COLLAPSE: Rage: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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March 25, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

COLLAPSE: Rage: Passage
COLLAPSE: Rage: Game Walkthrough and Guide
After a small, but tedious training course, the basics of Godan’s management, you start on the destroyed urban streets, starting the first level of the game.

Part 1. Destroyed sarcophagus

Heading with Gorin, run forward down the street, where at the closest turn, meet with my first opponents in the game. They will be practically innocuous dezers-children, which can be perfectly exercised in fencing. Reaching from the road from the road to the inner courtyards, you will throw a little more serious rival – Zubolovaya. Still easy to deal with attacking supports, you will reach the court with a flying foliage and the first more or less large detachment of enemies. As soon as they stop appearing from the anomalies, dive into the opened gate, shocking from the zado-colors who are able to knock you down from the legs. Once on the street, pick up your first firearms, hornet on the trunk, and immediately apply it, breaking back. Having left the street by knocking down the shots of the mounted castle on the gate to the next courtyard, clean this territory from all opponents, among whom will be confused under legs and small spines. But at the exit from this location you can choose a clip capable of you come in handy in the following battle on the destroyed street. Some complexity of this battle is that in addition to significantly the numbers of the upcoming opponents, adults are attacking and adults of Dzer, who know how to fake rodan with energy bustics. Overcome by their sword is pretty problematic (they are constantly running away from your hero), so better apply firearms on them. Putting into a locked gate, open them by knocking down blocks with ropes (they are highlighted for easy detection), holding the gate. Watch how the military fired a huge monster, but we still do not go there, so you have to turn again through the archway to the courtyard, where to talk with the horin. Having passed through the courtyard and understed with all the opponents, go out on the other side of the street, where you can admire the carcass of the defeated miracle-yuda, and then, after going to the opposite side of him, jump into the failed asphalt. Here you have a battle with the first boss of the game, jumped out from under the ground. In principle, there is nothing complicated in this fight – shoot on his head, and when it turns it, then quickly run up close and press the action button. After that, you will have to play a primitive mini-game, it has been fastened by the left mouse button. Repeating this series of action A couple of times, you will overpower this halted worm pesticides and you can go to the second level by opening the input to the dungeon using the valve.

Part 2. Underground complex Zinovsky

Walking along the pipes and shot on the road spider, come to failure to the bottom floor, but do not hurry to jump there, first it is better to shoot the teeth, standing behind the bars on the other side of the failure. Below, new rivals ride you – Friki, to destroy more convenient in a hand-to-hand fight. In the new hall, shake with another portion of Frikov jumping on you from the second tier of the room (you can shoot on the barrel near the break in the railing and fluff, thus, a couple of opponents remotely) and shut up with a valve with a rush steam without giving upstairs. In the next zone, having sores all the sacraments, go upstairs on the stairs and go left on the walkways until you find yourself in the dispatch booth. It will be in it will turn off the electricity driving on metal structures on the other side and not allowing you to go ahead. Further, first visit the dispatching booth, where you not only unlock passage forward, but also meet with Spiote – an opponent who adores jumping on you from the ceiling. Clearing this space, climb the elevator in the cabin and emergency descend on it down. Having found a couple of spacious premises at the lower level, find a lattice in the distant one, to jump into the air intake mine with it. It is shifted to a new hall where the automatic brief is used and immediately apply it to several spidestees, after which, with a sense of accomplishment, leave here through the door, locked on the electronic lock. Reaching the metro station and having loved in the opening in the floor, as a tooth-headed woman with some kind of poor, jump down and release the local metro from the hordes of the freaks, if desired, an improved shotgun. Coming from the station through a broken stained glass window, you will complete the second level.

Part 3. Meeting with the military

On Rodan Street, it will immediately warm the head of the gangsters armed with cold weapons, cheerfully escape to our hero on the stairs from the second floor of the house. Thank you for the hospitality and go to the house. Having passed past the naughty man and jumping in a break in the floor, we reach deadlock, the wall of which has several red cylinders. Go to a safe distance and shoot them, thus breakdown, so the wall and getting into the street. It’s better to forget to forget about the existence of your sword for a while, because the opponents attackers will be armed with firearms. Moving a broken helicopter and crossing through the dilapidated building on the other side of the street, we see how on the other side of the fence from the helicopter go down on the cables of the military. Since the steep Rodan warrior, the efforts of the developers of the game, are not able to climb through a two-meter mesh fence, we pass back and in one of the deadlocks (in the right, if you return back from the fence), we pass in one of the doors. After a small cat-scene, as it was not difficult to guess, who arrived the military will open fire, so be prepared for such developments of events. Having spent the first acquaintance with the military, keep in mind that a little in front of their comrades chose the roofs of buildings to make you more convenient to shoot you. Overcoming the next hangar and coming out of it on a kind of motorway, you will meet with the first serious problem at this level. In addition to the heap of military, firing hero because of each machine and boxes, the stationary machine gun installed in the railway car, in the opposite end of the motorway. Try to get up to this arrow closer, running by zigzags from one shelter to another (here you will help the ability of time distortion) and, as soon as possible, to be divided with it. Catch through the railway crossing through one of the cargo cars and prepare for the previously similar test, looping from the machine-gun queue, running under the automobile bridge. Going on the door located near the eliminated machine-gun position and spending a conversation with a horizon capable of passioning the passion to compare except with the Latin American TV series, you find yourself in a well-lit room with a number of doors. For three of them, only small groups of monsters will be waiting for you, but passing through the last one, you will encounter the keeper – the boss of this stage. His defeat and waiting until his carcass detects, go to the resulting opening in the wall and prepare for the passage of the last level of the game.


Going outside and hitting a closed courtyard, you will meet there with a new view of rivals – gray. This is a very smart creature, which, besides, can attack the hero from afar, using the similarity of the energy whip. Getting into the hall with a cargo car through a locked on the door lock door, you will again have to play with several new acquaintances, after which it is necessary to solve an uncomplicated gaming problem. In one of the boxes, the hall, where the pair of sacrutes runs from, there is a small cart, which can be rolled through the rails through the entire room, shook behind her lever. Now you can jump on it, and already from there climb on the second level of this location. Passing the hall with a new portion of opponents, we leave it outside through a break in the wall and approach the locked gate, followed by a military landing from the helicopter. I ignore this event and open the entrance to the room from the main gate. Thus, you will fall into a huge factory workshop, literally polished by unfriendly soldier. First, go through it to its first floor on the opposite direction, looping like a hare, driving from machine-gun queues. Then climb the stairs to the second tier of the room and come back on it back. Having reached the dispatching booth, pull the chop in it, bringing the construction cradle to the walkways connecting the two opposite top tiers of the workshop. After that, come back a little back on the second floor and jump over this cradle to the other side of the workshop, from where you can get out of it through a break in the wall. Easy, after a Mass in the workshop, having understood with a few gangsters, you break into the structure where one more difficult scams are waiting for you with a whole horded gray, thrown on Rodan from anomalies. Having understood with them and overcoming several corridors, get ready for a decisive fight in the game as soon as you get to the football stadium. It will not meet you at all Kiev Dynamo, and the main opponent of the game is a ghost. This subject has an unpleasant feature to constantly teleport, appearing in various parts of the location. And in the rare moments of his absence, Rodan will attack creatures in bed, great distracting your attention from the main problem. Finally, when you cope with the ghost, go down in a break in the ground formed after the explosion, and go to the meeting with you Sorry.

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