Clive Barker’s Undying: Game Walkthrough and Guide

To begin with, as always, several useful tips. Always collect books and scrolls, and then take your magazine at your leisure. Learn, by the way, a lot of new things and, perhaps, get tips, how to act further. If somewhere all the same stuck, then look at the quest sections, maybe it will help. With weapons here everything, it seems, quite understandable – that will be received later, and will be the most powerful. I, for example, at the end of the game only in the melee braid (Scythe) and enjoyed. But about spells can also be told.
Scrye – With this spell, you can see what is happening in the other world. And in a number of cases, they will have to use it not for fun (consider pictures, for example), but to pass key moments (detecting people, subjects…). However, in Sole, all this is described in detail.
ECTOPLASM – the very first attacker Spell. At first, he, of course, is not bad, especially in "Commonwealth" with a revolver or shotgun, but then quickly stirs due to the appearance of more powerful spells.
Dispel Magic – will need only a few times to eliminate blue magic barriers.
Haste – Increases speed, jump. If it is not possible to jump out some kind of abyss, then try again with this spell. Especially effective in use in conjunction with flights.
Shield spell – well, with this and so everything is clear. Creates a magical field that significantly weakens the attack of opponents.
Skull Storm – Shooting Turtles. First you will need to destroy one wall, then it will be used only as a weapon. One of the most effective, by the way.
Lightning – In addition to using as a weapon, they will have to shoot on certain subjects in some places (open the door, raise the stairs).
It seems, with the advice while everyone went away.
First wander in front of the mansion, then use "Scrye" Before the entrance, you will see the corpse on the lamppost. Talk to the gardener on the left, in trimmed bushes. Shoot all the rats and go inside.
Loading. Roller, meeting with servant.
Go to the end of the corridor, see a couple of ghosts. Take the first-aid kit and in double doors to the right.
Loading. Roller with Jeremiah.
Return, from where they started, go down to the first floor of the main hall and open door. Loading.
Now go down to the first floor of the main hall and open door.
Go to the room to the right, talk to the ghost, then go to the door to the left of the gray door at the end of the corridor. Take the first-aid kits in the corner, cartridges at the mirror. In the winter garden, kill the hawler couple, go out on the other hand. In the Big Hall, climb on the spiral staircase on the second floor, on the door to the right. Push the regiment on the contrary, and on the balcony, take Amplifier. Return to the stairs, go up even above and again in the bedroom of Jeremiah. Listen to his Ruskazni further.
Take a note on the floor, get a new spell – "Ectoplasm". In the living room, take the cartridges, go out on the door.
Go down along the corridor. Video clip.
Go to the room with the maid, then into the bedroom with the picture. You can look at it in mode "Scrye". In the bathroom, choose the first aid kit, go out of the room and go on the aisle to the left. In the hallway, put a couple of monsters and move on the corridor, past the wounded.
On the main staircase go down, take it under it "Servant Key". Then go to the door to the right of the stairs, to the right, in the room with the paintings we drink on the door. You need the key from the eastern wing, which you have no. Go to the left in the left door. Loading.
In the room on the right, take the first-aid kits, then into the room with a round table, past the dining room with a fireplace, talk to the thick prisoner. She will give you "East Wing Key". Return to the beginning of this mini-episode.
In open doors on the contrary, you will find yourself in the library. Pose on the ghost, then shoot a book that he left on the shelf. Pick it up, leave the library and go to the door that was previously locked.
On the door to the right, past the statues, in double doors on the left. Complete the room with a statue, then past a dark corridor with absorbing curtains, on the door.
On the door the opposite. This is a children’s room. Here take a book and a first-aid kit, go out and go to the left. The hall will go out in the corridor and a cup of monsters will be pounce. Left at the very end will be the door. Pass the room with a picture, a bright corridor with a mosaic, a corridor with curtains, on the lamp take the first-aid kit, on the door. Climb the stairs to the top, meet a new monster. Under the stairs there will be a door for which you need "Widow’s Watch Key". Return to the top of the download and go to the right.
Go down, the development has left, at the top of the stairs in the cathedral take "Priest Key". Now you can open the door to the priest’s room, only then from there they run out two blue ghosts and there will be a lot with them. Pass the Cathedral, shoot in the middle of the cross and take fallen Amplifier. Return to the beginning of the download.
Go to the Corridor with Cutting Curtains, Central Door. Past fireplace and paintings with a ship, you will find yourself in a spiral staircase and statues. Climb upstairs to the right door, come to a room with many lamps. Nearby will be a bedroom with a fireplace and magazine. Choose the door here.
Fall into another reality. Fight with monsters, find the sarcophagus, jump into it. Then jump on the stoves, you will shoot you. Go to flying away the gazebo (tiles will appear immediately under your legs). Take a new weapon "Tibetan War Cannon".
Will you find yourself in the castle. At the corpse take "Garden Key" and go to the place in the house where they spoke before with the cook. Just first wrapping through the fireplace.
Down the stairs, in the corridor with the curtains, in the room opposite the children’s.
Past knights, upstairs on the stairs, in double doors.
Next to the left, past a semicircular stone wall and open door.
Down the stairs, past the room with a fireplace and a ghost, in a semicircular corridor. Doors behind you slam down. After the battle with the monster, go on this corridor further. At the end, jump through the mirror (with a run!), which is located next to the blue barrier. In the room with a star on the floor lit all the lamps, then take a note in the center. A new spell appear "Dispel Magic". Return to the blue barrier and use "Dispel" On him. Curl into the fireplace, you will be devastated down.
Go to the kitchen to the door to the garden.
Right, talk to the servant, then go out into the gate.
Go to the elevation on the left, enter the main entrance with the lantern.
Go to the red curtains and press the lever on the right. The door will open, wech the hole in the wall.
Long go on a dark cave to exit.
Find yourself on the side of the lattice that has not been opened before. Shot from anything cracked plate in the lower left corner and leave again in the hole. Again, we click on the dark cave, at the end of the stairs.
Go to the sea, sit in the boat.
"According to the valleys and on the spring…" go on, as long as you will not meet the tower. To get to it, you need to get "Tower Key". From the tower go to the left (right, at the donkey, take a book), you will come to ruins. Kill the gangsters and take "Tower Key". Return to the tower, open the door, take "Honor Kay" And "Sun Medallion". Get out of the tower and again to ruins and robbers. First go to the barn, go upstairs, go to the window, go to the largest room in the ruins. Discover the chest and take "Trapdoor Key". In the ruins, find the staircase, go down on the other to the basement, open the hatch in the floor.
Go left, go long… From the well to the left. Come to the exit to the valley.
Climb the castle to the very top, jump on small stone blocks.
In the monastery, go to the wall on which the shadow is indicated with the cross. Lizbet will appear, after go to the door on the left, in the dungeon. Climb upstairs, jump to dynamite checkers and shotgun. Now go back to the place where you entered the monastery, and find a catacombs (stone floor with holes). Use dynamite on it and jump down.
Go straight, then right, meet householders. Then in double doors at the end. Shoulder a little in catacombs, next to the door on the door.
Upstairs and immediately right down the steps.
Jump on the stones, climb upstairs. At the end of the way with the shelf, take a book and a chest "Time Incarnation" And "Silver Key". Return to the previous map (on the stairs to the top).
This time, go straight, drink the door you want to open with a silver key.
On the steps upstairs, then in the labyrinth. Soon you will come to a room with barrels, from it to the left. See the staircase and double doors that need to be opened with "Gold Key". Return to the corridor and go on, by shooting holes on the wall in the door, on the door.
A little catch on catacombs with skeletons, go to a new card (the output is only one, do not miss).
Jumping along the steps, climb into the hole in the ceiling. Then do not go further, and go down to the next hole in the floor.
Make yourself with Lizbet again. At the end there will be a door that opens "Monastery Key’em". Crawl out of this hole and climb the stairs to the very top. On the ledge where you can see the cross on the spire of the monastery, use "Scrye". See the priest that opens in the safe. From the safe take "Mercury Flask", "Monastery Key".
Return to the door in the dungeon and open the door to this key. Then catch the dark corridors, fall into the room with a staircase. On the stairs upstairs, twist the cross on the wall, on the door, then twist the same cross opposite. Release on the surface. See a small lake. Insert into the pedestals, touching them, all three artifacts: "Mercury Flask", "Time Incarnation", "Sun Medallion", Jump into the lake.
Go around the monastery to the right, enter inside and go upstairs, in double doors.
Go to the door, next to which you used to see Lizbet.
Climb upstairs, go out into the street, go through the short bridge and on the door. Write in the reading room. On the left will be cartridges, "Molotov". Further on the stairs, right take a scroll (Arcane Whor) and go to the door opposite.
Pass over another bridge, then on the stairs to the very top of the tower. Concederate the priest in the Red Rob and take "Abbot Key".
Get out of the tower on the bridge.
Complete the reading room, on the door, find yourself in the yard. Go to the wall where Lezbet had previously met. On the door, on the right, press the lever, the water is spoilate. Then right, upstairs. Click the book, the passage will open. Next, past the rooms with draws on the window, open the door with "Abbot Key". Kill the monk, take "Gold Key". Now jump out the window, gets at first to the priest’s corpse. Then, on the eaves, go around the building, past the color stained glass, from the roof jump on another roof, take Amplifier. We climb into the tower, which is opposite the Tower with the Cross. Fall in the hole.
Get down down, find yourself in a large temple with three priests. From braids Go to the right, click Lever. Now you can take a braid, your new and very powerful weapons.
Video clip.