Counter-Strike: Source: Game Walkthrough and Guide

What’s new in Source?
Before addressing the mass of compliments, the game first mention two with a slide spoon of tar: the most important change in Counter-Strike: Source is graphics. Of course, I would like something more cardinal than moving the game to a modern engine, but, on the other hand, Counter-Strike 2 no one has canceled. And the ability to earn a million-other paper images of presidents for agitation for the contempt of money and the fight against the capitalization of the world insatiable Valve will never miss what we have already seen, and more than once.
Do not believe! Source engine supports all DirectX 9 special effects. What does it mean? And the fact that if your graphic card is not far behind the stormy technological progress, then you will be lucky to see the whole range of modern special effects. Depending on the location of your card in the evolutionary chain of graphic adapters, I advise you to make some adjustments to the settings before starting the game. To do this go to the menu Options>Video>Advanced and increase or reduce the values of the detail of models, textures, water, shadows, smoothing mode, filtering and vertical synchronization.
Now everything is ready in order to download some location. The first impression after a few minutes of the game is the lack of a feeling of limited space. Objects located at the map are now volumetric. To make sure that there is enough in the observer mode (Spectators) to fly beyond the map and see the unsemored ensemble drops, which during the game constitute the “environment”. As you can see, the structure of building levels on the Source engine has not far away from the level of 1999, and really a shame to realize that in fact – it is nothing more than a clever scam in order to hide the disadvantages of the engine.
As it should be, the creators of the game tried in every way to demonstrate the beauty of the engine. Valve did it classically – on the map scattered bottles, barrels, grids, tires and other items that are very realistic to physical laws. In theory, it is enough to a palpist out of slingshot on the clock standing on the rock, so that it flushes down. I sincerely believe that if on Counter-Strike maps there were these ill-fated “cliffs”, the Level-designers Valve would not forget about the popular trick and did not deprive us of the pleasure of becoming a witness of wonderful progress in terms of cinematic graphics. And so… In general, some barrels are located in such uncomfortable places that now at the “high-speed” movement to a profitable position will have to change the familiar trajectory of running. Although some share of benefit from these barrels – the shots can be “driven” to some narrow passage and thereby barricading it. True, it is impossible to forget that both the barricaded themselves are able to shoot, and therefore, without your supervision, the barrels do not stand there for a long time. In addition to the barrels on the desert maps of Raskidan, a bunch of other utensils, which makes the situation much more comfortable and pleasant to the pastime.
This is a bug: Buy a shotgun or some other powerful weapon. Sit around any standing barrel and, having aiming in her top, shoot. As a result, you will see how the barrel dies for a split second and only then Fall. That’s what really happened perfectly, it is secondary special effects, such as blood spots, holes from bullets, dust pillars, water splashes. Finally, the game is used in the game “Rag doll” (Rag-Doll), which allows the models “habitual” to interact with the surrounding space. Saying the word “habitual”, I do not even suspect you that you everyday day take on the weapon and go ridge the neighbors whose bodies are then slowly sliding along the walls, leaving traces of connective tissue with liquid intercellular substance.
It is important: Console team CL_RAGDOLL_COLLIDE 1 Allows the corpses to lie on each other, thereby reducing the effect of falling into each other. By default, its value is zero, so I strongly recommend entering the command.
Another remarkable detail: Abandoned weapons has become a physical object. Decoding: If your partner is on the team standing in the opposite side of the passage, there is no weapon, then you can shots to deliver a trophy from the battlefield. By the way, in the section is obvious and incredible: if you shoot the model of the lying weapon, then the dent will appear on it. To fix it, it is enough to raise it from the ground and throw it back. This, I understand, realism! Let the shutter at the Kalashnikov automaton on the left side, but as it is detailed!
It is important: Now in Counter-Strike: Source appeared the sound played at the moment when you click the jump key. Earlier in Counter-Strike 1.6 The sound was played only at the time of landing.
But the animation of models really above all praise. Can look around how a player smoothly and clearly shoots from Beretta or runs, swinging with a knife. The models themselves are at least one for each team, but, according to the assurances of Valve itself, it seems like the models already lie on our hard disk in the encoded form, waiting for the nearest Steam update.
This is interesting: In the beta version of the game removed the possibility of attacks. That is, if you jump on someone’s head, then slip. However, after the mass of criticism, Valve decided to return to the Source that in a long time it became an important component of the Counter-Strike game process.
Shadows in Counter-Strike – Now not just black dots on the floor, but real distinct outlines of the figure. Please note that from now on the [SHIFT] does not guarantee you an invisible approach to the player sitting in the shelter. After all, this bad person will be able to detect you by shadow, which will certainly be ahead of your approach to several centimeters of the monitor. At the same time, it is strange that when illuminating the player’s figure with a flashlight (default key [F]), the outlines of its silhouette appear to you.
Realistic in Source on the verge of fiction, so fiction itself is prohibited. Now you will not be able to jump down and immediately fill in local support. First you need to wait for a couple of seconds, during which you will be plotted, and only then you will be allowed to save the world. By the way, if someone had small brakes on the Internet servers (the so-called “lags”), then it will be easier for them to get used to the state in which the player falls from the fall from a high height.
Weapon You will certainly not be especially surprised by the news that in Counter-Strike: Source of weapons no longer has become. But now the news is that his quantity went on… Yes, yes, the tactical shield appeared in version 1.6, did not fit into the concept of the game and was sent to disposal. Now more important information. After the release of the beta version of the game Martin Fisten, one of the Valve programmers, conducted internal tests, the main topic of which was the return of weapons. All test results presented in three trivors (MP5, M4A1 and AK-47) in two positions (ordinary and on the run), as well as Martin’s graphics built on them posted on the Internet (for example, www.Csnation.NET / Files / NEWS / 16_VS_SRC_STATS.XLS). In briefly I can say that the basic behavior of the trunks has changed quite slightly. So, very slightly increased returns from M4A1 and decreased at AK-47 and MP5. At the same time, all three weapons have become more accurate on the run.
Since we have already described weapons again, we will consider only the most popular types of trunks, which can be used not only in bloody battles on Internet servers, but also in professional championships.
Glock 18 Select Fire The starting gun of terrorists is perhaps the most controversial weapon in Counter-Strike. Many players claim to kill someone from this pistol simply unreal. On the one hand, it is – Glock has little power and is practically useless on open spaces. But let’s not forget about the fact that the standard of terrorists is hardly the best weapon for shooting in the jump, since he has almost no return. In addition, the gun has 20 cartridges. So in a pistol round, the player who has ended with the Boezapace becomes easy to fighter, armed with Glock.
The gun has the ability to shoot in two modes: in the first (semi-automatic) is released for a shot one cartridge, in the second (Burst Fire) with three bullets. To shoot a shooting in Burst Fire mode, I would only advise only a particular players. And one more “for” in the question of choosing a standard terrorist pistol – the stopping effect of his bullets.
USP .45 TACTICAL The main advantage of USP is high rapidity and excellent accuracy. Remember that after the first shot, the sight take up with small deviations to the right, then to the left, therefore aiming from USP is best in the shoulder or enemy neck. When using a pistol with a silencer, its power drops, but the shooting accuracy increases.
Desert Eagle Many players instead of going to battle with the standards issued at the start, are purchased by the “deserted eagle”. The unusually powerful and tagged Desert Eagle – the only gun in the game that breaks through walls and doors.
The most important thing when shooting from “Eagle” – get into the enemy from the first two or three shots, and after that, all the other bullets will surely fly to the goal. But Desert Eagle has two significant disadvantages. The first is a small clip, in which only seven cartridges, the second – rather low rapidity. Therefore, shooting from this pistol, it is necessary to aim very carefully – each bullet on the account.
MP5 Navy At the price of $ 1500 mp5, you can buy even after the series of lost rounds. Shoots exactly, quickly and even with a small impact. Its accuracy is practically not reduced, because of what on medium and low distances you can simply enjoy a continuous stream of bullets on the enemy.
Incorrectly approval that on distant distances weapons are useless, – just shooting you need to lead, releasing three cartridges. Despite all the listed advantages, the weapons at the championship are practically not used.
AK-47 From the very first versions of Counter-Strike Domestic automatic simply out of competition. Huge fire power, high rapidity, relatively low price at $ 2500. However, shooting from the Kalashnikov machine far from just. First, remember that the first cartridge flies directly to the target, the second cartridge leaves a little higher, the third too, and the fourth and subsequent cartridges are much higher than these three cartridges and at the same time quite. This is the flight of bullets when shooting a queue. From here we can conclude that you should shoot a small number of cartridges. There are two ways to shoot on medium and long distances: to produce one cartridge exactly in a target or shoot in small queues. On the average distances, use the queues of 3-5 rounds. At all far distances, you need to shoot 2-3 patrons ahead. And after it it is desirable to wait until the sight is completely coming. After all, at long distances, the scatter will be felt much more substantial.
COLT M4A1 30 cartridges, minimal scatter, breaks almost all walls and boxes. In the middle distance, the incidence of hits from M4A1 is even superior to the corresponding indicators of AK. The main plus that makes the weapon most popular on the use statistics is that the successful treatment of M4A1 is available even to beginners, since, unlike AK, it is not necessary to make a correction to the ledmed trunk. Muffler for M4A1 I would advise you to use only in cases where only you alive from all of your team. And that is just that opponents do not hear how you remove their comrades one by one. In the usual battle, the silencer is just useless, as it reduces the power of the weapon.
Steyr Scout First, several common remarks regarding changes in optical and semi-optical rifles. From now on, switching to the aiming mode is not instantly – now you see the process itself. The sniper rifles of the red dot on the sight is no longer there, but it is harder to go no more thanks to two lines forming the crosshair.
This is interesting: When zoom turned off, glass on optics reflects what happens behind you. True, the enemy is not so easy to see the enemy approaching.
Scout is often called a sniper rifle for the poor (weapons cost only $ 2750) a huge plus rifle – mobility. With scout you can run very quickly, even faster than with a knife… Surprised? I also did not believe it first when information about this funny bug slipped on the network. It is easiest to check this, setting funny starts with some player. By skipping a comrade with a knife forward, you will easily catch it up if you have a sniper rifle in your hands.
This is interesting: Running speed with any pistol is equal to the speed of running with a knife, and the speed of running with Famas is exactly the same as with AWP.
Considering that Scout, unlike AWP, accurately beats not only with static shooting, but in motion, it has a fast recharge and shoots relatively quiet, it can be safely argued that in Counter-Strike: Source SCOUT will find their fans, although to become a realAlternative to AWP rifle is not destined.
AWP The most powerful sniper rifle kills from one shot to any part of the body, except the limbs. He pierces not only the walls, but also the body of the players. You can no problem with one shot to load lead to four enemies standing on the same line. In this case, the rifle is not automatic, that is, after each shot, time is required to recharge.
It is important: Do not forget about the team ZOOM_SENSITITI_RATIO, which regulates the sensitivity of the mouse in aiming mode.
Another important point is the ability to imagine where the goal will be. Try to aim without zoom, that is, represent where the sight of the rifle in aiming mode was.
This is interesting: now at AWP (like any other sniper rifle) in the aiming mode glass as it would be slightly blurred.
Grenades As you know, in Counter-Strike there are three types of grenades: a fragmental pomegranate (He), dazzling (Flash) and smoke (Smoke). All three grenades in Source have undergone some changes that it is worth mentioning separately. If you fall into the range of Flash grenades, your screen becomes completely white for a few seconds, and high tones are in the speakers. When the grenade action ends, the frame appears on the screen in your consciousness before the explosion, which is gradually merged with what you see actually. If the He-grenade breaks close to you, then you, as in the case of Flash, jerks. Moreover, a couple of seconds you will not be able to move. In addition, the explosion grenade has a property of scattering barrels, weapons, corpses and other “utensils” indoors. From now on, smoke grenades look very natural. Smoke fills more space and changes color depending on the falling light. Another feature: Grenades do not remove smoke at once, like when an explosion, and release it gradually. By itself that pomegranate handling will have to retrain. This applies to all pomegranates, since physics of their flight is noticeably different from the usual. This is a bug: Buy any grenade, hold down the left mouse button and let go of it after a while. At the same time, switch to the quick key to the previous weapon – as a result of the grenade disappears.