink, Mu immediately runs away to the urinal around the corner.
We continue the passage of the game Broken Sword 5.
Entering the gallery, we inform George that I managed to make a couple of pictures of the robber. In turn, George is also divided by news. You need to distract the inspector to appear the opportunity to penetrate the office space. Speak with the beginning and find out what he thinks about this crime. For him, the main thing is real evidence. Let’s talk with Lein and Father Simeon. Raise the box from under pizza and inspect the bracket of ketchup. Clearly smear it on the floor for greater persuasiveness. Remove the chewing with the certificate from the inventory. In the dialogue with the beginning point to the stain. This, unresolved at first glance, evidence briefly distract the attention of the inspector.Observation system.
Penetrating into the office, the first thing is responsible for Riekenbacker’s call – George Boss. His concern is understandable, because now you have to pay considerable compensation. In the corner on the locker is the surveillance system. You can access access only after entering the password. Let’s get the letter from the trash can near the table on the left side. It specifies the address Henri. We look at the table, open the box and pull out the folder. Inside there is an agreement that Henri concluded with an unreasonable security company VERA Security. Take a look at the calendar hanging on the wall above the table. It contains the date – May 27. We enter a password in the surveillance system – 2705. Rewash the record at earlier time. Let’s study the picture in more detail: the center shows snakes, eating his own tail. Rewind on that frame where the robber is at the most closely distance from the camera. Then we can see on the helmet Logo “Waterloo Motors”. We inspect the remaining frames and move away from the surveillance system. Suddenly an inspector that can be sewn or tell the truth. We ask the inspector a couple of questions and leave the room. Preliminary investigation completed. We are notified of the ban leave the country.
Heroes go to the cafe, where they will share each other for a cup of coffee. Having finished the conversation, choose the “Vera Security” on the map.
Security company “Vera Security”
Before you go to the building of the security company, come to the bench opposite. Get acquainted with the seller and offer him your help to repair neon signs. We look at it and click on the wires sticking on the left side. There are only letters on the right side of the signboard. We inform Basam about the work done. Now you need to come up with an appropriate name for a bench. Return to the signboard and make up the word “Aladdin” on the right side. We do it, moving letters into an empty cell. And on this our gratuitous assistance will end. The showcase contains products from different parts of the world, the kind of “Duty Free” of the local spill.
Deploy and enter the building “Vera Security”. The girl behind the counter scared a harmless cockroach. We look at the table located on the right side. Remove a cigarette pack, pick up a matchbox and click on it right mouse in inventory to remove matches. We go to Basam and choose a replica about cockroaches. We get special cockroach cookies. Combine it with a box, we return to the building and catching cockroaches on a hitteridal device. Take the boxes as soon as it occurs inside.Radio.
Get acquainted with Annette and inform her about the robbery. The involvement of “Vera Security” to ensure the protection of the exhibition, it denies, so show the contract from the inventory. The rack is a black book with valuable information that Annette is so carefully trying to hide from us. Choose a phone from inventory and call the office “Vera Security”. Annette will answer a call, and as long as she tries to find out who speaks on the other side of the wire, turn off the radio at the windows rack. Annette hangs the phone and go to the radio. At this point, open the black book and pull out the joint photo of Annette and Lane. Show photos Annette. As usual, the girl is trying to justify: it only replaces the disappeared manager who disappeared and no sidewall to the gallery. And with ley they are just a warm relationship. Also asking about the boss whom Annette never saw, at least she said.
Gallery “Blue Lizard”
Let’s leave the alley and go to the gallery. It is sealing and no one is not. We get to the alley, asking the waiter about Lane and show him a photo. He confirms that last night Lane and Annette were here. We go to the right, go down in the subway and find ourselves at the Henri.
Apartment Henri
We use the intercom to the right of the green door. We convince Lane to let us inside. It will take advantage of ties with Annette and a security company. We demonstrate a photo to refresh his memory. Lane admits that they from Annette was a novel who lasted at all long. Reasoning was the material well-being of a girl, more precisely, his absence. Lane decided to take for ordinary Madame Bej. He does not stop the fact that she will experience bitterness from the loss of a loved one. Asking about the main thing in VERA Security. I can’t hear anything concrete, but we find out that he is Russian. Removing Lane and communicate with escape. Speaking to her a few questions, leave the apartment.
Security company “Vera Security”
Under the cover of the night, come back to the building of the security company. Move the table top on the wheels, click on the upper beam and go on the left side. Open the cover of the electrical box and consider closer. Turn off the fan by clicking on the right-top block button. We use bouncing from the inventory and put all three blue wires. Then wire from the inventory to connect the right upper and left lower blocks. Roller shutters rose, so we can freely enter inside.United blocks. It remains only to click on the switch.
Open the drawer of the couch located on the left side. Give a cotton wand and open the door behind the counter. Combine matches and boxes in inventory. Small lighting will allow you to remember the location of the switch on the wall – activate it. Dip the cotton wand from the inventory into the oil spilled by the floor. We consider Schroeder on the table. Open the lid and lubricate the gears with a watered chopstick. Click on the button and remove the remaining pieces. We collect them according to the image. At the same time we take a clip. The letter confirms that Henri concluded an agreement with the “Vera Security” to provide them with the installation of a security system in the gallery. We emphasize for yourself that the head of “Vera Security” is Medovsky. We interact with the ventilation pipe on the left side. In a detected tiny junk insert paper clips from inventory. Give a gun from ventilation. Suddenly, the inspector of Nava and Sergeant Mu and impose George accusations.Letter collected from bulls.
Apartment Niko
The editor-in-chief of Ronnie promised to give Nico the first lane in the newspaper if she would interview with the owner of the stolen painting. Open the door to the knock. The threshold has a man of old age. Having introduced to Thiago Marquez, he declares that it is the legal owner of the painting “La Malediccio”. So luck for Niko, no one had to look for. Asking him about childhood, family, and at the end we get a photo on which the Family of Thiago. Against the background of the painting “La Malediccio”. Show old men we made photos in the gallery so that he could make sure that this is really “La Malediccio”. Pay attention to the tattoo on the hand of a robber on the left left photo. Alternately click on other photos and move away from the table. Thiago arrived from afar and stop him nowhere. We offer a neighbor’s apartments, it will not still be in the city for several days.
A neighbor was supposed to leave the key under the rug. Lifting it up, but I do not find the key. Click on a crack between the floorboards. We use the certificate from the gap inventory. Thanks to the gum, you can pull the key. Back unfolding the rug and unscrew the door with the help of the key. Having arranged a guest, go to the cafe.
Gallery “Blue Lizard”
We meet Layn and bring a conversation with him. We are interested in the owner, the paintings with which Henri agreed. Lane proposes to continue the conversation in the office. We accept the invitation by clicking on the checkmark.
When Lane sat on the sofa, something similar to the folder seemed from under the pillow. Sit down next and we suggest to start drinking champagne. We no longer heard anything useful from Layn, so we take a glass and “by chance” shed drink on the interlocutor. To do this, click on Lane and choose a glass with champagne. Pull out the protruding folder from the side where Lane has just been sitting. In the list of paintings provided for the exhibition, I find “La Malediccio” and, accordingly, its owner – Medovsky.Folder.
Apartment Niko
We share information from Ronnie. He warns us that Medov is a very dangerous person. Influential oligarch now lives in London. We convince Ronnie that we are able to such an adventurous investigation. Jorge appears in time. By combining overall information, we conclude that Medov is standing at the head of the scam with the picture. Niko will introduce George with Marquez. Examining a photo in detail, click on the picture, stunting on the sides from her, a man, a woman and a child. Also study a medallion that symbolizes the snake eating its own tail. Exactly the same snake depicted in the picture. As Thiago explains – this is a Uroboros – the sacred sign of Gnostics. Marquez’s father was the leader of Gnostics, and the picture was a sacred heritage.
Between the church and Gnostics existed and continues to exist. That is why Simeon is so negatively responding about the picture. Communicate with Niko on all topics. Then choose the phone and call the “Waterloo Motors”. In conversation we mention about the tattoo. I figure out the seller that someone acquired a helmet and left the car boss car for service. Thus, we learn the address to which the machine is registered, and, accordingly, the place of residence of Medovsky.