Corsairs: Legend Return: Game Walkthrough and Guide

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August 18, 2022
13 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Corsairs: Legend Return: Passage
Corsairs: Legend Return: Game Walkthrough and Guide
Spreading at the entrance, go to the tavern. Again, the drinks took all the tables, the seaside of their sea devil. “I have no rivals in my sea!”- comes from one of the guests. “Yes of course…»- From the threshold enter the lively discussion. The ringing of beating dishes, screams, grinds began – you will have to answer he. Although not a fight in the tavern is seriously for two shifted sea wolves: an adventurist-Spaniard and English pirate? So, warm up only. Steaming with Bouncen, we find the right person. It is easy to learn on the clothes, they are all so dressed. “We have goods… No, the authorities will not buy… Yes, only for you… on the beach?.. We will!”We will pass, perhaps on foot, here are not far. Going to the beach, we see a group of smugglers – we have something for them… “No, this is not a slave, – Pirate answers, – this is the information. Interested in? Then listen…”

A new game

So the game is installed. Pistol for the belt, saber in hands – and ahead, on maritime expanses. True, you must first decide who we will play. We offer three characters. Diego Espinosis – Spaniard, adventurer and adventure seeker. It is characterized by the balance of the main characteristics, a kind of master for all hands. Edward Tich – Englishman, Corsair. Purebred fighter, which is not surprising – in the future, Edward Tich will be known as a black beard. And the third seeker of glory and wealth – a typical dealer Alex Exvemelin, Dutchman. What is logical, the military fleet is not at the Dutch, but the trade is the best in the entire Caribbean.

Selection of nation is very important. For example, Spain at the time of the start of the game owns most colonies on the Caribbean. In addition, it is in neutral relations with Holland – a true paradise for a merchant. England, on the contrary, emanates with everyone except France. English and French colonies on the archipelago are much smaller, so the trader’s life will not be more difficult. But you can rob the Spanish “golden” galleons, which once a year depart in the old light. A good harvest will also bring the ruin of Spanish and Dutch colonies. Holland in terms of political relationship lucky most. It consists of a secret union with France, and with Spain holds neutrality. There are difficulties only with the British, but in their colonies you can trade – about how to do it, tell me later. If we choose France, we get neutrality with England and the world with Holland. Hostile for all only pirates.

By the way, in the game it is impossible to live in peace with all countries. On the right on the screen you can see the country’s relationship rate to the character – but not to his nation. That is, if you are a Spaniard and all France admire you, you will still attack French vessels and merciless to fall out of coastal fortifications.

Nation is chosen, now consider the game settings. There are several of them:

  • Complexity – directly affects the power of opponents, their survivability in a hand-to-hand fight, as well as the amount of experience gained. In the game 10 levels of difficulty, from “sailor” to “impossible”.
  • Frequency of events – determines which regularity you will meet other ships. For beginners, we recommend the level “rare”. At a high level too many problems, pirates literally at every step. Yes not one ship, whole squadrons up to six ships! On the starting lugger and with minimal reference performance, it is impossible to resist such raids. Yes, restless in the Caribbean, and what did you want?
  • Pistol processing – Peerly walk with a gun in the hands you will not give you. You can click the “Shot” button – the character pulls out the gun, shoot and removes back. If the option is enabled, the gun will be famously recharged right during fencing, and if not – for this you will have to put the sword into the sheath or fight without firearms. Reveans towards realism, and not the only one.
  • Hardcoregame – This is a regime for true enthusiasts, in which you can only persist in churches. Explain what it is fraught, do not need. Any pirate – and hello, Davy Jones. For the first passage is extremely recommended.
  • Swimming mode – Sets the speed of swimming. Someone souls are fast, dynamic fights, and someone thoughtful maneuvers. On the battle process itself this parameter does not affect.
  • Profile – Finally, in Korsarov, you can play several characters at the same time, without fearing to overwrite the already saved game.

Now that you all configured it, the game begins. The beginning of her, unfortunately, made common to all. In battle, the captain of the ship was killed, and our character accepted command. About the hero we know that he arrived from Europe. That’s all the tie. In the same dialogue, you can change the initial characteristics if you select the appropriate menu item. To the role system we will return below. By the way, the sailor will propose to practice fencing. It is not necessary to refuse – the fencing in the “return of the legend” is radically different from Korsarov 3.



In this chapter, we will analyze how to manage the vessel.

The speed of the ship depends on the strength and direction of the wind and the position of the sails, which is only three: completely lowered, raised and completely raised. Understandable, if you completely lift the sail, the ship can only drift on the waves, not moving anywhere. With raised sails, the ship moves very slowly, since all major sails are removed. Well, with completely lowered sails, we can only catch the wind, nothing depends on the boat itself. Of course, the passing wind is the best, and the oncoming will not give us to budge, but there is a huge number of “side” winds. Everything is simple: the “closer” the counter wind, the faster the ship is floating. Much depends on the type of ship – for example, the sailing arms of the battleships is such that it is suitable for almost any wind! But just swim – this is one thing, but maneuvering is completely different. In essence, successful maneuvers during the battle – 50% of success. During your volley, it is best to fully lift the sail, and when the ship stops, shoot. Skillful players can pick up the enemy ships like this: the Supostat raises the sail for a shot, the player sees it and also begins to raise;And so, when two ships are almost worth it, the player simultaneously shoots, lowers sails and unfolds his nose to the enemy. It is very difficult, but the result justifies hours of training.

Battle. You can fight with the enemy in two modes, ordinary (ship from a third party) and the captain’s (ship by first person). The second mode will allow us to aim yourself before shooting. You can roll off the ship of the enemy, you can not finish before it (just why?), and of course, you can get into the enemy. Also in the “Captain” mode, you can carefully consider the enemy to the pickle tube: the higher the quality of the device, the more information you can find out – from the speed to the number of guns on board.

Boarding. During the board, all soldiers do not participate in the battle. A total of 15 people will be on the decks of ships. If there were 300 people on your ship, and on the ship enemy 900, then on your side, there will be 4 people on the board, and on the opponent’s side 11. But if you are alone attack the ship with a huge team, then you will have to fight one against 15 sailors. And they will have great health and damage indicators. One blow can cause damage three times more than the player of the glasses of life. After the victory on the deck, the fight passes into the cabin of the captain, and there you are one on one beating with the enemy Cap – who won the ship. Although there is a possibility that the captain will give up without a fight.

It is important: After the end of the slaughter on the deck, a well-known corpus, sometimes there is a lot of interesting things. Yes, and the captain’s cabin would feel good…

However, if your team surpasses the enemy and you have a big leader’s indicator, that is, the high probability that the ship will give up without a fight. All his crew will become your slaves, and captain captive. If, of course, the captain will not decide to throw everyone overboard.


Office on land elementary. In the cities we can not run at all, but simply navigate through the key points using the Enter key, choosing the desired buildings. But on the jungle will have to run, yes… I remember Maine, without a card, at night – an hour didn’t have to spend at all the game time, in order to finally find the planned bay, where the ship stood.

Battles, however, also do not differ in particular complexity. Energy is spent on all actions that slowly increases. There are three main impacts: a quick stuffing, which causes a little damage, but it quickly beats and spends little energy. Middle blow, medium in all respects. Strong punching – very long and spends a lot of energy, but such a blow can be easily taken away immediately all the health of the enemy, and it does not pay attention to the block. There is also a circular blow that spends a lot of energy, but everyone is nearby opponents get the middle damage. There are two protective skills, block and fint, the latter reflects the blow of the enemy and at the same time can completely deprive the enemy of energy and take it out of the game for a few seconds.

But not a sword one… In the reserve of our hero there is, of course, a gun. The thing is very useful, depending on the game mode, it recharges either by itself, or when there is no weapon in his hands. The better the pistol, naturally, more damage.

In general, the battle looks like this: we shoot, we apply a punch strike, again and… run, gaining energy. Repeat. So you can overcome five to six enemies even at the beginning of the game, the main thing is to stock up the “pills”, to correct the healthy, do you know…

Role-playing system and skills

Let’s start with the main difference of “Korsarov: the return of the legend” from the original series. This is a completely new character development system. To replace the experience, levels and set of characteristics, the “Pirate” Special Analogy called Pirates. You can not change these characteristics in the course of the game, except that it is possible to perform a special task, but about it later.

Consider the characteristics of Read more.

Power (Power) – Power in “Corsary” plays a classic role in role-playing games. It is responsible for the strength of the blow, the portable weight and number of units of life.

Impression – the ability to see, hear and notice everything around. In particular, responsible for the accuracy of the cannonal salts from the ship. The accuracy of pistol shots does not affect.

REACTION) – Dexterity, picness and, oddly enough, endurance. Responsible for energy, at the expense of which strikes are applied. We strongly recommend to invest in this characteristic maximum number of points. Fight in the game will have a lot.

Leadership (Authority) – Natural charm plus conversation skills. A good leader will be able to take the ship without a fight, hire the maximum command, get the best prices in the store. In addition, leadership affects the number of personalized officers (the available number of officers is equal to the level of leadership multiplied by two)

Trainability (Talent) – acute and inquisitive mind, the ability to grab everything on the fly. High learning character quickly acquires skills. Also, learning influences many skills, for example, navigation and pistols.

Endurance (endurance) – The name of the skill speaks for itself. The higher the endurance, the more the character’s glasses will be from the character. A little to a lesser extent affects the amount of portable weight.

Good luck (Success) – Good luck – she is luck. Affects the net randomness – the enemy may not fall into the emphasis, the enemy patrol will pass by, accepting for his.

All characteristics change ranging from 3 to 10.

The value of the new system is that it gives a fantasy space. You can start playing stupid versil and steel and lead to lay a way in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, but you can become a prudent denial, buying cheap and selling expensive.

For example, for a purebred fighter, the maximum values of force, reaction, trainee, luck and leadership are needed. For merchant – learning, leadership and perception. Of course, variations are possible. It all depends on the player.

So, we looked at the basic system, we now turn to the parameters of the hero.

Rank – now so called the level. Raises upon receipt of sufficient experience. Experience is charged for trade, tasks, destruction of forts, improving skills and hand-to-hand combat. Each level adds life and energy. And in general, all. Some special influence, as in previous “corsary”, there is no rank. Is that the higher the rank, the better officers you can hire and the stronger there will be enemies and captains.

A life – Hero health in numbers. Classic scheme. The more points of life, the longer the character lives in battle. Raises depending on strength and endurance.

Health – And this is the indicator of the state of the hero. Frequent injuries with time reduce this indicator, and what it is lower, the lower the main characteristics. For example, medium health gives fine -1. Together with the main characteristics decrease and skills. You can restore health in different ways – for a long time not to participate in hand-to-hand fights or heal in the church. Boutinal also helps. In general, rest and bed. We recommend constantly keeping the level of health in the “good” or “excellent” indicator.

Energy – Shows the staminaness of the character. Each action – a blow, rebound and so on – spending some amount of energy. In fact, energy shows how much character is enough in battle. The value depends on the reaction.

Gold – Displays the number of piastra in the pockets of the character.

Reputation – shows how other people belong to the character. We begin with the reputation of “ordinary sailor”, and in the course of the game we can either be a bloody killer, or a hero, depending on which we will do actions. Over time, both good and bad things are forgotten, good faster, bad slower. Reputation always strives for the “ordinary sailor”. It also affects the loyalty of hired officers, but about it below.

Portable weight – shows the current load and maximum.

Rank – This is an indicator of the progress of the National Rule.

The threshold of experience – shows how much it remains to get points in the ability to get the next item. We will tell you more about this in the section “Personal skills”.

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