Company of Heroes: OppoSing Fronts: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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May 10, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Company of Heroes: OppoSing Fronts: Passage
Company of Heroes: OppoSing Fronts: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Day “D” stayed behind, ot raised the first battles on the coast, allied troops moved into the continent. There were battles for France and landing in Holland.

Multiplication by two

Supplement OppoSing Fronts To the magnificent Relic strategy increases the number of game sides twice. The German Guard went to the Namems to the Wehrmachut, and on the side of the allies, together with the Americans, British are now fighting.

New parties made not at all like each other and on opponents in the original game. German tank guards- Mobile focused on permanent movement of troops. The construction of defensive structures is not for them, they also do not know how to fix in the sectors. British – their full opposite: many protective fortifications, the possibility of their additional amplification, but rather weak technique. Their valid.

For adherents of network battles, new forces on the sides of the conflicted gift. The number of tactics, especially on the maps two for two or more, has increased markedly. So far, there is some imbalance in the game – the tank guard seems too strong – but the nearest patchworks must correct the situation.

Two new campaigns, however, look low enough. The topics are selected interesting – Operation “Market Garden” and the capture of the city of Kan – a problem in regular card repetition. Not trouble if it happened a couple of times per game, but such a picture is observed in two missions of three. In the British campaign, the solution is more or less elegant: there is a gradual promotion within the overall task. In the Germans, everything comes down to capture in one and protection in the next mission. But in general, it is still interesting.


British game goes from defense. Many fortified firepoints instead of ordinary machine guns, mortars and anti-tank cannons allow almost tightly to be fixed in each declared sector. British troops experience in battles do not gain.


Artillery. For defensive style, the British game is suitable as it is impossible. Already the first ability is very useful – reinforced ammunition for artillery. With them, the range of shelling and the slaughter power of the Gaubitz increases, from the center of a small map, you can keep under control of the whole battlefield. For guns, new fire modes appear, officers get the opportunity to cause fire support because of the edge of the map and adjust the fire. And the best weapon of this tactics – self-propelled musitics “Pri”.

Royal Commandos. Very interesting tactic. One of its branches allows you to call the glider on the battlefield with Commandos detachments with various weapons and light tanks “Tetrarch”. At the same time, the remains of the aircraft begin to work as a building for the production of such detachments. The second branch is intelligence: installation of triangulation lighthouses, decryption of the enemy actions and challenge artillery for a couple with false.

Engineering troops. In one branch, the strengthening of the strength of firepoints, the construction of caponies for tanks and the growth of the speed and production of resources by command-staff machines. In the second tank “Churchill”, ordinary, sperm and flamethrower “crocodile”.

“Buildings” and troops

Buildings as such are not the British. Troops produce three command cars while in a stationary position. But if necessary, they can be collapsed and moved. The starting sector they are not limited. Firepoints Also not quite a buildings – your command line limit eat properly. Another feature of the officers increasing the characteristics of the surrounding troops.

Staff command car. Replaces stationary headquarters. Allows you to train frauds of infantry, lieutenants and infantry conveyors. In it, “built” team machines rank down. When destroying, you can call another because of the edge of the map. You can improve resource mining and movement speed.

Team machine infantry. Trains sappers, captain and can produce a light tank “Stuart”.

Command car. Very original name. Produces tanks “Cromwell”, ordinary and team, and “Sherman Fireflay”.

Detachment infantry. In the original version of the game, their name is much colorful – Tommies. In the division of five soldiers with rifles, and these are the most dangerous fighters among all the infantrymen in the game. You can arm them with one of the three types of weapons. Sniper sights give a big chance from one shot to kill the enemy soldier, regardless of shelters. Machine gun “Bren” increases the firing power of the squad and allows you to immobilize the enemy’s technique, leading fire on observation instruments. Pomegranate grenadeoms allow you to put smoke curtains. Can build trenches, machine-gun and mortar nests and medical items.

Lieutenant. Officer raising the resistance and speed of detachments around it. Can be attached to the detachment, and then the lieutenant will try to keep a little behind. Special health is no different, so you need to take it and hide in secluded places. We are necessary for the construction of the infantry command car.

Conveyor. Can carry a detachment of up to six people. Soldiers openly lead fire. You can install the “Bren” machine-gun, but the transportation machine will lose. Very weak book.

Sappers. Construction of strengthening. In their competence of a trench, barbed wire, sand bags, mines and tools of large calibered guns, anti-aircraft guns “Baquors” and the Gaubi.

Captain. Senior officer, raises the defense of all infantry units in the sector, where. Its presence on the battlefield is necessary to call the third command car.

Easy Tank “Stewart”. Very valuable acquisition. Get “Stewart” can be pretty early, and it will become an excellent means of fighting German armored vehicles. Unlike light armored vehicles, it is almost not exposed to fire machine guns and small arms. Itself does not work very effectively by infantry, but a special capacity of the charge charge is seized for the enemy soldier.

Tank “Cromwell”. On firepower is a little inferior to “Stuart”, almost twice the speed, but has a low profile and better booking. The choice is very controversial, against light armored vehicles will go cheaper model, and it’s not destiny with hard German tanks.

Commander Tank Tank. Similar to the effect with the lieutenant, but raises the characteristics not infantry, but armored vehicles. Armed with only machine guns, instead of the main instrument installed. We are needed for the construction of Sherman-Fireflia tank.

Tank “Sherman Fireflay”. Need to combat enemy technique. Until the best German samples, it does not reach, but the British have ways to support their tankers.

SAU “Priest”. Tree of wood skills artillery tactics – self-propelled Gaubita. Consumes more command points than stationary, but mobility compensates extra expenses.

Commandos. Special-purpose fighters available when choosing the tactics of the same name, there are already in four kinds. An ordinary detachment of six people is armed with machine guns “walls” and good against infantry. Know how to throw lemon and lay explosives in arbitrary places. To call the triples of machine gunners, mortar grataletresters, the pile glider is required, but they allow you to build a very flexible and mobile defense, in contrast to stationary nests. All Commandos are able to hide in smoke, not only disappearing from the enemy’s eye, but also removing the effects of suppression and pressing fire.

Light tank “Tetrarch”. You can get after the selection of the Commandos Tactics. According to the initial characteristics, the “Stuart” is similar, but it can be improved and significantly increase armor-. Special features are different, “Tetrarch” charges are focused on his survival.

Tank “Churchill”. First tank available for chosen battle tactics Engineering company. But it is not so valuable, as it may seem, – extremely low speed does not compensate for even fat armor. On the tank you can install a mine trawl.

Spernaya Tank “Churchill”. The modification of a tank intended for the destruction of fortifications and a mortar-armed 2-hundred-ninety-millimeters caliber millimeters, relatively safe for heavy machinery. Of the usual weapons, only machine guns remained, and for each shot of terrible weapons it is necessary to pay resources.

Flameless tank “Churchill-crocodile”. Flamers are additionally installed on Churchill, because of which the striking ability of a tank of infantry and against buildings increased, and the technique remained at the same level. One of the best British samples, but quickly get it will not succeed.

German tank guards

Sounds closer than it really is. It is rather very well equipped motorized infantry. The strategy of victory is absolute mobility, defensive structures are not provided.

In the battles, troops receive experience, but, unlike Americans and Wehrmacht, you can choose an increase in attack or protection for a combat unit or division. The exception is made only for troops that are not attacked – they automatically increase protection.


Tactics of scorched land. Focused on mining buildings and checkpoints, it is possible to destroy the sector. Here are the only reinforcements available for tankers – Road Brokes. Basic actions – sector observation and artillery strikes on the enemy.

Luftwaffe tactics. Two additional detachments of infantry – terrestrial troops and paratroopers, airbabes, anti-aircraft guns. Tactics are somewhat contrary to the overall idea of armored troops – it is more protective than the attacker.

Anti-tank tactic. Focused on the destruction of equipment – anti-tank mines, reinforced grenades and shells, as many as two types of self-propelled goods, “Hatzer” and “Jagdepanta”. The choice of a rather controversial, at the initial stage of the game at all is useless, and if you wait for the acquisition of tactics, it can turn the fight.

The buildings

Split the construction of the tank guard on the functions performed is difficult. All troops are distributed between plants evenly.

Headquarters. The main and indestructible initial building, where the detachments of infantrymen are produced without special weapons and “Kettenkrad”. You can conduct a number of improvements, including the call “Panther”.

Tar service. Here you can make reconnaissance cars, all-terrain vehicles of support and radiographers “Vampire”. For the sake of the scout and you need to build first.

Rota CampFGroup. Produces transports and mortar all-terrain. After improving, troops of attacks with bruncers are becoming available, and the motorcycle produced in the headquarters can be equipped with this anti-tank weapon.

Tank factory. Too loud name for a building that is not capable of producing tanks. Just train infantry with MP-44 (after the construction you can arm the infantry from the headquarters), armored vehicles and fighters of Merder III tanks. Available only if any of the two previous buildings.

Armored command support. Light anti-tank all-terrain vehicle, armored repair and evacuation machine “Bergetygr” and Tank Panzer IV. Can be built if the rear service or the Campfgroup service is erected.

Medpunkt. Created by a detachment of infantry in any building by analogy with field headquarters. Can not produce troops, but allows you to replenish the detachments and treats soldiers.

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