Chronicles of Riddick, The: Escape from Butcher Bay: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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September 27, 2022
14 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Chronicles of Riddick, The: Escape from Butcher Bay: Passage
Chronicles of Riddick, The: Escape from Butcher Bay: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Part 1

Salvation – Escape

Go to Jones and press the E key to start a conversation. Frighten his replica from dialogue. When it comes to another prisoner, sneak up to him from behind and turn the neck. After the shooting started, quickly deploy 180 degrees and run to an open hatch. Jump down. Running right, descend the stairs to the spacious room. Come to the man who digits in the shield. Destroying it, take a key card. Apply it on the electronic lock and go out into the corridor. Wait until the guard does not pass by the corridor. Surride to it from behind and turn the neck. Take the Body Lomik. Run to the room, from where the guard you killed. Click on the boxes upstairs, cling to the railing of the stairs. Get to the ventilation hatch and with the help of a lomica hack it. Cancel inside and use the ventilation channel to the lattice. Knocking it down, jump down. Fold right and go to the following room. Destroy the guards standing near the table. Take a shotgun without cartridges. On drawers Close to the balcony. Go to the left to the lift. Click on the button and go upstairs. Get out of the lift and start slowly approach the guard. Need it using a shotgun. Take the cartridges and go down the stairs. Skate the door leading to the collector. Turn on the flashlight (key F) and go to the collector. Destroy all guards found on your way. Go to the bright light – this is output from the collector.

Prison yard – Prison Yard

Get out of the camera for a walk. Talk to the Barber, herein prisoners. After talking, go to the right on the corridor to the inner courtyard of the prison. Go to a person standing near the wall with a scratched inscription Aqilas and make a conversation with him. After heading to the chamber A40. Destroy the two prisoners, pumped into the chamber after you with obviously not good intentions. Return to the courtyard, where to stay with a person again, sending you to this camera. Now come back to your camera, where a meeting with Matson will occur. At the exit from your cameras, talk to Barber. Go to the A37 chamber, where talk to Warren. Now go to the chamber opposite. Here you need to destroy the Molina prisoner. When the case is done, pick up with the floor Castet. Go to the courtyard and go to the open case opposite.

The territory of Akila – Aquila Territory

Running to the corridor to the right, you will connect on two zeks armed with tattles. After the short battle of their body will stay on the cold floor. Go to the open camera where you use the first-aid kit. Go out into the corridor and, making a few steps forward, turn the left. Slim from flying in your side of the fire extinguisher. Kill the ag and pick up my finge. In the next span, deal with a pair of zekov. Fold right and go out into a spacious room. Here you have to fight with the Zack well who owns cold weapons. When he is killed, quickly hide the knife and go to the courtyard. Talk to Haley about escape. Come in the case where your camera is located, and go to the lattice blocking corridor. Start a conversation with a guard standing on the other side of the lattice. Having finished the conversation, it will suit the control panel and opens the grid. Come on the door to the left, in Lazare.

Lazareza – Infirmary

First of all, deal with the guard walking around the room with a shotgun. Go to it as close as possible and in the struggle shooting the guard by his weapon. Near the body select a key card. Then quickly get the finge and apply deadly wounds to another guard. Go to the door and open it with a key card. In the next room, kill one more security guard and go to the next room by the corridor. Close the stairs to the level above. Opening the hatch, get on and go to a narrow tunnel. You must go to the platform with a box in the middle. The guard will be released from the door on the contrary. Hide the drawer and wait until it goes past you. Then sneak up to him from behind and break the neck. Come to the room, from where the guard came out. Passing a few utility rooms, you will go to the open area, fenced on one side by the grid. Kill the armed guard and take the key card. Use it on the door lock leading to the following room. Here kill the guard and go to the largest door to the left.

Central EUM – MainFrame

Go through the span to the wall and jump down on the boxes. Surface yourself to a person picking in the computer, and silently eliminate it. Enter your DNA to the computer database. Take the rifle lying near the box with tools. Come in the corridor where you shot the whole group of guards. Cuting an angle, go through a break in the wall to another room. Go to the opposite part of the room through a narrow passage between the boxes. Boxes get to the ventilation channel with a running fan. Shoot in the fan blades and go to the canal. Having made a few steps on the grid, you will fall into a narrow corridor. Right run forward, destroying all guards on the way. In the next room, shoot guards located on flights. Go left in a dark room. Kill the guard hidden by the box. Then open the hatch and check into another room. Turn on the flashlight on your rifle. Come to the valve and break the gas supply. Complete a few meters ahead along the corridor and through the break in the wall go into the following room. Go forward, destroying all guards along the way. In the end, you must come to the room with the lift in the far corner. Here destroy all the guards and then robot, descended down on the lift. You can destroy it, only shooting in the back cover, behind which the iron heart of the robot is hidden. After jumping on the lift and go upstairs. Come to the only open door to the next level.

Prison Riot – Prison Yard Riot

Go to the room in front of you. In the room around the corner, use the health station and turn the valve. Return to the corridor quickly before the turret can kill you. Turn on the flashlight and go down the stairs next to the door to the prison unit. Kill all the guards and destroy the turret until they did their black things. Passing through a narrow corridor to the closed gate, Riddick will make a remark. Return to the place where you descended from the stairs, destroying the guards who will jump out. Go to the large goal that will open, and, disarming protection, use the radio transmitter on the floor. Return to the closed goal and, finding a semi-limit prisoner in a narrow corridor, shoot it to save the poor man from suffering. And finally, go through the gate.

Yama – The Pit

You have only 6 minutes to get out of the dungeon. Go forward and get through the tunnel to the corridor with a burning substance everywhere. From this place will begin to attack zombies. Shooting them as needed, keep moving on until you reach the big hole in the floor. Jump down and go to the right to the end, then roll left and go to a dead end in which the valve will lie. Pick it up and go back to the hole. Climb the stairs and go straight, then right and finally left to closed gates. Insert the valve in the groove and turn it. Through the tunnels, get to dad Joe.

Lair Pope Joe – Papa Joes Den

Together with dad Joe, go up on the lift and follow him in his room. After talking to him, take from the box 12 light checkers. Return to the lift and go down. Fold left and go to the entrance to the tunnel. Go on the tunnel, lighting your way with light checkers. From the tunnel, visit the room where they quickly shoot in barrels with flammable. An explosion will destroy the lion’s share of local inhabitants. Remove the rifle and recycle the remaining zombies. In the next room, take a sound box and go back to dad Joe.

Dark Tunnel – Dark Tunnels

Come in a narrow tunnel and go on it, shifting all the evil. You have to reach the stairs at which you can go upstairs.

Shni – Showers

Take up in the opposite direction and go along the corridor to the toilet cabin. Click Several times switch – Your action will make you get out of the guard toilet. Sing him a bulletar of the eye and pick up the weapon. Go on the corridor into the locker room. Near the doorway, locate the switch and immerse the room in full darkness. Liquid a security guard that won the reason for sudden darkness. Come in the locker room and go to the outlet opposite. Destroy the group of guards seated in the corridor. Go to the room with a balcony, from there come in the corridor right. In the next room, destroy multiple guards and leave the spacious hall through the passage to the right. From there, go to the corridor and go on it while on the right side will not seem the door with the retina scanner. Kill the guard and try scanning Riddick’s retina. After an unsuccessful attempt, return back to the corridor and go to the exit to the next level.

Quartet quarters – Guards Quarters

Break through the other side of the room. Pay attention to the balcony from above, from there several guards will lead a continuous shooting. Come in the elevator and go up to the second floor. Observe with another group of guards strolling on the lobby. Fold in the corridor to the left and run to the apartment of the abbot. Near the door Take a box with a rifle. Click on the call and to the question about the purpose of the visit. Answer “Package”. In a second, go to the apartment.

Abbot – Abbat

Liquid abbot and see the final roller of the first part.

Part 2

Tower 17 – Tower 17

Come in the corridor right and go to the cargo elevator. Along with other prisoners you go down.

Base Tower – Tower 17 Base

Get out of the elevator and follow the prisoner. As soon as he stops, get a conversation with him. Then the stairs come down to the courtyard. Here find a guy nickname centurion. Ask him about the organization of combat with someone from prisoners. Now come to Harman, a healthy, standing near the gate of the closing entrance to the recreation area. Having received his consent to fight with you, go to Centurion and tell him about the conversation with Harman. Next instant the fight with Harman. Actively work fists, not forgetting to shy away from his counter blows. After the fight, go to Centurion and agree on the organization of the next match. Go to the rest area through the gate, near which Harman stood.

Recreation Area – Recreation Area

Go through the big gate to the left in the next sector. The guy named Cricket buy a finite for 30 bucks. Come on the door leading to the B sector. Find Baisima and get his consent to battle. Return to the tower 17, where your conversation with Centurion will serve as the beginning of a battle with Baisim. When the battle is completed in your favor, go to Centurion and talk about another fight with him.

Dining Camera – Feed Ward

Come in the recreation area, from there go to another sector through the gate with the inscription “Feed Ward”. Go along the corridor right. A few meters in your direction, some non-normal with cries “are you for Harman”. Let him comprehend the same fate as Harman. Come in the dining room, where at the table on the left side, find the dinner guy nicknamed. Out his meal conversation about the fight with you. Having received his consent, return to the tower where the battle will begin after communication with the centurion. Get the finge and put it sensitive injured to your opponent. Having finished the fight in its favor, go to Centurion and agree with him about holding another fight. Go to the recreation area, from there through the open gate in the Sector A. Now you need to go to the Sector D, before passing the sector B and C. Here talk to a guy nicknamed kusa. Return to the tower where your duel happens to this guy. Having finished the fight, go to Centurion and ask for the organization of the final battle. In the arena, a man will be released in armor. Remove the Finno and apply to her blows into unprotected areas. When and this opponent will lie on the asphalt, you will be suitable for several guards and will be taken into the room.

Here you are waiting for a surprise in the form of a living and universal abbot. Without unnecessary conversations, he will rush to beat you with a battle and Riddik will not remain anything else how to answer the same. Remove the Finno and apply to her by the abbot, without falling asleep under the blows of his batons. Having finished this duel to your favor, a well-ahead of the dead body and find a personal account card. From the floor pick up the baton. With the help of the card leave the room. Go to the D sector, where there is an output to the working area.

Passage to the Working Area – Work Pass

Come to a spacious room with several guards in the left. Go to the door to the right, where use the abbot map to go to the next room. Here, suddenly extinguished light will lead to the activation of guards to search for the reasons that caused this trouble. Turn on the flashlight and take the baton. Get out of the boxes and go Crawl skulls to the guards. Cleaning the entire room, go up on the tops on the top platform. Come into the passage between the boxes and go to the wall. Filize the technological hatch. Click on the tunnel, then rise the stairs. Write a few meters across the other tunnel before you get on the roof of the lover down the lift.

Entrance to the mine – Mine Entrance

After a couple of minutes, jump into the lift cabin. Get out and head to containers, near which one of the guards is located. Surride to him from behind and apply a deadly blow. After a couple of seconds, another guard will take place due to the corner. Understand him in the same way. Come in the tunnel, swept in the rock. Go along to the entrance to the checkpoint. Having broken with the guard, come inside.

Security checkpoint – Security Checkpoint

Wait for the guard hides from the view and go after him on the same route. On the right side of the room there are containers. Between them and the wall is a narrow passage. Use it for an invisible approach to the guard. Roll into your neck and run to an unlit patch of the room. While another security guard is at some distance from you, use this moment for inconsistent penetration on the roof of the container. From there, take another container, from it to the balcony. Go through the door and go down the stairs down.

Upper Mines – Upper Mines

Run to the end of the span. Running through the fence, jump on the container. When the guard hits the type, jump from the container and quickly run into the passage between containers and wall. Run through the passage forward, then turn the corner and through the door you go to another room.

Cargo transport – Cargo Transport

Jump on any of two lifts and go down to the first floor. Here, make a conversation with a man named Armadaro. Buy for 50 bucks, a pistol, charged by bullets with tranquilizers, who, hitting the human body, cause short-term paralysis. Now, together with the valuable acquisition, go through the gate to the mining center.

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