Call of Duty: Vanguard: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 16, 2022
15 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Call of Duty: Vanguard: Passage
Call of Duty: Vanguard: Game Walkthrough and Guide

In the plot campaign Call of Duty: Vanguard, there are a total of 8 tasks that must be completed in a strictly specified order. The game is absolutely linear, it has one ending, there are no branchings or places where it is necessary to accept this or that decision. But if they are still stuck – take advantage of the Call of Duty: Vanguard on the StopGame website.RU.

Also, unlike previous games of the Call of Duty series, the authors of the Vanguard decided to exclude collectible objects in the form of data from their shooter (its plot campaign). There are data that you can find in zombie mode, but there are no selected or hidden items in the campaign. So relax and focus on the Military Theater.

Operation “Tonga”

The most difficult moment: bypassing the tree, hide in bustards and kill the Nazis with a flashlight in a timely manner, which will come close and notice you. And after you need to get around the tree and quickly eliminate the dog until it attacked you.

As we fly to Merville, Kingsley will tell in detail about the coming mission. After the jump, the parachute will turn around, the hero will start falling down, but it will be able to use the spare. As a result, the character will survive. How we will have at the mill, which will burn, regroup with comrades and go forward through the dense forest. There we find the shelter of the fascists.

In order for us to be found enemies with torches, hiding in the bushes and behind the trees. As soon as they leave in the other side, follow further through the forest and see the soldier hanging on the tree. I liquidate the fighter and select the KAR98K weapon, which fell to the ground. We use it against one fighter, which learns about our location point. Going to the hill, where there are many enemies. Before going inside the house, we go to the van and take the supplies for weapons from there. We enter the house and shoot opponents. We select a fallen rifle and finish outside the other enemies.

We follow on the hill to the brave mill and we find on the site of comrades fighting with enemies. Eliminate them inside the building, after which Richard Webb will go there and his detachment. After the productive discussion and discussion of the details of the Webb mission will agree to complete the initial task to eliminate the guns. After a short journey, we choose one of the two options for attacking enemies and eliminate their detachment. We select flue grenades from the bottom container and throw them so that the enemy of the machine gun could not see his goals. Go on the left side and order the group to destroy all the fighters standing ahead.

Call of Duty: Vanguard: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Arthur Kingsley

As soon as eliminate enemies, we go on the bridge and discover the nearest enemy with a machine gun. Throw into it a grenade while he opened fire on our allies, then follow the arched opening and find the fascist BTR there. We go to him and watch a video. Then go to Webbu and learn about the next stage of attack on the Nazis. We take binoculars and inspect the top of the hill. We make an attack plan, follow the pickup and go to a minefield. Eliminate the threat and go down to the trenches, where they take place from the fascists. We collect a squad and follow all together to artillery guns.

We specify your detachment so that the fighters eliminate all opponents in shelter. Climb up the stairs and open the double door. Further quickly pass the area so as not to grab enemy bullets. We are moving along the trenches until you come up to two armored cars. If necessary, hiding behind them, we collect together the whole detachment. As soon as we capture two armored cars, follow together on the hill to the next shelter. Eliminate on the site of all enemies and go to the machine gun that is located at the window.

We ask one fighter so that he threw a light grenade into the window. Eliminate your enemies to the shelter and go for Evans to the door that will be closed. Take a torch and go for Evans by the Hall to the first of two gun batteries. Come closer and lay a bomb. Regroup with Evans, open the door of the green color and go to the shelter. Two fighters are sitting in ambush, because you need to be ready for a counterattack. We pass through asylum and open another green door. We continue to pass the Call of Duty: Vanguard on the website StopGame.Ru.

While following the refuge, the Nazi will appear trying to eliminate Evans. We carry out the attack of the melee and save the comrade. Come to the stairs and see an unexpectedly filled grenade. Linding until she exploded, and follow the next. We are convinced that there are no enemies in the room, and open the door of the green. We pass to the latest instrument battery. Install the bomb on it and go up the stairs. We are preparing a signal missile to tell allies about the successful completion of the task. Then quickly go to Webbu. How we will find yourself in place, we will fall under the shelling from the mortar. Waking up, go down the stairs and pass to the poached Webbu. We select the signal rocket and shoot in the sky.


At the beginning we see a video with Polina, her dad and brother Mikhail. As soon as he comes out of the room, we continue to communicate with the father of Polina. After Polina comes out of the table, taking a container with Molotov cocktails and carry it to Mikhail, who expects sister on a military cashpost nearby. Next, you need to get into the hospital, and the best options will follow the roofs of houses. We rise by containers and find yourself on the roof. Use ledges and containers with rags of yellow color. These rags point to the place where you can climb higher. We jump along the roofs until we find yourself in the hospital, which is from the opposite side of the house.

How to do up to two guards, they will say that the passage is closed, so you have to look for a workaround. Sat and follow the right side. How do you get to the hospital, he heard the words of the commander telling in detail about the task. Then all attacks enemy aviation. In the role of Polina, we go back to the Father. Back come back the same way, on the roofs. We jump onto the balcony that should collapse. Climbing on the wall and climb through the window inside the building. We look at the video and moving by explosives lying nearby. Go down the stairs and hear the voice of the military.

Follow the right side and squeeze in a small open side from the door. Pull the knife from the board and eliminate the fighter that will be in front of us. Then pick up a gun and eliminate two more fighters. Another enemy hides a fallated wall. Climb up bricks, we climb on the protrusion and inspect the terrain. Pope Polina shoots opponents that are below. Fighters will be able to go to the room and detain a man.

Call of Duty: Vanguard: Game Walkthrough and Guide


Make your way through the collapsed rooms and follow the window. Open it and climb on. We try to find Pope Polina. Girl will hear the voice of his father from the street. We take a rifle and shoot the Nazis from the window. Eliminate most of the enemies, after which the opponents enter the building. Switch to the rifle found before this and go through the building, eliminating opponents who are trying to stop Polina. We run to Pope Polina, which lies with the wall. In the end, he will die. Last time we met with my brother Polina in the post office. Go across the street and see the moving column of the Nazis. Moving on the left side under a kind of table and get into a secluded place.

Use the ramp to penetrate the nearest house. We look forward to the fabric of yellow color, which indicates the place for which polyna can grasp and rise above. We climb inside and pass in the opposite direction, to the room with fighters. We use powerful melee weapons to eliminate opponents. Let’s leave the room and climb the tram. Raised by the wall on which there is a yellow fabric. The office lies a container with Molotov cocktails, which we carried earlier. We continue to pass the Call of Duty: Vanguard on the website StopGame.RU.

Take throwing weapons, because after a few seconds it will be very useful. Go to the main hall in the post office and see many opponents. We use Molotov’s cocktails to eliminate them. Then go to search for brother Polina and free it. How do you get to the roof of the post office, we use sniper weapons. With it, you distract the attention of opponents and allow allies to get to the sewage. We use Molotov’s cocktails and eliminate armored vans that will appear a couple of minutes later. Follow the hotel and shoot on enemies from sniper weapons. How to eliminate everyone, go down to reunite with my brother Polina.

Battle for Midouee

Having learned the upcoming tasks, follow the second pilot named Mateo, which moves to the main deck of the aircraft carrier. Sitting on the plane and finish all the preparatory checks. We use tips that see on the screen to confirm the serviceability of the aircraft. During the flight in a group with allies, we will be under the shelling of Japanese fighters. We try to knock down as much as possible enemy “birds”. By destroying a pair of aircraft, we get the team to reset the first bomb. We direct the aircraft down, increase the scale and reset the bomb at the specified moment. While there is a preparation of the second bomb, we will continue to attack the enemies. We continue to shoot from them until I heard the team that it’s time to dump the second bomb. Decrease to the desired height, tilting the plane down and reset the next bomb to the enemy. When Mateo delivers us at a given point, throw a bomb and watch the final mission video.

Trail numa numa

During the battle, we get injury, but Mateo will help us get out of the flaming aircraft. The man will hide the hero under the leaves, and he will try to distract opponents. Slowly moving away from the aircraft, to another jungle area. As soon as the site is cleaned, we use the ability to focus Jackson. It will significantly simplify the task of detecting the threat – enemies hiding in trees. Following the jungle, I hear Creek Mateo, who calls for the rescue. We go to a specified point to find the comrade. The closer we will be to Mateo, the more enemies will have to eliminate. Many of them are hiding in the bushes. We use the skill of Jackson to highlight them with yellow. With ease we find and kill every Nazis.

As we melt through the jungle, we will see a wooden house. Who knows, perhaps it is Mateo in him? Go to it and inspect the walkie-talkie located on the table. We call with its help allied troops, and then continue the search for Mateo. How to study the remaining jungle area, we go through the bridge and discover the details of the fallen aircraft that are scattered near the trees. We inspect this site and find a signal missile. Run it in the air to cause reinforcement.

Call of Duty: Vanguard: Game Walkthrough and Guide


As soon as we can continue moving through the jungle, we do it and soon I heard the voice of Mateo. We look at the video with Mateo and the Japanese fighter. Then opponents will run out from all sides, which will take us in the hostage. James Washington will come to the rescue. Fight with enemies from a wooden bridge. We jump and hiding behind the car, and after overgrowing through the bridge. Lifting up the mountain, we see the arrow who tried to kill us. I eliminate the enemy, after which new enemies will jump out of the pit. Eliminate everyone and follow the advancepost where machine gun points are, so we act as much as possible. We understand with the enemy who has flamethrower, and after equipping this weapon and we clean the territory from opponents. We continue to pass the Call of Duty: Vanguard on the website StopGame.Ru.

We continue to move up on the mountain, destroying the enemies sent in the gorges. How to eliminate everyone, we get binoculars from Washington. He will show us the plane, which is located in the hangar on the enemy territory. When tanks approach our position, we move on the right side and eliminate opponents that are on the way. Follow the hangar and climb on the plane. While we are in the plane cockpit, the rest of the team will push him out. We use the machine gun and fought off the opponents that interfere with raise the aircraft in the air. We look at the video.

Lady Solovey

From the very beginning of this task, we will manage the Girl Polina. She was already given a nickname – Lady Solovy. She went to the task together with her brother Mikhail. We study the snow-covered location and see flicker sight from sniper weapons. There fell up the enemy! I hide in the shelter and think about the new plan to overcome the open locality. We look into binoculars and see the convoy of the Nazis. We pass through the barrier, kill the shooters and run for Mikhail. Go to the next shelter. Next we see another few snipers and ordinary opponents. I liquidate everyone and go through the field. We shoot from sniper rifles into the head of a fighter, armed MG42. Following the ruins of the building, we again see the vehicle Steiner. We pass through the trenches to trace him. Mikhail will say that he left the vehicle and communicates with his subordinate.

After a few seconds, Sniper will shoot in Mikhail. Raise and bring brother to the nearest post office. Falling into a hole, communicate with Mikhail, who will decide to sacrifice himself to save Polina and allow her to get out of the trap. We look at the video and crash through the tunnel, which will lead us to another collapsed building. I hear screams: This is the soldiers of Steiner, seeking Polina. After a few seconds, I will get to a dead end. Weching the piece of furniture to move on. Crash further and make your way through a small hole with a fence. As soon as Steiner starts screaming, we remove the fence and imperceptibly eliminate all the opponents that are near us. Go to the next floor and climb on the leaf with a yellow-colored cloth. We enter the bathroom and quickly turn on the right side.

Make your way through the hole in the wall and in the next room we see a bunch of enemies. Bend and hiding under the counters, and then quietly eliminate opponents. When we do it, climb the next tier. We climb on the wall and see another group of opponents. Follow the next room forced by old furniture. We find a hole in the corner and make it easy. Having passed past the furniture, we go on the output, while one of the fighters will discard Polina down. When we see on the horizon of snipers, I liquidate each and go on the top level of the building. We again get selected to Steiner. The central staircase from the wall sticks the bricks for which you can go upstairs. Approach them and interact to start climbing.

How we will have the top of the top, the sniper will disarma, at the disposal of which the ordinary knife will remain. We continue to climb up and in time we get to the ventilating hole, which leads to the bedroom of Steiner. The first blow to the knife will not bring the desired result, because the enemy will be able to see aside. After a few more attacks with a knife, we go on a bloody trail, pursuing the Steiner, and finishing a scoundrel, thereby completing the passage of the mission. We continue to pass the Call of Duty: Vanguard on the website StopGame.RU.


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